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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(Love Me Slowly…)

THEME; The King’s Woman.


Gbemi Writes✍️




β‚° π‚π«πšπ³π² π“π‘π’πžπŸ β‚°

< 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 ~ π‚π’πšπ«πš π‡π¨π¦πž >

Ciara stood in front of the mirror starring at herself sheathe in a white dress.

If someone had told her that after months of waiting and being engaged to Francis she will be getting married to him today, she would have thought it to be a lie but here she is all prepared to be taken to church by her parent.

But it’s time for the ceremony to begin and her parents are no where to be found.

“What’s taking them ” she muttered, starring at her watch.

When she could no longer take the delay, she went downstairs herself.

“Mom! Dad! We are going to be late to church if we don’t leave now” she called out as she slowly went down the stairs making sure she won’t trip on her gown.

Her head was down bent while doing this and so she didn’t notice the people in the room with her parents.

“How do I look in….” She stopped what she was going to say when she finally looked up.

The smile on her face faltered and her eyes widened in shock when she saw the familiar face.

“You look beautiful but I think you will look much more better in the dress that I pick for you ” he answered her question as he got off the chair, walking past her parents who were both kneeling on the floor.

“It’s good seeing you again” he drawled menacingly and not being able to stare at his cold gaze, she quickly bow her head.

“Y..y..your…majesty” she stuttered in fear.

Bending to her eye level, he let out a scary grin.

“I heard you were getting married and came to say hello. You don’t mind me being here, right?” He asked.

“I…I would rather like to know why you are here?” She said nervously.

“It’s been two months since that incident and being a petty person, Am here to get back at you”

“Wh…what…what do you intend to do?” She stuttered out again.

He stood straight and whispered for her ears alone.

“I plan to steal you away ”

< 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐑𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐨 ~ π‘π¨π²πšπ₯ 𝐏𝐚π₯𝐚𝐜𝐞 >

Outside the royal palace stood Ciara who look unedge.

Will it work out if she goes in? Will they be able to get what they want? What if she gets caught?

Those thoughts kept bugging her and she would have left if Francis hadn’t called her.

“I don’t think I can do this Francis” she said as soon as she answer his call.

“Babe, we’ve talked about this. All you have to do is to get into the king’s chamber and take the document, no one will suspect you since you are disgusied as a maid” Francis said with his sweet voice.

“But still….”

“Remember you are doing this for us, once the document is in my hands, we can begin to prepare for our wedding. You do want that right?” Francis asked which she answered.

A while later Ciara got into the palace since she’s dressed in a maid attire, no one noticed her odd and even when she made her way to the King’s chamber, no one thought it weird except for the king’s guard who questioned her.

“Have been told to clean his Majesty chambers” she told the lie that Francis instructed her to.

The guards were doubtful at first but they let her in so they won’t get in trouble with the king.

As soon as she was in, she began her search.

Thanks to Francis informant, they knew that the king won’t be around since a parade is being held for him.

She left the enormous sitting room and went into his bed room to continue her search.

She opened his desk drawer and saw the document Francis had told her about.

She turned to leave only to see someone standing by the door way, starring at her.

“What are you going to do with that?” He asked and instinctively she hid the folder behind her back while she thought of an answer.

“I urgh….I only want to clean it. As you can see am a maid and I…”

“Have been watching you ever since you got into the room and you weren’t cleaning ” he replied as he began to walk towards her.

Think of something! You can’t let yourself be caught like this! She thought to herself and immediately some thing came to mind.

Putting a hand on her stomach, she clutch onto it while making a pitiful face at the handsome stranger in front of her.

“The truth is that I came here looking for something to eat and since his Majesty is always pampered with food, I thought I could get a little bit of his food” she told him as she crouch on the floor, pretending to be very hungry.

“Did you hear that?” She asked suddenly.

“Hear what?”

“My stomach growling for food” she said this while pouting her lips and twinkling her eyes at him.

Her action earned her a smirk from him but he quickly mask it and crouch in front of her.

“Oh. So, the rumbling of the helicopter outside is the sound made by your stomach right?” He asked obviously not buying her lie.

Seeing that there is nothing to convince this stranger with, she decided to run away.

Giving him a push which got him falling on the floor, Ciara ran to the door but she didn’t get to run out of it because he easily caught her by the waist.

Holding onto her with just one hand, he carried her back to the bed where he threw her on like some rag doll.

She would have rolled to the other side her bed but he made her stay still by holding onto her leg.

“Let go of me, you brute! If you think I will let you rape me then you are in for a surprise cause am a black belt holder in karate” She yelled at him hoping it will scare him off but it didn’t.

“And who told you that I want to rape you?” He asked.

“Isn’t that your idea when you push me on the bed. In the movies, once a guy does that to a girl then he’s prepared to sleep with her either she wants it or not” Ciara told him softly.

” Then you’ve been watching too much drama cause what I have in mind is to call the police ” he said as he picked up his phone.

Immediately, Ciara sprang to her feet and held his hand just to stop him from calling.

“Don’t call the police, please” she pleaded softly.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t call?” He asked.

“Can’t you just take pity on an innocent girl and try to let this go after all you are not the king” she said with a defiant attitude.

“Really? If am not the king then what do you think I am ?” He asked and she let out a slow smile before saying.

“The king’s assistant. I heard that he’s very handsome and you are….handsome which means you are Willow ” she replied feeling so proud of her answer.

“Aah…since Willow is very handsome, what do you think about the king himself?” He asked gruffly which got her wondering why he’s angry.

“Well from the gossip have heard, he’s a tyrant, he doesn’t care about the people and his family and the most legendary one of all, people refer to him as a barking dog since his yell isn’t as different from that of a barking dog and also, he’s very ugly. Some people say that he his as ugly as a monkey and….” She was cut off from saying more when another man walk into the room.

“Your Majesty. The royal court members are waiting for you”

As soon as Ciara heard that, her gaze went to the man standing in front of her and it was then she realised her mistake.

“Your Majesty!” She yelled and quickly knelt down to give him a bow.

“Is she one of the maid to your chambers, your Majesty?” Willow asked as he approach the both of them.

“No. She’s a crook which I intend to deal with myself. Look at me” he ordered and slowly the shaking Ciara stared at him.

“Who am I ?” He asked.

“K…king Reagan ” she stuttered in reply while making a crying face.

“I am king Reagan. The one who you said looks like a monkey and….” Reagan stopped talking when a chuckle escaped Willow lips.

“Is it funny?” Reagan asked and Willow shook his head in return.

“Watch over her until I return and you” he turned to her ” you better not run away cause if you do, I will find you and make you pay ”

With that said, he left the room leaving Raymond to guard her.

Ciara sat up wondering how she would escape from the mess she created for herself.

Luckily for her, they didn’t notice her phone and she hid it properly so it won’t be seen by them.

While she sat waiting in Reagan bedroom, Willow stayed in the sitting room watching over her like the king instructed.

But the fire alarm that rang out got everyone panicking including Ciara.

“Stay here till I return” Willow instructed before leaving the room.

Seeing this as her chance to escape. Ciara quickly left the room.

The servants were all running out for safety and immediately, Ciara joined the crowd.

As soon as she walk out of the palace gate, she took to her heels hoping she would never get the chance to meet anyone from the royal family ever again.

< 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 π“π’π¦πž ~ π‚π’πšπ«πš'𝐬 π–πžπππ’π§π  πƒπšπ² >

But little did she know that she would meet him again and right on the day of her wedding.

“What do you mean by you plan to steal me away?” She asked this feeling apprehensive.

“I told you not to run off but you chose to and so it’s time you pay ” Reagan replied, a evil smirk appearing on his face.

“Take her to the car” he ordered and immediately two guards came to pull her.

“Let go of me! Am not going with you! Mom, dad….do something!” Ciara cried out but her parents could do nothing as they watch her being pulled out of the house.

“Let go of me! This is kidnapping !” She yelled with tears in her eyes.

“It isn’t. Am only here to take what is mine” Reagan stated firmly.

“But I don’t have anything that belongs to you. I never took the folder with me, you can….”

“And who’s referring to the folder?”

“If we aren’t talking about it then what other thing do I have that is yours?”

“You of course” he replied which got her shaking her head.

“You are crazy, Am not yours!” She yelled at him.

“You became mine the day you tried to steal from me and you certainly will be mine” he declared.

Moving towards her, he hoisted her over his shoulders, to his waiting car while Ciara kept screaming out for help….

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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