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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Ciscawrites ✍️?


? RATED ? ?


Skylar ?️

I woke up feeling weird, and I know it would be for a reason.

As I stared at my ceiling fan, I remembered everything that had happened last night, from Vera snubbing me to me having a weird dream.

I mean a freaking weird dream!

I went to my bathroom for a quick brush and a warm shower, spending thirty minutes of my time in there.

I wore a black shorts with my baggy shirt I had gotten from my cousin brother heading to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

I sat at the counter as I sipped on it, recalling the freaking weird dream of last night. It’s pretty good when you have a friendly hide and seek with your little siblings but. . . not that friendly when it has to be a game for a single soul to survive.

Now, that’s what I am talking about. The scary dream… that’s just the type I mean.

I shoved my hair to the back, sipping on my coffee. I sighed.

I can’t recall how I got back home but the dreams playing in my night, I can for sure remember that.

“Can’t remember how you got home? ”


Who does that?

Maybe, it’s just me alone.


I almost forgot, it’s Saturday. I can rest without anyone calling for a shift or that some kind of patient needs my assistance.

The time ran slow and I am grateful for that. Thinking about night only made me scared the more. Unlike me, I love darkness a lot because it was a period when I’ve got to sleep like a child especially now, I’m alone in my own apartment.

Now, my night has become my nightmare. It’s only three days I’ve had this dream and it’s all like three years.

I went to pick the morning newspaper, curious to know what the daily news would be. “Ten dead, twenty missing.”

Who knows.
I flipped the newspaper open, staring at the front headline, no dirty news as I had expected.

It’s already more than three weeks now, yet, he hasn’t been found. It’s just a waste of time searching for him cause no one is ever gonna find him.

That’s a belief.

I sat on my couch, with my phone in my hand, I checked for the latest twitting news. Boring. I hissed, dropping it down then turning on the TV.

Even as I watched, my mind weren’t fully in the movie. Here and there, thoughts were bombarding in my mind. Clouding my brains that I can’t even tell what the time was.

I decided to take a nap, even if I have to force myself it was a lot better than witnessing the sluggish boring day.

It’s happening again, those moments with Logan back then at Van Nuys hospital. Moments I wish to keep thinking about. It made my feel like he was just with me, by my side. And I was beginning to love those awful gaze he always give me.

Feeling his fingers on my face as it traces on my scar, God! It’s just like he is right here. Remembering when I had thought he would die, his fever was so high for a count to death and how I felt his soft lips on mine when I tried playing some snow white game.


I’m over dreaming, aren’t I?

Then to the time when he made promises when that he was going to come back. And if anyone ever tell me I was actually smiling in real life, I won’t doubt that.

I found myself in a paradise-like place. The wonderful wind blew on me, it was amazing, it was fantastic.
If anyone tells me all this were only but a dream, I won’t believe.

It was d@mn reality!

Until I heard a familiar voice call me. A voice I can’t forget, a piercing spear yet, captivating. It was like a sudden tick tock.

I turned, finding myself staring into those Pacific blue eyes as it took me in. He was like a Greek god, beautiful than any male human I have ever seen. He is an angel in human form, I won’t doubt that.

“Logan?” I called in excitement. He really did come back.

He came back for me!

“Logan is that you?” I asked, trying to believe if it really was a dream.

Reality. .

“Am I dreaming?”

He smiled, shooking his head. ” It’s me, Skylar. I am here.”

I didn’t want to think again, I ran to where he was standing, hugging him so tight to myself. “It’s really you, Logan. You don’t know how much I have missed you.”

For what took like minutes, we were like this. He placed a kiss on my neck, staring into my eyes. “You came back for me?”

He nodded.

He kept staring at me, taking me in. I felt his gaze travel to my lips, my heart hung to my throat. Slowly, he leaned forward, and our lips were only halfway to meet.

I felt the vibrating movement of my phone, causing me to wake up.


I gazed angrily at the dialer as I answered the call.

“Miss Crescent?” He called from the other side of the line.

“Hey, Donald.” I replied.

Hey, still f_ck you for intruding.

“How are you doing today?” He asked.

“I’m good. You?” I asked back.

“Much better. Hope I ain’t disturbing?”

“Nah, not at all.”

Yeah, you are.

You know, when you get a call from the least person you ever talk to, pretty sure there’s got to be a problem. So I asked, “any problem?”

“Not at all. Actually, this isn’t something to talk about on phone. Would you mind if we meet somewhere, together and talk about this? ”

I thought for awhile, before saying. ” Sure. Where can we meet?”

“At the coffee shop downtown. Is that nice for you? ”

I nodded.” Better. ”

” Let’s meet at eight.”

“Eight o’clock.” I cut the call, dropping it back on the couch.

Sighs. . .

Now I am left with asking myself, “what the f_ck does he want to tell me?”

~ That Night ~

I stared around as I walked into the coffee shop searching to see Donald.

It’s already thirty minutes past eight and I’m only showing up now.

I’m a pretty late comer, ain’t I?

I felt the vibrating movement of my phone in my hand bag. I took it out, staring at the caller. Seems like he knew I wasn’t in the mood to search for him.

“Hey, Donald. Where are you?” I asked, still staring around.

” I’m at 3 o’clock. ” He said and I turned at the direction. He was waving at me, “have you seen me?”

“Yeah,” I said waving back.

I didn’t mind for the dressing, perhaps, it wasn’t some kind of dinner or date. It’s a talking moment.

“Hey,” I greeted sitting on the chair opposite his.

“Hi.” He responded.

“What’s up with the meeting?”

“Here,” he said, giving me a sheet with the picture of a flower.

“What’s this?” I asked, returning my gaze at him.

” What your are looking at is a flower as some people may call it but it’s not only a flower, it’s a herb that can cure all kinds of diseases. It was discovered by one of my colleagues on his holiday at Shaman. Shaman is a small village located at the North, he said this Shamans uses this flower to treat the sick and insect bites with the rest of them. I with my other colleagues had wanted him to bring some with him on his return, unfortunately, he was called for a family emergency. So, I was asked to find someone who can get this flower for us. ”

” What’s so important about this flower? ”

” Like I earlier said, it can cure all sickness. Not all, but we want to do more research about this herbal flower. ”

” So. ”

” So, I think your are the only one I can trust in this. ”

I cleared my throat. ” You want me to go to Shaman to get this flower for you? ” I asked.

I am confused, I mean f_cking confused. Did he just said he wants me to go to Shaman?
Of course, I heard that right.

“Miss Crescent, I’ve heard and seen a lot about you. Much that can prove your ability to do this for us. With the new sickness coming up day after day, maybe this flower can be of help to stop them from growing wider. Please, I need your help with this. ”

” Donald, there is no how I can say yes to you. I have lots of things to work on in this coming week and so many patients to attend to. Saying a yes in this will only destroy the schedule I have. ”

” You don’t have to bother about that. ”


” We have discussed with doctor Fes, he’d be taking care of your schedules. We promise you that we’ll maintain every action in your hospital. ”

I sighed.

This is f_cking crazy.

” When will you guys need this. . . Ca.. len.. du-” I said, trying to pronounce the word correctly.

” It’s calendula. ”

“Wh@ťěver. When will you need this flower?”

“Next week. We thought about going to Shaman next week Tuesday but, I think Monday will be best. ”

I nodded.

” There are also other herbal flowers in this village but, my colleagues prefers this calendula. ” He answered.

” So you want me to get this other flowers?” I asked.

“Excatly.” He said with a nod.” So, is that a yes that you are going? ”

I thought for awhile, then I said, ” Give me this night and tomorrow, I’ll think about it. I’ll give you a call as soon as I change my mind. ”

He nodded again. ” I’ll be waiting. ”

I took a deep breath, sighing.

I drove back home pondering over our discussion. Me going to Shaman? Why did I felt like I agree to the terms?

Scientist and there findings.

I dropped my bag on the couch, heading for a glass of water. I gulped it down leaving for my room.

I turned on the light, throwing myself onto the bed. I had forgotten to ask him how long was this trip to Shaman gonna take.

Maybe two days. . . or three. Or even a week, who knows?

I went for my laptop, bringing it out from it’s bag. I went ahead searching for this so-called calendula. Just as Donald had explained, it can cure wh@ťěver sickness likewise it’s a rare herbal flower found only in the northern part. Especially, in this Shaman.

If this was gonna be some kind of adventurous findings, I’m f_cking ready for it!

I could feel my eyes heavy and it wanted nothing but sleep. I am busy so it can wait.

Fighting nature?

Who does that?

I was like this until the next thing I knew, I had dozed off finding myself in my worst nightmare.

It was after me. Despite how tirelessly I ran, to him it was just like I was catwalking. I forced my eyes to adjust to the dark as I kept running, breathing heavily like a chicken about to be slaughtered.

Luckily, I found a big stone and I rushed to take cover. If he had seen me, what knows? I’m only trying to protect my @zz.

I sat there, feeling as my chest rose and fell a million times in just a second. I covered my mouth to avoid exposing myself before he could see me. And I started praying, hoping the God in heaven would come to my rescue.

Sometimes, not all prayers are answered.

I felt his hands on my neck as he pulled me out from my hiding place. His face held fear, anger and death in it. No emotions were in it, and I could feel my legs dancing greatly to the tone of fear.

What. The . f_ck. Am I. Staring. At?

For the first time since three days of my dream, I was staring right at my nightmare.

Those red eyes, locked into mine and I thought of nothing but. . . DEATH.

“Please. . . Please don’t hurt me. I beg you.”

He hissed, sending more shivers in me.

“Please… don’t… please…”

I felt his hand hold my hair, bending it to my left. I tried thinking of what he wanted to do to me, but my brain kept displaying the word…




“I beg you. I beg you… Please… please don’t ki|| me. I b… beg you. “Despite my pleadings, It was all like I was talking to a statue.

He leaned forward, sniffing hard as his nose rubbed against my bare skin. His canine teeths pierced out, his fangs pointed out and I could feel them as it ran on my neck. Still trembling, it was as if I wasn’t in control of my own self anymore. Like I was controlled by a remote. I couldn’t scream even if I wanted to.

My hands were paralysed and I could feel my legs no more. My mouth made mumbling movements but nothing came out of it. Tears rolled out of my eyes as I stared innocently at him but, the figure in front seemed not to have cared.

Was this really my rapture?

I shut my eyes close as I felt his razor-sharp teeth touch my skin, piercing into it and draining much of my blood. I was shivering, scared and in no control to resist what he was doing on me.

I Mõ@ɲed painfully.

Like this I was, giving him chances to drink more and more till I could feel my eyes no more. Everything became blur, nothingness clouding inside of me that any seconds from now, my greatest fear would be my greatest friend.


The only thing I heard was the loud hiss he created, with an ugly laughter which brought nothing but death itself. He let go off me, letting me fall to the ground.

And wh@ťěver happened next. . .

Was all blurred.


Cisca Writes ?

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