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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Taste Of Their Medicine) ??


By Authoress Rhema




Next Day…. Samantha High**

The vedio of how Lisa made Maya make a fool out of herself went viral the next day everyone are watching it in the classroom and laughing, some were even mimicking how she was jumping

Maya stepped in with Kinsley and Audrey angrily, and the students immediately stopped what they were doing

?it’s Maya, everyone keep quiet

They murmured and walked back to their sit, Maya smirked and walked up to a girl

“Show me your phone” she ordered

“But I wasn’t…

“Your phone!!” She yelled

The girl immediately brought out her phone and gave it to Maya, Maya smirked then threw it across the wall, making sure the phone smatches hard with the wall

The class gasped and Maya dusted her hands with a smirk

“You all see that?, That is what I’ll do anyone else I catch mimicking me and if you love your phones, delete that video from the school group because if I catch that person that posted that, I’ll sue you” she added and stormed out of the classroom with her crews

The girl whom phone got snatched, stood up and ran to the front of the classroom to pick it up

“My phone” she pouted


Lisa and Dora just arrived together, no one talked because Dora has been trying to talk to Lisa but Lisa wasn’t listening, probably because her mind wasn’t there

Yesterday when she got home, she couldn’t stop thinking about what happened, authoress rhema wrote this,copy and die how he saved her and everything, she just feels like she owes him alot

Even last night she couldn’t sleep well, the image of him, everything kept coming, she couldn’t even stop herself from going to the pharmacy store and getting an antibiotic ointment for him

Dora went to her locker that was far away from Lisa’s new locker, yesterday her locker got changed too

Lisa removed her bag, she dipped her hands in and brought out the ointment, she looked at it and sighed before taking it along with her

She got to the classroom and people began looking at her and talking, she ignored them and walked to the physics lab, she’s sure that he will be there since physics is his favorite subject

As expected he was there, he was reading alone, Lisa bit her lips hard and squeezed the bottle tight, she quietly dropped it behind him along with a letter and left


After reading for one and the half hour, Norman covered his books and stood up, massaged the back of his neck quietly before standing up

He began leaving the lab room but his legs kicked something, he looks down to see a bottle of antibiotics and he creased his brows

He picked the letter and opened it

?Hey,accept this as a thank you for yesterday.. please treat your wound with that

He rolled his eyes, guessing it’s from Lisa, she writes like that way she sounds, so rude!!

“Why did she even do this, why trying to be nice when you’re nothing but heartless” he muttered and threw it away then left completely

Lisa came out of where she was hiding, she rushed to the bottle and picked it up

“How dare you” she muttered angrily, but something weird kept stinging at her


After class**

“Dude won’t you go treat your elbow?” Henry asked, coming out of the classroom with Norman, Josh is still inside copying his note

“I don’t care about that” Norman rolled his eyes

“Wait the new girl did this to you?” Henry asked

Norman didn’t reply as they turned towards the direction of the cafeteria

“I just h@ťě the fact that she has to be so mean or ungrateful, I wanted to make friends with her but I can’t do it anymore, I can’t stand her” he replied

“I like her, I think she’s kinda cool” Henry smiled dreamily

“Can we stop talking about her, you’re starting to spoil my mood” Norman muttered

“Woah, you must really h@ťě her” Henry laughed

They were about to enter when Dora appeared at their front

“I’m sorry, just one minute” she said to Norman

Norman and Jace both exchanged confused looks before Norman faced Dora and nodded

“Let’s go somewhere quiet, it won’t take time I promise” she said, Norman smiled and nodded

“I’ll be going with her” he said to Henry who only just smiled and nodded


Dora and Norman got this quiet spot at the school, she faced him and sighed

“So what’s up, this is the first time you’ll wanna talk to me” he smiled

“It’s about Lisa” she said and he frowned back

“I know you’re angry with her but that’s just how she is, I believe she’s like that because she’s going through a lot that she wants no one to know about, I came to apologize on her behalf” Dora said

Norman didn’t say anything,he just looked elsewhere and scoffed and little

“You have a good heart I’m sure you’ll try to forgive her” she smiled and brought out an antibiotic she was holding

“I got this for you yesterday, I saw the injury in your hands when you helped Lisa” she said stretching it to him

He didn’t collect it, he kept looking at her face and smiling

“Take it” she said

“I’ve never seen a girl as sweet as you in my life before” he said slowly

Dora walked up to him, she opened his palm and placed the antibiotics on it

“Use it to treat your wounds I spent a lot of money on those, bye” she said and turned around to leave but he held her hand stopping her from leaving

“Let go” she said

“You’re so sweet” he said again

Dora squeezed her face and wiggled her hands from his and began running off

“You’re so sweet and pretty” he shouted out but she never turned back to look at him

He smiled and looked at the antibiotics, he threw it up and cought it back before leaving

Lisa who has been standing behind them this whole while and watching everything quietly clenched her fist hard.


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