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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love Me Slowly…)

THEME; The King’s Woman.

CHAPTER 15❃ 16

Gbemi Writes✍️




₰ His Sleeping Pills ₰

< Royal Palace >

“Spill it out!” Ciara kept yelling as she push his head but Reagan took hold of her hand and held it still.

“I didn’t drink it. I was about to when you showed up ” He said which got her releasing a shaky sigh of relieve.

“Why did you claim to drink it when you didn’t, do you know how scared I was” Ciara let out as she hit him on his chest.

“Am okay just tell me what this is about. Make me understand” Reagan demanded.

“She poisoned the coffee” Ciara replied starring at the maid who now look scared.

“With all due respect your Majesty! I will never try to harm you” the maid let out in a rush.

“So you are saying that this coffee isn’t poisoned. Then prove it to us by having a sip” Ciara said as she gave the maid the coffee.

“I can’t possibly drink from his Majesty cup” the maid countered.

“I give you my permission, I also want to know if this coffee has been poisoned ” Reagan told the maid who shook her head in fear.

“Am sorry your Majesty! ” The maid said in a resigned manner.

“So it is poisoned” Reagan said while the maid shook her head in reply.

“Why did you do it?” Ciara asked mildly.

“Am sorry but I can’t tell you” The maid answered.

“Then you might as well spend the rest of your life in jail thinking about what you almost did today. Get her out of here, Willow” Ciara ordered taking control of things.

“And also, I will be the one cooking his Majesty food from now hence fourth, make that clear to everyone” Ciara said to Willow who was pulling the maid out of the room.

“Thank you. You saved me” Reagan said as soon as they were alone.

“I only did that not to feel guilty, so you don’t have to thank me” She said wanting to leave but he took hold of her hand.

“Are you still angry?” Reagan asked.

“Angry? Am furious!” She snap as she pulled her hand out of his hold.

“I know I did wrong by plotting all those things but then I also saved you from marrying an @zzhole” Reagan stated.

“That @zzhole would have been married to me if you hadn’t introduced him to your secretary. Your plan to make me your bride ruined all the dreams that I had had for myself, keep that in mind!” She said firmly and was about to leave when the door burst open with two guards holding onto Laura.

“Your Majesty we found the thief who broke in last night” One of the guard said.

“The only reason why am not punching their face in is because of you” Laura said to Ciara who turn to Reagan.

“Tell them to let her go, she’s not a thief, she’s my cousin!”

A while later Reagan, Ciara and Laura sat together while starring at each other in silence.

Clearing her throat, Laura began the conversation. ” I don’t agree to you marrying my cousin” she said to Reagan bluntly.


“Cause you’ve played dirty just to have her by your side and most importantly, you don’t love her ” Laura told him bluntly.

“This is between Ciara and I and so…”

“Outsider like us shouldn’t meddle with your business right?” Laura finish for him.

“You are right. Outsider aren’t allowed to meddle” Reagan replied his anger brewing.

Seeing this Ciara decided to interfere ” I think it’s best that we all just calm down and get some sleep cause I definitely am sleepy”

“A guest room has been prepared for your cousin and so, she’s free to leave” Reagan said obviously still angry at the way Laura talked to him.

“I don’t know why Ciara gave up the chance to leave just to help you” Laura said and that spike up his Interest.

“Leave? Were you trying to escape again?” Reagan asked.

“What do you think? She definitely wouldn’t want to….”

“Let me handle this, Laura” Ciara cut in which got Laura shutting up.

“I chose to leave due to what I found out about you and when I learnt of the fact that you were in danger, I threw the chance of escape away and came to save you. So you don’t have to be angry cause I am here and I guess that I won’t get the chance to leave again since you will be more cautious. Let’s go, Laura” she said as she walk with Laura to the front door.

“And just so you know, I will be staying in Laura’s room from now on” Ciara added before leaving the room with her cousin.

Regina could be seen waiting in front of the servants quarter.

“Where is he?” She murmured as she stared at her watch, holding onto two tickets.

She was about to give up when she saw him arrive, a smile lit her face as she quickly walk towards Willow.

“Your highness, why are you here?” Willow asked as Regina approach him.

“I was in school today when I saw this tickets and since Rex and Rico aren’t interested in things like this, am thinking that you can… ”

“Am sorry but I am not interested” Willow replied and tried to walk past her but she quickly held onto his arm.

“You haven’t even heard what I have to say”

“I have no reason to and since my answer would be the same, it’s best that I tell you before you finish asking” Willow replied as he pulled her hand away.

“Why do you always push me away?” Regina asked, her head down bent and she failed to notice the sad expression that cross Willow’s face.

“This isn’t about pushing you away. Circumstance have made it hard for us to be close. Am just a servant while you are a princess and those two things can’t ever be close no matter how you try to bring it together” Willow answered mildly.

“But if you…”

“It’s getting late, I suggest you head back to your room, your highness” Willow cut in and slowly Regina left the servant quarter while Willow stood, sadly watching her go.

Tears glisten Regina eyes as she made way back to her chamber but before she could get to the confines of her room, Rico stood in her way.

“We are having the little get together for Rex return tomorrow, hope you will be….”

“Am not in the mood ” Regina snap before walking into her room leaving Rico wondering what he said wrong to get her replying in such manner.

“Your highness” one of his guards called as they approach him.

“Is something wrong?” Rico asked.

“I just want to tell you that we now know the identity of the intruder who jumped over the fence and attacked you yesterday ” he replied getting Rico’s thorough attention.

“Who is she?”

“She turns out to be the king’s fiancee Cousin. She’s currently staying in the guest room, would you like to see her?” The guard asked.

He was about to give his reply when he changed his mind ” No. I will see her tomorrow and this time, she won’t be getting away for what she did to me” Rico let out In anger.

< Next Day >

The ringing of the cell arouse Ciara from her sleep.

She had spent most of the night talking to Laura and ended up sleeping in the wee hours of the morning.

“Pick up your phone, Laura” Ciara said groggily but the phone kept ringing without it being picked.

“Laura” The sleepy Ciara called again and this time the ringing of the phone ended and what she heard next got her eyes widening.

She sat up to see Reagan behind her and what’s worst, he was shirtless.

“Just postpone all my meeting, I need to get more sleep” he said into the reciever before ending the call.

“Good morning” he greeted cheerfully.

“Morning! What the hell are you doing in Laura’s room?” She yelled at him.

“Take a look at the room properly” Reagan replied and when she did, she realised that she’s in Reagan’s room.

“I clearly remembered sleeping in Laura’s room last night? How on earth did I end up here?” She asked.

“I waited up till you finally slept last night and I carried you from Laura’s room to our room”

“You had no right to do that!” She shriek out.

“Your place is beside me and no where else” he replied mildly.

“My place is out of this place and back home ” she retaliated.

“It’s too early for us to argue, let’s just get some more sleep, I had to wait long before you slept last night” he said wanting to pull her down but she got out of the bed.

“I’d rather sleep with a horse than to sleep by your side again” she stated fiercely.

“Ha, ha , ha. That’s funny now get into the bed” he ordered while she stood her ground.

“Don’t make me come for you” Reagan warned.

“I meant what I said, I won’t sleep by your side again” she stated firmly.

“Fine then, since you want it the hard way, you will get it the hard way” he said and got off the bed heading for her but Ciara took to her heels.

She began to run around a sofa while he pursued her.

“Ciara, you are making me angry ” Reagan let out when he failed to catch her.

“And you are making me more angry by asking me to share the same bed with you when right now, you are the man I h@ťě with the whole of my soul” she told him return.

“h@ťě is akin to pleasure”

“Dummy! The saying goes that h@ťě is akin to love and you are the last person I would fall in love with!” She replied fiercely and that got him climbing the sofa, launching for her but she quickly ran towards the rest room while Reagan fell flat on the floor.

“Ouch! ” He grumbled out like a girl.

Seeing that he isn’t getting up, Ciara worriedly went back to him.

“Are you okay?” Ciara asked.

“I think I broke my nose” he said as he held onto his nose while getting up slowly.

“But then I can take the pain if it will make me catch you” he replied and lifted her off the floor and back into the bed room where he layed her on the bed.

“Reagan! You cheat, you liar!” Ciara yelled as she tried to get off the bed but instead he pulled her to him and wrap his arms around her.

“Let go of me Reagan or I swear I spit on your face” she thr_@tened.

“It will only be for a little while, let me hold you until then” he whispered which made her calm a bit.

“This isn’t right! We aren’t meant to do this and… ”

“Please, Have never begged for something before. This is my first time and you are the first one am begging, somehow you got to be my sleeping pills and without you, I can’t get enough sleep cause I keep wondering who will try to harm me and knowing that you are by my side, I can be rest assured” he cut her off abruptly.

On hearing that Ciara lay still in his arms while his tight hold on her gentled.

A while later, she knew he was asleep and she should have left him but she couldn’t and so she lay there watching him sleep…

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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