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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Taste Of Their Medicine) ??


By Authoress Rhema



The bell rang indicating that the current period was over, Norman who had just finished serving his punishment and was rushing to the classroom paused and stumped his feet on the floor

“I can’t believe I just missed physics class!!” He frowned and turned back to leave but bumped into Lisa

“It’s all thanks to you” he added left

Lisa sighed and walked into the class, she met Dora sitting by herself and reading,the moment Dora saw her, she stood up immediately

“Lisa, you missed a class today are you okay, what happened?” Dora asked but Lisa just moved to sit

“Are you okay?” Dora asked again

“I got into a fight” Lisa replied

“Why, you promised uncle Myles that you’ll behave” Dora sighed

“Wrong I didn’t promise uncle Myles anything, can you believe those girls broke my locker and poured ink on it?” Lisa asked

“You could have just report”

“Report, reporting can’t bring my books back to life, they should just wait and see!!” Lisa fumed

The bell rang again

“Damnit!!, why is this stupid bell just ringing” Lisa threw her head backwards

“We are having chemistry practical, let’s go to the chemistry lab” Dora replied and stood up

Lisa stood up too with a frowny face

“Those three nincompoop, will they be there?” She asked and Dora nodded

“Perfect” Lisa smiled and jugged to the chemistry lab

“What is she up to?” Dora thought and followed her too


Chemistry Lab**

“So today we’ll be learning the acid, base and salt solution” the chemistry teacher, Mr Williams said

Just then Lisa entered and walked nonchalantly to the back sit

“Why are you just coming now?” Mr Williams asked

“I don’t get, you haven’t started right?” She paused asked back

“Still I was about to” he replied with crossed arms

“Well good, why don’t you continue teaching and not worry about where I’m coming from” Lisa replied with a smile and walked up to sit

Mr Maxwell sighed and faced the students to continue teaching

“I think the new girl is kinda rude” Henry said

“Kinda?, She is rude, have you seen what she did to Norman’s elbow?” Josh asked

“Can we not talk about her, I’m trying to concentrate” Norman frowned listening to what the teacher is saying

“Stop talking Josh, you know how much Norman loves chemistry” Henry laughed

Norman just rolled his eyes and continued listening, his eyes moved to Dora and he began staring

“Bruh, are you sure you’re listening to what the teacher is saying or are you looking at Dora?” Josh asked

Norman released a sigh and glared at Josh before facing the teacher

“You’ll need to just make sure the acid is measured in 25cm cube and don’t let it touch you because it’s a strong acid” the teacher instructed

Maya couldn’t do what mr Maxwell was saying because she was scared of it, noticing this, Lisa looked at her and smirked

“It looks like you’ll be my first scape goat” she muttered and carried her cup of acid

“Mr Williams please can you help me check if I mixed the right amount of acid?” Lisa asked, walking up to there the teacher was

When she got to Maya she “Accidentally” spilled the acid on her

“OMG!” She shouted

Maya began screaming and jumping

“What are you waiting for take off your lab cloth come on” Lisa jumped along with her

Without waisting time, Maya began taking off her lab cloth

“Take off the shirt too before the acid burns your skin” Lisa added, doing her face like she was panicking

Maya kept crying as she took off her shirt, leaving her with only bra

“What are you waiting for, do you want your B-__-bs to get burnt… Take off the bra too” Lisa added

Maya was about to take it off but Kinsley held her hands

“Lisa is making a fool out of you, she spilled water on you” Kinsley said

Maya frozed and looked at Lisa only to meet her laughing, she looked at the class and they were all laughing at her

She immediately grabbed her uniform shirt and rushed out

Lisa laughed so hard and loud, she looked to see Mr Maxwell glaring at her

“Get out” he said, pointed at the door

“Shh, I was planning to leave anyways” Lisa rolled her eyes and left

Audrey and Kinsley both ran after Maya

“I just h@ťě her” Norman muttered

The teacher continued teaching from where he stopped


After School**

“I know you wanted pay back because they broke your locker but that was too much” Dora said as was coming out of the school building with Lisa

Lisa kept scoffing and rolling her eyes at everything, Dora was saying

“Are you even listening to me?” Dora asked

“Why are you attacking me?, When they broke my locker and poured ink inside, no one attacked them, I just gave them a partial taste of their medicine, I still have to give Audrey and Kinsley one too, especially that Audrey” Lisa replied with an eye roll

“Lisa…. If you keep doing this then you might get into trouble, I’ll advise you to stop now remember what you promised your mom?” Dora said

Lisa stopped walking and turned to look at Dora in anger

“Not because I’m talking to you now you get to do anyhow, go home by yourself!!” She snapped and turned to cross the road

“Lisa no don’t… A truck!!” Dora yelled

Lisa looked back to see a truck moving to her with full speed, her eyes widened and her body stilled as she remembered something similar

“Leave the road Lisa!!” Dora screamed and jumped out of frustration

The truck was a little close in hitting Lisa, she closed her eyes tight waiting for it but seconds passed by and nothing happened

She slowly opened her eyes and found herself lying on the ground with someone ontop of her

It’s a guy and he’s glaring hard at her, she cleared her eyes and saw his face clearly… “Norman”

All she did was stare at him like he was the only one in the world, every seemed silent to her, it was only her and him

“You aren’t even listening to me!!” Norman snapped

Lisa shook her head back to her senses, she looked left and right then pushed him off her and sat on the floor

“Are you crazy!!, Do you wanna die!!!!” He yelled

Lisa wiped her face and gulped down

“So what if I didn’t come will you not move, will you just allow yourself to be hit by the truck!!” He yelled

“Stop yelling at me you aren’t my mother” she replied lowly and looked at hik

“And why did you come by the way, who sent you to save me, wait you were stalking me right?” She asked

Norman chuckled and sat up straight, he looked at her and shook his head

“You’ve started thinking to highly of yourself, me??, Stalking you?, How funny.. I came here because Dora forgot her english note in the class so I came to give her, I came here for her and not you. I just h@ťě seeing people die out of silly mistakes, but it seems like you love death anyways” he chuckled and stood up then looked down at her

“Get up and go home,try not to die next time” he added before turning around to meet Dora

As he was going Lisa’s eyes cut the big wound in his arms, first he cut his elbow now his hands all because of her.

For the first time in her life, she’s kinda feeling bad, really bad

“Your note” he stretched the English note to Dora who slowly collected it from him

“Thank you” she said slowly and he flashed her a smile

“You’re welcome” he said before leaving completely

Dora watched him then turned back to look at Lisa who’s still sitting on the ground at a side of the road

She sighed and walked up to help Lisa up

“You see what I’ve been telling you,let’s go home” she said


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