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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BADDIE NERD – Episode 21 & 22

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Nuella glared at Alex with gritted teeth, she raised her hand with the intention of releasing a punch on his face but someone held her hand from behind. She turned back to see Dina.

“Are you trying to cause trouble this morning? After what you did yesterday?” Dina said giving Nuella a tap on her shoulder.

“What can I do for you sir?” She turned to Alex with a smile.

“You said that I can request for anything I want right? As a compensation of what happened yesterday, I want a job in this cafe, I’ll come here regularly after school….

“What!!?” Nuella cuts him off almost immediately.

“Alright, anything you want” Dina said to Alex causing Nuella to scoff loudly.

“Now I find this unbelievable, how can he work here? What is he going to be doing? We don’t need someone as incompetent as he is” Nuella complained.

“I’ll do my best” Alex said instead ignoring Nuella’s tantrum.

“Alright, you can start whenever you want” Dina said. Nuella ran her hand through her hair getting frustrated already, she gave Alex a hard state before walking away.



Vince stared at Ciara looking shocked, he was not expecting her to ask such question putting him in a tight spot.

“I am waiting for you to choose Vince, Me or her” Ciara repeated her question looking furious and determined as ever.

Vince averted his gaze from Ciara to Rose who just stared at him, her innocent eyes boring into his. It seems like she was waiting for a reply from Vince too.

“You should stop this….

“Stop what exactly!” Ciara snapped loudly

Rose bit her bottom lips taking a step backwards, she had too. She smiled sadly at Vince before running off.

“Rose!” Vince called but as expected he got no reply from her. He was tempted to go after her but the glares he was getting from Ciara made him stay rooted on a spot.

“You can’t even choose? I am your girlfriend and you should choose me over every other! I should be your first priority over all! Who is she? Are you falling for her? Do you want to break up with me? Have you fallen out of love for me?” Ciara asked. Her questions were slowly pissing Vince off.

“You should stop all of these $h|t!!” He thundered, his eyes were red in anger.

Ciara let out a scoff on seeing his countenance.

“You just raised your voice at me, something you’ve never done before…. I’ll just leave” Ciara said faking a smile before storming off.

“$h|t!” Vince cursed punching the wall angrily.



Bluey smiled on seeing Rose approached the garden. He waved at her happily beckoning on her to come closer.

“I never knew you love flowers” He said

“I just came to…. get some peace” She responded

“Is anything bothering you?” He raised a brow.

“What do you think is wrong with a person of her heart starts beating faster than normal if she with a particular person?” Rose inquired

“Then you are in love with the person!” Bluey remarked

“Could she be in love with me?” His smile widened even more at the thought of that.

“No…. I can’t be in love with him, I’m sure it’s just a crush and nothing else. Get yourself together, Rose. He has a girlfriend already!” Rose thought hitting his head with her hand.

“Is there someone you are in love with?” Bluey asked making her turn sharply, her both cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

“No…. not me, I was asking for a friend. Forget I asked, I’ll take my leave now” Rose said all in one breathe. She rushed out almost immediately.

“She even blushed! She is unbelievably cute” Bluey exclaimed smiling at himself, the thought that Rose loves him is enough to make him smile like a f**l.



Rose stared wistfully at the Rose flower in her hand, she bit her bottom lips lightly before proceeding to cut off one of the petals.

“I love him” She said

“I don’t love him” She said again cutting off another of the petal

“I love him….

She continued like that plucking off the petals of the flower one after the other until it remains the last one.

“I love him!” She heard a voice from behind as soon as she cuts off the last Rose petal. She turned back sharply and her eyes meet with Twinkle.

“You love him? Love who? Me?” Twinkle quiered moving closer to her.

“Who I love I none of your business”Rose muttered inaudily but he heard her.

“Of course it is my business! You are my girlfriend and you are only allowed to love only me” He said causing her eyes to bulge out in shock.


“What girlfriend? When did I become your girlfriend?” She said giving him a quizzical look.

“Are you denying me now?” He said with a loud scoff. He moved closer to her with that smoky eyes of his. Subconsciously, she shifted backwards till her back hit the wall.

Twinkle caged her in his arms with a smirk on his face. Rose was sweating already even with the air conditioner on, he was just so close! So close that she could feel his breathe on her face.

Thw kitchen door suddenly opened and Vince came in interrupting the moment. A slight frown appeared on his face as he saw the position the both of them were in. In a swift, Rose pushed Twinkle off, she swallowed into nothing as she stared at Vince who just scoffed loudly. He gave her a disappointed look before walking away.

Rose countenance had changed immediately, she quietly excused herself from the kitchen.



Beryl played on her meal absentmindedly, she has not even taken a spoonful of her food.

“What’s wrong dear? Is the good not good to your taste?” Beatrice, her mom, was the first to notice her and that made Mr Jones also look up from his food.

“Is something bothering you? I noticed that you’ve been zoning out for the past few days now” He concurred with his wife

“I just h@ťě her and I want her out of Maybell college and Twinkle’s life!” Beryl snapped

“Who is that?”

“That poverty stricken orphan, Rose Thompson” Beryl answered and that got Mr Jones dropping his cutleries

“I wish she can just disappear from the surface of the earth. I wish she go somewhere far like six feet below the ground” Beryl continued

“She is still attending the school? When last did you see her?”

“She even came with Twinkle in his car yesterday” Beryl answered

Mr Jones clenched his fist tightly under he table, he was trying hard not to explode at that moment.



Vince smiled when he noticed a hand around his waist, her scent hit his nose immediately. He already knew who it was.

“Babe” He called taking her hand, he kissed them softly and that made Ciara giggle like a child. He wrapped his hand around her waist staring deep into her eyes.

“I’m sorry about yesterday, I guess I overreacted and I was just blurting out nonsense” She apologized

“It’s fine, I should apologize too” He replied stroking her hair fondly.

“How about we eat together at the cafeteria?” She suggested with bright eyes, her looks showed that she wasn’t expecting a no from him.

“No bad” He answered with a shrug







Mumblings arosed from different part of the cafeteria as soon as Vince and Ciara entered the cafeteria. Ciara smiled brightly, wrapping her hand on Vince’s hand holding him tightly.They both made their way to an empty table.

Rose who had seen the whole dramatic scene but her bottom lips, she sighed deeply concentrating back on her meal. She was trying hard not to turn but she couldn’t help it. She did turn.

It was at the point that Ciara kissed Vince on his lips, Rose could feel her entire body tremble, she tried hard to remain calm but she couldn’t.

“Leaving is the best option” She said to herself standing up. She had her face buried to the ground that she didn’t notice Beryl who was coming in the opposite direction with her tray of food. Rose bumped into Beryl and that got her enraged.

“You pathetic loser!” Beryl cursed with gritted teeth raising her hand to slap Rose. Surprisingly, Rose held her hand. There were tears in her eyes, she was already breaking down.

“What are you doing? Let go of my hand this instant!” Beryl commanded trying to free her hand from Rose’s grip but Rose righted her grip even more making it almost impossible for her to free herself. Beryl winced in pains

“I said you should let go” Beryl repeated

Rose moved closer to Beryl,her teary eyes meeting Beryl’s.

“Not on my pretty face” Rose said annoying Beryl the more and at the same time causing her to wonder where she got the gut from.

I’m anger, Beryl raised her second hand to slap her but Rose caught it again


“You psychopath, let go of me now!!” Beryl shouted almost struggled

“Should I?”Rose said in her usual calm voice

“Are you still asking me that?” Beryl retorted with a scrowl on her face.

Rose twisted her both hands bending it as much as she can and that got Beryl screaming at the top of her voice.

Then the slaps came, she gave Beryl two deafening slaps on her cheek.

“You should know better than not to mess with me” Rose said

“That’s my baddie girlfriend!” Twinkle remarked

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