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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BADDIE NERD – Episode 57 & 58

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{……Love me like I do❤️…}

Theme:Her innocence


By;Princess Gold U.







A smirk appeared on Mrs Newton’s face as she watched Nuella pick the money. She had actually expected that. Who would see such a huge amount of money and still ignore it?

“Yeah…. that’s it, bend down and pick as much as you want. This shows that you will always be beneath him, you are no where near his class” Mrs Newton said with a satisfactory smile.

Nuella didn’t say a word but she continued picking the money and soon, she was done. She stood up with a smile on her face.

“And I think that would be enough to you to leave my son, I’ll give you more if you still want but let me sound this as a warning to you, stay clear away from him. If it’s possible, leave the country” Mrs Newton said.

Nuella stretched forth her hand, which held the money, to Mrs Newton who raised her brows obviously confused.

“I don’t think I need this” She said calmly

“Yes I am poor but I still have one thing called dignity. I love Alexander ma’am and nothing is ever going to change that. Money, time….. come what may, my love for him still stays. And I apologize for not being up to his class, I should probably raise my standard high too” Nuella said. Mrs Newton’s mouth went agape, she wasn’t expecting that from Nuella

“And let me also sound this as a warning to you too, don’t you dare show up at my face to propose $h|tty stuffs like this. If you want to buy me over then you should have at least brought a trillion dollar or there about, then we can talk” She added before walking off leaving Mrs Newton totally speechless.


A smile appeared on Alexander’s face as he saw Nuella stepping out of the cafe. His mother had called him earlier and had handed him the earpuds saying that she has something to prove to him.

He quickly stepped out of the car and walked over to her. He grabbed Nuella suddenly by her arm

“You scared me!” She remarked hitting him lightly on his shoulder but that had no effect on him. He just continued pulling to his car.

“What are you doing? Where are you taking me to?” She said loudly but she didn’t get a reply until they got to his car. He opened the door for her and pushed her in gently. He moved to the driver’s side and entered the car too.

“Don’t you know that taking someone without permission is called kidnapping?” Nuella said with a slight frown

“If this is called kidnapping then I don’t mind being called a kidnapper. You should be glad that you are having such a handsome dude like me as a kidnapper, you might just rape me if I am not careful” Alexander joked only to receive a deadly glare from Nuella.

“I love you babe” He said out of the blues looking serious than ever.

“I love you more and nothing will ever change that” She answered with a small smile.



“I’m not interested in eating, I’ll be at the library instead” Rose said before walking off, she didn’t even wait to get a response from Ariel.

“She has been acting this way since morning, I wonder what is wrong with her though” Ariel thought with a slight shrug.

Just as she turned, her gaze landed on Vince who was coming the opposite direction. She cleared her throat before adjusting her dress. She was screaming madly within her but tried her best to act natural.

Just as she got to him, she intentionally missed her steps and almost fell down but Vince was quick to grab her.

“You should be not careful next time” He said in his usual calm voice. He made sure that she had balanced her feet firmly before letting go of her.

“Thank you” She muttered shyly, her both cheeks had turned red already. She watched his back view beaming in all smiles.

“He touched me, he spoke to me too, He’s so cute from close up!” She squealed happily

“I think I am falling for him even more” She added touching her chest dramatically.



Rose stood on her tiptoe trying to take a book from the shelf but no matter how far she stretched her hand, she just couldn’t reach it the book.

She suddenly felt a presence beside her and judging by his scent, she already knew who it was. He helped her with the book

“My shortie girlfriend” He said, his hit breathe fanned her neck causing tingling sensations in her.

“Thanks for your help” She said simply trying to walk away but Twinkle held her back. He pinned her to the shelf before leaning closer, his eyes searching hers curiously.

“Did anyone offend you?” He asked



“You” She snapped in reply, her response threw him off guard.

“What did I do?” Twinkle inquired, the look he received from Rose alone was enough to set his thinking straight. He started ransacking his brain for possible answers but he got none. Rose just stood there, staring at no where in particular with her hand wrapped just below her B-__-bs.

“Babe” He called after a while.

“Hope you had a nice at the $h00t? Why are you back so early? You should probably be out there catching fun with her, besides, she has a large B-__-bs too, just exactly your type” Rose said with pure sarcasm, jealousy could n noted in her voice.

“Is it because of the $h00t? It was just a $h00t, life line. Nothing more and nothing less, there is no need for you to get jealous okay? Just know that I am all yours, every part of me is yours” He said

“And she didn’t hit on you after the $h00t?” Rose eyes him doubtingly

“She did but I turned her down, I told her that I have a jealous girlfriend who wouldn’t hesitate to punish me if I go out with anyone else aside from her” Twinkle answered

“Why are you so handsome?” Rose said with a cute pout. She raised her hand to scatter Twinkle’s hair, the hair came out invriugh coils and due to the length, the bangs covered a part of his face.

“Now you look hot, can’t you be ugly for once?” She added and that got Twinkle laughing.

“Are you charmed by my handsomeness too? Well luckily for you, this handsome face is all yours to crush on” Twinkle replied

“I refuse to blush” Rose muttered looking away, Twinkle held her by her chin instead, putting her head in place, he gave a deep long kiss which she reciprocated almost immediately. Her hand went to his hair and it settled there as they kissed passionately without minding if anyone was around, it was like they in the only ones in the world, their own world.

“Excuse me, are you here to read or to…. uhm…do that” The librarian said appearing out of nowhere. Rose quickly broke the kiss and stepped behind Twinkle feeling embarrsed. Who could have thought that she would also be making out publicly?

“I want to read my girlfriend instead of books, is that a crime?” Twinkle retorted


Twinkle grabbed Rose’s hand before running off with her.

“You lousy brat! Come back here!” The librarian called after them.



Nuella skipped happily down the alley, luckily for her it was bright enough for her to make her way through. She had actually declined Alex’s offer to take her home saying that she wants to exercise her legs a little

The atmosphere suddenly changed as she took a sharp bend, she suddenly felt uneasy and that made her extra cautious. She took her phone and switched on the torchlight since the light in the alley are dimly-litted.

She heard footsteps behind her and taht got her swallowing into nothing. She took a deep breathe trying to calm her nerves and not to flare up.

The footsteps drew near and she didn’t even know when she increased her pace and shockingly, the person did the same. At this point, she knew that she is obviously being followed.

She stopped right on her track before turning to face the person who was dressed in all black, he even had a mask on. The only part of his body that she could see was his eyes.

“You know, it’s cowardly to pursue someone from behind. You should man up and face me if you want a fight” Nuella said titling her head sideways. Nuella is actually a black belt holder in judo.

“Quite brave huh?” The man said bringing out a pocket knife and with that he launched towards Nuella who dodged the first attack ski||fully.

She somersaulted away from the man before standing back on her feet.

“Not bad” The man said before rushing towards her again with the knife still in his hand. Nuella greeted him with a flying kick and that sent him to the floor. He stood up almost immediately charging towards her, more ferociously this time.

He raised the knife to stab her but she went backwards, narrowly avoiding the cut. She was not so lucky as he used the knife in her again. The knife have her a deep cut just slightly above her shoulder.

A frown escaped from her lips as he moved backwards immediately. A strong arm pulled her from behind and pressed a sedated handkerchief on her nose. She struggled for a bit but she couldn’t withstand the effect of the sedatives and she slowly drifted into slumber.

“Boss, we got her” The man who had a fight with Nuella said into a phone. The other man threw Nuella upon his shoulder and they both took her away.



Rose looked up from the book she was reading, she has been reading for hours and haven’t had dinner yet. Her stomach grumbled loudly that was when she raised her head to look at the time, she didn’t even notice that the time was far spent already.

“I’m so hungry” She whined standing up from the reading table. She grabbed her phone and headed for the door. It was at this point that her phone buzzed loudly. It was a message from an unknown number.

“Look who we have here?” She read the message, she furrowed her brows looking confused. Before she could type a reply another message came in, it is a picture actually. Nuella was tied to a chair, she had a gag on her mouth and she was bleeding from her head. There were cuts and bruises all over her body.

Another message came in;

“The abandoned container at Yuul’s intersection. Meet me there if you want her alive” it reads

“Oh no” Rose muttered, without a second thought, she dashed out of the room.



Rose entered the abandoned container breathing heavily. She had actually ran from the intersection where the cab had dropped her to the container.

“Hello?” She called out, her voice and echoed due to the fact the place was empty.

“Anyone here!” She said after a while as she got no reply the first time.

She scanned the entire place with bloodshot eyes, she wouldn’t able to forgive herself if anything happens to Nuella.

“Stay safe for me please” She mumbled

Her eyes sighted a door slightly opened and she moved closer to it. The door made creaking sounds as she opened it.

Nuella was in there!

Her hands were tied to the back of the chair and her mouth was gaged with a piece of clothing too. Blood was dropping from her forehead and her face was looking really pale.

“Nuella” Rose called rushing to her immediately. Nuella’s eyes suddenly widened and fear became evident in them.

“Bang!” That was the last thing she heard before she blacked out.

The man took his phone and dialed MrJones number which he picked almost immediately

“What’s the news?” His voice came from the other end.

“We got her” The man replied in an husky voice.




“We got her, Rose Thompson is now with us” The man said over the phone causing a smile to appear on Mr Jones face.

“Now that I what I am talking about, this is exactly what I want, this is called results and not some bunch of crap you call excuses” Mr Jones said, happiness was evidently in his voice.

“We are at the Yuul’s intersection, at the abandoned container” The man said from the other end.

Meanwhile, A frown appeared on Beryl’s face as she eavesdropped at the phone conversation since the phone was on loud speaker, it was clear enough to hear everything being said. She had actually wanted to talk to her dad but she stopped at the door step.

“They’ve got Rose? But what for?” She wondered, her face had turned pale as lots of thoughts flashed through her mind as she walked back to her room, trying hard not to make a sound.

She got her phone and then sent a message to Twinkle.



Twinkle stared at the message he got from Beryl for a long time with arched brow, he re-read the message but he was still confused.


“Rose should probably be in her room, what is she talking about?” He thought to himself. He went back to his laptop not bothering to give the message a second thought.

He suddenly stopped pinging and ran his hand through his hair. He was feeling uneasy somehow. He took a deep breathe before standing up from his hair.

“I don’t know why I am doing this” He mumbled.


“Babe” He knocked on Rose’s door, he waited briefly but he got no response.

“Life line” He called again, this time his voice was louder than the first time. He twisted the knob and luckily, the door was opened and he went in.

His heart skipped beats as the empty room greeted him.

“Could she be in the bathroom?” He asked himself before going to open the door. It was empty too.

“Rose!” He called loudly.

The door opened and May came in.

“Is anything the matter? I heard your voice” She said with a raised eyebrow.

“Is Rose in the living room or perhaps in the kitchen?” Twinkle asked.

“No….. I came to call her for dinner, is she not in” May retorted.

“$h|t” Twinkle cussed throwing his head backwards in frustration and anger. He showed May the message he got from Beryl.

“I’m off” He said before rushing out.

A smirk appeared on May’s face

“I guess the battle has started Mr Jones, hope you’ll be able to finish what you started” She said before taking her phone and she contacted the police.



Rose opened her eyes slightly, she scanned the environment briefly before shutting them back. A groan escaped her lips as her head was banging seriously.

“Boss, she is awake” She heard a voice and that made her open her eyes fully.

“Hope you had a great nap?” A not so familiar voice said. The room was dimly litted so she couldn’t see the face of the person.

“Rose” She heard Nuella’s voice just beside her. Rose tried moving but she couldn’t as her both hands had been tied to the back of the chair, same as Nuella.

“Nuella! Are you okay? Hope you aren’t hurt?” Rose asked Nuella.

“I’m fine, what about you?” Nuella replied.

“Now I’m sad, I asked you a question but you didn’t reply me” The man said again and that got Rose’s attention.

“Who are you? Why are we here?” Rose asked with a shaky voice

“We? I only need you and your friend was a perfect bait to get you here” Mr Jones said

“I won’t be saying much but since you would be dying soon anyways. Say hi to your parents when you meet them” He added

Beads of sweat had gathered round Rose’s forehead, she looked up to Mr Jones with teary eyes.

“What…. what do I do to you? I don’t even know you” Rose whimpered as tears were rolling down her both cheeks already.

“Your offense….. your only offense is being alive. You have no idea how long I waited to this day” Mr Jones replied. He signalled to one of the men who stepped closer with a gun in his hand.

Rose could feel her soul leaving her body as the gun was pointed directly at her head.

“No…. no…. don’t do this please, ki|| me instead, Rose is actually a sweet girl, she don’t deserve this. Don’t touch her please, you …. you can….you…can just ki|| me instead” Nuella begged in tears.

Mr Jones let out a laughter of mockery before giving the man a go ahead notion.

Before the man could pull the trigger, gunshots started flying around the place startling everyone. The man who held the gun earlier was shot dead and he fell flat on the floor.


Rose’s eyes sparkled as soon as she heard that voice, the voice she grew to love. It’s her knight in shining armour. She smiled lightly but the smile came with tears.

“What the hell is going on?” Mr Jones demanded angrily, grabbing the collar of the man beside him. His veins were almost popping out.

“It’s the police, I don’t know how they got here” The man answered with shaky voice.

“d@mn it!” Mr Jones called before running off, he went out throw the back door before the police could get closer. The other man meant to follow him but it was too late as a gun shot was fired to his leg. He went down with a groan.

“Babe!” Twinkle called rushing towards Rose.

“My knight!” She answered, Twinkle gently loosened the rope before pulling her into a tight hug.

The police helped Nuella with her rope and she was soon freed.

“Are you okay?” One of the cops asked and she just nodded weakly, unable to speak. She just saw her life flashed right in front of her eyes.

“Are the girls okay? Hope they aren’t hurt?” May questioned rushing to them. She was just arriving in her car.

“Yeah. Fortunately for us, we got here before they could do anything” A cop answered

“What about the man? Were you able to catch him?” She pressed on further.

“He escaped before we got closer. He will probably be on the run right now, I’ll send a word to the cops are every check point. We will be at his trail” The commissioner answered.

“Mr Jones” May said with gritted teeth, clenching her fist tightly.

“You came to save me, I know it’s crazy but I was actually expecting you to come. My knight” Rose said as Twinkle took her in a bridal style.

“You should inform me of your movements, what if I hadn’t arrived early? What if anything had happened to you? Do you think I’ll be able to forgive myself? You are my life line and what is me without you? What is life without you in it?” Twinkle said causing Rose to smile as she wrapped her hand around his neck. She relaxed well in his arms.

“I don’t know what is funny in what I just said. You should expect your punishments later. You really don’t listen, do you?” Twinkle said with a loud scoff

“Then I don’t mind getting any punishment from you, knight” Rose replied still smiling and that made Twinkle to smile too. The smile disappeared as soon as it came.

“I love you so much, Twinkle” Rose said, almost in whispers as she buried her face on his chest.



Miss Gracie wore a surprised look as she opened the door, she had been waiting for Nuella the whole time since it was late already. Nuella was at the door with May and three cops behind them.

“What is going on? Did anything happen?” She wondered opening the door wider for them to enter. Just as Nuella opened her mouth to speak, May beat her to it by talking first.

“It’s nothing serious, what matters most I that she is safe. Mind if I have a few words with you? It’s urgent” May replied

Miss Garcie led her to her office and shut the door behind them. She threw a questioning look at May who took a deep breathe before proceeding to speak.

“Mr Jones is on the run” She blurted out

“What!!? How did it happened?”

“He lured Rose to his trap using Nuella, they were both captured. But luckily, we were able to intervene before he could do anything” May narrated all that happened.

“How is Rose?”

“She is fine” May mumbled in reply.

“My gracious lord!” Miss Graice exclaimed running her hand through her hair.

“He might come here since he has on where to go to. The police is on his trail too so he won’t be able to travel away. Do let me know when…..

“What nonsense are you saying? Why would he come here?” Miss Graice flared up.

May just shrugged her shoulder unperturbed by Miss Graice mood.

“I don’t know…. I just have a feeling that he would come here. Just in case he gets here, let me know. Contact me before doing anything” May replied

Miss Garcie gave her a long and inquisitive look before slowly nodding her head. May smiled at her before heading for the door.

“And remember, this is for Rose’s safety and happiness” May added before leaving finally.

Miss Gracie realised the breathe that she had been holding the whole time.

“What mess have I gotten myself into?” She mumbled to herself.



“At this point, your eyes might just fall off if you continue looking at me” Rose muttered, she turned to face Twinkle who glared at her and looked away without saying a word.

He had been doing that since they returned home, he hasn’t said a word to her.

“Babe!” Rose called sharply and walked over to him. She squatted to his level before cupping his face in he hand making sure that their eyes were connected.

She leaned closer before claiming his lips, she soon broke the kiss as he wasn’t opening up.

“My knight!” She let out a groan before standing up.

“I’ll be in the bathroom” She added

“Should i come and bathe you?” He said, that was the first time he spoke since they returned and that made Rose to smile widely, he is not that mad at her anyways.

“If you want” She bit her bottom lips in a seducing manner. Twinkle meant to stand up from the bed but on a second thought, he decided against it.

“I’m still angry at you, you should expect your punishment later” He muttered as if he was forced to speak.

Rose rolled her eyeballs before entering the bathroom. She turned on the shower before removing her bathrobe.

She suddenly frooze as she felt her presence behind her, a hand slowly wrapped around her waist and a gasp escaped her lips.

“What are you doing here? I thought I lovlef the door” She said

“It’s time for you to receive your punishment” He whispered in her ears making her body twitch. Her body gave way to his touch, she just couldn’t resist him.

“And what punishment is that?” She inquired with shaky breathe, she could feel his member directly on her @zz, he obviously has no clothes on.

“I’ll make you scream my name, life line” He said trailing kisses all over her neck. He sucked on her collar bone making sure he leaves an hickey.

Rose threw her head backwards as the pleasure hits her differently.

“My knight!” She Mõ@ɲed in pleasure.

He grabbed her B-__-bs from behind and played with it while he continued sucking on her collarbone. Her Ɲīpplës stood erected for him, he was sure doing wonders to her body.

“d@mn!” She muttered as he bend her over making her @zz shot out at his face. She held the bathroom walls for support as she waited do wh@ťěver he was going to do to her.

He used his Ďïčk cap to tease her entrance, not going in directly. She was already wet.

Wet for him!

“Just go in already” She said in an hoarse voice. He suddenly th-ru_sted into her making her scream out. Her hole was still tight and it hasn’t adjusted to his size yet.

Her V was in fire, the pains that came with his th-ru_st.

“Twinkle” She muttered almost close to tears.

He didn’t even wait for her to get over the pains before th-ru_sting into her again. He kept in going in and out in a fast pace.



“Please stop”

“It hurts!”


“This is torture!”

“I won’t go out without your permission anymore!”

Rose was in tears already as he kept on banging into her ferociously. Slowly, the pains started turning to pleasure as she got used to him. She started Mõ@ɲing crazily.



“I love you”

“Right there!”



“My knight”

Water poured on them as he continued f-__-king her like his life depend on it.

“I love the way you Mõ@ɲ my name, life line” He said in a low voice before giving her @zz a light spank. He pulled out before releasing on the floor.

Rose raised herself out to face him weakly and he connected their lips together. She responded almost immediately, her breathe was in sync. He delved his tongue into her mouth and sucked on her bottom lips.

He soon broke the kiss before arranging her scattered hair with his hand. He cupped on her both cheeks looking straight into her eyes.

“You should stay safe for me baby, tell me wherever you want to go to. Tell me everything….. just everything” He muttered

Rose nodded her head with a smile.

He pulled her into a deep hug as the water poured on their n@ked bodies.



Miss Gracie let out a groan as the continuous banging of the door came. The children had all gone to school and she wasn’t expecting anyone either.

“Who is it?” She asked moving to the door. She got no reply so she paused on her steps.

“Who is that?” She asked again, her heart beating faster than normal. A knock sounded on the door again and this time, she courageously moved to the door. The twisted the knob and opened the door.

Her hand fell from the knob as her eyes landed on the person at the door. Her eyes dilated in shock as she continued staring at the person not taking her eyes off.



Twinkle tapped his feet rather impatiently, he had been waiting fur the model he was paired with for close to thirty minutes now.

“Is she not going to come anymore? Or does she think I have all the time in the world to spare? Who the hell does she thinks she is?” He flared up, complaining to his manager.

He actually has a temporary manager who helps him to manage his schedule since he is not into full time modelling.

“I heard that she is a new model, we should just exercise patience a little. She is currently getting dressed up” His manager answered

“A new model? How long is she going to dress up? Who is she trying to impress?” He mumbled turning to his phone.

“She is gorgeously beautiful though, her beauty can blow you away” The manager pressed further.

“Good for her but no one can be beautiful in my eyes than my life line. She is the most beautiful lady in the world” Twinkle said

Just the thought of Rose brought a smile to his face and also eased down his anger.

The door to the female dressing room opened and the model stepped out. Twinkle looked at her from the leg, her straight fair leg was the first thing that got his attention.

His eyes trailed from her spotless leg to her tight which was left exposed due to the front slit of the red dinner gown. The clothes brought out her curves to being sincere to himself, she was truly blessed in the right places.

He was lost drooling until he heard a familiar voice, a voice he can recognize anywhere.

The voice of his life line!

“Is that how you look at other models too, Mr Twinkle Lavender?” She said with a frown on her dooled up face. The makeup she had on fitted her perfectly, the powder matches with her skin tone.

“Babe” He called speechlessly

“Answer me Twinkle!” Rose snapped

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