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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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(Taste Of Their Medicine) ??


By Authoress Rhema




Dora sighed and faced the mirror, she applied a little lipgloss on her lips, after applying it, she looked back at the dress

“If I choose to ignore it then I might hurt him” she muttered, imagine his already sad looking face

“No I don’t wanna hurt him” she shook her head and stood up then took the dress

She looked at it and luckily it was long sleeve. It was so beautiful, it must be so expensive, she couldn’t help but feel special

Then slowly she put on the dress and smiled at her reflection in the mirror, she wanted to keep the carton but frozed when she saw something was inside

Checking in, it was a pair of glasses, fashion, recommended glasses

“Oh Norman what have I done to deserve all this” she muttered and took it then put in on

She was still admiring herself in the mirror when her phone beeped

It was from Lula, she then checked the message

?I’m outside your house, I just stopped us a taxi, come out I’m waiting

Dora smiled and took her bag then rushed downstairs

“Dora” Myles who was eating with Lisa smiled

“You look pretty” he added

Lisa looked at her with the corner of her eyes, she almost screamed but she just cleared her throat

“Thank you” Dora smiled

“You just enjoy your night okay” he added and she nodded before leaving

Lisa dropped her cutleries in anger and stormed to her room then slammed the door leaving Myles in confusion

She came out dressed in a huge jacket then stormed out of the house

Myles just sighed and faced his dinner.


Samantha High**

The part will be going on in the school hall, it was already decorated with balloons and ribbons, loud music was already playing

Some people could be seeing dancing, some chatting, some drinking eg Norman, Josh and Henry

“I feel like dancing, Henry are you with me?” Josh asked

“I’m not with you this time” Henry shook his head and sipped from his drink

“Norman?” Josh called

Norman shook his head, drinking while searching for something.. rather someone with his eyes

“Suit your self” Josh shurgged and rushed up to the dance floor to dance

Norman eyes brightened the moment he saw Dora entered with Lula, his smile grew wide, she wore the dress, he has been so scared to death that she might reject it

But she didn’t, she actually accepted, she’s wearing it right now and she looked so pretty, so beautiful, like an angel, he can’t even describe, how beautiful she looks

“f-__-k” he muttered, starting at her as if to swallow her whole

“Look she wore your dress” Henry said and Norman nodded

“She’s also coming over, bye” Henry stood up and left

Norman straightened up, waiting for Dora to come to him

She walked shyly to him and stopped at his front then nervously bit her lips, thinking of where to start

“You look so beautiful” he started and she smiled with a red cheeks

“Thanks for the dress, I love it” she said

Norman smile grew even more wide, he was about to reply but Clark who was standing at the stage beat him to it

?Happy Valentine’s day everyone!!” He took mic and screamed happily and students shouted it back

?Are you all happy to be here?” He asked and more noises

?Well you know usually we love games right, who’s ready for one?” He said and students made more noise

“I love games” Lula jumped from here she was standing and Josh scoffed

She looked at him and eyed him too

?So if you’re do confident that you can dance come here, I need a girl and a boy” he said

Students rushed to the dance floor and they ended up separating them into five boys and five girls Lula and Josh were part

?So here’s the rules, only a guy and a girl can be the winner, the guy will be given the privilege to search our romance box then pick a card and he’ll do anything it says” he announced

After they had all agreed, the music began playing and the dance battle started, boys were dancing, girls were dancing

Loud cheers were going on and after everything it was Lula that won for the girls and Josh for the boys

?Our winners please step forward” Clark called out

Lula and Josh both stepped in

?Josh go first by feeling the box” Clark said

Josh twitched his lips and dipped his hands inside then drew out a card

?It says say something sweet about your partner” Clark said

Josh looked at Lula and Lula smiled, Henry straightened up waiting for what he’ll say

“You dance like a squirrel” he said and everyone burst out laughing

“Hey!!” Lula yelled and Henry sighed

Lula scoffed and took her own card, she stared at it unbelievably

“Let me see” Josh collected it and gasped, he wanted to tear it but Clark collected it

?This one is Interesting, it says give your partner a tiny peck on the lips”

Henry clenched his fist tight, wondering why he didn’t go out to dance at the first place

Evan Kept silently cursing because he couldn’t dance while Lula and Josh looked at themselves

“Eww!!” They both chorused

“Do it!”

“Do it!!”

“Do it!!”

The chant came from students

Lula shut her eyes tight, she moved closer and gave Josh a little peck then screamed and ran out

Everyone burst out in laughter while Josh also went to the rest room to wash his mouth, he somehow don’t like her and he doesn’t know why

Henry scoffed and looked elsewhere while Norman rubbed his shoulders with a smile


Chalmos Bar**

Lisa sat by herself drinking, drinking and thinking about how her life was f-__-ked up

They were three empty bottles beside her, she just emptied the forth one and took her fifth bottle

She opened it and poured it on a glass, drink and smatched it before drinking it direct from the bottle

“Your smoke” a waitress walked up to her with a pack of cigarettes, she smiled and collected it then lit it up

She began smoking drinking and crying, imagine what must be happening at the party now

She’s sure that Norman must be all over Dora, dancing with her, confessing how much he loves her, kissing her…

All this are just too much for her heart, she didn’t come because she feel like she’ll break down at the party

“Good for you Norman, you tamed me then you abandoned me” she smiled and drink again

She took the smoke in and puffed it out, staring at the smoke as she recalled how he has kissed her for no reason in public then went back to sweet talk Dora at the library

A tear drop fell from her eyes and she looked up

“Good for you Norman!! Good for the both of you!!” She yelled out in tears then took the bear bottle and began emptying it on her hair

“I wish I never saw you, I wish I never came here, I wish I never get to know you, I wish you didn’t talk to me at the first place!!!!!!” She cried out and smatched the bottle on the floor and then brought out another smoke and lit it up

She put it in her mouth and puffed it out, followed by a laugh, a mad laugh

“You ruined me” she muttered in tears and took another bear, opened it and resumed drinking.


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