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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE END: HIS BULLY – Episode 71

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The whole place became silent, everyone’s eyes widen as they all stared with there mouths open, even Sonia was shocked, it was Elena that the bullet hit, it penetrate right into her skull, she actually came with some cops and she hugged Nelson before the bullet could reach him

” Bro…… Bro…… Brother” she stuttered as blood started coming out of her mouth, she smiled showing her bloody teeth

” I ……. I always…… Wish……. You…. and Andrew….. are….my real….br …br… brothers and …. My wish…… finally comes….. true ….. I love….. you big….bro” she stuttered and started going down, Nelson was too shocked to even hold her, she was about landing on the floor when Mr Paulson caught her, Elena opened her eyes and stared into his

“Fa…fa… father” she called before taking her last breath and that was when Nelson came back to his senses but before she could proceed Dalia fell right in front of him and Celine, blood coming out of her nose, mouth, ears even her eyes

” What is the meaning of this” Celine asked in confusion and Dalia smile weakling

” I just want to say sorry before I go, I know no amount of sorry would solve the damage I had cause” she said and spat out some blood

” Dalia, what are you saying, what is wrong with you” Celine asked and bent in front of her

” I’m sorry” she muttered in regret

“You are…..”

” Don’t say anything, I don’t have any minute left, I’m sorry Nelson, good bye” she said and close her eyes dieing instantly, everyone gasped, Sonia was too shocked to even move, the cops went and handcuff her immediately and took her out of the apartment, blood was still dripping from her back

Mr Paulson took Elena’s bodyà while some cops help carried Dalia, Celine and Nelson help Pollyanna out


Two weeks later

Right now, Pollyanna is in the hospital receiving treatment, Elena and Dalia were buried tree days ago, well the doctor confirmed that Dalia took some poison after examine her, Sonia was sentence to life in prison after her back was treated, Andrew just came back from the cemetery, he do visit Elena’s gravel everyday

” Andrew you are…..” He ran upstairs before his mother could complete

” He h@ťě me now” Andrew’s mom broke down in tears

” Shhhh, he will come around, he just has a lot on his mind, finding out we are not his real parents and lost his twin sister really break him down” Mr Derick hug his wife consoling her, well after the death of Elena, Mr Paulson visited them and told them everything

Andrew entered his room and meet Nelson sitting on the bed

“What are you doing here” Andrew asked with a frown

” Do you h@ťě me now?” Nelson asked

” I want to be alone” Andrew muttered and made to walk inside the bathroom but Nelson pulled him back, he looks into his eyes and saw tears thr_@tening to fall, he hug him tight

” Stop crying or I might cry too” Nelson said and Andrew sniffed

” I miss her, I miss her so much” he muttered crying on Nelson’s chest

” I miss her too” Nelson said slowly finally letting his tears out


“Celine you need to eat something” Mrs Helen said but Celine looks away, things haven’t been the same after the death of Dalia and Elena

” Please, you need to eat something so that we can visit your father, it has been a while that we visit him” Mrs Helen said softly

” I don’t have any appetite” Celine said

” He doesn’t deserve to die, she is just too young” Celine said and sniffed

” Princess” someone called by the door, they turned their head and a gasped escape their lips

” Daddy!!!!” Celine screamed, she quickly climbed down from the bed and rushed to her father, she hugged him tight, Mr Smith smile and hug her back

” Daddy, I miss you so much” she said and broke the hug

” I miss you more, you have grown so big and beautiful” Mr Smith said and peck her cheek

” When did you wake up and why didn’t you tell the doctor to call and informed us” Mrs Helen snapped

” I wanted to surprise you both and it worked” Mr Smith said and wink at her

” Come here” he said and she walked to him, he hug her

” You don’t know how much I miss” Mrs Helen said and broke the hug

” I miss you too so much, come here princess” Mr Smith said and Celine walked closer, he hug them both


Nelson entered the ward with Andrew behind him, his mother was laying down on the hospital bed while talking to a woman, the woman was no other but Mrs Katrina, their grandma

” My babies” Mrs Katrina gushed, she stood up and walked to them before hug them at once

” Grandma” Nelson called and hug her while Andrew did the same

” Gosh, I love you so much kiddies” Mrs Katrina said and broke the hug, the door opened again and Mr Paulson walk in, Nelson rolled his eyes

” Hey guys” he said but Nelson ignore him and went to his mother

” How are you doing mom” Nelson asked and kiss her forehead, Andrew walked closer

” Hey, mom” he called slowly and Pollyanna smile

” Come here kiddo” Pollyanna sat up properly open her arms wide, Andrew hug her

” I love you baby, always know that I’m here for you okay, don’t feel lonely” she said stroking his hair

“I need a hug too” Nelson said and they broke the hug

” Come here, don’t be jealous of your little brother” Pollyanna said and Nelson hug her, Mr Paulson and Mrs Katrina stared at them with a smile on their faces, Mr Paulson just feel complete, it has been long that he smiled


Three months later, Smith mansion

” Please, take those wine to the dinning and make sure there’s no mistake” Mrs Helen said to the maid and handed some wine bottles that was arrange on the tray to her, she had planned on reunion with her old friends, Derick and Blake

The doorbell rang and the maid went to open it, Mr Paulson came in with Pollyanna and Mrs Katrina beside him, Pollyanna is a soft and kind hearted person, so she has forgiving him already and they are now leaving in the same house as couple and as for Sonia, she was found dead in the cell, she had a fight with one of her inmate and she ended up ki||ing her, Mrs Helen came to them and greeted them

” Welcome guys, let go to the dinning room” she said cheerfully and lead the way to the gigantic dinning room

Few minutes later, Derick came in with her wife and Andrew

Nelson came down with Celine, dressed in the same outfit, Celine’s tummy was so big

” Oh my goodness, you guys look cute” Mrs Katrina gushed immediately they entered the dinning room and they smile, they sat down beside Andrew after greeting everyone

” You are so beautiful daughter in law” Pollyanna said and Celine blush

” Thanks ma’am” Celine said

” You can call me mom” Polly said

” I’m here too” Mrs Katrina said and everyone laughed

” Hey little bro, how are you” Nelson asked Andrew, he lean in and peck his forehead

” I’m fine” Andrew replied with a smile

” Is good to see you smile again” Nelson said and ruffles his hair

” Hey guys” Mr Smith said entering the dinning room, everyone greeted him with a smile

” Surprised” they heard a loud scream and turned, DK, Brooklyn, Carl, brain, Kyle, Gabby and Fred came in, smiling sheepishly

” Oh my gosh” Celine gasped, she stood up and hug Brooklyn first before hugging others

” Come and have a seat kids” Mrs Helen said and they Sat after greeting everyone

” Lucy bring more food and drinks please” Mrs Helen said, few minutes later everything one was eating and chatting happily

” This is the happiest day of my life” Derick gushed and drank from his wine

Mr Paulson, look at everyone as they smile and chat and the feeling was great, he never knew he would smile like this in his entire life again but here he is, smiling widely with nothing to bother him, he never believe he could stay close to a woman for two minutes but he now have a wife, everything is back to normal, even though he still feel bad for lost his daughter who he get to met on that very day but he have to let go

” Cheers to our reunion” Mrs Helen said and everyone raised their cups of wine up

” Cheers” they all chorus and click their cups, after they have finished eating, everyone went on talking to his or her partner, some were chatting in groups while watching movies in the sitting room, Mr Paulson stood up and hold Andrew’s hand

” Nelson, you and Andrew, can I have a moment with you please” he said softly, Nelson wanted to refuse but Celine stop him, he rolled his eyes before standing up

“I…I don’t know what to say but I just want you guys to know that I love you, I had no idea of what was going on, I’m sorry” Mr Paulson said, they were now standing outside facing each other

” I’m really sorry, I should have protect your sister” Mr Paulson added

” Is okay dad” Andrew said and his eyes widen

” You just call me dad” Mr said he nodded

” Is not your fault and I have forgiving you” Andrew said

” Yes dad, everything that happened wasn’t your fault and I have forgiving you already” Nelson said, Mr Paulson hug them tight

” Thank you so much guys, you don’t know how happy I am right now” Mr Paulson said, Pollyanna join them and they started talking

Andrew excuse himself and went straight to the garden, he sat on the bench and brought out a picture of Elena, he stared at it and started tearing up again

” you should stopped crying, she won’t be happy seeing you like this” he heard someone said behind, he turned and saw Ariel standing at her back, he scoffed and looked away, Ariel walked closer and sat beside him

” She left me” Andrew muttered slowly, Ariel hug him and surprisedly he didn’t push her away, he Broke the hug and cup her cheeks staring into her eyes

” I’m sorry to do this” he mumble and before Ariel would know what is going on, he smashed his lips on hers, her eyes widen but it didn’t take up to second before she reciprocate the kiss


” Hey, put me down” Celine giggle as Nelson Carry her in his arms heading to her room

” No, I’m going to punish you for hugging Brain” Nelson said and opened the door with his leg

” Seriously, were you jealous” Celine asked

” Yes, I was, I was f_cking jealous that you hug him not only him but others” Nelson said and dropped her gently on the bed because of her heavy tummy

” And what punishment do you have for this stubborn woman” Celine asked

” woman? You should say stubborn kid but don’t worry, you will like the punishment” Nelson said naughtily and she giggled even more, he removed her top and unhook her bra before removing it, he took her pink Ɲīpplë in his mouth and Celine gasping, so soon, their Mõ@ɲs filled the room


Finally, I’m done with this book!!

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