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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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(Taste Of Their Medicine) ??


By Authoress Rhema




He removed his blindfold and staggered backwards

It wasn’t Dora he just confessed too it was Audrey, he just kissed Audrey and Dora…

He turned back to see her in tears but before he could blink, she had already turn around and rushed out

“Dora it’s not like that!!” He yelled and went after her immediately

“Norman, come back” Audrey muttered and sniffed in her tears

The confession sounded real, she has always dreamt of him doing this at her front one-day and seeing him finally doing it felt like magic to her

But he just left, just like that, he left to chase after they poor ugly thing that seems to be wearing a really nice dress, perfume and makeup

What the hell!!


“Dora” Norman chased her till they both got out

“Please just wait a moment” he held her hands and made her face him

“Can you just leave me!!” She snapped in tears

“You said you love you, you have feelings for me but still you go around, kissing other girls and causing more trouble, just leave me alone okay, I don’t want to be with a guy that’ll keep hurting me or giving people a lot of reasons to hurt me, just leave me alone!!” She yelled out in tears, she yelled at him for the first time in her life

Slowly he left her hands and she turned around to leave but he pulled her back to himself and hugged her night

“I decided to take the last risk, she was dressed like you, beside everything I said was for you not her, the kiss, she kissed me and when she kissed me I figured out that it wasn’t you” he said

“Liar, I saw you kiss her back” she yelled

“I didn’t mean it that way I was in my emotions beside it didn’t take me a second to realize that she wasn’t you, each time I tell you I love you then I truly love you, I f-__-king mean it Dora, I don’t care what people say about you all I know is that I want to be with you, I’m crazy for you, I’m head over heels for you, you keep doing things to me” he said, almost breaking down

“Every single day it keeps getting worse, I feel like I’m going to explode with all I’m feeling, I can’t take it anymore, I keep holding back each time I see you every f-__-king second, you don’t know what I wanna do, how I wanna hug you, kiss you till your lips swell, love you, protect you, take care of you,I feel like I wanna die Dora, it’s getting too hard and my biggest wish will be for you to say yes, just say yes I promise never to hurt you baby girl” he added, hugging her tighter and sniffed in the tears that almost fell from his eyes

He could hear her sniffing a little too, what does she wanna say, does she wanna reject him again as usual, he can’t take it, f-__-king hell he can’t!!

But her reply came as a huge surprise to him

“I love you too, I’m just scared because…

Norman pulled away and cupped her cheeks

“What did you just say?” He asked, searching her eyes for an answer

“I said I love you too, I’m just scared of everyone what they might think and…

She got cut shut when Norman slammed his lips on hers, kissing her hardly, he pulled her closer by the waist and pressed her body more on his

He poured all his emotions on her lips, did he just hear right, did she say she love him too, this is… He just didn’t know what to do other than to kiss her

He then pulled away and cupped her cheeks again while she stared at him in shock

“You love me too?, Then who cares about what the rest think, it’s you and I that matter sweetie, just melt into me I’ll take care of you I promise, you have no idea how happy I am right now, please be my girl Dora please” he said


He held her hands and kissed the back of it happily, his eyes sparking as he stared at her

“Just be my girl, I’ll take care of you, I’ll love you like no one else I promise you Dora please be my girl baby, I f-__-king love you so f-__-king much” he said

“Will you… Always protect me like you’ve promised?” She asked lowly

“I swear it with my life” he smiled and kissed her palms

She smiled and nodded

“Please say it” he pleaded

“I want to be your girl Norman I love you” she replied and bit her lips hard

“Yesssssss” Norman screamed happily and hugged her tightly, he even carried her up and twirled her around

“Thank you thank you thank you” he put her down and cupped her cheeks

“I’m so f-__-king happy, I’ve waited for this all my life, I promise I’ll take care of you, I won’t let anyone hurt you I swear” he said then leaned closer and she closed her eyes

His lips landed on hers again, he kissed her so warmly and sweetly. He felt her finger on his hair, pulling him closer

He also felt her lips moved on his, that’s right she was slowly kissing him back, she’s terrible at kissing but who cares, she’s his now

No one, absolutely no one, only God just God knows how happy he is tonight.


Lisa on the other hand just got out of the bar, she’s drunk but can still manage to walk

She can feel it. It’s over already, she laughed and shook her head, going back home but paused when she began hearing something

It sound like a girl crying, she shook her head and walked slowly to the direction of the noise, she couldn’t believe her eyes

Three guys are trying to rape a girl, suddenly the memory of her sister came flashing to her mind, she held her head tight and bent on the floor

“Help me, somebody please!!!” She heard the girls voice crying and she got the flashbacks of how her sister screamed for help

Back then she couldn’t come out, she was too scared to do anything, she hid at the back of an old fence, watching how her sister’s boyfriend and his friends R@P£D her sister to death

The bloody scene, the picture of her beautiful sister, lying lifeless ontop of her own blood, that picture that always terrify and traumatize her

“Sis” she muttered, tears coming out of her eyes, she couldn’t do anything she was too scared to save her sister, she was a d@mn coward, her sister had done everything for her but she couldn’t do just one thing for her sister, just one thing!!

“I’m sorry” she cried out, shaking her head as she remembered


The scream made her slowly lifted her face up, her facial expression changed to a very murderous look

She stood up, fuming in anger before turning back and kicking the can of garbage that was obstructing the event

“What do you bastard think you’re doing huh?!!” She yelled out and they let go of the girl instantly

“You wanna get ki||ed huh!?, How dare you try to rape a girl you bastard!!!!!!” She yelled again, her chest going up and down in anger

They looked at themselves and shook head, one of them walked straight to Lisa and made to grab her but she cought his hands and pulled it backwards

He yelled in pain

“You’re a bastard” she repeated and knees his groin

He groaned out and Lisa pushed him, she picked a stick

“Rapers must die!!!!” She screamed and rushed over to them, she began hitting them with it, dodged when it was time, she also got hurt too but didn’t mind

They must die, how dare they try to rape a girl, they are going to rape and ki|| her the way they did to her sister, they most die

In no time they were all lying on the floor, covered with deep wounds, not just that, she looked for ropes and tied them together

Once she’s done, she looked at the victim, it was a girl of her age, luckily they haven’t R@P£D get yet but they tore her cloth and also hit her badly

Lisa slowly removed her jacket, she bent at the front of the girl and covered her with it, then dipped her hands in her pocket to bring out some cash

“Here, use this to look for a cab and go home, I helped you because I don’t want you to suffer the same fate as my sister, next time I won’t help you” she said and turned around then began leaving

“Wait!!” The girl yelled and Lisa paused and looked back through her shoulders

“Thank you” she said

Lisa didn’t reply, she just faced her front, turned around and continued leaving.


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