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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BADDIE NERD – Episode 49 & 50

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Tears gathered Rose’s eyes immediately, she averted her gaze from May to Vince then back at Twinkle who gave her a look filled with nothing but hatred, the once love filled eyes was no longer there. Just hatred and deep resentment.

“My knight” She said in a low voice, her high spirits had died down as a result of his actions. Her tears soon started flowing freely down her cheeks.

“Twinkle, what’s going on? Why are you treating her this way?” Vince voiced out when he couldn’t take it anymore

“And who is she? I don’t even know her!” Twinkle snapped, he was obviously getting pissed off. A frown settled on his face as he continued staring at Rose blankly. His expression was screaming “get lost”


“How can you say that you don’t know her? Your life line? She is your girlfriend for f**I sake!” Vince retorted, raising his voice at Twinkle angrily

“I need to be alone” Twinkle said in a rather calm voice and meant to cover himself with the duvet but May stopped him.

“Are you being serious right now? You really don’t know who she is?” She probed further

“Is she someone I should know?” Twinkle turned to look at Rose and hi eyes locked with her teary eyes, he looked away immediately, turning back to face May.

“Who am I to you?” May asked

“My mom of course” He replied with an eyeroll.

” And he is my brother” He added referring to Vince

“Then why don’t you remember her?” Vince asked no one in particular. Rose just sat down on the floor dejectedly.



“He has temporary amnesia” The doctor announced to them.

“But he remembers us…. why don’t he remember her?” Vince asked

“That can only happen if she caused him pains, did something happen between you two?” The doctor asked Rose who just sat there looking lost

“Don’t put too much pressure on him about her, it will only cause more damages to his mental health. He will get his memory back with time, let’s just hope that happens fast” He added when he was not getting any reply from Rose

“Thanks doctor” Vince was the one who talked



“I missed you so much, where the hell have you been? I tried reaching out to you countless times but you weren’t even picking up the phone. Did something happen? It’s unusual for you to miss school” Ariel said as she settled down beside Rose.

Not many knows about Twinkle’s accident so it normal for Ariel to ask.

“I’ve been good” Rose replied briefly

“Huh? But you don’t look too good to me” Ariel muttered but she didn’t get a reply from Rose whose gaze was on her textbook. She has a lot to cover up due to her absence for a while.

“Have you heard of the school pool party? It’s tomorrow tonight” Ariel said with a loud squeal.

“Not interested” Rose said blankly and that made her excitement to die down immediately

“How can you say that? It is going to be fun and lit, I’m sure you don’t want to miss out. Let’s get some hot and s£xy bikinis too” Ariel said

“I’ll be in the library” Rose picked up her books

“Huh? What just happened?” Ariel wondered aloud blinking her lashed rapidly.



Mr Jones threw some files at the hefty man in his voice. He grabbed a broze-like structure and threw it against the wall and it shattered into pieces.

“Is there anything else you can do, you incompetent fool! How many days has it been but still, nothing! No results! Just tell me, how long is it going to take to grab a small girl? Just how long!” Mr Jones yelled at the top of his voice. Luckily, the office is soundproof so the noise can’t be heard outside.

“She has been at an hospital the whole time, it’s not easy…..

“Do I look like I care! The only thing I want to hear right now is her whimpering sound begging for mercy not some bunch of $h|tty talk” Mr Jones cuts him off

“You have just a week to bring her to me or I will have to do it myself” He added sternly.

The hefty man just bowed his head briefly to show understanding before leaving the office. His secretary came in just immediately causing a deep frown to appear on his face

“Sir…. you have a meeting with….

“Get out!”He snapped not giving her the space to talk, he ran his hand through his hair already frustrated.



Nuella blushed deeply as she felt Alex intensed gaze on her. He has been staring at her like she is a movie, not taling his eyes off her for once,since he entered.

“Don’t you think you should stop staring at this rate, your eyes might just fall off” She muttered with a smile.

“If it’s for a beauty like you then it’s worth it” Alex answered with a wink moving closer to her. He grabbed her to himself by her waist.

“How about a date tonight?” He said with his hit breathe fanning her neck.

“Hmm…… I’m taken” She answered with a knowing smile

“By who?”

“By someone named Alex” She said causing him to smile.

“I’ll wait till you are done with work” He said. He pecked her on her cheeks before letting her go.



Rose twisted the knob and went on when she wasn’t getting any reply from the inside. She has been knocking on Twinkle’s door for a while now.

“He must be in the bathroom” She muttered to herself when she heard splashing sound coming from the bathroom.

She carefully dropped the tray of food on the table and then waited for him. Soon, the water stopped running and Twinkle came out clad in just a towel. A slight frown appeared on his face as soon as he sighted her.

Rose turned to stare at him, she couldn’t take her eyes off his body, he is just so perfect! She watched as water trailed down his hair to his clear and milky skin. His lips was wet too. His abs and muscles was enough to send her thinking wild. She missed his touch on her, she missed how his lips feels on hers, she missed how his hand work on her body

“What do you want?” He inquired with a cold voice and that jolted her back to reality, the fact that he doesn’t remember her now. He had another towel which he is using to dry his wet hair.

“Mom asked me to drop this and….

“Leave” He cuts her off turning his back on her. He went to his wardrobe and Rose followed immediately, she wrapped her hand on his waist from behind.

“You are hurting me, Twinkle. It hurts deep down, my heart is shattering into a million pieces. You should stop being cold towards me at least, it is already hurting as it is. I miss you so much, I miss us. I hope you recover your memories as soon as possible” She said with her voice quivering. He held her hand before removing them from his waist. He turned to look at her, that blank look was still there.

“At some point, you should stop acting like we know each other. Let me sound this as a warning to you, stay away from me” He said. He went to the door and opened it wide.

“Leave now” He added in a commanding tone. Rose looked at him with teary eyes but that didn’t move him, he just stared blankly at her.

Rose wasted no time before running out of the room. Twinkle took a deep breathe, he knows something was missing but he can’t just pinpoint it.


Rose bumped into Vince as soon as she ran out of Twinkle’s room. Her tears rolled freely soaking his clothes but he cared less. He wrapped his hand around her giving her a comforting hug.

She pulled out after a while sniffing in continuously.

“Are you okay? Did something happen between you and Twinkle? Why the tears?” He asked concernly.

“It’s fine, I just couldn’t hold it in any longer and I decided to let it out” She muttered

“It’s heartbreaking right?” Vince said staring deeply into her teary eyes, like he wants to read inside of her.

“Yeah…. any time he looks at me, it terrifies me. What if those blank and cold eyes would be the look he’ll give me forever” She voiced out.

“You know he loves you right?” Vince said instead.

“I know but….

“Just keep that thought within you and stay strong okay? I’m sure he will come back to his sense soon” Vince said in a reassuring manner. Rose forced a small smile and muttered an almost inaudible thanks.



Nuella kept on smiling brightly as the food were served, she scanned the entire restaurant still beaming in smiles.

“I have never been to an expensive restaurant like this” She said truthfully

“It’s a pleasure” Alexander said returning the smile.

“Enjoy your meal” The waiter said before walking away. Nuella grabbed a fork and a knife and dig into the meal immediately. Her eyes widened as the taste of the food got to her tase bud.

“How is it?” Alexander’s eyes searched hers

“The best ever” She did a thumb up before taking another bite. She soon choked as she was rushing on her food.

“Relax okay? No one is dragging your food with you” Alex offered her water which she gulped down immediately. He had an amused smile on his face as he watched her.One thing he fancy about her is her lifestyle, she is just the way she is, no pretence.

He suddenly held her hand and stopped her from eating. He held her hand in his caressing it slowly.

“I love you” he blurted out, he let out a chuckle on noticing how her eyes popped out from its sockets.

“I know it’s shocking to you as it is shocking to me but I’ve come to realize that this I my true feelings. It just happened, I guess love don’t have a reason. I fell madly in love with you wit hiut knowing its love. I love your charm, your carefree attitude, your craziness, I love everything about you” He muttered bringing her hand to his lips and he kissed it.

“Will you be my other half?” He said shocking her to the bone.

“I don’t just want a girlfriend but a future wife. I want to be the one by your side, I want you to be the mother of my kids, I want us to grow old together. Will you marry me?” He added

Nuella’s mouth flew open and she found it difficult to close them back.

“Is he proposing to me right now?” She screamed inwardly.

Alex went out on a knee and brought out a small ring case, he opened the case and in it sits a diamond ring. He raised his head to look at her, his eyes was doing the talking too as he patiently waits for her response.



Twinkle pushed the shopping cart grumpily as he followed Rose who was doing the shopping. As much as he h@ťěs it, he has no choice but to do it, his mom had forced him to accompany her.

“Milk” She read from the shopping list and grabbed four packet of milk and put it in the cart.

“Sugar” She said again

“Cereals” She muttered

“Aren’t we done? How am I so sure that you are not adding to the list mom gave to you?” Twinkle said

“And why would I do that?” Rose retorted with a slight frown,folding her hand just below her B-__-bs.

“Because you enjoy my presence obviously!” He replied with a smile causing Rose to furrow her brows at the same time wondering when he got so annoying.

“He has always been annoying” Her mind spelt out for her and that made her roll her eyeballs.

He left the cart and came closer to her, he leaned in for a kiss causing Rose’s eyes to widen.

“What is he doing? Is he trying to kiss me?” She screamed in her head. She badly wanted to push him away but her body was deciding otherwise. She just couldn’t bring herself to push him off. Instead, her eyes went shut on its own while her mouth pouted for a kiss.

“I know you are actually interested in me but just so you know, you are not my type of girl. Your B-__-bs is too small, not even the size of my hand. Then your @zz is…..

Rose pushed him off angrily, what was she expecting from him? She marched off angrily causing Twinkle to burst into laughter. He grabbed the cart and went after her.

“Who the hell does he thinks he is huh? My B-__-bs is too small? He is not the same person who likes fondling with them and sucking them like it is his food. I am not his spec? Was he not the one who said that he has his eyes on only me and no one else? If I am not his spec then who is his type? He should go to hell for all i care!!” Rose kept on talking to herself as she walked briskly.

“Shortie, wait for me” She heard his voice and that made her scoff loudly.

“It is no longer life line but shortie?” She said turning to him, if looks could ki||, Twinkle would have been six feet deep. She was glaring daggers at him.

Just as she turned, she collided with a cart and she lost her balance immediately. She was almost falling to the ground when Twinkle swiftly caught her. His stand was not firm either and they both fell.

She was on the floor while he was on top of her, their body pressed against each other and their lips met…….

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