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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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By; Ciscawrites ✍️?


? RATED ? PART 2: ?


She kept shivering at the fear of her dream. Eyes blinking continuously as her head shooked at both directions.

She grabbed the sheets of her blanket firmly, squeezing it in her grip. It was after her, right after her in a great speed. No matter how fast she ran, it was so close to her.

It’s growl was loud enough to scare the creatures away, strong enough to silent the woods. Mighty enough to send fear in her. It was ready to feed… Ready to ki||.

She fell to the ground, standing again to her feet. She didn’t stop from running. Even how tired she felt, she effortlessly didn’t stop from running the more. The more he was closer to her, the weaker she became.

He howled louder and louder, sending more fears into her body. Again, she fell to the ground. Trying to get to her feet, he was already standing at her front. She slowly rose her eyes to him, he was something else. Like a hungry beast ready to feed on it’s prey.

“Please…” She begged, but he was too deaf to listen. “Please… don’t ki|| me.”

He grabbed her neck, pulling her up. She fought to loosen his grip from her neck but he was too strong to resist. He threw her against a tree, letting her fall roughly to the ground.

He dashed to where she fell, taking her up again, he held her neck tighter than before. She slowly took out the pencil knife from her back, stabbing him by the chest. He growled, dropping her to the ground.

Gradually, she made some steps away from him. He angrily stared at her, running those long fangs across her face.

She gasped back to reality.

It’s just a dream…

Confused on how it was Logan who attacked Crystal?? This is it? although, it had to appear this time as a dream..??


She trialed her first finger on the scar, hissing at the pains.

For one reason, she wanted to stay. For another reason she desperately wants to leave.

Crystal ?️

I sat back on my bed after checking on my wounds. It was healing slowly, that’s a great progress if I may say.

Seeing Logan yesterday had made me remember what I h@ťěd to. Now him showing up in my room last night, what does he wants me to say?

“Hey, it’s okay, I forgive you. After all, I didn’t die, did I?” That’s nonsense.

That dude almost sliced my throat off, for d@mn sake. I’m only breathing now is probably because some kind of guardian angel made him not to.

d@mn, I can’t even picture how much I h@ťě that son of a Ɓîtçh.

What if I tell Skylar that I wasn’t attacked by any men, and that it was her lover Logan who did it to me… No, that’s really not good. Almost got sold to an England governor? Guess that’s pretty better.

I can’t stay here anymore. Seeing Logan is only making this worse for my life. I don’t wanna have him in my dreams again.

I think I have to go… I mean, I have to go back home.


“Come in,”

She walked in diligently, her facial appearance told everything about her. Her attire was totally different from anyone else, speaking of the beauty, she’s a d@mn goddess.

“I’m guessing you’re priestess Yennifer.” I guessed.

“That’s right. ” Smiling. ” And you’re Crystal, the one Skylar met at Shaman? ”

” That’s right. Please have a sit. ” I pointed to the chair beside.

She sat on the couch, still smiling.

” Do you mind for a tea? “I asked.

” No, thank you. Well, I didn’t come for the tea, I came to talk to you. ”

” Please tell me you didn’t see my future. ”

” I guess that’s why I am here. ”

I nodded. ” Okay. Go on. ”

” I’m certain people like you don’t believe in the gods and probably thinks every message them are fetish. Am I wrong? ”

” Won’t doubt that. Maybe, it’s because I’ve never met one before. ”

Yennifer chuckled. ” I knew a day like this would come when you and Skylar will get to meet each other. Everything are been planned by fate. But it’s a poor thing to say that you’re planning on leaving. Isn’t it? ”

” Yes. I have to. I have a case to settle with my parents, my mom especially. It’s a long story. ”

” Is that all? Isn’t there something else against your leaving? ”

This lady is really something else. How did she know? Did… she just read my mind?

“I don’t belong here. I’m here is because of Skylar. She’s alive is a good thing to hear but I have to leave. My home is at Shaman, not here.”

” And your dreams? ”

” It’s nothing. It’s just a dream I can handle. You don’t have to bother about me, I’ll be fine. ”

” I’m not concerned about your dreams, I’m concerned about what’s about to happen. ”

Confused, ” What do you mean? ” She asked.

” A great thing is about to happen, and the moment you stepped into the castle, you became a part of it. ”

” Tell me, what is it that is about to happen? ”

” A new destiny is about to unleash itself. Skylar has but a little time to live and very soon, she’ll be carrying the next heir to the throne. After nine months of her pregnancy, she will have difficulties in her delivery. A chance of life and death. Everyone will do wh@ťěver it takes to bring her back to life, including me. ”

” Why would you be seeking for the god’s help even when you know she won’t make it? ”

” All are to fulfill destiny. The child Skylar will be carrying is not an ordinary child, it’s one sent from Zeus, the god of thunder. That was the reason Skylar was to meet Logan back at California. Among all women, Zeus found Skylar worthy of carrying his child. A child he’ll make through Logan.”

” Like Mary and Joseph? ”

” Like Mary and Joseph.” She repeated.” When this child is ready to be born, there will be a great resistance in her womb. The child will struggle to enter the world, this alone will cost Skylar’s life. Her body system will be paralysed, her heart will only have but a day to survive which is the day she’ll conceive. ”

” That’s never going to happen. Skylar can’t die, not now. She hasn’t even lived for long, why will Zeus want her dead? If that’s so, then, we should stop Logan from mating with her. ”

” Are you trying to change what destiny has already planned? ”

” I’m trying to prevent Zeus from hurting my friend. This is nonsense! All of this! If I am the main reason for this happening, then I guess I should leave for good. ”

” Think about the consequences you’ll create when you do that. ”

” There’s no consequences, there’s only living. If there’s anyone worth living, it’s her. Does she know about this? ”

” Now is not the time to tell her, as soon as Logan mates with her, I’ll tell her everything. ”

” You’re a priestess, do something. Pray to Zeus, let him change his mind, tell him Skylar is not ready. I don’t want her to die. Please, beg him. Tell him. ”

” Just like you’ve h@ťěd to hear this, that was how I was when I had the vision. I’m only a priestess, not a goddess. My duty is to give pray for the kingdom and give Zeus’s words to all. If I can do something, I’ll do everything by my power to change fate, but I can’t. It is written, so it shall be done. ”

I wept like a child, all this were like those fairytale my mother always tell me when I was little. At first, it did sounded like a fairytale, but now…

“Why her? Why Skylar?” I cried. “You have to… You have to do something. Please… We can’t let her die. ”

” I wish I can, but I’ll try my best to talk to the gods. ”

I nodded, drying off my tears, but the tears didn’t stop from falling. “Thank you.”

“After Skylar dies…”

“I… I don’t wanna know about my part. Just tell me Skylar is never gonna die. ”

” You have to listen till the end, it mustn’t be told halfway. ” I sighed. ” Skylar’s death will be mourned for a year and half, after that, you’ll take her place as the next Queen. ”

I shooked my head, continuously. ” I can’t. I can’t take what doesn’t belong to me. Skylar is my best friend, I can’t marry Logan no matter what happens. ”

” You’re not to marry him for love, but for the child’s sake. His destiny. ”

She shook her head again, ” I can’t, I’m not marrying Logan! You can’t expect me to marry someone I don’t love or someone who doesn’t find interest in me all because of some f_cking fate? What kind of marriage is that? When you meditate to the gods, tell them that I ain’t marrying no man, not even the king. ” I stood up, ” that’s my message to Zeus. ”


Does fate have to be this annoying at times?

And to those who are suspecting Crystal, I don’t know why you are but, don’t conclude yet. Crystal is not a vampire and has nothing to do with Logan?? She’s just in the castle for Skylar… The rest of the event… Keep thinking ??

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