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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BADDIE NERD – Episode 61 & 62

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{……Love me like I do❤️…}

Theme:Her innocence


By;Princess Gold U.







Nuella played with her fingers nervously as she waited for Mrs Newton to speak, she had been doing nothing but staring at her the whole time.

“What do you love about Alex?” She finally said.

“I love him because he’s Alexander” Nuella replied, raising a brow. She was not sure of the answer she just gave.

Mrs Newton smiled briefly before taking Nuella’s hand and carresing it slowly.

“I’m sorry for the way I reacted the other day, I am just being careful. Alexander is actually my only son, his dad died few weeks after I birthed him. I had to take over the running of the business and left him in the care of maids, we never had our own lovely moments together as I was always busy. I know it’s late for me to be saying this but I just want the best for him and nothing else. I’ve never seen him fight over something but he did because of you. He fought for you. He obviously likes you well enough to put that ring on your finger” Mrs Newton said.

Nuella just say still listening to her patently.

“You have my permission to date him dear but please, don’t ever leave him stranded, stick to his side always” Mrs Newton added.

Nuella’s eyes brightened as soon as she heard that.

“Does that mean…. we can date freely?” She asked wanting to be sure of what she just heard. Mrs Newton smiled lightly before nodding her head.

Just then the door bursted open and Alexander stormed in. He grabbed Nuella’s hand making her stand up from the chair. He his her behind him making himself as a sort of defense before turning to his mother angrily. One of his trusted guards had actually informed him off his mom’s destination.

“I think I’ve heard enough of this! How dare thou come in here to thr_@ten her? Who the hell do yuh think you are? Because I brought her to you, you think I need your d@mn approval yup date her? I don’t even see you as a mother figure. You were never there when I was growing up and now you really think I’ll listen to you? I’ll date her and trust me……

Alex paused on his words as Nuella punched him making turn to look at her.

“She agreed to allow us date” She called out in a whisper.


Alexander turned to Mrs Newton in disbelief, she just smiled with a head nod. That was all he needed to confirm his suspicions. He grabbed Nuella before slamming his lips on hers.

Mrs Newton watched them with a small smile, all Alexander had said earlier had pricked her.



Twinkle stared at her like she has gone nuts, obviously she had gone nuts. A drop frown settled on his face as he stared at her with a look of disgust.

Beryl moved closer, standing on tiptoe, she meant to kiss him but he pushed her away, not even giving her the chance to get close to him.

“What the hell is that?” He queried

“I just said what I wanted and is that too much for you to do?” She retorted, moving closer to him again. Twinkle shifted backwards this time.

“I have a girlfriend, Beryl” Twinkle’s said with a loud scoff.

“And it’s the same girlfriend I saved her life by telling you the location!” She snaked, slowly getting pissed off.

“And I ready appreciate you for that! What do you want in return? Money! I’ll give you enough” Twinkle said

“I don’t want your money Twinkle! I want you instead!” Beryl said.

Catching Twinkle off guard, she managed to slam her lips on his but he shoved her away roughly making her land her butt on the floor.

“Enough of this madness Beryl! It’s high time you stop wh@ťěver it is that you are doing and come to terms that we can’t be together. I don’t even feel anything for you. Listen, you can be a better person. The same heart that moved to you text me earlier, that’s the Beryl I know. I’m sure you will find someone better who will love you for who you are, who will understand you more than anyone else…… Just… give up on me cause you are fighting a lost cause, I have someone I love already” Twinkle said.

He gave Beryl a brief and final stare before walking off. Beryl remained on the floor as she allowed Twinkle’s word to sink into her. She slowly bursted into tears, crying loudly.

Twinkle felt a arm wrapped behind him making him flinch. He was just at the door leading to the rooftop

“I love you so much Knight” He heard her voice making him smile. He turned to face her immediately.

“What are you doing here?” He asked

“I followed you here and I heard everything” She replied with a bright smile. Twinkle leaned closer to kiss her lips but she pushed his head off.

“Not that lips that she kissed” She muttered looking away.

“Come on babe! I pushed her away as soon as I can” Twinkle laughed.

“You have no idea how I held myself not to storm to the scene” She mumbled

“You knew your boyfriend will handle it well right?” Twinkle said with a proud grin.

“Wh@ťěver” She rolled her eyeballs.

“The basketball game will be starting soon, you should go and dress up” She agreed, pushing him away from her.

“Just one kiss please” He begged with a cute pout.

“No, you should clean your lips first” She replied. Twinkle quickly got an handkerchief from his pocket and used it on his lips before turning to her.

Rose smiled at him before going closer, their lips met in perfect sync.


“Vince! Wait up” Vince heard a familiar voice, without turning to know who spoke, he already knew the person.

“Hey!” Ciara called almost breathlessly

“How’ve you been?” She inquired with a smile causing a frown to appear on Vince’s face.

“Why is she suddenly being this way?” He wondered trying hard not to spare her a glance but she shoved her face right in front of him.

“It’s been a while” She said, the smile not leaving her face.

Vince stopped walking and released a groan.

“What is it? Why are you being like?” He questioned with a slight frown.

“I missed you” She said and that made his frown deepen.

“Is she kidding me right now?” He gave her a look of disbelief.

“I missed us too” She added bitting her bottom lips in a s£xy way but that only annoyed Vince the more.

He pushed her off his path before walking away but being Ciara, she followed him immediately.

“Babe” Ariel said rushing towards Vince, she hugged before Ciara could get to him. Vince looked at her confused but she gave him a look to play along. He slowly wrapped his hand around her waist.

“d@mn you both!” Ciara said clenching her fist tightly as she watched Vince take Ariel away.


Ariel smiled nervously, tucking her hair behind her ears as she waited for him to speak. Vince just stared at her blankly with his both hands on his pocket.

“Why did you do it?” He finally spoke in a cold voice.

“I just…. I saw what she was doing and I just thought you needed my help” Ariel answered in a low voice. She bowed her head shyly as she couldn’t bring herself to look at his handsome face, she might just lose her sense of coordination and do the unthinkable.

“I don’t think that was necessary, thanks anyways” He said and meant to leave but she held him back. Vince trailed his eyes from her hand which gripped tightly on his shirt to her face, with a raised eyebrow.

“How about we fake dating for a few months? That might just push her away completely as she doesn’t look like the one who would back down easily” Ariel proposed.

Vince looked at her quizzically.

“Take it as an offer from me” She added after a while. The silence made her uncomfortable. She slowly let go of his shirt before forcing a smile.

“Alright” His voice came just as she was about rushing off.

“Huh?” She turned to face him immediately with bright eyes. He let out a chuckle on seeing the look on her face.

“You heard me right” He retorted before walking away.







Screams and loud cheering erupted from the crowd as soon as the players stepped out. Twinkle is the captain of his team while Bluey was the captain of his.

The refree blew the whistle and the game commenced. Bluey handled the ball like and expert and at the first leap, he threw the ball and it went directly into the net causing screams.

Rose let out a sad pout, her entire attention was on Twinkle and no one else. To her, he is the only one on the field.

Her phone suddenly buzzed loudly and she took it out. It’s a message from Miss Gracie, that was when she realized that she left the last message unreplied to.

“You didn’t say anything…. are you still mad at me?” It reads.

Rose sighed deeply not knowing what to type as a reply.

“I just want to see your face, I missed staring at that cute face of yours. I missed stroking your hair too. And I want you to have dinner with us, Nuella and the rest of the kids. You grew up here remember?” Another one came.

“Fine, I’ll be there” Rose sent a reply.

“Really?” Miss Gracie text came almost immediately.

“Yeah, by evening” She answered

“Alright, I’ll be expecting you by then. Make sure you keep to your promise okay?”Miss Gracie texted back. Rose furrowed her brows scrolling to the beginning of the chat. The v last time she checked, Miss Gracie is not the social media type and would rather call if she has something to say.

She was still lost in her thoughts when loud cheerings came from the crowd and that made her divert her attention back to the game.

Twinkle had just scored two goals for his team. The refree soon blew his whistle which signalled the end of the game.



Rose clapped happily, “That’s my boyfriend” She was screaming in her head.

“My knight!” She joined the crowd to, calling him in a loud voice and surprisingly he heard and he turned to her direction.

He waved at her before blowing kisses.

Rose palmed her face shyly as her both cheeks turn red into a deep blush.




“Amidst the cheers and attention from a while lot, my eyes sees only you life line” She heard a voice whispered in her ears.

She didnt even notice when he got to her as she had her hand covering her face the whole time.

“What are you doing here?” She whispers back gently pushing him away. She was not used to being the centre of attention.

“Your voice called me here, life line” He said and like that he smashed his lips on her, kissing her in front of the students and everyone around.

Rose lips parted in shock as she wasn’t expecting that, she was so nervous and shy that she forgot to kiss him back.

He broke the kiss briefly before cupping her both cheeks making sure that her eyes were on him alone.

“Kiss me back, life line” He muttered and like that, he claimed her lips again. Rose held into his shirt as she slowly started kissing him back.



He broke the kiss after a while before tucking her hair behind her ear.

“Your lips is a boaster for me, I actually came to recharge myself” He said with a wink before jogging back to the basketball court as it was almost time for them to begin the next round.

Rose bit her bottom lips trying to stop herself from exploding as the joy was too much for her to contain.



Twinkle pouted cutely as he watched Rose dressed up, she is actually preparing for her visi to the orphanage.

“Can you not go? We can both go tomorrow” Twinkle said, sighing deeply.

“I just have to okay? I promised her already, I’ll be back before you know it” She answered quickly, using a brush on her hair. She applied a light lipstick and she was set to go.

“A kiss” He stood up, moving closer to her.

“You are going to ruin my lipstick” She retorted, she blew kisses at him instead.

“I want a real kiss though” He muttered giving her that look that she dare not resist. She gave him a light pack before leaving the room.

“Can’t believe I’m missing her when she just left” He muttered ruffling his hair frustradedly.



Rose entered the place beaming in smiles as the familiar scents hits her, it’s the place she has grown up to call home, the place she spent her entire childhood.

There was no one in sight as obviously, most of them has not returned from school.

She opened the door to Miss Graice’s price which was almost at the entrance, it is the first door you’ll come across from the entrance.

“Miss Gracie!” She called happily, entering the office fully. Her mood suddenly switched as she stared at the scene that greeted her. Panic and fear rose in her immediately.

“It’s been a while” Mr Jones said with a dark smile. Rose’s eyes shifted from him to Miss Gracie who was sprawling on the floor, battered. There were wounds all over her body and bloods were oozing from an affected area in her head.

Rose swallowed into nothing as she averted her gaze back to Mr Jones who had that smile on his face, a smile that shows victory

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