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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS HEART KNOWS – Episode 54

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His Heart? Knows

{?That he still wants her?}

Writer: Temiloluwa ✍️


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On the way back home all Aamir could think about is that did he behave too rashly back there. He sighed when he checked the rearview mirror and saw that Samir was still crying, more like sobbing.

“Perhaps I shouldn’t have hit him,” He mumbled to himself as he drove the car into the street they lived in. His subconscious immediately whispered,’Then he would have hit you instead.’

The second subconscious… You know like those two little beings that always appear when you are thinking of something. Most cases, one of them is always agreeing with wh@ťěver you do while the other which people describe as mini devil will always try to convince you to do what you want to do…

But in Aamir’s case, the two seem to be agreeing with each other? So the second one said,’Perhaps if he had hit you, Zoya would have been more affectionate to you instead.’

The first one agreed,’You are correct. He had no right to interfere in this.’ Aamir’s fists clenched round the steering wheel as he thought of how Kashan had openly claimed Zoya earlier, calling her his.

“Yes… He had no right to interfere in my family affairs. She is my wife and doesn’t belong to anyone except me…”

“And me too!,” Samir butts in.? Aamir looked at the rearview mirror again in suprise. He didn’t know he said that out loud neither was he aware of the fact that Samir was listening to him.

“Mama belongs to me too,” Samir told him again. ??Father and son claiming their woman.

The sound of the gate opening made Aamir look forward again. He didn’t realize he already reached home. He drove in and parked the car. He and Samir paused in their tracks when they saw a pink porsche parked carelessly.

Samir looked up at Aamir and Aamir looked down at him. The two of them with the same question in mind – ‘Who owns this ugly car?’ ??

Aamir looked at it closely and thought that the car looks familiar but he couldn’t remember where he has seen it before. He shrugged and held Samir’s hands before walking to the door.

Amira opened the door, suprising Aamir again. She immediately greeted,”Salaam brother in-law. Welcome back.” Aamir arched an eyebrow cause she appeared to be uneasy.

He feels like something is wrong somewhere but he still walked in. He turned to her and asked,”When did you and Akhil arrive? Where are the kids?”

He even looked around, expecting his little nephew or niece who are few years older than Samir to come running to him like they always do whenever they come for a visit. Oh! I forgot to mention something vital.

After that unfortunate incident years back, Akhil claimed to be uncomfortable living in that house after the false allegations from Zoya so he decided to relocate to one of his late father’s mansions somewhere in the city.

That’s why they only use to appear in the story whenever they come for a visit.

“I came alone brother in-law. The kids are at home with Akhil. He assured me I could leave them at home with the nanny that he would take care of them whenever he returns from work,” Amira answered him and Aamir nodded.

Amira crouched down and faced Samir who was still looking sad. She called out,”Baby…”

“Don’t call me baby. I’m not your baby. I’m not a baby,” Samir immediately warned her with a fierce expression that stunned Amira a little.

No one is allowed to call him baby except that somebody ?? Only her is allowed to call him baby.

“Okay… Okay. I’m sorry. Don’t frown so much. You are too young to start looking old. I’m sorry honey,” Amira told Samir with a little laugh.

Just then before anyone could say anything, a loud crash sounded from above. They all turned to the stairs. That… That sound came from upstairs right?

Aamir frowned and Amira sighed. She immediately started with the gossip she wanted to tell Aamir before,”This is exactly what I wanted to tell you.”

“What’s that? What’s going on?,” Aamir asked her. Even Samir looked up curiously. Amira sighed dramatically like she wanted to faint and dropped the bombshell,”Your wife is here.” She looked up to see Aamir’s reaction.

Aamir was confused. Huh? Zoya is here. Why… How… When did she get here? She was looking so furious earlier so why did she leave Kashan and come here.

Samir on the other hand looked excited. Mama is here. He was shaking with so much joy but he didn’t expect his happy bubble to burst just one minute later?

“Neha is here and she has come to stay,” Amira continued when she didn’t get the desirable reaction she was expecting from Aamir.

Aamir was stunned. Samir almost cried when he heard this. Miss… Miss noisy!!!? Why is she here?

“What do you mean here to stay?,” Aamir asked. Amira pointed upstairs and told him,”That loud crash is probably from the things she’s getting rid of in your room. She’s been transforming the room to her taste since I got here.”

Aamir’s eyes turned red with anger. He completely forgot about everything and rushed upstairs. Samir cried out hoping he would carry him along since he can’t keep up with his father’s fast pace.

But Aamir was too angry to even hear anything else. Neha had better not touch those things yet or else she will regret ever knowing him.

Amira on the other hand quickly carried Samir and rushed up. There’s no way she’ll miss the fun. (Typical amebo?)

?Don’t copy or repost my book. You won’t know what will ki|| you ?

“I told you to trash this frame! Are you deaf!? Can’t you see it’s broken already? Also trash those boxes beside it,” Neha was commanding some of the servants when Aamir walked in.

“Neha…,” He called out lowly. She turned around and smiled happily,”Hubby, welcome home. Do you like our new room? See I put up little picture frames of love and kisses in our room, closet, the…”

“What did you just say!? You entered my closet!? Did… Did you… Touch… Anything!?,” Aamir was vibrating with so much anger that he couldn’t help stuttering in the end.

“No, not at all,” She said and he sighed a little bit in relief. Just as he raised his fingers to rub his aching temple, she continued,”I just thrashed some few unnecessary things.”

Aamir’s eyes immediately opened. Oh no?, I think I heard the thunderstorm then or is it anger storm?

The door opened and Amira, Samir, Mrs Sharma and Zeenat walked in. Mrs Sharma and Zeenat looked relieved to see Aamir but before they could say anything, Aamir yelled,”You did what!!?? Did you touch boxes that had DOVE on it? How dare you even go into my closet and touch my things!!!!?”

Neha walked to him and pat his chest slowly. “Hubby calm down. It’s just a few boxes. Too much anger and shouting can lead to hypertension,” She told him.

Amira struggled to hold her laughter in. Mrs Sharma rushed forward and quickly told him,”I tried to stop her but she wouldn’t listen. I tried to tell her that she couldn’t invade your personal space but…”

Neha gasped and exclaimed,”Mother! What are you saying? You called me earlier that I should pack all my luggages from my parents house and come here. That since Aamir isn’t ready to marry me peacefully, he will marry me forcefully. You even told me I can change everything in the house according to my taste.”

Mrs Sharma staggered and almost had heart attack. Zeenat and Amira immediately rushed forward to hold her. She looked at Neha in shock. Who is the devil she has been siding all this while? No wonder when the Imam rejected their marriage.

Aamir couldn’t think. He walked to one of the boxes the servants was holding. When he saw the torn part of the acronym DOVE on the box, he reached in and brought out the little figurines of dove that were in it.

The glass figurines were completely shattered into pieces. Was that what crashed loudly? He looked at the little pencil sketch of him inside the box. That one was also broken.

“How… Dare… You… Neha!!!!?,” He turned around with a very furious face and few shreds of glass. He advanced towards Neha who moved back fearfully… Is he gonna stab her or what?

She immediately ran to hide behind Mrs Sharma. Amira just looked at them with delight. Maybe she should just beg her husband that they should come back since it seems like there’s always drama in this house now??


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