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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HIS BADDIE NERD – Episode 67 & 68

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{……Love me like I do❤️…}

Theme:Her innocence


By;Princess Gold U.







He let out a sad smile before removing one of the pills from the packet. He took a deep breathe before proceeding to take the drugs but someone hit him from behind making the pills fall from his hand.

He narrowed his gaze at Vince, who glared daggers at him trying had to steady his breathe. He had obviously ran all the way as he was breathing heavily.

“Are you crazy!? What am I even saying? Obviously, you are crazy! What were you about to do? For what d@mn reason! Don’t you think at all? You have a family who is waiting for you to come home but you result to doing this” He eyed Twinkle in disgust.

Twinkle just looked at him blankly.

“Why would you even think of taking your life? Do you think this is going to solve wh@ťěver? Suicide is never the option! I know you are hurting but there are several ways to heal rather than shutting yourself from the rest of the world” He spat angrily.

Twinkle looked at him for a while and shockingly, tears started rolling down his both cheeks. Vince’s eyes flew open, he had never seen Twinkle cry, he is the type to hide his pains and tears. He moved closer to him before pulling him into a brotherly hug.

“I miss her, I can’t even think right when she is not with me. Life has lots its essence to me, I just want to go to her…. my life line” Twinkle cried in his shoulder.

“It’s fine okay? Cry all you want, don’t hold it back in” Vince said giving him continuous comforting pat on his back.



Nuella adjusted her glasses as she looked up from the screen, she was trying to balance the account for the day. She jotted some fugures down before going back to the system.

“Aren’t you done? I’ve been waiting for what seems like ages” Alexander let out a groan.

“Just a few mintues” She retorted without even sparing him a glance.

“Now that’s enough!” Alexander said before standing up, drawing the chair backwards noisily. He walked to her own side to the table before carrying her up in a bridal style.

“Put me down! What are you doing? I still have some work to do!” She protested raising her legs in the air. He leaned closer before shutting her up with a kiss.

“It’s past the closing time and I want to take my girlfriend home” He said, he used a hand to shut the laptop before taking her out of the restuarant.

“Fine…. let me just lock up okay?” She said and he gently dropped her down. She switched off the lights and also locked the door too.

“Now you can have me all to yourself” She smiled brightly at him with her both hands stretched out. He pulled her into a deep hug right there.

“I love you so much babe” He said stroking her hair fondly.

“I know” She replied instead making him pull out of the hug with an amused look.

“Are you always different? Is that the reply to what I said? You should say I love you more” He said.

“I love you more” She mimicked him and then bursted into laughter. Alexander grabbed her closer to himself by her waist.

“You really need some spanking down you?” He whispered in her ears making her shiver as his cold breathe came in contact with her skin.

“What are you doing?” She inquired with an edgy breathe, her voice came out almost in whisper.

He trailed wet kisses from her neck to her collarbone which he sucked on. Nuella released a muffled Mõ@ɲ as he sucked on that particular spot, making sure he leaves an hickey.

“You both should get a room and stop doing that on public, there are people watching” A passerby said with a deep grunt before walking away.

Nuella pulled Alexander shyly covering her face with her hand in embarrassment. She shoved him away before getting into the car.

Well, since the incident, Alex had her stay with him rather than the orphanage. As for Gracie’s orphanage, the government has taken over it since the owner is no more. The kids are properly taken care of.



May covered Twinkle up with the duvet, he moved his hair backwards as a part of it has fallen on his face. She let out a sigh in relief as she watched him sleep peacefully.

She stood up after a while and meant to leave but Twinkle’s hand gripped her tightly, restricting her movement.

“Rose…. don’t go please, I miss you….”

Those words fell from his lips, tears rolled down his cheeks even in his sleep. May couldn’t help but breakdown on seeing the sight.

She took her phone before dialing a number.

“It’s time” She said into the phone.



Mr Jones reclined on his chair, he scanned around the office and nodded in satisfaction, the smile not leaving his face.

What more does he wants? He has the conglomerate all to himself, money, wealth, prestige, honour…. Just name it. Life has been going on smoothly for him after the incident, he has no one to challenge him, not even May as the will had been destroyed by him. Rose died too, keeping to an update her body was not found in the sea so it was concluded that she had been eaten by creatures in the sea.

Luckily for him, May didn’t press charges too and he is living as a free man.

The door suddenly flung open, a frown appeared on his face as he turned to look at the intruder. His secretary came in with a tablet in his hand in panic.

“What is it?” He inquired, Mr Jones’ anger leveled down to inquiditiveness as he noticed his( The secretary’s ) countenance.

“Sir… I think you should check this out” The secretary said handing him the tablet. Mr Jones grabbed it from him instantly.

“BK CONGLOMERATE IS HAVING A MURDERER AS A CHAIRMAN” The caption alone threw him off balance.

“The current chairman of BK conglomerate who goes by the name, MR JONES POCKER was once a personal assistant to MR LAWRENCE who was the founder of BK conglomerate. To get the conglomerate to be his, he had done a lot which included ki||ing the founder of the conglomerate and lots of other atrocities. Here is my evidence below…..

Mr Jones continued reading with so much unease. He kept on scrolling till he got to the comment section.




The comments went on and on, Mr Jones kept on reading them until he couldn’t. The phone fell from his hand in shock. How things could suddenly change with just a blink of an eye.

“Call the media team to take this off!! I want it to be brought down!” Mr Jones screamed at the top of his voice. He paced around the office anxiously and in confusion, not knowing what to do.

“They’ve tried their best, even the website appears unhackable and the post is really going viral” The secretary replied

The clip was posted about twenty minutes ago and it is having about 1M views, 891K reaction( angry reaction precisely) and 1M comments too.

“$h|t” Mr Jones cursed running his hand through his hair.

“The board of directors…. they… are on their way here, they called for an exigent meeting”


“A lot are demanding that you step down from your position in the conglomerate. The share holders are withdrawing their support. The stock is plummeting, there is really no way out of this” The secretary added.

“No, there should be a way…. Get ready for the meeting” Mr Jones said.

“I worked so hard for this and I can’t just give up like this. The conglomerate is mine and I won’t allow someone else to take what belongs to me!” He added.

He turned to see the secretary still there and that made his anger boil even more.

“Will you just get out!” He snapped angrily, transferring his aggression at him. The secretary scampered off immediately.

Mr Jones cleared all of the files on the table angrily, he started laying his hand on anything he sees.



The board of directors are all seated with Mr Jones who was sweating even under the air conditioned room. He had not been able to answer any of the questions he had been receiving from the shareholders.

“Speak up Mr Jones” One of them said with a look of displease. Mr Jones scanned around the room only to meet pairs of inquisitive eyes, staring back at him. They were all waiting for him to speak.

He opened his mouth to talk but no words came out, there was nothing to say, the evidence were there already. What else would be say when the proof was glaring at him in the face?

“The stock just dropped by five hundred thousand dollars, a lot of shareholders have withdrawn their shares and are selling it out” One of the directors exclaimed checkinghis phone.

“That’s it…. in agreement with the board of directors, we would cast a vote for your hand over of authority as the Chairman of BK conglomerate” The oldest member of the board said. Mr Jones sighed in despair.

“If you want Mr Jones Pocker to step down as the chairman of this conglomerate, press on the button in front of you and the votes would be counted automatically on the screen” The same man added.

Mr Jones scanned the entire board members, there are thirty in number. The estimated the number of people that will vote for him and a small smile appeared on his face, he still has hope.

“And if you are against his stepping down, you can just not do anything” The man said before pressing on the button in front of him, he was the first to vote.

The button made a ting sound and his vote was counted instantly on the screen. It reads ones vote.

The rest exchanged glances with each other. Then another ting sound came and then another and then another and then another and then another….. it kept on going that way, driving Mr Jones nuts.

“Can you just stop!?” He yelled at the top of his voice. They ignored him and continued with their business. There are now twenty nine votes in total

“Arrgh” Mr Jones scarred loudly like he is mentally deranged as the last ting sound came. They had all voted him out…..

“What the hell is going on here? Is this a plan work? Did you all gang up against me? Who paid you to do this?” Mr Jones questioned with furry but he got no reply from any of the board members, it was as if he is just bluffing.

“Answer me!!” He yelled grabbing the collar of the man closest to him. The man gave him a shove making him stagger backwards.

“Who are you going to appoint as the chairman? Who is taking my place? There is no better person than me! I own this place, the conglomerate is mine!!” Mr Jones shouted.

“No…. I own this place, the conglomerate is mine and not yours” a feminine voice came up causing Mr Jones eyes to dart around.

The door to the meeting room opened and then she appeared just at the door. She was dressed in a blue suit and had a pair of sunglasses on. She removed the sunglasses before tucking her hair behind her ear.

The flickers from the camera lights never stopped, the press were there too, taking pictures and videos from behind as she stepped into the meeting room.

“Ro….r..rose….rose” Mr Jones found himself stuttering as he moved backwards without knowing. Everything was in slow mode to him as he watched her advanced forward. Her heels made clicking sounds as she walked.

May was just beside her with a file in her hand, she has a bright smile on her face as she stared menacingly at Mr Jones who was in oblivious shock.

“Yes…. that’s my name, Rose Bright” She answered, there was something about her that he just can’t pinpoint…. yes…. the aura that surrounds her. She stared at him with a cold and dominating look. Her expression was blank, just blank that you can’t can’t what is going on in her mind.

“No… how did you….. ghost! It’s a ghost!” Mr Jones shouted in in fright as he continued moving backwards.



Twinkle watched the television screen uninterestingly. He grabbed the remote to switch it off but then something caught a his attention.

He narrowed his gaze at the Tv screen which showed Rose. His eyes lit up immediately, he could feel unknown energy surging through him.

“My life line” He muttered standing up from the couch he was sitting on. He dashed out of the house immediately.

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