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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Law of Attraction ?

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 26




Her fork fell from her hand and her eyes glued at him,, what she is hearing right now is so surprising to her, she didn’t expect it to be so soon, but it’s good it’s happening anyway.

Daniel smile secretly at the way she reacted, he stood up and walked towards her and bend beside her, she twitch as his breath brush her.

He took the fork and whisper in ear.

” Don’t be surprise, I’m d@mn serious” He said slightly touching her earlobe, Sydney almost melted where she sat like an ice cream.

He smirked and sat down after giving her the fork.

She still remain mute starring at him with a surprise face.

” You are really serious” She asked.

“I’m f_cking serious Sydney” He replied

” But… what about Lisa?” she asked

” What about her?”

“I thought you were in love with her” she said

“Silly you, ain’t in love with Lisa, I just have pity on her no mutual feelings”

” I don’t even know what to say Danny”

“You don’t have to say anything, what matters is we are getting back soon,, eat up your food it will soon get cold” He said, faking a smile


?Monalisa’s POV


What the hell is wrong with Daniel? why is he not picking my calls, this is the fifth time I am calling him.

I am d@mn worried.

I made to go to my room when the door opened revealing Daniel.

“Baby” he said

I frowned folding my hands on my chest.

“What?!!, what’s it baby?” He asked

I ignored him and starting walking to my room but I didn’t took even upto four steps when one of the crouches slip.

I screamed scaringly but before I could know it I found myself in Daniel’s arm.

“What’s wrong, talk to me” he said.

“Why were you not picking my calls?” I asked

“You called? my phone is on silent, I am sorry” He replied

“And you think I will forgive you just like that, what if you were with another girl” I said watching how he will react but he still has that innocent look on his face

“You think I will actually do that?”

“Who knows, what ever, put me down, I am still angry with you” I said and instead of him putting me down, he started kissing me.

I tried resisting but he forcefully opened my mouth.

“Daniel” I Mõ@ɲed unknowingly

” You see you can’t resist me for too long” He smirked

“f_ck you”

“Sweet psycho” He smiled

“I am gonna report you to Roc” I said

” Oh! please babe, I don’t want to get scolded by Roc and Randy” He said

” kiss me ”

” My pleasure ” He said and slammed his lips on mine, I Mõ@ɲed again


? Daniel’s POV


I woke up with a smile on my face seeing Lisa sleeping beside me, we slept together in my room.

I remembered how she Mõ@ɲed and called my name, when I s*cked her Ɲīpplës, her sounds were melodious.

I looked at her innocent cute face and kissed her lips softly.

She move and open her eyes, she smiled immediately she saw me.

“Handsome white Prince” She said and I laughed.

* White Prince” I said

” A new name for you ” she smiled

“Werey ” I said and she started laughing.

” What!!”

“The way you pronounce it is so funny baby” she replied

“Wh@ťěver” I hissed

“And who you taught you that?” she asked

” Nobody, I just know”

“What’s the meaning?” she asked

Seriously I didn’t know the meaning of the word but I like it when I heard it from her.

What will I say now??

” I won’t tell you ”

” Then no kiss for you today” She said looking serious

” Ion know, I am saying the truth” I said

” You don’t the meaning but decided to use it huh? Werey means a mad person ” She replied

I chuckled

” I can never be wrong you see, you are a sweet psycho ” I said

” Get off, you will soon get addicted to my language”

” Ion mind getting addicted, since I’m already addicted to you” I said and she blushed

” What is your plans for today?” She asked

” To spend the whole of today with you, so that I can kiss your lips and even s*ck your pink Ɲīpplës” I replied

” Pervert, I don’t want to wet anything again, there was water coming out from my middle yesterday” she said.

I clearly understand what she meant, she was wet uncontrollably.

” Let’s brush together” I said and carried her to the bathroom.

✍️ Author’s note



“What is exactly your plan dude?” Randy asked.

” I want to make her feel loved by me again, I will make her feel like we’re back together, then I will shatter her to pieces before exposing her true character, her evil deeds against my baby” Daniel replied

“Risky but at the same time a good plan, I know you will handle it, so ion scared about anything” Roc said

“You told Lisa about this?” Randy asked


“Why ?”

” Ion want her to be worried, her jealousy is way too big, I won’t make any mistake, I will throw a party once Lisa get her legs back” He replied.

“We are in this together buddy”


Daniel, Randy and Roc entered the class and the girls couldn’t stop staring at them

? Daniel is the most handsome among them

? I prefer Randy

? Roc is the most cutest

? I love them all

Kyle raised her head up and immediately she saw Randy, she started feeling her heart palpating again.

A teacher entered the class and started his lecture.

Randy turned and saw Kyle looking at him, he winked at her and she instantly look away, he smiled, returning his face to the board.

She continue, secretly starring at him.


Sydney stood up to go outside but a hand suddenly hold her back, she turned and saw Daniel holding her hand.


She smiled

” Hey Danny” she replied shyly

” Going for lunch without me?” He asked

“I’m sorry” she said

” Hey girls, I am stealing her from you now” He said and pulled her away

Elsa and Claire glances at each other before bursting into laughter.

” My girl is winning” Claire whisper to Elsa

Kyle stop on her tracks immediately Daniel walk out with Sydney.

She smiled getting what Daniel is doing

“He is playing a trick on her and the Ɓîtçh is busy falling more and more, I can’t wait for the breakfast Sydney”

“Ain’t you going for lunch” Someone suddenly asked behind her jolting her from her thought, she swiftly turned and saw Randy.

“You!” She frowned

“What about me?” He asked confusedly

“Buzz off ” She said and started leaving but he block her way

“What!” she snapped

“Little Kyle” He called and walked out

“Jerk head”

“My heart will soon explode with the way it’s beating so hard”


Daniel walked Sydney to the parking lot and see her drove off before returning back to his car.

“Lover boy”

“No, it’s fake lover boy” Roc laugh

” f_ck you guys” He said

” We are hanging out today, come with Lisa, don’t even dare say no” Randy said and get in his car.

” Come with Lisa” Roc said getting into his car too.

They both drove away leaving him.

He got in to his car when Kyle suddenly appeared.

She opened the car door and went in.

” Daniel”

” Kyle, planning to go home to see your friend again” He asked

“Not really, I can’t for today but I will call her, I saw what you are trying to do it Sydney” She said

” I was planning of apologizing to you.. I just….”

” I understand and I am in support of it, make her feel like you both are in love again then bomb you will serve her a hot breakfast” She said

” You really amaze Kyle”

“But don’t take long bye” She said and walked out of his car.



“Ahh, yes boss f_ck me harder, oh god!”

Loud Mõ@ɲs could be heard from Vincent’s bedroom as he f_ck his secretary so hard.

The noise died down after thirty minutes, the door opened and he walked out shirtless with a cigarette in his hand.

Vincent light a cigarette and puff out the smoke before facing James, who is already waiting for him to finish his esctasy.

” James” he called, facing him

” Don ” he replied.

” You know I like you a lot, you know why? cos you have done many clean jobs for me, one of the best is eliminating my greedy brother,, but I have one mission for you” He said

” What’s it boss” He asked

“My cousin, she might be a thr_@t to me someday, find her and eliminate her as possible as you can, here is her picture” He said, showing the picture to him

James gasped seeing Lisa’s face, so she’s is the Ɓîtçh he loathe so much.

” She might change a little by now, but with this picture you can recognize her” Vincent said

“Consider it done boss” James said

” I trust you, you will receive the half payment now” Vincent said and immediately transfer $500k to his account.

“Seen Don, I will be on my way now” He said and left immediately.

” I am sorry brother but I can’t let her live she might be a thr_@t to me someday” Vincent said, puffing his smoke dangerously.


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