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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Ciscawrites ?


? RATED ??


Skylar ?️

You can search me like an internet, you’ll still find the same answer…

I’m a nobody…

That’s just fact two I’m gonna believe.

I can’t explain how sweet of Vera that she asked me out for our girl to girl moment. It’s quite alright that she’s noticed the same ugly expression on my face everyday.

Truth told, it’s all because of Logan. His statement keeps echoing in my mind. How could he?

How could he say such a thing to me?
Why does he wants to die?

Well, I don’t want him to … Not now. But that ungrateful human doesn’t seem to care at all.

Maybe, I shouldn’t care either. Guess that will make a fifty fifty.

Back to Vera . . . Like I said, she asked me out for a dinner. Gosh, she read my mind. I ain’t that kitchen-used-to, I’ll admit. So, inviting me for a dinner is an opportunity to get away from cooking tonight.

Did I ever mention about Marco’s case?
Scoffs . . .

F*could that son of a Ɓîtçh.
That’s something you’ll get to find out later.

I searched here and there for the best outfit for the night. I wanna look smart, I want to be perfect for tonight.

“It’s just a girl’s dinner for crying out loud, Skylar!”

Yes, but sometimes, we all need to look great. Not always on the white long coat with a t-shirt and a black jeans trouser.
Urgh. . .

You know what I mean.

I stood at the junction where Vera promised to pick me up. I waited for what took like 30 minutes yet, she didn’t show up and I was beginning to think that she wasn’t coming again.

After all, she brought up the idea for the dinner stuff, she can change her mind about it, right?

A black Highlander packed at the front of where I stood. I tried to get a glimpse of who it was from the tinted windows but instead, I saw my image staring back at me.

I looked left and right to see if there was anyone beside me to help me out in case if the who-knows-who in there tries to kidnap me, I can easily find some help.

Poor thing, I was the only one standing at the junction. Oops! I just missed mentioning the old wretched man laying on the floor just beside the waiting sit.

Well, I won’t call him a nobody but, he wasn’t good for a helping hand.

Slowly, the window wing down revealing who it was.

“Hello, beauty. It’s too cold out here. Do you mind for a ride with me? ” She said, mimicking those guys who always hang out with those street segzy ladies.

I shifted my hair to the back with a light smile on my face, I faked a blush.

“Yeah, sure. Can I come in?”

She halfway pulled her tinted glasses down, with her eyes rose at me like she was fighting hard to look above the spectacule.

“Of course.” She pressed a button which automatically opened the door, “it’s all yours.”

I majestically walked in, adjusting myself on the passenger seat. I shut the door, turning to look at her.

“You look beautiful, my lady.” She said.

“And you look more handsome, my Lord. ” I said with a chuckle.

” f_ck you, Vera. ”

” What? Fine, did I tried? ”

“Tried?” I repeated.

“Come on, Skylar, the acting thing. Did I try? ” She said, taking off the spectacule.

” Vera you didn’t try, you were just perfect for it. I mean, you just gave a nice shot at it. Gist me, where did you learnt how to do this?*

“Movie.” She answered, “I do watch movies, especially this historical fiction movies. ”

” Now, you’re making it look like it’s a real movie. ”

” Why did you say so? ” She asked, kinda confused.

” The way you’re staring at me.” She rose her eyebrows, “stop it! Just stop it, okay?” I yelled, playfully.

“Fine,” she listened, now looking forward.

” Thanks. ” We let silence overtake the atmosphere for what took like minutes. Then, I broke the long silence between us. “So, what are you planning for us tonight?”

“Well, I’m planning on giving us some fantastic dinner moment and… “She thought for awhile, the shrugs, ” and I’ll think of the next thing to do.”

What’s she not telling me?
What might this next surprise be?

” Let’s leave it as a surprise.”

Just as I’ve thought.


“Yeah, surprise.”

“Well, I just hope it isn’t a crazy surprise like you did few minutes ago.”

“Trust me, it’s the most perfect surprise you’ve ever been. ”

Well, I trust her.

We got to Sparrow’s Restaurant. It was the most beautiful and popular restaurant in town. And I keep wondering how Vera got to choose this restaurant.

I meant it’s a lot costly. Why would she think of taking me here?

“Vera?” I called as soon as we got to the restaurant.


“Why did you bring us here?” I asked. “I mean isn’t it costly dinning here? I don’t want to be the reason why you would have to waste your money. We can go somewhere else, I won’t mind. ”

She rolled her eyes, ignoring my words.” Vera, I’m sure you heard me.” I told her, shutting the door close as I got out of the car.

“Of course I heard you, Skylar. Look, I brought up the idea, I made the decision for us to come here not you. So, I don’t see any reason why you should be so naive more than I am. ”

” I’m not naive, I’m only concerned. ”

” Then, don’t be. ” She concluded. ” Can we please get inside, and enjoy our dinner other than arguing on the money yet to be spent? ”

I chuckled. ” Sure. ”

On our table was the best Chinese noodles I wish I can pronounce with some donuts Vera had ordered.

I stared long at the watery noodle at my front and how Vera rushed them like it was nothing to her. I’ll admit, it looked so delicious seeing the way she ate them but . . . Not really much for my system.

I took the donuts instead, grinding them slowly and gradually. Yummy, that’s much better than sipping those noodles…

We had much fun together and I wished time won’t rush us. In some cases I’ll say it did rushed us.

Even as we talked and had some funny jokes, my mind still kept pondering over the so-called surprise Vera has for me. After she had settled the payment with the cashier, we made it for her car.

“Where to now?” I asked, curious.

“It’s a surprise. Chill, Skylar, it’s not like I’m kidnapping you, no. It’s my secret place. ” She said.

” Your secret place? ” I asked, surprised. She never told me she has a secret place.

” Yes. ”

” You never told me you’ve got a secret place.”

“Actually, I shouldn’t be telling you this now, it’s meant to be just a secret. “She said focusing on her driving.

” Yeah, it’s true. ” I said, resting on the passenger seat.

We drove in a long, yet uncomfortable silence. I’ve got a lot of questions to ask which most of them were “how beautiful is the place?” “When did you found this place?” And more of them colliding in my brain and it just want to leave.

She won’t talk even if I start bombarding them to her.
‘It should be a secret,’ she says, ‘just a secret. ‘

Finally, with all the questions and inquisitiveness, we are standing right in our next junction. I gazed around trying to see what’s so important about this place that she called it her favorite spot.

“Don’t be too naive yet, we still have few miles to cover before we get there. ”

My mouth hung open. Did I just heard her right? Few miles? Come on!

“Here it is,” she said with much excitement, turning to look at me.

My mouth were still open when I felt her hand under my jaw. “Don’t let the night flies enter your mouth. It’s just a site and not some kind of Heaven on Earth. ”

She won’t understand, she definitely won’t. This place is so d@mn beautiful and I can’t stop my eyes from glaring around. The fresh air blew directly to this environment making the weather a perfect fit for couples. Those kind of weather back then in high school they always call it “a weather for two. ”

She sat down then laying on the grass, ordering me to lay beside her. Which I did.

“So,” she began, “how do you see this place?” She asked.

“It’s so beautiful. How did you found such a wonderful place like this?”

“Tony, he showed me this place. ”

” He did? ” I exclaimed.

” Yeah, the first day we met. Actually, after our first dinner. He brought me here. Then, I was so bothered like you were earlier like the ‘where is he taking me to? ‘”

” It’s really amazing here. ”

” Eeh-hen… What about that son of a Ɓîtçh? I meant, M-”

” Don’t bother explaining. Well, he’s good.”

“Is he back from his trip?” She asked, not really concerned, tho. Just asking.

” Nah, not yet. Honestly, I don’t want him to come back.”

Remember when I asked about Marco?
Yes, he’s gone for a week trip to Asia. It’s five days he’d been away and probably, he’d be back any time from tomorrow.

Since he left, he’d never called me and I didn’t think of calling him either. You know, it would be a joyful thing if he told me he was done with the relationship. I guess I’ll have to go for my first Thanksgiving for that.

“So, how have you been with him before the trip?”

“Hell on Earth. He hasn’t been talking to me and I’m very happy. You know, I’d be pleased if we don’t talk about that monster. Please. ”

” Okay. Better here. ”

Another silence surfaced, and this time, I was the one to break it.

” What about Tony?” I asked.

“He travelled. Two days ago.”

“To where?”

“Africa?” She said almost like a question.

“I heard Africa has a hotter sun and the environment is kinda nasty and unkept. Won’t he be likely to get an infection? ”

” I’ve heard that too but the fact is, it’s not all part of Africa. Most part are beautiful, even more beautiful than Texas. ” She argued. ” Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”

” Hmm. I hope so. ”

” Have you found someone else? ”

” Huh? “I said, pretending not to have heard that.

“Have you found someone else? Like a guy?”

Logan’s image immediately flashed into my mind and I wanted to pull his picture off.

That ungrateful human being…

“Not yet. And I’m really not looking for either.”


“Nothing.” Shrugs, ” just felt like being on my own for now. ”

” Skylar? ” She called with a light frown. “Come on, you can’t be serious.”

“I am.”

Am I?
Nah, don’t think so . . .

“You’re kidding me right? Skylar, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met and you’ve got everything a man will ever love. You should probably be with someone by now. Someone so cute, with this broad shoulders and a thick blue eyes with this muscular build up. Wosh! It’s gonna be hot in sight. ”

I don’t know if she has seen Logan before but with the few details and explanation of the so-called handsome she wants me with, it’s just as if she was making a clear details of Logan Greene.

“That would be great, you know? But I don’t think I’m ready for that. ”

” You are. ”

” I’m not. ” I argued.

” Fine, won’t argue with you. ”

Let’s just die the case.
Talking about it will only make me h@ťě him the more.

She started laughing.


“Nothing. I just noticed from the way you argued, I think you’ve found someone. But, you’ve just not noticed that you love him. ”


Can I ever for once have a friend who doesn’t read minds?

I won’t argue with that but, I think not talking is much better.

“I’ll take that as a yes. So, tell me, who’s this lucky guy? ” She asked with the unfading smile on her lips.

What will I say? Telling her it’s Logan Greene, California most wanted? My patient for crying out loud?

Jesus help me . . . If there’s any way to escape from this question, I’m gonna go for a second Thanksgiving.

At Van Nuys hospital. . .

“Miss Crescent, can I have a moment with you?”

I nodded, yet scared.

What might be the problem?
Did anything happen again?

” Sure.” I said.

I followed him to his office, sitting on the chair opposite his table. Curious and anxious, I asked.

“Is there any problem, Doctor?”

“Yes. It’s about your patient. ” He said.

Oh! No . . .
Not now, please . . .


To Be Continued . . .

Cisca Writes ?

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