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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love Me Slowly…)

THEME; The King’s Woman.


Gbemi Writes✍️




₰ The Introduction ₰

< Royal Palace >

Rex stood in the late royal concubine house starring at it’s surrounding.

Due to no one living there, the place has been abandoned and unkept.

And it can only be Elvira doing, Rex thought as he walk into the garden which once bloomed due to the care his mom had given it.

He was still exploring the garden when he heard a low growl. A growl which belong to a dirty dog.

“Nice boy, easy and steady. Don’t come towards me cause I h@ťě dogs” Rex said to it but that only got the dog running towards him.

Rex took to his heels like his life depends on it, he was screaming out for help as he ran around the abandoned house while the dog kept pursuing him.

Luckily for him, he saw his ticket to safety which is a swimming pool and he wasted no time in jumping into it.

Rex had jump into the water before realising that he couldn’t swim, he began screaming for help once again so he can be saved from dying in the water.

On the other hand, Bethany who was heading to the abandoned house heard the scream and quickly went to where it was coming from.

As soon as she saw Rex struggling in the water, she quickly jump in to it and got him out of the water.

He was unconcious and there was no one in sight for her to ask for help, she had no choice but to perform CPR on him.

“Wake up! Wake up your highness!” She said as she kept pressing his chest and when he failed to wake up, she gave him the mouth to mouth breathing.

Her lips was on his for the third time when she felt him kiss her in return.

She tried to move, wanting to end it but he wrap his arms around her and deepened the kiss.

Due to the shock, Bethany stayed rigid in his arms but when she regained herself, she pulled away from him.

“What are you doing?” She asked as she wipe her lips.

Rex sat up with a smile on his face while touching his lips.

“You aren’t a bad kisser, you only need more lesson” Rex said softly.

“So you did that on purpose and here I was trying to save your life when you only had dirty thoughts in mind!” Bethany lash out in anger.

“Dirty thoughts are thoughts too. I am grateful for you saving my life but then I just couldn’t resist your lips on mine, you don’t mind if we kiss again?” He said this reaching for Bethany but she moved away from him.

“You are disgusting!” Bethany said before running off and Rex couldn’t stop starring at her @zz.

“And you are segzy” he muttered as he licked his lips still feeling Bethany’s taste on them.


Some male and female servants could be seen running towards the court room while three cars stopped in front of the building.

As soon as the guard open the door, Reagan got out of it and held out his hand to Ciara who took it.

“Why are they all here?” Ciara ask referring to the servants.

“Welcome, your Majesty” they greeted which answered Ciara’s question.

“They are all here to welcome his royal majesty” Ciara taunted while Reagan gave her a angry look.

“What? Am I not allowed to say my mind?” She asked.

“You aren’t allowed to except I say so” Reagan replied.

“I won’t be your puppet! I might have agreed to do this and that’s only because of your thr_@ts which….” Her sentence was cut short when he gave her a kiss right in front of everyone.

“Your kissing is getting frequent, I would suggest you stop kissing…” He didn’t let her finish her sentence and gave her another kiss.

“Why do you keep on kissing me when you know that I don’t want you….” Another kiss from him stopped her from saying more.

Reagan pulled away to stare down at her, a naughty smile on her face.

“Have anything more to say?” Reagan asked which got her shaking her head In silence.

“Good then, now listen to me. The people in there think we are both in love and so as soon as we get in, forget about your h@ťě and love me instead” he said as he cup her cheek.

“That will be impossible to achieve”

“I know and that’s why I want you to do your best in convincing those people in there that we both love each other, make them believe that am the only one for you and that you never want to be away from me”

“What if I fail in convincing them?” Ciara asked slowly.

“Then your parents and everyone around you will suffer, you don’t want that right?” Reagan asked and Ciara could only nod in reply.

“Now, give me your brightest smile” Reagan said and though it was forced, she ended up giving him her most brightest smile.

A smile which got Reagan starring at her for long.

She had to pull his arm before he realised that he had been starring at her for far too long.

They both went into the court room which had the prime minister and some court members, his sister Elvira and his mother.

They all stood up at his arrival apart from his mom whose authority is the same as his.

“I didn’t expect everyone to be here? I only wanted to introduce my future bride to my close relation and not to everyone” Reagan said as he help Ciara to seat before settling himself in his chair.

“You are the king and matters like this will require the court’s utmost attention” Elvira said as her gaze drifted to Ciara.

“Fine then, since you are all here to see her, what do you think? Isn’t she as beautiful as a gem?” Reagan asked which got all eyes on Ciara.

Noticing her nervousness, Reagan took hold of her hand under the large table.

“She’s indeed beautiful but what kind of family did she come from? That is the most essential part in all this, your Majesty” The prime minister spoke while everyone else agreed with him.

“Her family is the average type and I don’t give a d@mn about her family since she’s the one am getting married to. So, you all should start seeing her as your queen since she’s the only one I want” Reagan said and Ciara couldn’t help but to look at him.

Did her heart just skip a beat and where on earth did he learn how to lie a lie which seemed like the truth.

“Can everyone leave us alone” The queen mother ask which got the prime minister and the court members leaving the room.

“Since it’s a private matter, I will also leave too and Reagan, your wife to be is very beautiful” Elvira compliment before leaving the room.

“You are not getting married to her” The queen mother said the minute Elvira left the room and Ciara couldn’t help but to agree with the older lady.

“I don’t need you to decide who I marry your highness, I only came to tell you of her existence and that’s all” Reagan said as he stood up.

“In all the past years, the past king have chosen brides who are fit enough to wear the royal crown and you’ve just tarnish that legacy today” the queen mother added.

“Stop making a fuss! Am only marrying the woman am in love with. If the past King decides not to get married for Love then that’s their problem, I don’t intend to be them and neither will I be them. Let’s go, Ciara” Reagan said as he pulled her up.

“You are only after my son’s money right?” The queen mother directed the question at Ciara.

“You won’t succeed if that is what you are after and so I suggest you leave him now or I make you pay” She added the thr_@t to scare Ciara off.

“You are only wasting your time mom, Ciara is going to be my wife and you won’t be able to stop it” Reagan stated before leaving the room.

“I don’t think this will suit me?” Regina murmured to herself while wondering why she’s in such a dilemma to pick a dress.

Deciding to ask Rico since he came to see her, she left the confines of her bedroom just in her bathrobe.

“Rico, do you think this dress will suit me or this one will do?” Regina asked this while starring at the dress in her hand.

It wasn’t until she looked up that she realise that Rico isn’t the one in the room but Willow.

“I suggest you wear the red one ” Willow replied and immediately Regina ran back to the bathroom.

“That’s so embarrassing!” Regina said slowly while wondering why he’s in her room.

She’s excited by the prospect of him being in her room but what she doesn’t understand is why he’s in her room since he always avoid to get close to her or her room.

She will have to dress up and go find out, she thought as she wear the red dress he chose for her.

All dressed, she joined him in her sitting room.

“Erm…why are you here?” She asked shyly.

“I only came to tell you that his Majesty bride to be has arrive since you said you’ve been looking forward to meeting her ” Willow informed.

“I will go and see her as soon as am done here” Regina replied slowly which got Willow leaving his seat.

He was by the door when he stop to stare at her.

“Next time, don’t go out dressed in your bathrobe in front of people, most especially guys” with that said, he left the room.

< Elvira Chambers >

As soon as Elvira walk into the room, she saw Velvet waiting for her.

“So, How did it go? Did you all voted against this darn marriage of his?” Velvet asked.

“The court members did their part and tried to rid him off of the idea but then Reagan was adamant about marrying her, claiming he loves her and all”

“He can’t be in love with her! I know Reagan, he doesn’t love easily and…”

“Stop fretting and listen to me” Elvira interrupt.

“Reagan is strong headed and won’t hold back for anyone. My plan is to let him have his way but then, Ciara will be the one I use to achieving my goal” Elvira said in return.

“How do you plan on using her?” Velvet asked.

“All I can tell you is that Ciara is very gullible and she will be easy to manipulate ” Elvira let out slowly, a smile appearing on her face.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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