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Friday, October 18, 2024
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? Ciscawrites ✍️?


? RATED ? Part 2?


Skylar ?️

“Where do you think you’re going to?” Asked a deep voice from behind.

I stiffened. Not this time, please.

” To my room.” I replied non-chalantly, hiding the terrified look on my face.

What I heard back in there, wasn’t something to think about.

“What were you doing in there?” He questioned again.

“Just checking if someone entered in. The good news is, no one did. Can I go now? ” I said fake smiling.

” No, ” he threw the word at me, ” you’re following me to the royals.”

I gasped, “what for? ”

” For a good explanation for breaking the rules. ”


” What rules? ”

Yea, Tina told me the rules. Don’t blame me, not my fault for doing what I did.

Before I could blink an eye, he had already grabbed my arm, roughly pulling me to who-knows-where.

“Let me go! I already told you, I was only checking if someone sneaked in. ”

” That’s not a good explanation, Miss. “He stopped, with a hard look staring at me. ” If I were you, I would be thinking of a good reason order than making noise. ”

I scoffed. ” Poor thing, You’re not me. ”

He continued dragging me. I struggled to let go but my efforts turned in vain.

“Let her go.” An angelic voice ordered. He pulled me to a stop as we both turned to look at who it was.

He bowed.

Is she a queen? I mean, is she the queen of this fortress?

“Milady, I caught her sneaking out of the forbidden room. She must be punished. ”

Sneaking? Punished?

Seriously, must you have a big mouth, gentleman?

I had every words to defend myself, but just as she got her gaze on me, the words all vanished all of a sudden. There’s something magical about this lady.

“Is that your reason for dragging her in such manner? Aren’t you aware that she’s new into the castle? ”

” I’m sorry, milady, I was only following the rules.”

” And yet, you attempt to report her to the royals? ”

He said nothing.

” She’s a woman, learn to respect that.”

I pulled my arm off his hold even before he could let go.

“Pardon my ignorance.” He apologized. Not actually to me tho.

Not complaining, either.

“Dismissed.” She instructed.

He bowed again before leaving.

“Phew, that was so close. Thanks for saving my @zz. I’m Sk…”

She cuts in, ” Skylar Crescent. I know your name.”

What the…

I chuckled. “Excuse me? How do you know my name?”

“Before you were brought here, I know who you are. ”

Is she my God?

” I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m following. We’ve never met before, or anywhere, I never told you my name. How did you? ”

” Like I said, I’ve known you before you came here. ” Few silence overtook us, ” I’m Yennifer. Mind for a walk?”

This is crazy, really crazy.

* * * *

“She appeared in my dream. She told me a part of my memories, she said I have to find the rest myself. But I have tried, I just can’t. You said you know who I am, I believe you know my life too. There are more I can’t remember, memories I think has to do with my life… my personal life. ”

She sighed. ” Donald had asked you to go to Shaman to get a herb he thinks can cure most illness. ”

” Calendula?”

” You remember the name? ”

” What name? ” I asked.

” Calendula? “She repeated, ” you remember the name? ”

” No, ” I shook, ” it just flashed in. Is that the name of the flower? ” Honestly, I didn’t say that intentionally.

But how come?

She nodded a yes. “Then you met this girl.”

A/N: This chapter might or might not look confusing especially from this point. Only if you are able to pay more attention, you’ll find out that Skylar travelled back in time with her mind and of course, somehow also communicating with Yennifer. This is the moment she’ll remember Crystal.

Have a nice reading. ?

~Memories Continues~

Hey, ”

” Hi, ”

” You’re the one who arrived with a black car, right? ”

” Yes, ”

” I’m crystal, ”

” Skylar. Nice to meet you Crystal. ”

” Same here. Would you mind for a walk? I can show you around.”

” Sure. ”

” How did you get to know Shaman? ”

” Well, I didn’t. A friend told me of this place, he said he wanted me to get some kind of flower he thinks can cure all illness. ”

” What is the name of this flower? ”

” Calendula. ”
” Are you okay? ”

” Yes, why? ”

” You faded for a moment. ”

” Somehow, I think you shouldn’t have been here. ”

” Why? ”

” The one who sent you here didn’t tell you the truth about this place before asking you to come here. ”

” I… I don’t understand. What do you mean by that?”

“There are a lot of mysteries about Shaman, mysteries yet to be found. ”

” What mysteries? Tell me, I need to know. ”

” The monster, ” said Yennifer, ” Shaman’s greatest fear. Keep looking. ”
” Good morning. ”

” Ready for today? ”

At the calendula field…

“Can I ask you a question?”

“What is it?”

“Have there been a body found after being taken? ”

” No. ”

” Have you thought of leaving Shaman? I mean leave and never come back? ”

” I have, but there’s no one to help me. Do you want to? ”

” What if I am? ”

” Yes, I remember the cry last night. That was the night of the first cry since my arrival.”

“That’s the woman in the old hut across. ” Said Yennifer.

” Mrs Karolina and her son. ” She said,

” What happened to them? ”

” They both had a misunderstanding. He ran away, probably wanted to be alone. ”

” At what time? ”

” Eight. Nine, I guess. ”

” Why did he stopped? ” She asked again. ” Do you think it’s because of the monster? ”

” Yes. And it came for her too. ”

” Where there footprints? Or clues? ”

” Nothing. But something came for me, it’s weird and strange. I felt it. ”

” Did you see what it was? Or what it looks like? ”

” No, ”

” What happened next?”

” There was this woman crying beside her daughter. ”

“Keep looking. ” Just as Yennifer had said, Skylar travelled back into her mind.

“I’m so sorry. But you have to go.”


“Leave your daughter and go! It’s gonna come back for her and you don’t want it coming for you too, do you? ”

” Even if she’s dead, she’s still my child. I can’t let her body for that beast. ”

” What of the rest at home? ”

” She’s my only child. I can’t leave her here. ”

” Go. Leave her body for the beast, make a new home and forget she ever existed. Go! Now! ”

” It took her head. ” Skylar spoke weakly. ” I saw it. ”

” Did it saw you too?”


“Why?” Asked Yennifer.

“Someone grabbed me before it could see me. ”

” Who was that? ”

She fell back to the time he had told her his name.

“Jake, his name is Jake.”

“Keep looking.”

“Is there any network here? ”

” No phone service here. It’s really poor.”

“Where can I get a good signal?”

“Walk around?”

” Not funny. ”

” Don’t walk too far. ”

Where were you going?” Asked Yennifer again.

“Looking for a good signal.”

“And did you find what you were looking for?”

She nodded dully.

” What else did you found? ”

She fell to the moment at the cliff.

” The dead bodies. ”

” How many of them? ”

” Thousands of ’em. ” She gasped back to life.

Yennifer stared at her. ” Are you okay? ”

” I don’t think so. My head hurts.” She looked at Yennifer, “how did you do that?”

“It’s part of my gift. I wanted you to see everything by yourself, what happened, and how it happened. ”

“She warned me not to go too far, I didn’t listen. That was my last day at Shaman. f_ck! Kent and Crystal might be looking for me. ”

” Kent isn’t but Crystal is. ”

” I have to go. I have to let her know I am alive. I need to let everyone know I am alive. ”

” No one is gonna believe you. ”

” They are. I know they will.”

She gave me a pain relieve which I took. Dropping the glass cup on the bed, I turned to look at her. “Why do I feel like I’m still forgetting something?”

” You are. ” She simply said.

” What is it I’m still forgetting? ”

” Someone you wish to meet again. ”

And who might that be?

I remember Vera mentioned two names, Marco and. . . Logan Greene.

“Who is it ?”

“It’s not me to say.”

“What? But you said you’ve known who I am even before I came here. ”

” Yes, I did. But not your secrets. You’ll find your answers tonight. ”


Who is her answers?

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