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Friday, October 18, 2024
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( New Life, Fresh Start.. ) ??


By Authoress Rhema



“My uncle also told me that, in every relationship there will be heartbreak, are you going to break my heart in the future?” She asked, her eyes searching his eyes for an honest answer

Norman sighed and held her hands then squeezed it tight

“I don’t want to promise anything because I don’t know how the future will look like, but I love you so much I don’t think I wanna break your heart for any reason even if such happens in the future, I’d try my best to avoid it, I’ll also stay by your side because I love you” he replied sincerely

Dora didn’t know if she should smile or cry, just what is this boy doing to her, she immediately hugged him tight, so tight as if he’ll disappear if she leaves him

“Thank you Norman” she smiled

Norman smiled and hugged her back then kissed her hair

“You have no idea how much you mean to me” he whispered.



A tear drop fell from Norman’s eyes the moment he opened them.

That’s right, he just remembered everything, their past and everything they’ve been through together

He shut his eyes as he tried to stop his tears, he acted like a jerk, he hit his friends and he even scare the girl that he loves

While thinking, the door slowly went open and Josh stepped in, he looked at Norman with a confused expression.

“Norman?” He called, walking close to him

“You’re awake, how do you feel now and why are you crying?” He asked, bringing his hands to touch his neck.

Norman cought his hands and shut his eyes tight

“Josh” he called lowly

“Yes what’s wrong?” Josh asked

“I remembered everything” he muttered and Josh smiled

“Really?” He asked

“Yes and I’m a jerk” he added

“Come on men, we understand that you were not in your right mind but it’s okay, men Dora would be so happy when she hear this, I can’t wait to tell her” Josh smiled and made to rush out but Norman held him back

“Please Josh I’m really not ready to face her” he pleaded

“Are you saying that you don’t want Dora to know that you’ve recovered?, But why?” He asked

“Because I’ve wronged her Josh, I even almost hit her, I said I’ll never make her cry but I made cry a lot, I’m such a bastard” he said painfully

“Norman you..

“Please Josh don’t tell her yet, I want to make it up to her by myself, don’t tell her or anyone please” he pleaded

Josh stared at him for a while and nodded

“Promise me that you won’t make her wait for too long, she has already cried enough” he said

“I promise” Norman replied and Josh nodded again before stepping away from him

“Fine I hope you keep your words, don’t make her cry anymore and don’t make my friends h@ťě me because you’re making me keep something big from them” Josh said

“They won’t” Norman replied and Josh stepped out of the ward.

When Josh stepped out, all eyes fell on him. He began sweating and thinking of what to say

“Is Norman awake, why did you take so long in there?” Henry asked.

“No… Norman isn’t awake I was… Pressing my phone” he stuttered and left the place immediately.

Lula and Henry exchanged confused looks while Dora pressed her lips together.


After School, Michelle’s Restaurant**

Lisa and Pearl got in and met Ryder smiling

“Why are you smiling?” Pearl asked and Lisa sat on the counter.

“Muchor finally found a girlfriend” she smirked.

“Muchor?, What’s that?” He asked

“Oh, just a nick name for you” Lisa patted his shoulders

Ryder chuckled and shook his head then looked at Pearl.

“Right, a guy came here earlier today and he asked me to give you this” he searched the drawal and brought out a card

“What’s in the card?” Lisa asked

“I think something that only Pearl should know” Ryder replied and Pearl slowly collected it

She looked at it and the back says, “From Josh”

“Josh?” Lisa repeated as if she was trying to remember something

Pearl smiled lowly and folded the card in her palms

“Hmm Josh is a friend of mine who confessed his feelings to me” she muttered

“Friend of yours?, Thought you didn’t have any friends again apart from me?” Lisa asked

“And me” Ryder pipped in and Lisa rolled her eyes

“I do but he’s just new, I met him when I was delivering food and we exchanged contact, he hanged out one day and he told me that he likes me” she said

“And what did you reply with?” Lisa asked

“I ran away” she pouted

Both Lisa and Ryder stood up and began leaving

“What?” Pearl asked

“How could you run?” Lisa asked

“Yeah how” Ryder butt in and Lisa hit him

“Is the guy cute, yunno what invite him and let’s see him” Ryder said and Lisa nodded

“You two…

“Just invite him tommorow and that’s final” Lisa said and high five-ed with Ryder.

Pearl just stared at the both of them and helplessly shook her head.


Evening, Debby’s**

“Dora, someone is looking for you outside” Lula said as she entered the room

“Huh” Dora asked from the bed where she was laying and wrapping herself from head to toes

“Why are you covering yourself that way, do you feel cold?” Lula asked

“A little but it doesn’t matter, who’s looking for me outside?” She asked

“You should see for yourself” Lula replied and entered the restroom.

Dora sniffed in and stood up then wrapped the blanket around her body and began leaving

“Hey Dora where are you going?” Josh asked, coming out from the kitchen with some late night snacks on his hands


“Mom and I are planning to watch some late night movies together, wanna join us?” He asked

“No thanks” Dora shook her head and left.

Josh sighed and walked to sit on the couch with Debbie

“Mom she looks sad and I feel guilty” he pouted

“What are you talking about?” Debby asked

“Nothing” Josh shook his head and handed snacks to his mom

“What about Lula is she not coming?” Debby asked

“She’s doing her beautiful sleep” Josh rolled his eyes and his phone beeped

He pouted and read the text then his eyes widened, he read it again and cleaned his phone scream then read it again

“What are you reading? Debby asked

“She invited me to come over” Josh smiled


“Nothing mom, love you” Josh stood up and rushed upstairs

“These teenagers” Debby sighed

Dora got out and opened the door, the moment her eyes landed on the person waiting for her, it widened

“What are you doing here?” She asked, looking a bit surprised.


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