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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Ciscawrites ✍️?


? RATED ??


Skylar ?️

I kept packing some few clothes I’d make use of for the trip.

Donald had told me that my stay at Shaman would be only for a week. And I was indirectly waiting for the driver to come pick me up.

As I got everything ready, I brought them out to my sitting room still patiently waiting before I heard a soft knock on my door.

I stood up, knowing fully well it wasn’t the driver Donald had assigned to come pick me up because I didn’t hear the sound of a parking car.

“Who’s that?” I asked as I got close to the door.

There wasn’t a response at the first time. I asked again, “Who’s that?”

Then came to calm soft voice from the other side. I sighed, opening the door to take a full glance at the figure standing right in front.

“Vera?” I called almost like a surprise.

She said nothing but kept staring at me with those wet stained eyes and I knew she was fighting hard to prevent it from rolling out.

“Can I come in?” I heard her said,

I nodded. “Sure.” I opened the door wider letting her make her way in, then I shut the door behind me.

She walked few steps ahead before making a stop. “Do you mind for anything? I’ve got coffee, tea, water with some. . . ”

” Skylar… “She paused, then continued turning to me. “I didn’t come here for your coffee or tea or water or wh@ťěver thing you’ve got. I came to apologise. ”

I sat on one of the couch, nodding at her. ” I’m listening. ”

She sat beside me, “Skylar, I’m so so sorry for yelling at you. I thought I was only concerned but… I wasn’t. I was so angry that you had to fall in love with a murderer. I know how much you’ve suffered in Marco’s hands and yet, I h@ťěd it when you said you had found someone else. I wasn’t jealous, I felt I was only concerned about your safety. I… I don’t want you to get hurt, Skylar. I don’t want anyone to break your heart after what that devil… I meant Marco, did to you. “She stopped, wiping off the rolling tears. She frowned, noticing how calmed I watched her without saying a word.

I wanted to listen, I wanted to let her clear her mind. I’ve known Vera for quiet a long time, she wasn’t the jealous type, she was this emotional and caring type, protective that I always ask myself who was protecting who?

I mean, she’s just like a younger sister to me and older sisters are meant to protect younger ones, right?

“Oh, Skylar, tell me I ain’t talking to myself.”

I shook my head, ” I’ve heard you, Vera and the truth is, I’m not angry with you. You have every right to h@ťě me, you are my friend and I should have told you about my relationship a long time ago. It’s definitely not your fault why you yelled at me, I respect how concerned you were for me. I was only too carried away but what I thought was love. ” I squeezed her hands in mine, ” Don’t h@ťě yourself because of me. Maybe, I should have listened to you. ”

She shook, ” Skylar, please don’t tell me you’re already believing what I told you. They only came out of anger.”

” Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t.”

” Skylar. . . ”

” Vera, it’s almost a month and he hasn’t come. What if he won’t come back, what if I’m only overthinking that he truly loves me? What if my whole life has been meant for heart breaks?”

” Skylar, don’t say that.”

” Am I wrong, huh? Tell me! From Marco, now to my ungrateful patient who never cares about me. What if he was only playing time with me all those while at Van Nuys? What if those promises we’re only supersticious just to make me believe him? ”

She grabbed my hand, ” He surely will come back for you. ” She told me with seriousness.

” How sure are you? ”

” Very. I believe my instinct when it tells me. ” She pulled me into a warm hug, kissing my cheek softly. ” Wh@ťěver makes you happy, makes me happy too.”

“I love you, Vera.” I said in a shaky tone.

” I love you more than anything, Skylar. ” For what took like minutes, we buried ourselves in each other’s arms.

I couldn’t count my happiness because they were beyond bonds. Seeing Vera and I quarrel was the worst thing I’ve ever want to wish for but watching as we were back again, I’m pretty sure Heaven is also jubilating.

“So,” she began, breaking the hug. “I heard you were going for a trip.”

I directed my gaze at my bags, letting her look at it too. ” Oh, ” she sighed. ” Didn’t see that.”

“It’s because you walked in with a different purpose, just saying. ”

She rolled her eyes. ” So how long is this trip?”

” One week? For some kind of flowers they believe to be some kind of healer. ” I shrugged.

” Mm. ”

” Yeah, it’s crazy you know, accepting some kind of adventurous findings. Kinda like it for some reasons, I guess. ”

” I guess I’m already missing you. ”

” Vera? It’s just a week trip and not a year, besides I’m not planning on spending eternity in this so-called Shaman for some so-called calendula. ” I said rolling my eyes in the process.

“Well to me, it’s like a year.”

I swore, “I’ll be back as soon as I’m done picking this herbs, I promise.”

She nodded.

Just then, we heard the sound of a car, I stared out of the window to see a black Lexus slowly making a stop at the front of my house. I looked at Vera, who shrugged. “Guess, your new driver is waiting for you. ”

I chuckled. ” He’s not my driver. ”

” As far as he’s driving you, he is. ”

” Oh, please. ” I begged as we took my bags out of apartment.

I hugged her again, like it was our last. I felt the hot tears danced in my eyes, but I was so fast to fight them back.


It’s only a week.

That probably looked like a year.

She tapped me, pulling away from the hug. I stared into her eyes to see the tears obviously letting me know she wasn’t hiding her tears.

“Don’t keep him waiting. Give me a call as soon as you get to Shaman. Okay? ”

” I will. Take care of yourself for me. ”

” I will, you too. ” Again, we hugged. This time, it was only for a second. “Bye.” She whispered.

“Bye.” I hopped in, watching her through the tinted window as she kept waving continuously until we couldn’t see each other again.

I inhaled, exhaling heavily.

The day passed painfully slow, and I wondered how long we’d spend on this journey. I forced myself not to sleep so as to get a glimpse of every places we passed.

And for what took like four hours, we spent some hours of our day on the road. From afar, I saw smokes moving up, I could also see farmers as the cultivated on their farm while some rode their animals for grazing.

Everywhere, everything looked so local, pretty much for a village. Of course, it is. But something about this place baffled me, the people didn’t much look local, everywhere might look so local but, they were also neat and tidy.

As we drove into this village, they all stared at us. Some children jumped like we were some kind of heaven-sent. Won’t blame them, they aren’t used to modern vehicles, just the horse and the rest of them.

We made a stop at a small house, and I knew it was my new home. We got down from the car, together we packed my bags inside the small apartment.

As soon as we were done, I walked him back to the car, smiling at him. “Thanks for the long ride.”

“Just doing my job, Miss Crescent. ”

” God speed. ”

” Thank you. ” He said, hopping in. ” Whenever you’re ready to come back home, just give me a call and I’ll come knocking at your door. ” He brought out a small card with his phone number written on it.

I took it from him, saying. “I won’t hesitate to open the door for you.”

“Take care of yourself, Miss Crescent. ”

” Thank you, ” I watched him drive away, leaving me alone in this Shaman-of-a-place.

I was halfway to my door when I heard an unfamiliar voice stopped me. I turned to see a green eyed girl staring at me with a broad but welcoming smile. She wore a white garment which got her feet, almost covering her whole body. Her hair was braided in two ways, making her resemble like those ancient world, yet she looked beautifully made up.

“Hey,” she greeted.

“Hi,” I greeted back, wondering why I was also smiling.

Maybe, it’s just because her smile were captivating.

“You’re the one who came with a black car, right?”

I nodded, still smiling.

” I’m Crystal. ” She stretched out for a handshake.

” Skylar. Nice to meet you Crystal.” Taking her hand into mine.

” Same here. ” Returning the smile. “Would you mind for a walk? I can show you around. ”

I thought for awhile, wanting to say no to her offer. On the other side, I found it comfortable. “Sure.”

We walked with silence. I had so many questions in my mind that I desperately wanted to ask her. A lot to do with Shaman and this calendula of a stuff. I found myself picking courage to ask her, she was only a year younger or older than me. Or even my age mate, Why am I feeling so nervous?

“You can feel free to ask me anything.” She looked at me, with that unfading smile on her face like she’d noticed how desperate I was.

Good God, she caught me.

“I… Tell me more about Shaman.”

“Shaman is a small village, a home where everyone would love to stay. We live in peace, we don’t have neighbouring villages to argue or fight with, it’s just us living peacefully. ”

Sounds interesting.

” How did you get to know about Shaman? ” She asked.

” Well, I didn’t. A friend of mine introduced me to this place. He wanted me to get some kind of flower he thinks can cure all kinds of diseases. He said one of his colleagues has once been here for a holiday when he discovered this flower. ”

” What is the name of this flower? ” She asked again.

” Calendula. ” I answered. ” He also said, it’s a common herb in this village. Is that true?”

“Yes,” she replied with a nod.

” Where is this flower located? ” Curious, I asked.

” It’s pretty far from here, but I can show you tomorrow. ”

” That would be better. ”

Another silence clouded between us. Then I noticed that charming smile fade away, so I asked. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. Why?”

“You faded for a moment.”

She sighed softly, “Somehow, I think you shouldn’t have been here.”


“Why?” I asked, confused.

“The one who sent you here didn’t tell you the truth about this place before asking you to come here. ”

What truth?
What’s she trying to say?

” I… I don’t understand. What do you mean by ‘the one who sent me here didn’t tell me the truth? ‘”

She looked at me like she was forced to. ” There are lot of things going on in Shaman, mysteries yet to be found. Something I bet, you don’t wanna witness. ”

” What mystery? ” I asked again, feeling a little scared. ” tell me, Crystal. Tell me everything I need to know about this place. ” I pleaded.

She hesitated. ” It all started a long time ago. . .”


Story story. . .

Once upon a time. . .

To Be Continued. . .

Cisca Writes ?

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