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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIDDEN BEAUTY – Episode 65

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*****NEW YORK CITY*****

“A tie…. I love that. What country do you think all are having a tie?”. He asked looking at his tablet.

?️ China and United Kingdom!!!!

?️ Korea and China!!!!!!

?️United Kingdom and Korea!!!!!!!

They all screamed out their opinion while the R4 panicked. Ryatt hurriedly left the midst of the crowd he sat and ran towards the R4.

“Chill guys, we would pull through”. Shade said trying to calm them while Channel hugged him tight.

“The tie includes……..China and………Korea!!!!!!!!!”. Another male judge screamed while the crowd went wild.

“You can do this”. Channel said still hugging him not wanting to let go of him.

“I can’t”. He replied while she pulled out of the hug immediately.

“Why can’t you?”. She asked holding his hands as she stared into his eyes.

“I lost my courage some minutes ago likewise my strength. I might just end up blowing everything up”. He replied taking his eyes around the hall.

“Take a deep breath Rocky. You can do it. You’ve come so far with your team and you can’t just give up at the end. Do it if not for the sake of your team, do it for the sake of those counting you. You won’t wanna let them down or will you? Your team is the last hope for our country”. She said still staring at him.

“Channel…….. I can’t. We should just give up and return back home because I’m done here”. He said letting go of her hand.

“Rocky you can’t give up. The country’s hope lies in you and your team’s hand. Please, do it for the sake of those counting on you”. She said touching his face.

“Korea, you are coming first this time around. You to prove to us you deserve the position. Just the boys for this section”. She said and they crowd screamed waiting for them to mount the stage.

“I can’t”. He said while Reggie moved closer to him.

“Rocky, you gat this. You can’t do this. We all don’t have the courage to but we have to. This is our last hope likewise Korea’s last hope. We have to”. Reggie said shaking his shoulder while Channel sniffed.

“April is not here”. Resse spoke up while Nikita shook her head.

“She doesn’t need to be here. It’s just the boys they want”. Nikita said and Resse pulled off his jacket before tucking out his shirt.

“Rocky take a deep breath and imagine yourself with me doing $h|t”. Channel said and he chuckled.

“Korea, we are waiting for the boys”. A female judge spoke up while Channel pulled off her heels.

“Rocky please”. She pleaded while he shut his eyes tight. He took in a deep breath before opening his eyes.

“I’m doing this for your sake. I love you”. He said and pecked her lips before pulling off the suit jacket. He gave it to her and tucked out his shirt unbuttoning the first two buttons.

Reggie and Ryatt did the same thing not without tucking out their shirts too.

“You owe me shits once we return to Korea”. Rocky said and they left for the stage with the rest while the crowd screamed out in excitement.

“Welcome to the stage again”. She said and they all bow facing them.

“What kind of performance do you all wanna drop tonight?”. A male judge asked and Ryatt spoke up.

“Dance”. He replied and he nod.

“So…… It’s my pleasure to select a song from your new album. You’re good with that right?”. He asked and they nod taking in deep breaths.

“Remember this is a tie and you have to follow every protocols”. Another female judge said and they nod.

“So……… The song you are all gonna dance to is……. Heartburn. Your time start now”. She said and the song started immediately.


“Wow…… China, kindly mount the stage”. Another female judge said and they wasted no time before coming up.

“What kind of performance do you all wanna drop tonight?”. She asked and they smiled.

“Dance”. One of them replied.

“Okay………. It’s my pleasure to select a song from your new album. You are good with that right?”. She asked and they all nod.

“Remember this is a tie and you have to follow every protocols”. She said and they all nod.

“Rushmore…….. Your time start now”. She said and the song kicked off immediately.


“Nice performance so far. Do the same thing and let’s see who will win the position”. A male judge said and the link displayed on the screen with a scan code.

“Your performance was dope”. Channel said pulling him into a tight hug.

“I know right. All thanks to you cupcake”. He said pulling out of the hug while he wrapped his hands round her waist.

“I’m receiving the shits once we return to Korea tomorrow”. He said and she gasped.

“I just said that to keep you calm”. She replied blinking rapidly while he scoffed leaning closer.

“What about I get it now and here?”. He asked still leaning closer while she looked around.

“You can’t possibly do that”. She said hitting his arm.

“I don’t mind. I can do it anywhere right?”. He asked and she hit him again while he chuckled.

“The more you hit me the more I get the urge to do it here”. He said and she quickly brought down her hand.

“What about a kiss?”. He asked and she blocked her lips with her hands.

He chuckled and removed her hands immediately and replace it with his lips. He took his hands to her waist while she took her hands round his neck.

He pulled her closer and devoured her lips hungrily while she tried putting up to his pace. He trailed his hands up to her bare back while he trialed it down taking a pause when he got to the end of the lace.

He broke the kiss and licked his lips before pulling her to the chair. She sat and he leaned closer placing his head in her forehead while she gulped down nothing as she stared at him.

He pecked her lips before taking his seat beside her. He held her hand and kissed it while she giggled.




He heard a loud knock on the door and he hissed before walking to the door.

He yank it open out of annoyance, he raised his head and saw Tiger, Cutler, Rodeo and Pierce standing at the entrance.

He hissed and was about slamming the door shut when Rodeo held it. He groaned before stepping out and slammed the door shut.

“Why do you all want?”. He asked folding his arms while they all looked down.

“We are sorry”. They echoed it at once while he chuckled.

“For?”. He asked and they all looked up at once blinking rapidly.

“Can you all stop this childish attitude and tell me what’s going on”. He said taking in a deep breath.

“For everything we’ve done”. Rodeo said and he chuckled.

“I don’t deserve your apologies”. He said and they all exchanged glance.

“Who are we meant to apologise to if not you?”. Cutler asked and he rolled his eyes.

“I’m really disappointed in you Cutler. We made a deal not to have anything to do with the girl he has been looking for. Or didn’t we?”. He asked and he looked down.

“Like I said, apologise to the girl and everyone around her you hurt. Then you all are free”. He said and tried making his way inside while Tiger blocked his way.

“What is it again?”. He asked rolling his eyes.

“How can we find the girl in question?”. Pierce asked while he chuckled.

“How did you look for her some months back?”. He asked staring at them.

“A scar”. Cutler replied while he nod.

“Use the scar to look for her again”. He replied and walked inside slamming the door shut.

“Gosh! This is gonna be tough”. Rodeo said scattering his hair while Cutler hissed and walked away with Pierce.

“You didn’t realize that when you became his favourite after Penn”. Tiger fired and walked away while he groaned before running after them.


*****NEW YORK CITY*****

“We have finally accumulated the votes and we’ve drawn it to a reasonable conclusion”. A male judge said while there was a pin drop silence in the hall.

“Are we ready?”. He asked and they all screamed.

?️ Yesssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!

?️ Bring it on!!!!!!!!

?️ We can’t wait!!!!!!!!

?️ Please just say it!!!!!!!

They all screamed their response while he smiled at the energy in the hall.

“Our top three country on our list here is……….. Are we ready?”. Another female judge yelled.

?️ Yesssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

?️ We are ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Our top three country on our list is….. Would you love another tie?”. She asked smiling.

?️ Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

?️ We don’t want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Just kidding though. Our top three country on our list here is……….. China!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. A male judge screamed while the hall was filled with jubilation.

“Congratulations……. You’ve successfully unlocked our top three position. Kindly step out please”. He said and they all ran out with smiles on their faces while they never stopped taking pictures.

They handed them a cheque board worth Five Hundred Thousand Dollars and A Bronze Trophy while multiples of pictures were taken.

“Congratulations once again. Your country choice?”. A female judge asked and one of them stepped out.

“Italy”. He replied and they all chuckled.

“Italy it is then. Your leader should see him after this”. She said pointing at one of the three men standing behind the judges.

“Wanna say anything to them?”. She asked pointing at the crowd while their leader stepped out.

“Thank you all for giving us the opportunity to be among the first three. We couldn’t have done it without you all. Wo ai ni”. He said and bow slightly before leaving the stage with the rest.

?️ We love you to!!!!!!!

“That was touching. You know right?”. Another judge asked and they all echoed a loud yes.

“Our top three country on our list here is…….. Ohh Sorry. Our top two country on our list here is……… Take a guess”. She said smiling.

?️ United Kingdom!!!!!

?️ United Kingdom!!!!!!!!!!

?️ Korea!!!!!!!!

They all screamed while Rocky held Channel’s hand tight not wanting to let go of her hand. Reggie on the other hand blocked his ear tight while Ryatt and Resse shut their eyes tight. Nikita’s heart began beating fast.

April ran in silently and sat beside Arlette who has her hand on Reggie’s hand. Shade acted cool but deep down, he is really panicking.

“What’s going on?”. She asked looking at everyone.

“There is a great tension here”. She replied and April took a deep breath before turning to the stage.

“Our top two country on our list here is……….. Let’s adjourn this till tomorrow”. She said shutting her tablet.

?️ Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

?️ We want to hear it now!!!!!

?️ We are not gonna let that happen!!!!!!!

?️ Please just say it!!!!

“I was just kidding though. Our top two country on our list here is………… Lemme switch on my tablet”. She said and tapped the screen twice.

“Okay…… Our top two country on our list here is……… United Kingdom!!!!!!”. She yelled and few stood up from their seats clapping and screaming on the top of their voices.

They all came running to the stage and one of their rap songs was playing at the background.

“Congratulations. You’ve successfully unlocked our top two position”. She said and they took numerous pictures.

They handed them a cheque board worth Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars and A Silver Trophy while the noise doubled.

“Congratulations once again. Country of your choice?” She asked smiling.

“Greece!!”. They all screamed while she smiled nodding her head.

“See that man over there after this”. She said pointing at the second man behind the judges.

“Wanna say anything?”. She asked and they nod.

“Yo! We’re all grateful for this and thank you for not letting us down. We love you guys so much”. One of them said and they all bounced out of the stage.

“Thank you all for coming. We really appreciate your efforts……”

?️ Call out the last country!!!!!!!!!

?️ That can wait!!!!!!!

?️ We don’t wanna hear that now!!!!!!

“Oh my bad. Our top one country on our list here is…….. This is what we are all gonna do”. A male judge said and their was a pin drop silence in the hall.

“We are all gonna stand to our feet as we call on stage……. Our top one country for this year’s competition proudly sponsored by The Global Music Competition in association with America’s Got Talent”

“Let’s make a building shaking noise as we welcome…… No as we call up stage our top one, our over all best country…….. Korea!!!!!!!!!!!!”. He yelled and the judges stood up on their feet as well while the noise in the hall could shake mountains.

“Keep screaming till they get here”. He said and a championship song was playing at the background while they all walked elegantly to the stage.

“Woah….. Look at that walking step”. He said while their noise increased as flashing lights from cameras flashed on their faces.

“Congratulations. You’ve successfully unlocked our top one position for this year’s competition proudly sponsored by The Global Music Competition in association with America’s Got Talent”. He said and handed them a cheque board worth One Million Dollars and A Golden Trophy while one of the judges pressed the buzzer.

The flashing lights increased as well as the screams from the audience.

“Congratulations once again”. He said and shook hands with all of them.

“Country choice?”. He asked and they all turned to the girls.



They said at once while the crowd burst into laughter.

“China is nice”. They all echoed at once while he pointed at the last man standing behind the judges.

“See him after this”. He said and Rocky moved forward.

“Don’t know how to express our gratitude towards you all. You all are wonderful and supporting even when almost f-__-ked up. This is one of the best thing that has ever happened to me and the rest of us”

“So firstly, I wanna thank you all for making our dreams come to past. Saranghae”.

“Secondly, I wanna say a big thank you to the woman after my heart, my shy bird, cupcake, she really means a lot to me. She motivated me even when I already lost hope in it. She is indeed a rear gem. Love you sweetheart”.

“And lastly, the whole member of the R4 not excluding our Manager, Shade and this two lovely baddies. They are now a big part of me and I don’t think I’m ready to let go of any of them. Looking for the best team ever, then count them in. Guys like them are very rear to find. Love you guys”. He said and they all blew kisses to the crowd before leaving the stage.

“That’s touched me. It’s indeed deep”. He said wiping his unseen tears from his face while Arlette chuckled.

“So ladies and gentlemen. We have finally come to the end of this wonderful and awesome competition proudly sponsored by The Global Music Competition in association with America’s Got Talent”

“A big shout out to every country that participated, a big shout out to the countries that dropped along the line and lastly a big shout out to those who made it”

“And also, a big shout out to you all and our online viewers for following us till the very end of this. Your country might be lucky next year”.

“We love you all. See you next year”. The judges said and the lights went out immediately while the hall became noisy as everyone made their way out of the hall happily.


“You did it love”. Channel said pulling him into a tight hug while he smiled wrapping his arms around her.

“We did it cupcake”. He replied rubbing her back while she chuckled. He pulled out and wrapped his hands around her waist.

“Thank you cupcake. You are indeed the best”. He said and pecked her lips while Shade moved towards them.

“Congratulations guys. You all made our country proud the third time. Can’t love you less”. He said and they all smiled.

“Group hug!!!”. He yelled and they all hugged themselves.


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