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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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HIS BULLY – Episode 39

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(Her sweet candy)

Chapter 39

By, faith E

‼️ Don’t copy or repost ‼️



Today is Monday, the weekend was really splendid for the two Lovers ( Nelson and Celine)

Nelson smile brightly as he made his way inside the school

He saw a girl standing in front of him giving him nervous smile

” Hi, I’m Lola, I love you so much, I…. I do wish you are my brother, here, please have it and don’t reject it please, my mom made it” she said in a rushed and stretched out a box of chocolates cookies in front of him

” Ugh…… ” Nelson wanted to say something but she grabbed his hand and place the box in his palms, she tiptoe and kiss his cheek before rushing away

” Seriously, she……” Nelson was cut shut when he saw a figured standing in front of him, it was no other but Andrew

” You!!!, What are you doing here” he asked but Andrew only rolled his eyes and came closer, he stands in same posture the girl was standing

” Hi, I’m Andrew, I love you so much, I…. I do wish you are my brother, here, please have it and don’t reject it please, my mom made it” Andrew repeated the girl’s voice in a mockingly and sarcastically voice, Nelson was just looking at him speechless, he stretched his hand but instead of giving him something like the girl did, he collected the box he was holding and started running away with it

” Hey, give it back” Nelson yelled but he didn’t stop or look back, when Andrew sense that Nelson is not chasing after him he stopped running and came back standing in front of him again

” Are you being serious right now, what was that for, give me back my box” Nelson said

” Come and get it” Andrew replied moving backward

” Stop trying to play games with me, just give it back already it’s a gift”

” No, until you Chase after me” Andrew said stubbornly

” What the……”

” Get it, if you can” Andrew said and started running

” Are you crazy” Nelson said, he have no choice but to go after him

As Andrew was running, he bumped into Elena making her fell on the floor and the box flew away from his hand, it landed on the floor and everything inside it scattered out , Andrew looks shocked, he turned to rashes his anger on the person but the anger fade away immediately his eyes fell on Elena

” Ugh…. Are you ok” he asked in concerned, he bent down and hold her knee that has a little cut on it

” Ouch, be careful” Elena whined

” Sorry, lemme take you to the school clinic” Andrew said and went to carry her on the floor

” Elena, what happened to you?, Are you okay?” Nelson asked the moment he reached them and saw Elena on the floor, Andrew raised his head up

” Big bro, I’m fine” she replied, Nelson bent down check her knee

” You have a little cut here, let get you to the clinic” Nelson said and Elena smile, Andrew scoffed, he pushed Nelson’s hand away

” What are you doing, I went to take her to the school clinic” Nelson said looking at Andrew

” No, I’m the one who made her fall, I will take her there” Nelson stared at him unbelievably

” What, it doesn’t matter I’m her brother here, let me take care of her” Nelson said

” Never, I will never allow such, I can be her brother too, just stay away” Andrew snorted

” Why are you being so overprotective, huh, you don’t even know her” Nelson scoffed getting annoyed

” I just told you that I can be her brother too” Andrew replied with a shrugged

Elena stared at the two as they argue, she doesn’t know when tears slipped from her eyes, it feels too good to be true, she always wish she have a sibling who can stand up for her, just by seeing Nelson and Andrew she wished they are her real brothers

” Why are you crying, does your knee hurts alot” Andrew asked when he saw tears on her face

” It all your fault” Andrew glared at Nelson before scooping Elena in his arms in a bridal style and left, a smile escaped Nelson’s lips as he stared at his back

“So cute and troublesome” he muttered before turning to go

” Hey” Gabby said beside him

” Hi, when did you get here” he asked

” Just now, I called you yesterday but you didn’t pick, did I do something wrong” Gabby asked

” You called?, I’m very sorry, I was busy with something that was why…… ”

” Is okay, how are you doing”

” I’m okay, you”

” I’m fine and when are you coming to my house, my grandma has been asking about you” Gabby asked holding his hand

” I …… ”

” Candy……. ” Celine called excitedly coming to them

” Babe” Nelson said and give her a quick kiss on her lips

Gabby frozen on her spot, ‘candy, babe, kiss, are they dating now, so soon, then what about her’ she thought in her head

” Hey, Gabby” Celine said but she didn’t replied, she glared at Celine and ran away so she won’t break down in front of them

” Guess she h@ťě me” Celine said sadly

” I don’t think so, can you wait for me to the locker room, I will met you there” Nelson said in a pleading tone

” Yeah, sure” Celine replied and Nelson gave her a deep kiss before breaking it, he peck her forehead and left

” Gabby, wait up” Nelson said running after her

He grabbed her shoulders when he reached her and turned her around, he gasped when he saw her in tears

” What happened, why are you crying?” He asked

” Are you….. are you two dating?” she asked sobbing hard

” Yes, I was going to tell you, during break period ” he said and she scoffed

” Why, why are you suddenly dating her, it is because her ex boyfriend broke her heart and you want to mend it? Are you taking pity on her?, you never told me you love her” Gabby said tears rolling down her cheek

” I’m not taking pity on her, I love her sincerely, see Gabby I know you h@ťě her because of her behaviors but she changed, Celine is a changed person now”

” Do you think I care about her behaviors, I don’t give a f_ck about her but you, is you and only you I care about” she yelled this time

” What are you talking about” Nelson asked feeling confused

” I bet you haven’t experienced how it feels” she said

” Gabby you……. ”

” Don’t say anything, I want to be alone” she said and ran away, Nelson looked at her back wandering what could be wrong with her, he sighed and walked away


Celine was arranging her books in her locker when she feels someone hugging her from behind, she needs no soothsayer to tell her is Nelson

” You came back so fast” she said

” Yeah”

” Is she okay”

” She will be fine” Nelson said and squeeze her butt and she gasped

” What are you doing” Celine said in a whispered

” Touching my things” he replied before squeezing her butt again

” Can you just stop” Celine muttered

He turned her around and went to her lips

” Cute couple” Brooklyn beam coming towards them

” You guys are okay, no need of asking how you are doing” Brooklyn added

” Hey Brooklyn, what’s up, have you seen Dalia?” Celine asked with a smile, Brooklyn scoffed and ignored her question

” My money, I didn’t see any alert” Brooklyn said and Celine rolled her eyes

” You cheated and it was because of Nelson , I could have won” Celine replied

” What I didn’t cheat, you guys were making out in the pool and you expect me to just stand and wait for you” Brooklyn snorted

” Wh@ťěver, I will send you your money, happy now” she rolled

” Yes sweetie, see you guys in class” Brooklyn said and left

” It’s all your fault, I h@ťě defeat” Celine said glaring at Nelson

” Sorry baby, you were too hard to resist” he replied and lick his lower lip, Celine hit his chest lightly, he grabbed her hand and hugged her tight

” Let’s stay like this for a while” he muttered, Celine smile and closed her eyes hugging him More tight

Dalia look at herself in the mirror and smile, she adjusted her uniform showing her fresh thighs

Carl grabbed her @zz from behind and she gasped, They were in the lounge

” What do you think you doing” she asked trying to free herself from his grip

” I miss you baby, you have been avoiding me” Carl said and squeeze one of her B-__-bs hard

” Get your hands off me this instant” she said in a warning tone and Carl turned her around looking into her eyes

” What is wrong, I miss you like crazy, I’m d@mn f_cking hard right now” Carl said, Dalia pushed him away lightly and step back

” I’m not doing that $h|t anymore, I’m love, go look for someone else” Dalia replied and walked out of the lounge, she will go and get her books to her locker before going to class

She went to the locker and gasped as the sight in front of her

‘ Celine is in school, but.. but.. but why is she kissing Nelson, is not what she is thinking right, no, never, he can’t date her, she must be forcing herself on him, Ɓîtçh’ she thought in her head and started walking towards them to give Celine a piece of mind

” I love you baby” Nelson muttered when he broke the kiss

Dalia stopped on her track when she heard Nelson saying he loves Celine

” No!!!!” She screamed tears finally pouring on her cheeks

” Never, it’s not true, noooooo!!!!!!!!” She screamed like a mannic and pass out


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