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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BULLY – Episode 55

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Nelson called Celine more than three times but she wasn’t picking

He was very scared, he sighed and dial her number again and she picked this time

“Babe, where are you?” He asked immediately Celine answer the call, his heart almost jumped out when he heard her sniffed

” Babe, what happen? Are you crying?” He asked at once

” I…….. I…….. I knocked Elena down with my car” she replied sobbing

” Huh”

” I don’t know how it happened,we are currently at the hospital right now”

” Which hospital?”

” Marvin hospital”

” Hold on a minute, I will be there” he hang out and Rush out, he opened the car to entered but stop when he remembered something, he went back in the house and close the laptop, he took it and hid it behind his bed, he carried the car key and entered the car before driving out


Nelson met Celine in the waiting crying, the moment Celine saw him, she went and hug him tight

” I’m scared, I won’t forgive myself if anything happens to him” Celine said hugging him more

” Shhhh, she gonna be okay” the doctor came out of the ward and Celine broke the hug

” How’s she”

” She is okay, I have treated the Minor injuries on her body and she will woke up soon”

” thank you doctor ” Celine said and didn’t wait for any reply before going inside the ward while Nelson followed behind

” Woke up soon okay, you are not going back to that house and that Man must go to jail” Celine said to Elena as if she can hear her, she was sitting beside her bed holding her hand, Nelson stood behind

” Let go see your dad, it been a while we pay him a visit” Nelson said and Celine look up, he went and peck Elena on the forehead

” Be fine for me baby sister” he said, Celine stood up and they left the ward

They entered Mr Smith ward and meet Mrs Helen sitting on the chair beside her husband holding his hand

” My babies, how are you doing”

” Mom, we are fine” they replied at once and she smiled

” Your father is not making any moment of Woking up soon” Mrs Helen said sadly

” And the boy that $h00t him is no where to be found” she added, Celine move closer and place her hand on her shoulder, this was the first time she will be seeing her mother this way

” Don’t worry mom everything is gonna be okay, the CCTV camera capture his face and I’m sure the cops will catch him soon, stop thinking too much” she said and Mrs Helen nodded her head

Nelson stood muted, alot of thought running through his head, he is sure the guy was sent to $h00t Celine, but why? And who? His instinct is telling him is his mother but he still doesn’t want to believe it

” Celine I have noticed a lot of changes between you and Dalia, I mean it has been a while since she visited you and I’m sure she heard about what happened to your father but she never showed up” Mrs Helen said and Celine’s face dropped

“We had a serious fight”

” How?”

” It’s complicated mom and I don’t want to talk about it now”

” Good evening ma’am” Brooklyn said coming into the ward, interrupting Mrs Helen from talking further

” Brooklyn, how are you dear” she said with a bright smiled

“I’m fine, Dalia was R@P£D brutal to unknown men, she currently in the same hospital here” Brooklyn said and Celine and Mrs Helen gasped

” What do you mean, who got R@P£D” Celine asked to be sure of what she heard

” I said Dalia, she is in this hospital right now, ward 150″ Brooklyn replied with am eye rolled, Celine rushed out of the ward like a crazy woman

“Is she for real” Brooklyn asked jealously


She was brought in one hour ago by a stranger and it’s now, the doctor is attending to her, after the doctor has finished treating her he stepped back when he feels a hand grabbing him the doctor turned and was shocked when he found her eyes opened

“What did you found out” she asked as her eyes were pure red

” Huh?”

” Don’t play dumb with me, what is my freaking result, what did you found out” she asked and her hold on the doctor’s hand tighten more, the doctor became scared

” I found out you were R@P£D”

” Is that all”

” Ummm…… And you lost your womb….”

” What……. Did you just say”

” I’m sorry miss, your womb got damage and……”

“Stop…….” She yelled scaring the doctor more, she slowly release his hand, she doesn’t know when tears started rolling down from her eyes

” This should stopped between you and I, if anybody hears this you are dead”

” Not even my father” she added and he quickly nodded his head, she dismissed him with his hand and the doctor left the ward

Immediately the doctor left, Dalia broke into tears, she feels like a loser, now what? Is this how she gonna give up? She doesn’t have a womb anymore, she won’t be able to give birth again, is this karma or fate, the more she thinks about it the more she cried

The door open and the least person she expected to see came in, Celine, Celine went and hug her immediately she saw her crying

She wanted to push her away and strangle her at that very moment but she hug her back instead because she needed the hug

” Shhhh, stop crying” Celine said parting her back, they broke the hug after she has finished crying

” Why are you here after all those horrible things I did to you?” Dalia asked

” See Dalia I don’t care about what you did to me because you are my friend and Will always be, I was wrong too, let’s just forget about the past and move on, let start afresh” Celine said seriously and Dalia smirked

‘ is that how much she trusts me? Maybe I can use this to my advantage who knows I will get want I wanted, fool let see how it goes’ she thought and hug Celine again

” I’m sorry Celine, I such a bad friend, thank you for accepting me back after everything” she said and Celine broke the hug

” Did you recognize the guy that did this to you? Celine asked and she Shook her head

” I need to go now, see you tomorrow” Celine said and went out of the ward and dalia’s father Mr Paulson came in

” Daughter, how are you” Mr Paulson asked and Dalia rolled her eyes and look away

” How are you doing”

” Is that even a question? What are you even doing here? Do you ever care about me? Or is it because of what happened that you are asking, I don’t need your sympathy just get out” Dalia said and Mr Paulson sighed in guilty

” I’m sorry Dalia, I know I’m not a good father but please forgive me” he said and Dalia stared at him in shocked, this is the first time he will ever apologize to her, she was deep in thought that she doesn’t know when her father hug her, she didn’t hug back or push him away

” I’m so sorry, I took the hatred I have for woman on you” he further said

“Why do you h@ťě women?” Dalia asked hoping her father will tell him, he broke the hug and look away

“Father please, tell me I want to know, is it only my mother or there is another woman that broke your heart*”

” Two women betrayed me, your mother and Ivy, I fell in love with Ivy when Maria died, because we became close, we were happy couple everyone do wished for but everything changed when my father brought your mother to me to marry, my father did everything to end our relationship but it was always fruitless, but I wake up one day and saw a note on my bed, it was Ivy that left it, a break up letter and she disappear, I had no choice then to marry your mother to inherit my father’s properties but I was still waiting and hoping that Ivy will come back to me one day, your mother was a very kind, sweet and lovely woman, despite all the hatred and hashed words I do say to her, she still didn’t care, she was always there for me and slowly we started getting along, she later becomes pregnant but things changed the very day she gave birth, she became a she devil that I did wondered if it’s was the Pollyanna I got married to, she will beat the maids for every little mistake they did, shout and snap at everybody in the house including my father and that makes my father regretted his decisions, but what hurts me more is when I caught her having segz with our family driver, my father was so disappointed that he suggest we divorce when the baby clock 2 years but he died before you could turn a year and she later poison me but took the poison and die instead because the maid that serves us changed the food” Mr Paulson explained while Dalia just stared at him in awe

“But Ivy shattered my heart into pieces when she comes back” he added

“What did she do”

“I will tell you but not now, maybe some other time” he replied and Dalia rolled her eyes

“Sleep I will be back in a few minutes check on you, you need some rest to heal fast, I will make sure those bastards that did this to you get arrested” he said and peck her forehead before leaving the ward



Sonia sat in her office deep in thought, her phone started ringing and she answered it at once

“Where the f_ck are you? It has been two weeks, two completed f_cking weeks that I sent you an errand and you haven’t told me the results and your phone is f_cking off, do you want to lose your life” She yelled over the phone

“I’m sorry ma’am, something came up and I’m currently on the run, the cops saw my face and are looking for me everywhere” male voice replied

” What the hell are you saying”

” The CCTV camera capture my…….”

” What? $h|t and now what do you have to say, you didn’t even $h00t the girl now the cops are looking for you, just know that if by any chance they catch you, don’t dare mention my name, good luck” with that she hang up and smashed her phone on the wall

“You are proving stubborn hun, I might just eliminate your pathetic mother” she thought and grinned evilly


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