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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BULLY – Episode 38

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Mr Smith look around and that is when he saw Nelson

” You are……”

” My boyfriend” Celine replied before her father could even complete, Mr Smith glance at Celine before turning to Nelson

” What is your name” he asked

” My name is Nelson Tyler” Nelson replied

” Your parents, their qualifications?” he asked again and Nelson gulped down his saliva

” My father is late, my mother is a waiter” he replied nervously

” I will like to have a word with you, can we go some where private, since you are done with your food”

” Uhm yes sir” he replied and stood up, Celine also did the same

” Where are you going young lady, sit down” Mr Smith said but she shook her head stubbornly

” I want to follow too” she replied holding Nelson’s hand

” Celine please sit down, your father is not chase him out of the house he only wants to talk to him, okay ” Mrs Helen said, Celine peck Nelson’s cheek, she reluctantly released Nelson’s hand before sitting down

Mr Smith walked out of the dinning room and Nelson follow behind

They walked passed the sitting room and entered a room beside it

” Take your sit” Mr Smith said gestured at a couch, Nelson join his sweating hands together before sitting down

” Do you really love my daughter” Mr Smith asked

” Yes, Sir”

” What makes you fall in love with her, her beauty or because her parents are rich”

” None of them, I fell in love with her for no reason”

” Hmmm, why should I believe you, commoners like you are very cunny, looking for a way to survive” Mr Smith said

” I’m poor but what my mother provide for me is enough, I love Celine genuinely, is not out of pretence we love each other” Mr Smith smile and touch his hair

” I admire your courage, my elder brother lack it when he was around your age and ended up committing suicide, you are so bold and determine, I love your confident keep it up” Mr Smith said and sat beside him

” I’m not against your relationship with my daughter, but please don’t hurt her, I h@ťě seeing her in pains, don’t break her heart, I don’t care becoming a monster to hurt down who makes her cry” Mr Smith said seriously

” I won’t sir, I crossed my mind” Nelson replied

” You can call me dad”

” Huh”

” Yes you are my…….” The door opened and Celine entered before closing it back

” I’m sorry, I ran out of patience”

” Were you scared, you don’t trust your father, gosh I’m hurt” Mr Smith said pretending to be hurt

” I trust you dad, It just that….” She bite her lips not knowing what to say again

” Come here” Mr Smith said and she went closer, he hugged her and kiss her hair

” Don’t break his heart okay” he whispered and she nodded her head, he signal Nelson to come, he came and join the hug, he kiss Celine’s forehead before kissing Nelson

” Don’t betrayed each other, okay” Mr Smith said and they nodded

” I think I’m done here, let me leave you two alone” he added and left the room, Celine face Nelson immediately

” What did you two talk about”

” Is a secret” Nelson grinned

” Please tell me, I really want to know what you guys discussed”

” We discussed about you”

” Huh, me?

” Yes, he told me you are scared of spiders” he said and Celine’s eyes widened

” But he promised not to tell anyone about it” Celine pouted her lips

” Are you really scared of spiders”

” That’s not true, he was…… ”

” Your father didn’t tell me anything, I found out on my own” he said and peck her lips

” Kiss me” she muttered, he leaned forward to capture her lips but the door opened again , Nelson groaned

“Who is in for a swimming competition, 100, 000 dollars for the winner” Brooklyn said coming in

” Oops, sorry for interrupting, I will be waiting for you guys outside” she said and walked out

” This house is paradise” they could heard Brooklyn screaming, Celine chuckled before facing Nelson again

” Do you want to swim” Nelson asked and Celine nodded, he kissed her shortly before breaking it

“Let go and change first, if I reached there before you, no kissing for today but if you reached before me, I will do anything you asked me to do today” Celine said and Nelson grinned

” I’m in” Nelson replied and Celine ran out before he could know it

” You are cheating, come back here” he said running after her


Dalia came out of the car with a wide smile on her face, now that Celine is changing school she will be the only one to get Nelson’s attention

” That Gabby is nothing, Celine is the only problem here but she is gone ” she said remembering how Nelson ran in the rain because of Celine and then today she saw some of Nelson’s pictures in Celine’s phone

” That snitch, I’m sure she is love with him, but not under my watch” she muttered climbing the stairs

She walked passed his father’s door but stopped when she saw it opened

‘ Is he around’ she thought before entering inside the room, she saw her father staring at a picture, she became curious and walked closer

” Dad, you are home”

“What are you doing here” she ignored his question and collected the picture from him

” Your old friends” they were five in the picture, including her father, smiling brightly, two boys and three girls

” Yes” he replied and Dalia smile at least he is talking to her today

” Where are they, dead?” Dalia asked and Mr Paulson smile sadly

” Two of them are dead, the other two I don’t know where they are, betrayals broke our friendship” Dalia look at his father with pity, he never shared his past with anyone

” This one looks so much like Celine’s mom, is just that she have short hair” Dalia said pointing at a girl in the picture

” That is Helen, she is dead, and this two are twins, Maria and ivy, then this one in the middle is Derek, Maria is dead also”

” Was this Maria your lover, see how you were looking at her, with so much love in your eyes”

” Go to your room Dalia, I don’t want to talk about it”

” But, I really want to know about your past”

” My past is not something to talk about just leave my room”

” Ok” she muttered before going out of the room

” Always cold, gosh”

” You should be grateful, he talked to you today” Carla said and Dalia frown

” What are you doing here, don’t tell me you were eavesdropping”

” I’m sorry, I just want to know his past and help him over come it…..”

” Look here Carla, my father doesn’t love you, just stop trying and stayed on your line, hope you understand” she said sternly and walked passed her


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