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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Taste Of Their Medicine) ??


By Authoress Rhema



“What do you think you’re doing?”….

That voice made them freezed instantly. Slowly they turned to see Lisa angry face at, standing behind them

Her chest rising and falling every now and then, her fist tightly clenched

“You broke my locker?” She asked, starting at her locker

Students were already looking at them a d murmuring among themselves

“We didn’t only break your locker, we also poured ink on it” Audrey replied and Maya smirked

“She’s right, now we are planning to pour this carton of Ç0çƙroaches on it too” Maya added

“I see, among the three of you it looks like you love Ç0çƙroches the most” Lisa smiled at Maya then looked at Audrey

“And you love making mouth the most” she added

?She’s so brave

?I love the way she talks back at them

?I wish to be like her

?Everything about her is just cool

?Yeah especially how she position herself while standing

Lisa listened to the students comments and smirked then looked at Kinsley

“What about you, what can you do?” She asked

Kinsley didn’t reply, she just smirked and cracked her neck

“Cool, you’re my favorite let’s bring it on then” Lisa dropped her bag on the floor and rushed to Audrey

Before Audrey could do anything, she cought her by the hair and dipped it into her locker where the pink ink was stained

Audrey face and hair is now covered in pink ink, some are even dripping on her uniform, Lisa is about to dip her face in again but someone hit her back

She paused and turned to see Maya then she smirked, in the blink of an eye she snatched the cartoon of Ç0çƙroaches from Maya and poured half of it on her body

“Ahh!!!, Ewwww!! Gross!!!” Maya jumped up and began dusting, she immediately ran out of the hallway as she bumped into almost everyone till she got to the school swimming pool then she jumped right on it not caring about her uniform or shoes

Lisa looked at Audrey who’s still covered in ink, she’s trying to escape by crawling on the floor

Lisa walked boldly to her front and stopped right at her front then looked down at her

“annyeonghaseyo (hello)” Audrey waved with a smile and gulped, knowing what is going to happen next

Before anyone knows it, Audrey is jumping and running to the pool too

“Looks like you’re out of Ç0çƙroaches” Kinsley smirked from behind making Lisa to slowly turn to her

“Yeah, but I’m not out of my fist” Lisa shouted and aimed to punch her face but Kinsley cought it

Lisa tried using her second hand but Kinsley cought it too, Lisa looked at her both hands then glared at Kinsley

“Let go!!” She ordered

“Make me” Kinsley smiled

Just then, Norman and his two friends Josh and Henry came to the hallway

“Look it’s the new girl again” Josh whispered

“I know I can see” Norman whispered back, his face and forehead were bruised dew to the beatings she gave him and his friends, mostly him yesterday

Lisa also smirked, since she can’t use her hands, she used her head to hit Kinsley’s head

Kinsley was cought off guard so she released her, and without waiting for Kinsley to recover, Lisa jumped kick right on her face

Kinsley staggered right to where Norman and his friends are standing, she wanted to fall but Henry cought her

“Come on, I thought you were tough” Lisa smirked

Kinsley clenched her fist tight and pushed Henry off, she rushed back to Lisa and made to kick her but Lisa dodged, she made to blow her but Lisa dodged again

“Okay I must admit, this fight is cool” Henry smiled

“Yeah, the new girl is so cool” Josh smiled too

Norman just watched and said nothing at all. Lisa and Kinsley continued fighting, they were both hitting themselves but it got to a point where Kinsley couldn’t fight again

“Okay this is getting intense, as the school president I need to stop this” Norman said and walked at their middle

“The both of you that’s….

He didn’t get to finish when a punch coming from Kinsley landed on his face, he fell and stood up back


Another punch from Lisa landed on his face and he fell again, before he knew it the both of them continued fighting

“This is f-__-king hilarious” Henry laughed

“Yeah, I’ll go help out” Josh replied and moves dragged Kinsley away

“Let go of me, I’ll still fighting you loser!!” Kinsley yelled as she was being taking away from there

“What the hell bring her back I’m not f-__-king done!!” Lisa yelled, she made to chase after then but Norman cought her by the forearm

“Don’t do it, fighting is the number one school rule you might….

He didn’t get to finish when Kinsley came back running from the stairs with Josh chasing her from behind, she ran and jumped straight to Lisa who was carried away

The both of them fell on the floor and the fight began again

“Not again” Norman groaned


Few Hours Later…. Principal Office**

Lisa, Kinsley, Maya, Audrey who’s face was still covered in pink ink and Norman were seen standing inside the principal office right at the front of principal Loki’s desk

“Y’all know why you’re here right?” Principal Loki asked

Lisa scoffed and looked elsewhere

“Lisa why are you here?” Princpal Loki asked her

“Cause I was fighting” she replied

“And you know fighting is against the school rules right?” Princpal Loki sneered at her

“Why won’t I fight, they broke my locker” she defended

“But you could have come report so, it’s not everything fighting could solve” principal Loki replied

“You!!” Lisa gritted her teeth and fold her arms under her br**st angrily

Princpal Loki looked at the three girls

“You know I don’t need to as you three why you’re here” he said

Kinsley just rolled her eyes and Maya scoffed along with Audrey

Then he looked at Norman last and Norman looked down

“What’s your offense?” He asked

“I couldn’t stop them” Norman replied

“Yes, you failed as the president, you’ll also get punished” he said

“Just tell us our punishment already” Lisa frowned

Princpal Loki sighed and adjusted his glasses then looked back at them

“Audrey, Maya and Kinsley. You three will arrange the library and as for you, Lisa and Norman, you both will pick the school compound” he smiled

“That’s not fair, why didn’t I get paired of with Norman” Audrey yelled and Lisa sticker her tongue out

“Just get out of here all of you” principal Loki sighed

“Let’s go” Maya scoffed and stormed out then Kinsley held Audrey and dragged her out

“Norman, meet the janitor and collect the reacher grabber from him, I want you both to pick the school compound clean” he smiled

Lisa scoffed and stormed out while Norman followed behind


School Compound**

Lisa and Norman could be seen picking the school compound under the hot sun

“You know, if you haven’t fought with those bullies then I would have been in the physics class by now” Norman muttered

Lisa didn’t reply even though she heard what he said, she just kept picking with the reacher grabber

“Sometimes I wonder if you’re a girl or not, are you always this mean and cold, you didn’t even bother apologizing after hitting me with the broom stick yesterday” he said

Lisa still didn’t reply, his voice was annoying her and her jaws where tightly clenched

“I get you don’t wanna talk to me okay, but I’m not that bad you know, if you keep up with this cold behavior of yours then…

“Stop talking” she finally spoke up, unable to tolerate his annoying voice any longer

“Hey you talked” he smiled and she rolled her eyes

“I thought you were mute and can only just fight” he added

Lisa turned to look at him anger

“So I asked a question yesterday, you and Dora are you related somehow, I saw you working at the Supermarket Dora…

“I’m going to hit with with this reacher grabber” she warned

“You dare not” he laughed

“Then I dare you to talk again” she smirked

“Do you always smile, you should try doing that, I heard that girls….

He immediately cought the reacher grabber that was about hitting him straight in the head

“You were even aiming my head, you’re so wicked” he said and pushed it off

“You know what, since you love talking too much, why don’t you just do everything, I’m out” she smiled and threw the reacher grabber then pushed pass him and began leaving

“Hey don’t pass there there’s a pit there” he yelled and went after her

Lisa scoffed, she made to take another step forward but the ground opened, turns out to be a pit that’s deep

Her heart jumped out, her eyes widened, she was about falling but Norman was fast enough to catch her by the waist

Her hands wrapped around his neck, she still has this scared look on her face till he pulled her away from the pit

“Look at your face, so you also get scared” he laughed shortly

Lisa immediately realized that he’s still holding her waist and she’s holding his neck, she angrily pushed him off making him fall

“Don’t touch me” she spat

Norman nodded and stood up, he dusted his body and looked at the cut on his elbow that’s already bleeding

“Maybe I should have just let you fall, you’re literally so horrible but you’re welcome thou” he flashed a pained smiled then took his reacher grabber and left

Lisa looked at him till he was out of sight and sighed, Maybe she was feeling a bit guilty for pushing him

Nevertheless, she shook her head and walked out, even though she’s feeling guilty there’s no way she’ll ever apologize.


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