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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Law of Attraction ?

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 38





Mac, Daniel and Jinhun with Lisa entered the police station

A cop walked to them and addressed them

“Morning sir Mac” He said

“Morning, I want to see the chief of police” Mac said

“Okay sir, follow me” He said and they followed him.

When they got to the office of the chief of police, the cop saluted and left

Mr Donald stood up immediately when he saw Mac

“Good morning Sir Mac ” He said

“Morning Donald how are you” He replied

“I am doing good” He replied

“I want to you send your men to apprehend Mr Vincent Ayodeji CEO AYO GROUP OF COMPANIES” Mac said

“What’s his crime?” He asked

“Murdering of his brother and his wife and trying to ki|| their daughter too” Mac replied

“Any solid proof to back up what you just said, we can’t get him arrested without any proof?” He asked

“I got a strong proof Jin show him the video clip” He replied

Jin played the video on his phone and gave it to Mr Donald

He nodded after watching the video

“I will send my men now” He said and dialled a number

“In my office now ” He said

Within a blink an officer ran into his office

“Commander get the men ready we are going for the arrest of Mr Vincent Ayodeji CEO AYO GROUP OF COMPANIES now” He commanded

“Yes sir ” He replied

Jin looked at him and got suspicious with the way he reacted immediately Vincent name was mentioned

His reaction speaks something after he left the office Jin stood up and followed him secretly

The commander walked to a corner and brought out his phone dialling a number and looking around to make sure no one sees him, Jin quickly hid

He brought his phone and started videoing him with his knowledge

“Sir ” He said immediately the number picked up

“There’s a big problem, you have to leave this country or hide some where,, yes the chief of police just ordered for your arrest, get your private jet ready and leave immediately, get out from your company now from the look of things, your secrets are out, I saw your cousin with Mr mac ” He said and hung up.

He gently came out from his hiding place and sighed, he turned around and a hard punch flew to his face unexpectedly, he staggered back

“Traitors everywhere” Jin said

“What… what are you saying?” He asked stammering

“You’re snitching on your kind huh” Jin smirked dangerously

“How dare you punch an officer, who did you think you’re? what proof do you have that I snitch ” He said yelling

“I recorded this fool” He replied showing the video

The commander almost pee on his P@ŋtîēṣ and he stared unbelievably

When did he recorded him

He wasn’t completely of his shock state a devastating kick landed on his chest making him to fell

Jin came over him and gave him so hard punches before taking him to the office of Mr Donald

They gasped loudly as they saw him dragging him inside

“Young Man what is the meaning of this?” Mr Donald asked

“Giving a traitor what he deserves” He replied, throwing his phone at Mr Donald

He click on the video and his eyes too widened

He watched as his spill everything out

“Jamison how could you snitch on us, you knew this for a long time now” Mr Donald asked disappointedly

“I am sorry sir ” He pleaded

” Bastard” Lisa said and slapped him

“Hey miss control yourself you’re in the police station” Mr Donald said

He quickly ordered for the commander arrest and appointed another officer to carry out the assignment

“We need to be fast, he will be trying to escape now” Jin said immediately they got outside

The cops got in their van and drove off immediately

“How did you even know he was snitching?” Daniel asked

“I saw his reaction when Vincent name was mentioned, I suspected him and I was right ” He replied

“Sharp instincts big bro ” Daniel smiled

“Dad go there with Lisa, Daniel get in the car, we will take a different direction” Jin said

“Why?” Mac asked

“No questions dad, I know what I’m doing, Lisa he will be apprehended today I promise you that ” Jin said and Lisa smiled

Mac said no word again, he entered the car with Lisa and drove to AYO GROUP OF COMPANIES

” What are you planning?” Daniel asked

“Let’s go the airport, that bastard will be trying to leave the country now ” Jin replied and Daniel got in to the car with him


“Ahhh” Vincent yelled scattering everything on his table

How dare Jinhun to expose him

Dragon was ki||ed by him yesterday and now he f_cking contacted the cops

“I am f_cking doom ” He said sweating profusely

He already ordered for his flight

The black axe gang were all wipe out by the same Jin

How could he be so strong, handling eleven strong, dangerous gangsters

He heard the police siren and immediately his manager ran into his office

“Sir there’s a problem” He said scaringly

“I already know” He replied

“The video of you congratulating your weapon after ki||ing your brother is uploaded” His manager said

“What!!!! ” He screamed

? This whole building is surrounded, Mr Vincent surrender yourself now don’t try anything stupid ”

“Let’s leave through the underground route” Vincent said and open another door both of them went in, he lifted the table up revealing an iron door, he inserted the password and the door open.

He went in with his manager, the underground is another world of it own fleet of expensive cars lined up were there

George built this when he was alive for security purposes, but Vincent came to turn it to his secret place for carrying his secret deals like drugs trafficking

He got into the car with his manager and rushed out through the underground road secretly

The cops got into his office and saw it empty

“What! how did he manage to escape”

Lisa and Mac rushed in immediately

“Where’s he?” Mac asked

“He escape”

“How? the whole building was surrounded” Mac said

“He left through the underground road” Lisa replied

“There’s an underground building here?”

“Yes,, but I don’t know the password to it ” She replied

The cops rushed out

“If he escape then we are no more safe ” Mac said


Jin and Daniel arrived at the airport before Vincent

They got down and started walking to the private jet secretly

Jin knew the private jet already so it wasn’t hard locating it

He got in with Daniel secretly and they looked around

He saw the pilot resting and everything was set already

“Yes sir, the flight is ready” He said and hung up

Jinhun walked behind him and startled him

“Hello pilot” Jinhun said and before he could turn Jinhun knock him out

“I know that bastard will escape, there’s an underground building in the company, he will escape there” Jinhun said

“Bro, are you a supernatural?” Daniel suddenly asked

“No, why?” Jin asked

“You behave like one, 90 percent smart, sharp instincts, strong, fearless and a good fighter” Daniel replied and Jinhun smiled

“I learnt those things, well talking about sharp instincts I am born with it” He replied and peck Daniel

“Eww, stop that, ion gay” Daniel said

“Bastard,, you think I will leave p@zzy for some hard a** ” He said and Daniel started laughing

“You like p@zzy?” Daniel asked

“You can give me your girlfriend and your answer will be answered” Jin replied and Daniel hit him

“Don’t even look at my baby” He said

“You can fly a jet too?”

“Yes, I have done that countless times” Jin replied

“Seriously, I don’t know what to say about you, you amaze me every f_cking day ” Daniel said

“Are you crushing on me now” Jin replied teasingly

“Gosh!! stop behaving like a child, you are my big bro ” Daniel said smiling secretly

“You can smile wide nothing will happen”

“I wasn’t smiling” He replied

“I caught you doing that so no need to deny it” He said and Daniel suddenly peck him

“Ohh!!! my kid bro is actually crushing on me, well I am too hot to rest” Jin said and covered his face, he doesn’t even know what made him to do that.

A car suddenly pulled up in the airport roughly.

Daniel and Jinhun spranged up alerted

“He is here ” Jin said

Vincent got into the jet with his manager fuming in anger

Jinhun pressed a button and the door closed up

“Start this d@mn jet now ” He yelled pacing around impatiently

Jinhun smirked and stood up walking to where he is

“Mr Vincent Ayodeji” Jinhun called twisting his name

Vincent almost fainted immediately he saw him, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing

“Jin…Jin… Jinhun” He stuttered shockingly moving back


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