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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( New Life, Fresh Start.. ) ??


By Authoress Rhema



Next Day, Infinite High**

Cole was seen seated on the long bench in the school park, tapping his legs and listening to some music through his earpod

He began hearing some footsteps so he looked up to see a guy running towards him

The guy stopped at his front and gave him a letter

“It’s everything you asked me to do” he said

Cole slowly collected it and looked at him

“Are you sure this is everything I need to know about Lisa?” He asked and the guy nodded

“Good, you can leave” he added and the guy left.

Cole smiled and looked at the envelope then slowly opened it and began going through it

He smiled and licked his lips

“So she had gotten expelled from different schools because of her hooligan behavior..” he muttered and flipped through the next page

His mouth formed an “o” as he read that one

“She just got expelled some weeks ago on the attempt of trying to frame someone of murder… This is intresting” he smiled.


Samantha High***

Dora tiptoed to the back of Lula and stylishly covered her eyes.

“Who’s that?” Lula asked and began using her hands to feel the person’s hand

“Dora” she called and Dora released her

“What’s up?” She asked, closing her locker

“Babe I have a lot of gist for you” Dora smiled

“You and Norman finally…

“No” Dora laughed and hit her

“Oh , what then?” Lula muttered

“Your brother is finally in love” Dora jumped

Lula eyed widened

“In love with who?”

“A delivery girl but I don’t know her” Dora shurgged

“A delivery girl?” Lula asked and Dora nodded.

“My gosh, it must be that delivery restaurant, this morning… He was asking me to tell me the name of the restaurant I bought breakfast from on Saturday” she said

“Hurry up and give him” Dora jumped

“I’ll do that after school, let’s go to class” Lula smiled and pulled Dora away.


After school, Michelle’s Restaurant**

“Pearl the telephone is ringing” Lisa called out from the sink where she was already washing some dishes

Pearl nodded and served the last customer then ran to the telephone and picked it

*Hello is this Michelle’s Restaurant service?* The person asked

*Yes, good morning how may I help you*

*My name is Josh Russell and I would love to place some delivery right now*

*Okay, name what you want and your address*

*I saw your meat balls with pasta so I would love to have them, plus a bottle of orange juice too*

*Your address sir*

*No. 12 Antenna close*

Pearl’s mouth formed an “oh”

That was where she met that boy from last time

*Expect… Your order in the next.. 40 minutes* she replied and hanged up then held her chest and breathed out

“What’s wrong?” Lisa asked and she stared at her

“I’m going back to that place, how will I face him again, my heart won’t stop bitting fast” she said

“What are you talking about?” Lisa asked and she shook her head



Debby’s Mansion***

Josh kept checking himself out in the mirror after he had called that restaurant

He can’t wait, he just can’t wait to see her again, when he talked to Norman about this, Norman had told him that it was love at first sight

The door opened he immediately straightened up, thinking that it was finally her but he was wrong

It was his annoying sister and her friend

“Josh, is there any occasion?” Lula asked as she stepped in with Dora

“What occasion?” Josh frowned

“Because you’re dressed up and the whole house is smelling like your outing Colonel” she replied and Dora giggled.

“I… I . don’t know what you’re talking about, this is how the house do smell before so I don’t know what you’re talking about”.. he blinked repeatedly as he spoke.

Lula shurgged and faced Dora.

“Let me show you my new wardrobe let’s go” she said and Dora nodded.

They began climbing the stairs but Lula paused

“Incase if anyone needs me, I’m in my room with Dora” she said and Josh nodded

The both of them left.

Josh sat on his chair and checked the time

2 minutes left to complete 40 minutes, oh he can’t wait.



Pearl finally got to the compound again.
She got down and breathed before slowly walking over to the door

She knocked on it and it wasn’t up to 2 seconds before he opened it.

It was him again, he was looking more handsome than the last time she saw him

“Your delivery” she said.

“Come in” Josh smiled and she entered

He closed the door and stared at her from behind

*She’s looking more beautiful than before* he smiled.

After dropping everything, she faced him and stretched her hands out.

“My tip” she said

Josh nodded and brought out his wallet then began catching it, after taking the thing he needed, he placed it on her arms

Pearl stared at it with creased brows before looking back at him


“Oops, sorry I gave you my call card” he smiled and brought out some cash

“Here’s your tip” he handed it to her.

“Thanks” she replied and made to give him back his call card but he didn’t collect it

“Just keep it” he replied.

She smiled shortly and nodded then began leaving but he stopped her

“Please can I know your name?” He asked

“Pearl” she replied

“Pretty name just like you” he smiled and she blushed lightly

“I’m Josh, do me a favor please let me have your number” he pleaded

“Okay” she nodded and he gave her his phone

She typed her number in and smiled at him before going outside.

Josh followed her outside from behind and watched her climbed her bicycle

“Pearl” he called and she looked back

“You’re pretty” he shouted

She just smiled and faced her front then rode off

Josh smiled and walked back in then fell on the couch

“Pearl… I love you” he smiled foolishly.


Next Day, Infinite High**

Lisa slowly stepped in with Pearl but noticed that people were looking at her with bad eyes and murmuring somethings among themselves

?Can’t believe that’s her life history

?She was a maniac

?How can a girl try to frame someone for murdering

?How can a girl be expelled countless of times from different schools

?Heard her mother even disowned her

? She’s a high school bad girl indeed…

Lisa creased her brows and slowly picked a news paper that was on the floor then began going through it

Her eyes widened with what she saw.

It actually narrated all her life stories, it brought out the list of schools that had expelled get

It even brought out Samantha high, the previous school she went to, how it expelled and the despicable things that she had done

How she posted Dora’s nude pics around, how she joined the bad girls into bulling, how she drinks and smokes and how she almost ki||ed herself just because she wanted to frame a girl

Tears came out of her eyes and she shook her head

This was something she had been trying to forget, why did it had to come back

“Lisa” Pearl called but she shook her head and held her head tight then ran out.

“Lisa!!” Pearl shouted

Lisa kept running and didn’t bother watching where she was going untill she bumped into someone…



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