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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BADDIE NERD – Episode 5 & 6

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Twinkle’s tongue explored deep into Rose’s mouth while he sucked her soft and succulent bottom lips as if he wants to extract juice from it. Her mouth fitted into his perfectly like they were match made from heaven.

This kiss was slow, alluring and intense, he drew her closer by her waist taking dominance of the whole thing.

Rose just stayed transfixed in his arms, she was soon out of breathe and she had no choice but to bite his bottom lips and he let go of her immediately.

She landed a slap on his face without thinking pushing him away from her. She suddenly gasped covering her mouth with her hand as the realization of what she just did hits her.

“I’m… I didn’t…. actually…” She stuttered adjusting her glasses repeatedly.

Twinkle just watched her fumble on her words rubbing the spot slowly. Before he could say Jack, she ran off like a flash causing him to chuckle lightly.

“Did Twinkle just kiss that newbie?” Candy, Beryl’s minion asked

“Will you just keep shut!?” Beryl snapped fuming in anger.

“I need to put someone in her place” She added leaving the spot she hid.

“What are you planning on doing?” Candy inquired

“What do you think?” Beryl retorted with a sly smile.


Rose paused right on her track as she sighted Vince walking down the hallway, he had an headphone clogged in his ears. She followed him discreetly from behind.

He turned to another direction and she did the same. All of a sudden, she couldn’t see him.

“I thought he passed this place or was I hallucinating?” She wondered scanning the empty hallway.

“You weren’t” She heard a voice behind her causing her to flinch in fright, she turned back swiftly and her gaze landed on him; Vince.


Her words got stuck in her throat as he moved closer to her. His full eyebrow arched up and then his smooth skin ” He’s so handsome” She screamed in her head. Her both cheeks had turned deep red as she was blushing.

“Why were you following me or should I say stalking?” He inquired

“I’m not stalking you” She retorted

“I just wanted…. I wanted to be with you” She added in a low voice


“I feel comfortable around you and I just thought I should go with you” She answered

“You shouldn’t feel comfortable around me” He said coldly


“I am not as nice as you think” He responded simply before leaving. Rose blinked her lashes rapidly watching his retracting back view.

“I think you are nice though” She mumbled



Twinkle ran his hand through his lips looking lost in thoughts. The kiss scene kept playing repeatedly on his head and he just couldn’t let stop thinking of it.

“Will you be attending Bluey’s birthday party?” Alexander asked sipping from the content in his his wine glass.

“Twinkle?” He called after a while as he did not get any reply. He still didn’t get a response from Twinkle who was lost in his daydreams.

“Ahhhh” Twinkle suddenly yelled running his hand through his head. “Why can’t I stop thinking of it?” He added going to the wine cellar. He grabbed the wine glass from Alex and gulped down the entire content.

“You’ve finally lost it” Alex said pouring more wine for him.

Just then Beryl stormed into the condo and she walked straight to Twinkle.

“What was that earlier? I saw you kiss the nerdy newbie, what was that about? Are you perhaps interested in her?” She blabbed

“My heart! You really went ahead of me when I already told you that I am interested in having her on my bed” Alex said

“Answer me when I talk to you Twinkle! Are you interested in her?” She snapped


“Then why did you…..

Beryl’s words were cut short as Twinkle suddenly kissed her. She responded immediately wrapping her hand on his neck. In no time, he broke the kiss and went back to his drink

“It feels different” He said to no one in particular

“What feels different?” She asked with a slight frown on her face. She sat down on his legs rocking on him.



“Tada!” Nuella exclaimed bring out a pretty black dress from her wardrobe.

“What are you doing?” Rose said

“What does it looks like? A perfect dress for a perfect occasion and then to wrap it all, a perfect kiss” Nuella said dreamily staring into the space.

“Kiss? That’s absurd” Rose bit her bottom lips as the kiss from earlier came playing in her head. She just lost her first kiss to someone she does not even know.

“There’s nothing absurd about it, for him to invite you to his birthday party, then he must really likes you” Nuella retorted

“But why are you giving me your dress? I can just find something to wear instead, I know how much this dress means to you” Rose said.

The dress was given to Nuella on her fifteenth birthday by her mom. It was a bigger than her then but she wore it anyways, it was also the last gift she received from her mom before she passed away

“I want to give it to you okay? And I am not taking a no” Nuella said with a smile.

Rose suddenly pulled her into tight hug.

“I love you so much, Nuella” She said with lots of emotions in her voice like she would cry anytime soon.

“Gross! Say that to your boyfriend and not to me” Nuella said jokingly pushing her off.



Miss Gracie ran her hand through a picture thoughtfully, tears dropped on picture and that was when she realized that she had been crying. She gave a sad smile as she stared at the little girl in the picture.

She also brought out a locket from the same locker, tears rolled down her cheeks even more

“I’m so sorry” She whimpered hugging the picture to her chest.

Just then a knock sounded on the door and that hot her alerted. Swiftly, she shoved the picture and the locket inside the locker and she wiped the tears on her face too

“Come in” She said aloud but her voice came out hoarse. Nuella.and Rose,who was already dressed up, entered the office

“I am ready to leave” Rose announced

“Alright dear,make sure you are back as early as you can, don’t take anything alcoholic and stay away from trouble” Miss Gracie warned. She is a single woman in her forties who had devoted herself in running the orphanage.

“Alright” Rose responded before leaving with Nuella

“Hope you find out about yourself soon,Rose” She said taking a deep breathe.



Rose swallowed into nothing as the loud music greeted her as soon as she entered the living room. The whole place was booming; some were dancing, some were chitchating, some were drinking and some were even making out right in the hall.

She squeezed her face in disgust feeling uncomfortable by the whole thing. She was not used in being in such kind of environment.

“Should I just go back?” She wondered scanning around the dim litted room. She then sighted Ariel who waved at her to come over. She smiled lightly returning the wave and that eased her tension a little

Just as she took a step forward, Beryl placed her leg out and she stumbled on it, missed her step and fell. Laughter aroused from all angle as everyone’s attention was now drawn to the scene

“Look who we have here, it’s the attention seeker” Beryl said loudly moving closer to Rose like a predator who wants to devour its prey.

She stretched forth her hand and Candy gave her a glass of wine. She emptied the entire content on Rose,who was still on the floor, with a smirk on her face.

Some of the students had brought out their phone and were making videos already while some just watched the scene.

“I’m so sorry, my hand slipped” Beryl apologize in a sarcastic manner giving a mocking bow.

Tears found their way out of Rose’s eyes in no time, the wine dripped from her hair to the dress given to her by Nuella, she could even taste the wine in her mouth.

“Will you forgive my mistake? It was intentional, it just happened, my hand truly slipped” Beryl said further using her heels to step on Rose’s finger.

Rose whimpered in pains, that was the only thing she could do, cry….cry

“Are you that mad at me? Can’t you just forgive me?” Beryl pressed on applying more pressure.

Twinkle stood up immediately and meant to intervene but Vince beats him to it. He ran to the scene and pushed Beryl away from Rose and she landed on her butt, Candy went to help her up immediately.

Rose looked up with her tears filled eyes and her gaze landed on Vince who just stared back at her blankly. He stretched forth his hand which she accepted. He helped her stand on her feet and before anyone could say Jack, he had carried her in his arms.

She buried her face in his chest as he led her out of the hall.

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