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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Law of Attraction ?

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 41




Kia kept chasing Jinhun with the knife around the room

She stop on her track when she caught a glance of the tattoo on his neck

It seems familiar to her, like she has seen that somewhere

“Why do you stop, are you tired? I am enjoying the show” Jin said

“You look familiar, have we met before?” She asked

“I dunno, you think” He replied

She started thinking hard and suddenly gasped as it struck her mind where she met him before

“The guy at Diamond restaurant who poured wine on me ” Kia said and Jinhun gasped

“Point of correction, you bumped into me and the wine spilled on you, don’t make it look like I did it purposely, I even said sorry but your ego was so high, you were doing super woman ” Jin said with a scoff

“Gosh!! we meet again,, but what are you doing here, don’t tell me you are here to steal?” She asked

“Do I look like a criminal to you little brat? ” Jinhun replied

“How dare you,, arrogant jerk, I will skin you alive, I’m calling the police straight away” She said expecting to see some fear on Jin’s face but he stood gallant with no expression on his face

“Go on, waste your time calling the cops to arrest me in my father’s house” Jin said

Kia started laughing looking at him, to her he has said the most funniest thing

Father’s house??

He can’t be serious

“Father’s house, you are not in any way related to the Montenegro family, I only have a brother and no one else, so are you high or you are thinking with your Ďïčk dude ” She said

A maid quickly rushed in and bowed before Jin surprising Kia


“Sir, you cappuccino tea is ready” She said

“Wait, did you just refer to him as sir? ” She asked suprisingly

“Yes, ma’am, ”

“Who is he?” Kia asked

The maid looked at her confusedly, what did she mean!, she don’t know her brother

“Your elder brother ma’am” She replied and left immediately

“My elder brother, what’s happening here, am I going crazy, where the f_ck is Daniel and my parents” She shouted

“Hey kid sis bring your voice down before you will bring this mansion down ”

“Ain’t you sister and f_ck your small Ďïčk” She snapped and eyed him glaringly

She brought her phone out and goes to the setting, changing it back to Georgia network connection

She dialled her parents number (Her dad apparently)

“Hello Dad” She said

“Hello baby, how are you?” Mac asked

“I’m back Dad ” Kia said

“For real? I wasn’t expecting you so quick, you didn’t tell us the exact day ”

“I wanted it to be a surprise, where are you guys?” She asked

“On a business trip ” Mac replied

“Dad, I came back and met a crazy Korean guy in the house who is he? One of the maid just said he is my elder brother,, is there something I’m not aware of ” She asked

“Oh!! He is Jinhun, Yes he’s your brother, actually I had a one night stand with your mom before we met and fell in love again but we came to find him some months back, he is your biological brother ” He replied

“What!!! How come I never knew about this, how could you keep such a thing from me dad!!” She yelled

“I am sorry baby, we wanted to make it as a surprise, we were expecting you to come back before this business trip came up and we had to leave” He said

“Gosh! both of you are something else, I will teach Daniel a lesson for conniving with you both, why do you have to take mom along all the times ”

“She’s my manager remember?”

“Why don’t you find another person as your manager,, why her ”

“Cos I love her, get along with your elder brother, he is so fun to live with, you will love him bye, I got to go” He said hanging up

“f_ck you Dad, f_ck Daniel, f_ck everyone, f_ck you too Jinhin ” She yelled

“Jinhun little brat ” He corrected and she eyed him

“You’re my brother for real?” Kia asked

“You can believe it if you want,, I am Jinhun Montenegro ” He replied

“I h@ťě you for being my brother” She said and started going upstairs

“Ion like you too as a kid sister” Jin shouted after her

“I h@ťě you more,, Ďïčk ” She shouted back

“She’s really crazy, ain’t no match for her craziness, who calls her brother that,, gosh!!!”


Daniel and Lisa cuddled each other in bed as they maintain eye contact

“You’re so handsome” She said

“Every girl said that” He replied and she scoffed

“I am not every girl”

“I smell jealousy” He smiled

“Ain’t jealous, every guy said I am beautiful too ” She replied trying to get back at him

“Are you trying to get back at me?” He asked

“Let me be” She replied and made to stood up but he held her

“Okay, you are not any girl you’re special to me I love you ” He said and stole a kiss from her

“Don’t ever said that to me okay”

“I won’t again* He replied

“I saw someone exactly like Sydney today and I am having a strong feeling that she is back” Monalisa said

That connected him to the note he picked up from the black car

“I saw a note at our house dropped by a black car”

Immediately he mentioned black car she spranged up

“Did you said a black car?” Lisa asked


“I saw the same car at my house” She said

“What!! could she be back ?”

“We should be more careful,, she won’t be back without letting us to roam freely” Lisa said a bit scared

“I am here to protect, Jin will protect you too, nothing bad will happen to us ” He said and she hugged him

He patted her back slowly


Jin parked his car and came down looking at the small house

He can’t believe he’s doing this

He knock on the door and shortly it open

A girl came out dressing like a guy

“Hey crazy” She said

“Don’t tell me you’re going out like this ?” Jin asked with a frown

“What’s wrong with what I am wearing,, this is my best clothes, ain’t rich like you ” She pouted and he felt bad for commenting bad about her dressing

“Sorry, I will get you some clothes on the way ” He said

“No, I am okay”

“Stop being stubborn Lola, I know you need it, flat @zz” He said

Lola is as crazy as Jin,, a perfect match

They met in an awkward and funny way, they became friends after that

“Can we go now, I am hungry” She said

“Foodie, let’s go” He replied

“Jinhiaaaaa ” She shouted and jumped at him, he had to hold her strongly or both of them could have fell down

“Get down!!! ” He groaned

“No! ” She pouted

“Oh! lord save me from this devil”


Lola ordered everything on the menu as they settled down in a restaurant

“Are you sure you can finish everything you ordered?” Jin asked surprisingly

“Yes, or are you afraid you can’t pay” She said

“No, it’s not like that, it’s too much” He said

“You’re rich, I can finish everything” He replied

The waitress started bringing her orders, another table had to be added to contain all the foods

All eyes stared on her as she started eating hungrily

“Being poor is a disease and it sucks” she said

“Stop saying that, I am here for you” Jin said and she stop eating

she started looking at him

“Is there anything on my face?” He asked

“No, just that you are becoming more handsome ”

“The hunger couldn’t make you to see my handsomeness earlier right” He said and they laughed

Few minutes later, Lola finished everything on the table, everyone stared at her with a open mouth

?Is she even human

?How could she finished all that

?I can’t date such a girl

? What a glutton

Suddenly Jin started sensing a danger, he swiftly turned and saw a gun pointing directly at his head

“Get down Lola” He shouted and the bullet started flooding in the restaurant

“Everyone go down now ” He said

Everybody got laid down flat on the ground shaking in fear

He held Lola’s hands and took cover, the bullet hit three people as it went into the restaurant destroying things

He got outside and asked Lola to get into the car

He took out his gun and snucked back into the restaurant

James came out with Dragon as they look at the mess they cause

“Where is that bastard, I thought you got him” Dragon asked

“You don’t know Jin ” James replied

“Looking for me, I’m here” He suddenly appeared

Dragon and James swiftly turned pointing their guns at him

“Longtime no see James” Jin smirked

“Oh!! dude you really survive James bullet, you are indeed an interesting dude, but what did you have to say before I send you to the afterlife for real this time, your can’t escape now Jin ” James said

“You think you two can ki|| Jin, you be must be using your Ďïčk as your reasoning section, Dragon you survive, quite interesting”

“You think I will die, seriously ain’t that easy to handle”

“But I handle you in no time ”

“Let’s get to work rather than wasting time here with this bastard” Dragon said

“Bring it on boys, your dad is waiting” Jin said

They unleashed fire at him, he rolled over bringing out two guns

He started $h00ting back, dragon nearly got shot but he luckily dodge

“Be careful dragon” James caution

They started using the tables as shield to protect themselves

Jin reload his gun and hide in a corner.

They resumed $h00ting at each other but Jin was giving them a hard time dodging the bullets professionally

Jin used a table as a shield and came out $h00ting at them

“Arrghh” Dragon shouted as Jin shot him on his arm, he made to finish him off but James came out almost hitting him but he bent

Jin used that opportunity and deliver two bullets into Dragon’s stomach

James eyes widened, he $h00t crazily at Jin before escaping

“f_ck you Jin, we will see some other time, you are lucky this time”

Jin watched as he ran away, he went back and met Lola shaking in the car

“Wow!! the fearless Lola is scared ” He said teasingly

“Stop joking, are you hurt? you have a gun, who are you really, I am scared of…”

“Stop asking too much questions” He cut her off

The cops siren sounded and their cars drove into the restaurant

“Let me get you out of here, I don’t want to answer some f_cking questions ” He said and got into the car driving away


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