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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BULLY – Episode 58

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The beeping sound of phone woke Celine up, yesterday after Dalia left she checked everywhere for her phone but couldn’t find it, she almost thought it was Dalia that take it, but Lucy find it under her bed

It was strange but what confused her More is, her phone was off, she shrugged it off, Nelson didn’t pick her called which makes her became so worried

She click the message and almost fell, it a segz tape of Nelson and Dalia, Dalia was riding on Nelson’s Ďïčk while Nelson held her @zz in support and asking for more

“No, it’s not true, no” she quickly climbed down the bed and wear her flip-flops, her phone buzz again, this time is was a message


She didn’t waste time before running out of her room still in her nightwears

” Where? Ma’am” one of the guard asked but she ignores him and entered one of the car and drove out of the house after the gate was open

The guard immediately entered another car and drove out too following her car behind


Nelson opened his eyes and closed it back, he was having a terrible headache, he opened it again and frown when his eyes caught the wall, his room was painted white, his favorite color, and Celine is pink

‘ who’s room is this, where are mine’ he thought in his head and try standing up but couldn’t because of the heavy weight that was on him

He turned and frozen on the spot when he saw Dalia naked body laying on his

He pushed her and she landed on the floor, his eyes widen as he saw a lot of dry Com on the bed sheets and his thighs and he was naked

“Ouch” Dalia groan and stood up rubbing her arms, she has woken up since and was pretending to see Nelson’s reactions when he wakes up

” What the hell did you do” he asked hoping it not what he is thinking because she can’t remember anything

“Isn’t it obvious, we had hot segz last night……” She said and he started remembering everything, his blood boiled when he remembered everything

” Maybe you forgot, but it the best night ever, your huge Ďïčk is amazing……..”

” Stop talking you Ɓîtçh, you have no shame, how could you, how dare you ” he yelled and she flinch

” I didn’t do anything wrong……..” Nelson walked towards her and slapped her hard, she gasped in shocked

” You …… You ….. slapped me”

” I may ki|| you if you dare utter another words rapist” he spat in her face h@ťěfully and carry his trouser and started wearing it in a hurry, the only thought in his mind at that very moment was Celine, he needs to tell her everything before she finds out by herself, he finished wearing his trouser and Bent to carry his shirt that was laying helplessly on the floor when the door busted opened

Celine came to view with a teary face on, Dalia smile in satisfaction

” Cel…… cel……….. Celine, it I can explain” Nelson said

” Why” Was the first words that came out of her mouth

” Why would you do this to me, how could you”

” It not what you think, I can explain” Nelson muttered and try going closer

” Don’t you dare come closer bastard, after everything, I h@ťě you, I h@ťě you so much” Celine screamed and rushed out of the room

” Babe please, listen to me I can explain” Nelson said and tried going after her but the guard stop him, Celine enter her car and drove roughly out of the place

Nelson didn’t go back in, he entered his car shirtless since his car key was in his pocket

Celine entered the house and bumped into her mother almost knocking her down

” Celine what happened?, Why are you in tears, are you okay” Celine hugged her tight crying on her shoulders without answer any of the questions, the pains she was feeling at that moment was massive, her mother hugged her back patting her back

” Mom, I’m in pain, it hurts so much” she mumble crying more

” Ma’am, sir Nelson is here and he is insisting to come in” the guards that followed Celine to the club house reported, since he saw everything he doesn’t want Nelson to go close to Celine until she say so

” Send him away” she said and went to her room before her mother could ask

” What is going on” Mrs Helen asked the guard but he shook his head, she came out and meet Nelson in front of the gate shirtless and barefooted, he was crying

” Nelson what happened”

” It… It…. Just let me explain, tell her it’s not what she thinks, I just want to explain, mom believe me I didn’t do it” Nelson beg as tears rolled down from his eyes

” I don’t know what really happened between you two but go home, come back tomorrow and explain anything that you have to say, she will never listen to you right now because she is hurts, just go home okay” she patted his back

” Okay, take care of her” he said and wipe his tears before going back into his car, he entered and drove out of the house

” What could have happen that makes all of them crying like this” she wondered and went back in

As Nelson drive on the road, his mind wasn’t there, tears keeps on coming out of his eyes none stop that he was finding it very difficult to see the road clearly, the first thing he has in mind was to look for Dalia, where she lives and strangle her to death

He heard a loud scream and look up to see a big car coming his way, he tried dodging it but it was too late, his car ran into the other car making his head hit hard on the car panel, blood started gushing out of his head wetting his body, the car tumble and fell upsidedown beside the road

“I’m sorry baby, your candy loves you so much” he muttered and darkness took over


Sonia pace around her room restlessly, Nelson didn’t come back last night and she was scared, what happened yesterday is still making her heart raised

Her phone suddenly ring, she brought it out and answer it at once without checking the caller

” Hello, I mine speaking with Mrs Tyler”

” Yes, who are you”

” I’m calling from Ajo __ ahi medical center, your son had an accident and ………..”

” What!!, Which hospital” she interrupted

” It Ajo__ ahi medical center ma’am” Sonia hangout and ran out of house


ONE HOUR LATER, Ajo__ ahi medical center

Sonia stared at unconscious Nelson on the bed
Her mind went to what the doctor told her and she smiled

“If you woke up with your memory I won’t have any other choices than to wipe them off” she said to herself, door open and Dalia came in

” Babe, woke up, I’m sorry you are in this condition because of me” Dalia sat beside Nelson and hold his hand crying bitterly, Sonia stared at the young lady in front of her in awe, she likes her at first sight

“Who are you?” She finally asked and that’s when Dalia notice she wasn’t alone in the ward

” Ugh.. good afternoon ma’am”

” Hmmm, I just asked a question”

” Ohh, I’m Dalia, Nelson’s girlfriend” Dalia said and Sonia smirked

” Nelson’s girlfriend huh” Sonia muttered inwardly, she knows Dalia was lying but who cares, that’s just what she wanted

” Ohh dear, you are so beautiful, what did you say your name is”

” Dalia, Dalia Paulson ma’am”

“You can call me mom but wait did you just said Paulson” she wants to know more

“Yeah, Blake Paulson, my father’s name is Blake, Paulson is…..”

” What about your mother” Sonia interrupted

“My mother is late, her is name Pollyanna” Sonia eyes widen

” My……. My …… My daughter” she stuttered



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