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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Law of Attraction ?

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 44




✍️ Author’s note

“No need to hide this” Jinhun said and dialled Mac’s number and he picked almost

“Hello big man Jin” He said


“Yes son” He replied

“Daniel and his girlfriend are abducted today” He said and heard Mac screamed

“What! How did it happened?” He asked

“Ion know but I received a call from the abductor, I have already gotten their location” He said

“You have gotten their location that is good, we are coming back this night, how will your mom feel when she hear this” He said

“They will be fine, I promise you nothing will happen to my brother and his girlfriend” He replied

“I pray so, did they asked for money? ”

“No,, they are not after money,, I will explain everything was you come back” He said and immediately the door opened

Randy, Roc and Kyle walked in breathing heavily

“What happened?” Randy asked

“Who are you guys?” He asked

“Daniel’s friends” Roc replied

“Kyle told us what happened to Lisa, we are here to check up on him” Randy said

Jinhun sighed

“He is with her, he has being capture with her

“What ” They all screamed

“Who could possibly do this? ”

“Sydney of course” Kyle said

“Are you sure? ” Roc asked

“I have this strong feeling, when they force me to called her, the voice I heard was so familiar just like Sydney’s voice” She replied

“What are we going to do? ” Randy asked

“Have you guys ever shot a gun before? ” Jinhun suddenly asked and the guys looked at him

“What do you mean? ” Randy asked

“If you want to help, it’s possible for you to learn how to use a gun and if ki|| if it’s necessary” He replied and they gasped

“It’s okay if you guys are scared”

“We are not scared we are ready to save our friend ” They said at a time

“Then we have to plan everything tonight, we are going there tomorrow, I hacked their location” Jinhun said

“You’re a hacker? ” Roc asked


“Daniel told me a lot about you, you are cool I like you” Kyle said Randy shot her a glare

“Stop being jealous, she ain’t crushing on him ” Roc said

“She is your girlfriend?” Jin asked

“Yes she is ” Randy replied

“Okay, stop being jealous, I don’t like skinny girls by the way, there are many rooms here you can use one see you later” He said and walked upstairs

“Who is this guy?”

“He is so unpredictable, he just said I am skinny, baby am I skinny?” Kyle pouted

“No you are not baby ” Randy replied and she smiled

Roc hissed and looked at the other side

“Try and get yourself one and stop being jealous of other people relationship” Randy said


Mac and Jisoo arrived Georgia, their private jet really speeded

Jisoo have been crying since Mac told her what happened to Daniel and Lisa

They walked out of the plane and walked to the car

They opened the door for them and they went in


They got home and walked into the mansion

The guys stood up immediately they saw them

Jisoo didn’t spared a glance she rushed upstairs

“Good evening sir” They said

“Who are you?” Mac asked

“Daniel’s friends ”

“Ohh!! You heard it right?” Mac asked

“Yes sir and we are here to plan on how to save him, Jin said he has already gotten their location” Roc said

“Okay thank you guys, I will be upstairs, be careful” He said and walked upstairs too

Jisoo walked in to Daniel’s room and opened it, she hugged Jinhun immediately he turned

“Mom” He called

“Son,, please save him ” She said, crying

Seeing her shedding tears shredded his heart to pieces

“Mom stop crying please, nothing will happen to my brother just believe me” He said patting her back

She continued crying hard, Mac walked in to the room and saw them in that position

“She has been crying nonstop since I told her what happened,, Are your sure you can get them back without the help of the cops ” Mac asked

“I don’t need cops to do my things, I can handle them, I got Daniel’s friends” He replied

Jisoo slowly broke the hug

“I don’t want to lose my child and my daughter in law, save them Jin please”

“I will mom, if you don’t stop crying I might end up crying too” He said and she stopped crying, she started hiccupping

“I need to get ready” He said and walked out

Mac took some steps towards her and engulf her in a hug

“Believe our son, he will surely bring them back save and sound” He said, kissing her forehead tenderly


James walked into the room with a bag containing weapons, bombs of a kind

Sydney is sitting on the bed smoking dangerously like her life depends on it

James dropped the bag on the table and sat on a chair beside the table

“Don’t you get tired of smoking, your have been smoking since hours” James said

“I am addicted to it, it has become my boyfriend” She replied

“What’s your plan?” She asked throwing a pack of cigarettes at him

“We will do what we planned, I will f_ck Monalisa’s tiny p@zzy then you will get to f_ck Daniel, they will be of no use then, we will ki|| them after” He replied

“Sound good, I will f_ck that Ďïčk tomorrow, I am getting w*t talking about it” She smiled

“My Ďïčk is ready to help you again” He said naughtily

“Pervert ” She smiled and gestured at him to come

Loud Mõ@ɲs could be heard after


“Can that Ɓîtçh stop Mõ@ɲing so loud gosh!!!” Lisa said disgustedly

“I regretted lovin’ her at first, this won’t have happen, I am sorry Lisa for putting you in this ” Daniel

“Stop blaming yourself, I love you, if we die today then I will be happy” She said

“Do you have your phone with you?” He suddenly asked

“Yes” She replied

“Your location is on right?” He asked again

“Yes, why?” Lisa asked

“That crazy brother of mine is a hacker” He smiled


“He would be tracking our location now using your number” Daniel replied

“Ohh!!! Jin seems not to stop amazing me everyday, he is too perfect to be a human ” She said

“I can’t wait for them to go down, let’s hope for the best”


The boys are ready just waiting for Jin the boss to come down

Kyle is not going with them

They heard a sound and turned to see him coming down with a bag in his hand

Mac and jisoo came down stairs that moment

“I can see you guys are ready, when we get to the forest, there are three guys guiding the entrance, six guys guiding the back of the house and seven at the front, I already hacked the cameras, where your ear pod we will be using it to communicate,, please be careful and no mistake guys” He said

“We got you boss” Roc said and he smiled

He turned to his parents

“I will called you dad when I need the cops” He said and hugged them both

Without saying anything again they walked out

Randy winked at Kyle and she smiled giving him a thump up

The got in the car and drove out


James and Sydney walked into the room where Daniel and Lisa are held captive with three guys following them

“The lover birds will be dieing lovers death” James laughed and turned to Lisa

He stared at her lustfully, licking his lips

“We got no time to waste baby, guys untied her and bring her here” James said

The three guys untied Lisa and forcefully took her to James

“I will be f_cking this p@zzy today” He smirked

The guys pushed her on the ground and started taking her clothes off

“No, no,no ” Daniel screamed, struggling so hard in his chair

“Are you scared” Sydney laughed

“Sydney please stop him I beg of you” He said

“You can beg for real, sorry it’s too late, I can’t stop a horny guy, after he will f_ck her I will be f_ck you too, after that I will click the gun and ki|| you two, so watch ”

“You’re evil Sydney” Lisa said

“I know you don’t need to remind me baby, James f_ck that p@zzy now”

James unbolted his belt and brought out his Ďïčk

Daniel watched in horror and quickly turned his face away

Lisa tried to screamed but the guys covered her mouth

James is about pulling her P@ŋtîēṣ off when a gang member ran in the room sweating and panting

“What is the meaning of this?” He yelled

“Bo.. boss, we are attacked by three guys, they are ki||ing our guys, the cameras I hacked” He said

“What” James suddenly stood up and shot him dead immediately

“Jin is here ” James said

“What, how? you assure me he won’t locate this place” Sydney asked

“I did, I am confuse how he find this place” He replied

“Cos he used Lisa’s number to track this place, you are not smart as you claim” Daniel said in mockery

James walked to him and held him, headbutting him

He got a cut on his head

“You will be dieing anyway”

“And you will be going down while I will be alive” Daniel replied

” I got this” James said bringing out a bomb

He planted it immediately and set the timer for one minute

He smirked at them and walked out with Sydney

“See you in hell guys ” Sydney said and left immediately

They got everything necessary things they need and locked the whole house

True to the guy’s words, his boys are already dead

James got in the car with Sydney and took a secret route activating the bomb

He looked at the house and he smiled

“He won’t be fast to get them out”

“Even if he tried the house is locked, we have finally gotten our revenge”

” Wow!! 57 seconds” James smiled

It started reading, Daniel and Lisa looked at each other without any hope of surviving

“Look for me in heaven” He said

“I will look for you, so this will be our end”

“We die fighting for our love”

“I love you”

“More, more, wish I can kiss you for the last time” Lisa said

“Same here”

They both closed their eyes cos the bomb is just remaining 20 seconds to blow

19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10

“Guys, James and Sydney escape, get Daniel and Lisa out now, three guys are there” Jin’s voice sounded in their ear pods

Randy and Roc entered there and ki||ed James’s men as they tried to drove out

They made to move into the house when it suddenly blew off sending them flying back and hurting themselves


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