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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Taste Of Their Medicine) ??


By Authoress Rhema



Students gasped immediately, some brought out their phones and began videoing

Lula sat on top of Lisa stomach and began punching her face real hard, she’s not good at fighting but she’d make sure that she’s gonna beat this girl up to pulp

“Leave her alone” Maya yelled and grabbed Lula from the hair pulling her away from Lisa

Lisa immediately sat on the floor and began panting for air

“Don’t you know she’s one of us, how dare you touch her” Audrey yelled and kicked Lula stomach hard with her thick boot

Lula groaned in pains

Kinsley suddenly rushed out of the class and came back few seconds later with a thick long rope

“Lisa take this” Kinsley gave the rope to Lisa and Lisa collected it

She stood up and faced Lula in anger

“This isn’t the first time you’ve touched me with your dirty hands you bastard!!” Lisa yelled and rushed to Lula with the rope

She wrapped the rope around Lula’s neck and began choking her hard

“I’ll ki|| you today, I’ll so ki|| you!!” She yelled, applying more effort as she choked her hard

Lula began coughing,her face turning red and sweaty

?This is getting out of hand

?I think Lisa is going to ki|| her for real

?Let’s go call the president

Some students muttered and rushed out, two girls ran up and down, looking for Norman but they couldn’t find him

“Physics lab” they said and ran there but still couldn’t find him

They began going to classrooms upon classrooms till they bumped into Henry and Josh

“The president do you know where he is?” One of them asked, breathing heavily

“Calm down and talk to us” Josh said

“A fight is going on between Lula and Lisa in the classroom and I think Lisa is going to ki|| Lula” she explained

Josh and Henry looked at themselves and rushed to the classroom immediately

They met Lisa choking Lula with a rope while Lula was coughing and struggling to fight back

“Lula!!” Henry rushed over to them, he pulled Lisa away from Lula with force, snatched the rope and threw the rope away

Lula began coughing so hard, she held her chest as she could suddenly breath, all the breath that she had been holding back began coming back all at once

Lisa eyes search for the rope, she saw it and wanted to pick it but Josh stepped on it with his legs

“Get lost I’m not done yet!!” She yelled and pushed his chest but he didn’t bulge

“I said get lost!!” She pushed him again then brought her hands to punch him but he cought it, she brought her second hands and he cought it again then pinned her to the wall, with her hands above her head

“What do you think you’re doing do you think we take murder in this school” he said angrily

“I don’t care what you guys take or not, just have it in mind that anyone who dares double cross Lisa won’t go scott free!!” She yelled at his face, breathing angrily

~ Lisa, Audrey, Maya and Kinsley, to the principal office I repeat to the principal office~

Lisa looked left and right when she heard the speaker while Josh smirked

“Go and face your punishment” he said and released her

“It’s not yet over!!” Lisa yelled and stormed out

“What are you waiting for, follow her” Josh said to the MAK

They glared at him and walked out too then he walked to squat at the front of Lula that’s still drinking the water that Henry gave her

“You okay?” He asked

“Why do care?” She glared at him

“Wow” he muttered and stood up

“Thanks” Lula breathed and gave Henry back his water bottle

“Welcome” he smiled and stood up then helped her up

“You have any idea where Dora is?” She asked

“I’m even looking for Norman” Josh shook his head.


Principal’s office**

“Whom idea was it?” Loki asked and everyone pointed Lisa

“Yes it was my idea now do your worse” Lisa replied

“It doesn’t even matter if it was your idea or not, what matters is how wicked the four of you could be to do that to your own fellow girl” he said and banged his fist on the table with anger

The MAK flinched but Lisa didn’t

“So your punishment for doing that is suspension for three days plus the four of you must pick up all the pictures today no single one must be left” he said

“But they are thousands of them!!” Kinsley complained

“Maybe you should have thought of that before littering the school with it” Loki shurgged

“Wh@ťěver” Lisa muttered

“And you Lisa I heard you choked a girl with a rope” he said

“She started it first” Lisa replied

“But that’s not enough reason to want to ki|| her, you’re suspended for one week and when you come back you’ll take part in the community service for one week” he said

“That is not fair” Lisa frowned

“You should have thought about that before doing evil things, now get out of here” he glared

They all walked out of the office in anger

“I h@ťě this school” Lisa frowned

“Same here” Kinsley added

“You can’t h@ťě it more than me” Audrey frowned

“Or me” Maya rolled her eyes

They began picking the pictures, there were thousands of them and they don’t even know when they would finish

“I h@ťě you Lula, I’ll get back at you once I’m back” Lisa said in anger

“Not just you, we will get back at her” Kinsley said and Lisa scoffed.


After crying all she needed to cry, she decided to come out of the restroom with Norman

“I told you that’s enough, I’ll report this issue to the principal so let’s get to class” he said

“I’m scared” Dora muttered

“Don’t be, always remember I’m right by your side” he smiled and took her hands then kissed it

Dora bit her lips hard before stepping out of the rest room with him

He smiled and interlocked his fingers with hers tightly and protectively

“Look at me” he said and she looked at him

“I love you” he said

She smiled lowly

“I love you too” she said

Norman pecked her cheeks and the both of them began walking back to the classroom

Once they got in, all eyes fell on Dora, they looked at her interlocked fingers with Norman and they began bad mouthing again

?The ugly girl is back

?She’s so shameless she’s even holding hands with Norman

?Get your hands away from him before you contaminate him you moron

The last person who said that, threw her stainless water bottle at Dora but before it could touch Dora, Norman cought it

He glared at the bottle hard then glared at the girl who did it

“Stand up!!” he ordered, the girl stood up fearfully while Dora held Norman’s hands tight

“Over here” he said and the girl walked fearfully to his front

“One your kneel” he ordered

“Norman” Dora called and the girl went on her knees

“Good now apologize to my girlfriend” he added.


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