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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?(Never knew you exist)?

?73 ? FINAL?

?️ Bettydiva ?️

Note: The questions in the comments section are not just there for jokes or fancy. They are there for you to reply them or better still drop your thoughts about the questions?.




The R4’S Plane landed safely in Busan and it was like the whole of Korea was waiting at the airport for their arrival.

The guards rushed to the plane and blocked the crowd from moving towards the plane. Ryatt came down first while they all screamed out in excitement as they tried to push their way forward.

Resse came down with Nikita while Reggie came down with Arlette as they all waved at the crowds who didn’t stop screaming. They all matched to the car prepared for them while Rocky and Channel came down hand in hand while they all went wild in jubilation.

He smiled and winked at them while Channel waved at them and they were also led to the car. Once they were all settled in the car, the driver drove off with the guards trialing behind them in another car.


*****R4’S MANSION*****

They all slumped on the couch tiredly while Rocky kept groaning nonstop.

“Get ready guys. You all have a concert tomorrow and a dinner with the President the day after”. Shade said and Ryatt hissed before running upstairs.

“Decline the concert. We’ll honor the President’s call but decline the concert or fix another date for it but not tomorrow”. Reggie said and Shade nod picking up his tablet.

“Can I go see my mum tomorrow?”. Channel asked placing her head on his chest.

“Of course cupcake. Tell me when you are ready”. He said and one of his phones rang immediately.

He groaned before picking it up, without checking the caller, he picked it and placed it on his ear waiting to hear the caller’s voice.

“Hey Son”. He sat up immediately bringing down his phone from his ear. He checked it before placing it back on his ear.

“How can I help you?”. He asked and she breathed heavily.

“Son…… ”

“Don’t call me that. Say what you want to say before I do what’s on my mind”. He said getting pissed off.

“I need to see you and Raquel. Please, we are…”. She said and he chuckled.

“Well sorry to disappoint you, I was in the middle of something. I’ll get back to you later”. He said and hanged up immediately before taking in a deep breath.

His phone rang again and he decided to ignore it. The phone rang again and he groaned before picking it.

“Yo man! What’s up?”. Ash said and he rolled his eyes.

“Fine. Why did you call?”. He asked and scoffed quietly.

“What a jerk! Still wondering what my sister saw in you”. Ash said and hissed while Rocky chuckled.

“Guess she couldn’t resist my cuteness and manly figure”. He replied proudly.

“In your dreams. I need to see you and if possible come with the whole member of your hit”. Ash said and he scoffed rolling his eyes.

“Why should I come with everyone just because you want to see me?”. He asked standing to his feet while he pulled Channel up as well before leading the way to his room with his other hand around her waist.

“It’s urgent and important else…. I can’t say though”. Ash replied and he nod opening the door.

“When? Is it necessary we come today?”. He asked walking into the room.

“Yes. It’s necessary you all come today and besides I’ve f-__-king missed my sister. I’ll also send you the address immediately after this call”. Ash replied while he pecked her lips.

“Well sorry dude. Your sister isn’t available for now, she is really busy”. He replied and sat on the bed while he pulled her to his laps.

“Hey you. Don’t you dare go that far with her. She is still very young. She is nineteen for f-__-k sake!!!!”. Ash yelled while Rocky chuckled.

“Sorry mister. This dude has gone way too far than you can ever imagine”. He replied and hanged up immediately while Channel chuckled.

She stood up from his laps but he pulled her back to his laps while she gasped.

“When do I get my shits?”. He asked and she smiled while he stared at her like she has suddenly grown wings.

“You still remembered that?”. She asked and he nod while she rubbed his chin.

“You will surely get it but not now”. She added and he hissed still staring at her.

“How about now?”. He asked and she gasped hitting his shoulder lightly.

“You are kidding right?”. She asked and he shook his head negatively while she hissed.

“I’m sticky, I need to take a shower”. She said and stood up from his laps.

“Sure or should I help you out in the bathroom?”. He asked and she raced to the bathroom.

He chuckled and left the room heading straight to the sitting room hoping to meet them there.

“Hey Reg. Ash wants to see us. I mean all of us”. He said and Reggie nod.

“Tell me when you are ready”. He said and he nod looking around for Resse.

He walked back upstairs and went straight to Resse’s room and barged in without knocking.

“$h|t!”. Rocky exclaimed and quickly turned his back while Resse hissed pulling Nikita back to the bed while she quickly covered herself with the duvet.

“Why are you here?”. Resse asked wiping the bids of sweat on his forehead.

“Ash wants to see us. I mean all of us. Be down with her in the next thirty minutes”. He said and left the room hurriedly while Resse hissed before pulling the duvet off her head.


*****DREW’S MANSION*****

Ash sat on the dinning table with his mum, Raquel and Itzel who picked on her food as she kept squeezing her face.

“Any problem?”. Raquel asked as she turned to Itzel who has her head down.

“Nothing. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine”. She said and Ash held her other hand under the table while she looked at him.

“You will be fine”. He said and she nod while he let go of her hand.

“What’s wrong with her?”. His mum asked and Ash smiled patting her hair.

“Nothing much mum. Just a slight stomachache”. He replied and she nod.

“Sorry dear. You will be fine dear”. She also said and Itzel nod picking up her chopstick.

“Thank you mum”. She replied and they heard the bell ring.

Ash stood up immediately and walked to the door. He twisted the nob and met the whole members of the R4 outside with Channel and Arlette.

“Big bro!!!!!!!”. Channel screamed and hugged him tight while he smiled giving them space to come in.

“How are you cutie?”. He asked patting her hair slowly.

“Fine bro. Where is mum?”. She asked and he turned to the dinning table.

She let go of him and raced to the dinning table but froze when she saw Raquel.

“Who is this young….. Woah!!!!!!! Raquel!!!!!!!”. She screamed and the R4 looked back immediately.

“Nanny!!!!!”. Raquel also screamed and hugged her tight while they all stood dumbfounded.

“Glad you are back. I’ve missed you so much”. Channel said and pecked her forehead while she also returned the peck. She turned and saw Rocky still in shock. She quickly ran to him and jumped on him while he regained himself.

“Rocky I’ve missed you so much”. Raquel said hugging him tight while he wrapped his arms around her as tears dropped from his eyes.

She pulled out and wiped the tears in his face and pecked his cheek.

“Mouth can’t express how happy I am right now. The only reason I’ve been secretly sad is now with me. I love you princess”. He said and pecked her forehead while she giggled. She got down and ran to Reggie who looks so happy to see her.

“Hi crush”. She said and he chuckled carrying her in his arms.

“Glad you are up and perfectly fine. Bet you don’t know how much I’ve been waiting to here the word crush from you”. He said and kissed both cheeks while she also did the same.

“I can’t leave you all and besides I’ve always been with you all”. She replied and hugged him tight before he dropped her.

She ran to Resse and rolled her eyes at him, she was about running off when he pulled her hoodie.

“Don’t you miss me?”. He asked and she shook her head negatively while Nikita chuckled.

“Really?”. He asked and she nod trying to remove his hand from her hoodie.

“But I do Princess”. He said and she scrunched her face in disgust.

“That’s sounds awful to me ugly monkey”. She said and they all chuckled while she successfully removed his hand from her hoodie.

She stuck out her tongue at him before walking up to Ryatt who looks moody.

“Are you okay?”. She asked and he nod brushing her hair with his hands.

“Don’t touch my hair. Remember I also don’t like you”. She said folding her little hands.

“I’ve stopped that $h|t. I’m now a good boy”. He defended himself while she shook her head before running off to Arlette.

“Hi big sis”. She said and Arlette chuckled squatting to her level.

“Hey baby sis. Glad you are awak……… Good to see you again. Hope you are good?”. She asked and she nod showing off her teeth.

“It’s so good to see everyone here asides ugly monkey and that boy”. She said pointing at Resse and Ryatt while they chuckled.

Itzel groaned silently as she placed her hand on her stomach while Channel turned to her.

“Hey are you okay?”. She asked and Itzel nod placing her forehead on the table.

“Are you sure?”. She asked and Itzel nod breathing heavily while Channel went to her mum and hugged her tight.

“I’ve missed you mum”. She said still hugging her tight while her mum kissed her hair.

“Same here baby. How was your trip?”. She asked and Channel smiled before pulling out of the hug.

“It was a memorable one. They really rocked the stage and guess what mum….”. Channel said taking her seat beside her mum.

“They won the competition!!!” Channel screamed while her mum gasped covering her mouth.

“That’s incredible. Hug momma boys”. She said and they all hugged her one after the other.

“We also participated”. April pouted blinking rapidly.

“Hug momma girls”. She said and they hugged her at once.

“Ash!!!!!”. Itzel screamed holding her stomach tight while he rushed to her with all eyes on them.

“Itzel, are you okay?”. April asked rushing towards her.

“What’s wrong with her?”. April asked as she held her hand.

“She is on her period and she has been like this since yesterday”. Ash replied and scooped her into his arms.

“See you guys later. Have fun everyone”. He said hurriedly and rushed out of the house.

“Wait for me!!!”. April yelled and was about running out when her phone rang. She brought it out and picked it immediately when she saw the caller.

“Hey girl”. Zedd said and she smiled as she made her way out of the house.

“You’re good?”. She asked taking slow strides.

“Sure. What about you?”. He asked and she nod continuously.

“Good”. She replied sharply as she kept taking slow strides around.

“I’m kinda lonely. Wanna hang out?”. He sked and she giggled jumping like a kid before comporting herself.

“Sure. Currently bored. Where should I meet you?”. She asked bitting her lower lips.

“The beach. I’ll be waiting”. He said and she ran out of the house immediately.

“See you soon”. She said and hanged. She flagged down a taxi and the driver zoomed off to her location.


*****ZODE’S MANSION*****

Mr Zode paced to and fro as he waited for his kids but none returned home. He dialed Rocky’s number but it wasn’t connecting.

Mrs Zode also kept trying his number but she keep getting the same result. She decided to call the other members of the R4, she dialed Ryatt’s number and he picked up at the third ring.

“Good day ma’am”. He greeted and she nod.

“Hey son. Is Rocky with you?” She asked and it took him ages before he could reply.

“Yes ma’am”. He replied and she breathed out in relief.

“Can I speak to him?”. She asked and he groaned silently.

“He is currently busy but I’ll send you the address because his attention seems urgent”. He replied and she nod continuously.

“Thank you son. I’ll be expecting it”. She said and hanged up immediately while she walked to her husband.

“As soon as we get the address, we will finally get to see our children”. She said and he stared that her like she has suddenly grown horns.

“What address?”. He asked while she groaned rolling her eyes.

“Where they are currently”. She replied and he nod rushing upstairs and her phone dinged immediately.

“Honey, I got the address already!!!”. She yelled running upstairs to pick up her bag.

They both ran downstairs and rushed out of the house immediately. They got into the car and he drove off to the address.



Ash and April sat on the sand as the breeze blew their hair roughly.

“You got here so quick. I’m impressed”. He said and she smiled looking around.

“I can’t miss this opportunity. At all, anything fun must not pass me by”. She said and he chuckled.

“Can I ask you a question or more?”. He asked and she nod trying to put her hair together.

“Ever been in a relationship?”. He asked and she shook her head negatively.

“But I lived a reckless life when I was still in college”. She replied and he nod.

“Ever thought of going into a relationship soon?”. He asked again and she nod looking down.

“Of course but I’m scared”. She said and he turned to look at her.

“Scared? Of what?”. He asked and she took in a deep breath.

“You just can’t understand. It might ruin this friendship and I don’t want it to”. She said and he nod.

“Your crush?”. He asked and she chuckled.

“Ryatt but too bad he doesn’t even like me”. She said smiling while he nod.

“Be sincere, what I’m I to you?”. He asked and she looked at him before taking her eyes away.

“A friend”. She replied and he turned to another side to stop the tears thr_@tening to fall.

“Are you okay?”. She asked and he nod blinking back the tears.

“I’m sorry…..”.

“It’s fine. You did nothing wrong”. He replied and she nod tucking her hair behind her ear.

“April…”. He called turning to her while she hummed a reply.

“I…….. Like……. You”. He said and she froze for a while before blinking her eyes.

“Did you….”

“I mean it. Ever since over first encounter back then in America, I somehow developed a soft spot for you but I didn’t really figure it out and I don’t even know how it happened”

“We became friends and I find myself getting addicted to you but I was scared to admit it. I never believed I could fall in love again because I thought fate was cruel”

“Please, don’t turn down my proposal. I’ll do everything within my power to prove to you how big and strong my love for you is. I’ll be the best boyfriend ever if you give me the chance to love you and prove it to you”

“I just need a chance from you. A chance to prove I’m capable of doing anything for you. A chance…….”.

She cut him off with a soft kiss while he sat dumbstruck at the spot.

“You don’t have to say too much. I feel the same thing for you but I was also scared of getting rejected. So…… If you don’t ask, I’ll just give you my answer. I’ll be your girlfriend!!!!!”. She yelled while he covered his mouth in shock.

“Are you for real?”. He screamed while she nod smiling brightly.

He pulled her up and hugged her tight while she giggled like a baby. He pulled out and slammed his lips on hers passionately while she responded trailing her fingers on his neck.

He pulled her closer by the waist deepening the kiss while she broke the kiss.

“Any problem?”. He asked and she nod.

“You said you need to apologise to us. Everyone is in a good mood, why don’t you do it today”. She said and he holding her hand as they both walked away.


*****DREW’S MANSION*****

They all sat round the large dinning table ready to have their lunch with Raquel on Rocky’s laps. He fed her with happiness while Channel smiled and fed him as well.

“I so much love this”. Her mum said looking at all of them.

“I guess I need to be out of here”. She stood up an was about walking upstairs when they heard the doorbell.

Reggie stood up and walked to the door, he twisted the nob and he was shocked to see Rocky’s parents.

He opened the door for them come in they both rushed in while Rocky spranged up on his feet with Raquel beside him.

“What are you both doing here?”. He asked staring at them.

“We are deeply sorry son. It wasn’t our intention to leave you both for months”. His dad pleaded while he scoffed diverting his gaze elsewhere.

“Rocky who are they?”. Raquel asked pointing at them.

“They are……. Our parents”. He replied and she frowned.

“Why did you leave us? Why did you not pick my calls when I was in danger? I went through a lot in the hands of people I don’t know!!!! I almost lost my life!!!”. Raquel yelled while tears fell from her mum’s eyes.

“I’m very sorry baby. You know your mum will never leave you nor ignore your calls.”. She pleaded moving closer to them.

“What are your reasons?”. Rocky asked calmly.

“We were hospitalized for months. We got involved in a fatal accident that nearly took our lives. The trip was a set up for us but we weren’t aware. We rushed down here immediately we were discharged. We are very sorry. Please forgive us”. Mr Zode said moving closer to them.

“We are so sorry kids. We didn’t mean to ignore you both”. She said in tears as she held Raquel’s hands.

“I’m sorry baby. I promise that will never happen again”. She said and pulled her into a tight hug while they both wept uncontrollably. Mr Zode walked towards Rocky and also pulled him into a tight hug.

She broke the hug and wiped her tears immediately and pecked her forehead.

“I’m back now. I will never leave you both again. I promise”. She said and pecked her forehead before moving to Rocky.

“Thank you for taking care of her in our absence. You are indeed the best big brother ever. I owe you one son”. Mr Zode said and Raquel rushed to their midst.

“You also owe me for taking good care of him”. Raquel said folding her hands.

“Of course baby”. He said and carried her while Mrs Zode pulled Rocky into a hug.

April walked in with The Bullets and they all looked up immediately.

“What are they doing here?”. Reggie asked moving closer to them.

“I’m sorry I brought them here but there are all here to make peace”. April said and held Zedd hand.

“You can do it”. She said and pushed him forward.

“We are all here to apologise. It wasn’t our intention to send a spy to your hit but we were left with no choice. We were just blinded by jealousy and greed but after everything, we still lost to you guys. We are deeply sorry”. Zedd said and Rocky sighed.

“We all aren’t mad at you guys but we were mad at ourselves for competing with people like us. We out shine you guys but still, you all are sorry and we are all sorry. That ends it there”. Rocky said and they all nod.

“Thank you so much never knew it was gonna be this easy”. Tate said smiling while Flower moved to Rocky.

“A friendly hug?”. She asked spreading out her arms while Channel stood in his front.

“Try again next time”. She said and hugged Rocky tight while they all giggled. Flower walked back to Tate trying to suppress her laughter.

“She is my wife mum, dad”. He said rubbing her back while she gasped pulling out of the hug in full speed.

“Wife?”. She asked and he nod pecking her lips.

“Don’t you wanna be my wife?”. He asked and she turned pink immediately burying her face in his chest.

“You don’t have my support. So you can’t marry her”. Ash said walking in slowly with Itzel.

“I don’t need your permission. She is already my wife even before she officially became my girlfriend”. Rocky said patting her hair while Ash scoffed walking upstairs with Itzel.

“We shall see jerk!”. He yelled and they all laughed.

“Can we all eat something? I’m starving”. Ryatt yelled and they all turned to him.

“Suit yourself chef but ensure you don’t burn the kitchen today”. Resse replied and Ryatt rolled his eyes at him.

“Why don’t we all go out and have fun”. Arlette suggested and they all agreed.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s moveeee!!!!!!”. Ryatt yelled and they all ran out of the house in full speed leaving Ash and Itzel behind.


Encourage ur writer.. ?
Please Encourage Me By Sharing This story.

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