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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BULLY – Episode 42

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Celine came out of her car, she smiled at the driver that just dropped her before heading to class, students Comments and complements her as usual

She only smile and walked passed, almost all the students had now known about her relationship with Nelson

She sighted Dalia coming and smile at her but as usual Dalia give her a glared and walked passed her without saying a thing, she has been ignoring her since that day she knew about her relationship with Nelson

” Dalia” Celine called and grabbed her hand stopping her from moving

” What is wrong with you? Are you f_cking going to continue like this?” Celine snapped

” Let go of my hand” Dalia said seriously

” No I won’t, just tell me what is wrong with you, I had told you that I’m sorry, what again do you want,huh, tell me” Dalia chuckled and looked into her eyes

” do you really want to know what I want?” Dalia asked and Celine nodded her head

” Nelson, I want him and I will be grateful if you just do me a favor by breaking up with him, just leave him for me” Dalia said with a smirked and Celine’s face drop, she released her hand and shook her head

” I can’t, I can’t do that” she replied

” Then buzz off, you now leave me with no choice” she said and walked away

” What does she mean” Celine muttered looking at her back as she walk, she sighed before leaving

” Hey, you came very late today” Nelson said to Celine who was just coming in the class

” yeah, I woke up very late and mom insisted I should eat something before leaving” she replied, Nelson pulled her closer

” we are in class Nelson” he ignored her and kiss her shortly before breaking it

” You look more beautiful today princess” he uttered and her face turned red, she raised her head up and her eyes met with Dalia who was throwing daggers at her, she looks away

” I want to use the restroom” he said standing up

“Okay” she replied

“Just okay, you don’t want to come with me” he asked lick his tempted pink lips

” No, I know what you are up to”

” Silly you, I will be right back”

” Sure” he walked out of the class, Dalia stood up and leave the class also

After he had finished, he rinsed his hands before turning to go

He stopped on his track when he saw Dalia staring at him

” What are you doing here” he asked with a raised brows

” Nelson ” Dalia called and walked to him cupping his cheek in her palms

” you don’t love her right, you don’t have to pretend anymore, you can stop dating Celine and come to me instead, stop pitying her because of what her ex boyfriend did to her…………” He pushed her roughly making her landed on her butt

” Ouch” she stood up rubbing her butt

” Her ex boyfriend or you” Nelson said and she quickly looked

” Pardon”

” You think I won’t find out, Celine trust you with all her heart, I can’t believe you could stoop too low to do such, you posted it and make it look like her ex boyfriend, you are very heartless Dalia” he replied and her face instantly went pale

” You….. you.. knew it, I….. I…. I did mean to, I did it out of jealousy” she stuttered nervously

” Of course you didn’t mean to but you still do it”

” I love you, that was why I did it, I love you so much but all your attentions are on her, I couldn’t stand it and that was a way of sending her out of this school and your sight as well,so I can have you to myself, I don’t care if you two are dating now, you are mine and I must have you” Dalia snapped breathing heavily

” Is that a thr_@t, wake up from your dream land Dalia , I don’t love you a bit not even in my next life, Celine is the only one my heart beat for, I love her not pity this should be the last time you hurt her, I won’t take it lightly with you if you try such thing next time, stay away from Celine and I” he said dangerously and she shifted back

His eyes turned red, he has a dangerous angry look on his face, he glared at her before walking out of the restroom

” He…. sounds scary but I don’t care” she said and walked out


Break period

Brooklyn looked at the two milkshake she was holding and smile, one is for her and the other one is for D.K

They have now become very close that some people think they are dating and Brooklyn won’t deny, she enjoyed his company, he is very jovial and fun to be with

She walked passed a class but stop when she heard a Mõ@ɲ coming out from it, is an empty class, she heard another sound and became more curious to see who was inside, without waiting for any second she pushed the door opened and almost fall at the sight in front of her

D.K f_cking a Ɓîtçh, the two milkshake she was holding fell from her hand and tears rolling from her eyes

D.k quickly pulled out when he heard the cracking sounds of something, his jaws drop seeing her in tears and a h@ťěful glared on her face

” I’m sorry for interrupting you guys” she said and rushed out, he pulled up his trouser and ran after her

” Brooklyn….. wait” he called but she didn’t stop, he finally get to her and grabbed her shoulders staring into her angry teary eyes

” What do you want” she snapped

” I’m sorry” he replied

” Sorry? For what exactly” she uttered with bitterness

“I don’t know but I really sorry, what you saw there is nothing okay just………”

” And why the hell are you telling me, you are not even my boyfriend or someone special to me, you don’t need to explain anything to me, just get lost” she yelled dejectedly at him, hearing he is not someone special to her make his heart stung

” Lyn hear me……….” a tight slap landed on his face cutting him off

” I h@ťě you” she yelled at his face and ran away

” f_ck” D.k muttered ruffling his hair

Brooklyn run into Melody and she smirked

” Why the tears, it’s too early to cry” Melody mocked laughing, she was stalking Brooklyn and she saw and heard everything

Brooklyn turned to go, she wasn’t ready for her dramas but she blocked her way, she turned another side but she still blocked her way again

” You were thinking he loves you right, how funny, well the bitter truth is he doesn’t love anyone aside me, not even you, I’m his first and last lover, so stop thinking too highly of yourself,he only wants to get into your pant” Melody said but Brooklyn pushed her away and walked away without saying anything, she could still hear her annoying laughter


Celine wake up in the middle of the night and found the lights in the room still on, she frown, she was very sure she put off the lights before sleeping

She stood up to put it off but flinched back when she saw Dalia on the door …… Holding a knife

‘But what is she doing here, how did she even get here and what is she doing with a knife’ a lot of questions run through her head as she stared at Dalia who stare back at her with no emotion on her face

” Lia, what are you doing here? By this time” she finally asked but instead of replying her Dalia started coming towards her with the knife still in her hand

” Ughm….. what are you doing with that knife?” Celine asked again nervously shifting back

Dalia let out an evil grinned

” I want Nelson but you are the only obstacle blocking my way to get him and I’m here to clear you out of my way” Dalia said still moving to her

” What do you mean? ” Celine asked fearfully still moving back, her back hit the wall

” Hey, stop right there, i said don’t come closer” she tremble

” Too late dear friend” with that she shove knife into her chest, Celine gasped as blood oozing out from her chest

” Good bye Celine” she removed the knife and stabbed her again

” Aaaagh..” Celine screamed in agony


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