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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BULLY – Episode 57

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Sonia starred at Nelson in total shocked

” You………. You………. You, where do you hear that $h|t from?” she asked

” This aren’t $h|t, as much as I don’t want to believe it, your reactions when I asked you says it all and the way you do treat me………” She slapped him hard across the face before she could finish talking

” f_ck the bastard that told you all this $h|t, I’m your mother and your father is Tyler, he is dead, get it into your skull and stopped spitting rubbish” she snapped at him, she went into the the bathroom and shut the door hard

” d@mn it” he kicked the table that was in front of him before going out of the room

Immediately he came out, his phone beep in his pocket, his brought it out and furrowed his brows

It’s a text from Celine


Nelson read it over and over again with a deep frown on his face

” What the hell is this” he asked himself and try calling her number but it was not available

He checked the time and it was 8: 48 PM, he dial the number again but the same thing, he became scared

” What is happening, why is her phone off, is she in danger” he thought and his fear increase

He put his phone in his pocket and carried the car key before rushing out of the house


Nelson pack his car in front of Sky club house, this is his first time of coming here, he entered inside and started searching every angles with his eyes but didn’t see any sign of her

He turned to go check another corner but bump into someone, he raised his head up and saw a lady wearing a waiter uniforms smiling at him sheepishly

” I’m sorry sir” the lady said

” Is okay, are you hurts” Nelson asked

“No, I’m fine thank you” she said, he nodded his head and walked passed her

” Ugh, are you looking for someone” she asked and he stopped walking and face her again

” Yeah” he replied curtly

” Could it be Celine Smith, if yes then you must be Nelson” the lady said and Nelson frown

“How did you……”

” She told me to show you where she is if you come looking for her” she said and Nelson stood rooted without saying anything

” Come with me, she is in VIP” she said and started walking, Nelson sighed before following her behind

“Here, I think she went to use the restroom, sit down she will be here soon” she pointed at a table in front of him, one and half bottle of wine on it and two glasses of cups beside the bottle, one have small wine inside

“I will go look for her” Nelson said and made to walk away

“Don’t worry sir, I will go tell her you here” she said and Nelson scoffed

” Are you kidding me”

” I’m sorry, it just that, they won’t allow you to enter the restroom because it’s for female only, sit she will be here soon” she said with a smile and Nelson rolled her eyes

” Wh@ťěver” he muttered before sitting down, the lady poured wine in an empty glass cup and place it in front of him

” Enjoy” she said and walked away

“Okay what is going on, are they playing some prank on me” he mumble and carry the wine, he gulped everything and dropped the cup back on the table before standing up

“Sir, where are you going, she will be here soon”

” Soon? It’s more than five minutes but she still in the freaking restroom, is she in labour or what” Nelson said with a raising voice

“I’m sorry sir, they don’t allow male to enter female’s restroom but if you insist I will show you the way” she said and Nelson nodded, she smirked before leading the way

Nelson yawn sleepily and hold the tip of his shirt fanning himself with it as they walked, he was feeling a lot of heat and he could feel his prick rocking his trouser

“f_ck” he cursed and started unbuttoned his shirt

“Sir, are you okay” the waiter asked with a knowing smiled on her face

” I’m fine, just show me where she is” he groan in a painful voice

“That’s the door, go in, i will stand here waiting” the lady said

“Oh okay” he said, his Ďïčk was d@mn hard, he needs a woman so badly

The door shut close immediately, Nelson stepped foot in the room

“d@mn it, I’m trapped, who the hell is here” he yelled but got no answer, the room was dark, somebody grabbing him and smashed his lips on it own, he took all his strength to push the person away due to how weak and sleepy he was

” Who the f_ck are you” he snapped and the light came on and Dalia came to view, she was standing naked in front of him

” What are you doing”

” What does it looks like” she said and walked to him

” Don’t come close” he said and she smirked

” Come on, stopped playing hard, you need me right now, you want my p@zzy don’t you” she asked seductively bitting her lips

” Stop talking and stay away from me” he said and moved to another side, Dalia move closer and push him and he fell on something soft, that is when he knew they were in the bedroom

Despite the fact that he was feeling honey he still didn’t give in, Dalia climbing on top of him and started removing his clothes, he only watch as tears encircle his eyes, he has no more strength to push her away

” Why are you doing this” he asked in a broken voice and Dalia smiled

” You think after ruining my life I will allow you to be happy with your so call girlfriend? You must be daft to think so, if I can’t have you then no one will” he said nonchalantly and removed his trouser completely, she drops it on the floor before proceeding to remove his boxers

” Don’t worry you will enjoy it” she wink and climbing on him, she grabbed his Ďïčk and position it directly on her p@zzy rubbing her p@zzy on it

” Celine I’m sorry, forgive me” Nelson muttered before falling asleep

Dalia pushed his Ďïčk in her wide hole and started rocking on it

” f_ck”

“I’m on fire”

” This feels good”

” Good, this feels like heaven”

” Ohh my”

Her Mõ@ɲs filled the room and she twerk on Nelson’s Ďïčk like a slut

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