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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( New Life, Fresh Start.. ) ??


By Authoress Rhema



The moment that question left Norman’s mouth Dora gave him a confused look.

“What do you mean?” She asked lowly, tears welling up her eyes

“Who are you and why are you touching me, nurse!! Nurse!!” He began yelling and Dora shook her head a bit.

“Why are you yelling Norman it’s me Dora, you didn’t forget me did you?” She asked trying to fight back her tears.

“I don’t know you please leave” he replied and she shook her head in tears.

“You might be mad at me because i made you worry but I’m really sorry, I was just too emotional please you can stop playing with me Norman” she cried and touching him again and he pushed her hands away.

The door opened and Ella stepped in with a basket of fruit.

“Baby look at the fresh…

“Mom” Dora cut her off

“Norman doesn’t recognize me anymore” she cried

Ella gave a confused look then turned to look at Norman who was sitting, squeezing himself on the wall to make sure he stays far away from her

“Norman you don’t know her?” Ella asked

“Who’s she mom, can you tell her to leave, she keeps crying and holding my hands and I find it so strange” he muttered

Dora blocked her mouth and ran out of the ward.

“Hey Dora” Lula yelled and ran after her while Henry and Josh looked at themselves confusedly

“Did he say something to her?” Henry asked and Josh shurgged


“What!?” Lula screamed the moment Dora told her that Norman can’t remember her anymore

“You must be kidding Norman loves you, how can he remember everyone but forget you?” She asked

“I don’t know” Dora cried and slowly slipped on the floor

“He h@ťěs me now, I caused all this” she cried holding her head tight.

Her phone kept ringing, it was her uncle Myles calling but she didn’t want to pick it, Lula decided to pick it instead

“Dora is not feeling well sir so she’s spending the night with me” she told him during the phone call.


Back to the hospital**

Norman was now sleeping while the rest were inside the doctor’s office

“So you’re saying that he can’t remember her because his thoughts were occupied with her before the accident?” Jace asked and the doctor nodded

“I’m guess that girl must be someone really close to him, she means a lot to him that’s why he forgot her. She was the only one on his memory before he had the accident, the thoughts were too much for his brain to handle but he’ll get over it because it’s a temporary stage, she can try her best by getting close to him again” the doctor explained to both Jace, Ella, Josh and Henry

“I’ll try my best to help him, Norman can’t forget Dora he loves her so much” Josh sighed

“But at that same time do not put too much pressure on him or he’ll have a huge headache” the doctor said.

“Thanks doc, also when would be be ready to go back home?” Ella asked

“Maybe after he wakes up tomorrow, he’s good to go” the doctor replied and they nodded.


Michelle’s Restaurant**

Lisa and Pearl were already closing up when someone knocked on the door.

“I’ll go check” Lisa replied, she dried her hands with the towel and went to open the door for the person knocking.

“Good evening sir but we are closed now and…

She stopped the moment she saw his face

“RR” she called

“Lisa” he smiled

“What are you doing here, how do you even know I work here?” She asked with crossed arms

“Secret” he winked and entered

Pearl stared at him confusedly before staring back at Lisa

“You know him?” She asked

“Not really I just met him when I ran out of school that day and we accompanied each other outside”

“We also agreed that we’ll meet eachother this afternoon around 12 but you never came” he added then casually took a sit

“Did I agree?” Lisa scoffed and went back to the kitchen

“So you work here, interesting. I wanna work here too” he said and Lisa gave him a confused look

“Why?” She asked

“A side job to keep myself alive” he Shrugged

“But you..

“I’m not rich if that’s what you think, I’m average and I’m alone, I leave alone and all what I do is to just play around with my motorcycle” he shurgged

“Hmm, but why must you work in a restaurant do you even know anything here?” Pearl asked

“I know how to wash plates” he shrugged

“There’s no other room for dishwashers” Lisa muttered

“I don’t know I’ll talk to madam tommorow, what’s your name to you have a phone number?” Pearl asked, ignoring Lisa’s murmur

“Yes ofcourse” he dipped his hands in his pocket and brought out a pen then forcefully took Lisa’s hands

“Hey..” Lisa was about to protest but he had already written his phone number there

“Don’t forget to call me I’m in urgent need of the job” he winked and left

“Awwn he wrote his number on your hand, cute” Pearl gushed and Lisa rolled her eyes.

They finally locked the shop and began leaving together when they came across a girl crying

“Stop crying I’m sure everything is just temporary, he can’t really forget you as you think”…

Was what she heard from the girls as she left

“Sounds like Lula” she muttered

“Hmm?” Pearl asked and Lisa shook her head

“Nevermind let’s go” she forced a smile and they both left.


Next morning**

Norman’s eyes slowly went opened and he creased his brows a bit

“Mom” he called out and almost immediately the door opened and Ella stepped in

“Was this were I slept last night, thought I was gonna go home?” He asked and tried standing up

“What are you doing don’t stand up yet” Ella stopped him by placing him back on the bed

“Come on mom I’m fine” he shook his head and stood up

“I’m tired of staying here infact I wanna go to school today” he replied

“What?, No you will go tommorow” Ella shook her head, following him out

They met Josh, Henry Lula and Dora on their way out, all dressed in their uniforms

“Hey Norman, decided to see you one more time before we go to school, a day without the president, we’ll miss you bro” Josh said and Lula smiled

“Don’t be like that I’ll come to school tomorrow” Norman rolled his eyes

“As you say men, tommorow then” Henry hit his shoulders

Dora moved a bit closer to him

“Norman” she took his hands

“I’ve told you to stop touching you ugly thing!” He snapped and yanked his hands off, pushing her on the floor in that process.


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