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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIDDEN BEAUTY – Episode 61

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?(Never knew you exist)?

?Chapter 63 ? 64?

?️ Bettydiva ?️

•••DAY 1•••


*****NEW YORK CITY*****

*****R4’S BUILDING*****

Arlette ran into Rocky’s room with full speed but she stopped close to the bed when she saw Channel still sleeping. She groaned before jumping on the bed while Channel sprang up immediately placing her hand on her chest.

“What was that for?”. Channel asked breathing heavily.

“I’m sorry princess. I just have to do it since you where still in bed dreaming about your steaming night”. She replied and Channel hissed looking around the room.

“Where is Rocky?”. Channel asked and Arlette rolled her eyes before looking away.

“He is with the boys. They are having a fierce, rough and breathtaking rehearsal right now”. She replied while Channel sighed sadly.

“Not like he dumped you here”. She snapped while Channel hissed before jumping out of bed.

“Where to?”. She asked and Channel ignored her completely as she made her way to the bathroom.

“I’ll bath you if you ignore my question again”. She thr_@tened and Channel gave her a middle finger before slamming the door hard on her face.

Arlette chuckled and walked back to the bed. She sat on it and Channel came out still on her pyjamas.

“Why are you still putting this on?”. She asked pointing at her pyjamas while Channel hissed before walking out of the room. Arlette stood up and ran after her, she stood in her front with her hands folded under her Břě@šť.

“What do you want?”. Channel asked looking elsewhere.

“I want to know your problem”. She replied while Channel scoffed looking at her.

“You are my problem”. Channel replied and she gasped covering her mouth.

“How?”. She asked still in shock.

“Like seriously? You scared me earlier and you didn’t apologise. I almost had an attack”. Channel replied rolling her eyes. Arlette chuckled at her what she said.

“Whew! You had me worried for a moment”. She said moving closer to her.

“Really?”. Channel asked dimming her eyes while Arlette put on a straight face.

“Fine. I admit I scared you”. She replied staring at Channel.

“So?”. Channel asked moving closer to her while she moved back a bit.

“So what?”. She replied with a question and Channel knocked her head.

“Won’t you apologise?”. Channel asked raising her voice a little.

“I already admitted I scared you”. She replied raising both hands.

“That didn’t come with the sorry”. Channel said and Arlette nod folding in her lips.

“I’m sorry”. She muttered and Channel hummed looking away.

“I didn’t hear that”. Channel complained still looking elsewhere.

“Fine. I’m sorry!!!!!!!!”. She yelled while Channel blocked her ears with both hands.

“Fine. Accepted” channel replied and Arlette pulled her into a tight hug.

“Let’s go out for a while”. She said and Channel gave it a thought before nodding her head in reply.

They disengaged before leaving for their various rooms.




Ash sat with his lawyer as they both await the cop who was ordered to bring Rusty which the cop brought in not quite long.

Detective Keith also sat on the chair in front of them while Rusty manged to laugh.

“This is the fake document”. He said still struggling to laugh.

“It’s not fake because I’ve exchanged the real one with the fake one a long time ago”. Penn said walking in while Rusty clenched his fist angrily.

“You betrayal. After all I’ve done……”.

“Eat your words right there. You’ve done nothing than send me on bloody mission which I won’t end up doing because I can’t stand the sight of blood”

“You only made me the boss over your men and you sent me to school. You never really cared for me because all you were after was your daughter who didn’t die in the hands of the innocent man you ki||ed for fun”. Penn snapped standing very close to him.

“What do you mean?”. Rusty asked giving him a confused look.

“A grown up man like you shouldn’t try to pretend when you know he didn’t ki|| your daughter like you claimed. He tried his best to protect your daughter but she was eventually rapped and ki||ed by those blood thirsty fools”. Penn explained while Ash blood boiled in anger.

“How did you know all this?”. Detective Keith asked while he smiled taking his seat.

“I was adopted at the age of 10 by this man here while his daughter was 9 then. It’s all started when she got to high school 19 years ago……”


“Dad, I’m off for school!!!!”. Juliet yelled and ran out of the house without waiting for his reply. She got into the car and the driver zoomed off to her school.

Penn decided not to go to school that day because he woke up with a severe headache.

The door bell rang and he rushed to open it. He met a young man dressed like he own a company standing at the door.

“Good day. I’m here to see Rusty. Is he in?”. The man asked and Penn nod before moving away from the door for him to come in.

“I’ll go get him for you”. Penn said and ran off to Rusty’s room while the man sat on the couch waiting patiently for Rusty.

Rusty can downstairs dressed in an expensive suit. He shook hands with him before taking his seat while Penn peeped from his room eavesdropping at their conversation.

“What brought you here this early morning?”. Rusty asked and he smiled adjusting his collar.

“My wife has finally put to bed and I’m here to take your daughter to see the baby since I promised her she would be the first to see the baby after we had seen her”. Mr Drew said and Rusty nod his head.

“She should be in school by now. You can pick her up immediately she returns”. Rusty said and he smiled checking his wristwatch.

“I’ll be on my way now. See you later old friend”. Mr Drew said and walked out of the house while Rusty’s blood boiled.

He made up his mind to pay his new born baby a visit after Juliet had seen the baby.

He walked out of the house while Penn came out of his room as he stared at the door.

He shrugged and walked back to his room with the hope of going with the man when Juliet returns from school


Penn sat on his bed waiting for Mr Drew not excluding Juliet who kept looking out of the window already getting impatient.

The man finally came in and she rushed to him giggling while he smiled leading her out of the house.

“How is your baby? Is she cute? Is her hair as long as mine? Does she….”

“Your questions will be answered when we get to the hospital”. He interrupted as he drove out of the house with Penn trailing behind him.

They got to the path leading to the hospital and their car was blocked by a car which had been in front of them since the start of the ride.

Penn stopped his car and waited to see what was happening.

“Get your d@mn car out of my way!!!!”. Mr Drew yelled pressing his car horn aggressively. They came down from their car and surrounded their car while Penn brought out his gun and aimed at the leg of the one close to him.

He hurriedly came down from the car and shot another one. He made to $h00t again but his gun made a clicking sound which means the bullets has been exhausted.

He threw it away and charged towards them roughly while another car came to the spot and they doubled in number. Mr Drew held Juliet tight to himself while three moved to the car. They opened the car but it was locked and they wasted no time in breaking down the window.

They open the door and dragged Mr Drew out of the car roughly while tried his best to release himself from their grip, an heavy blow was sent to his face knocking him down. Penn on the other hand was helpless as he was already loosing strength. He fell weakly to the ground and they surrounded him not giving him the chance to escape.

Four men entered the car and had their way forcefully while her screams could be heard from the car but Penn and Mr Drew could only watch as they couldn’t do anything.

They finished and one of them put a call through Rusty telling him a man R@P£D his daughter to death and he also gave him the address. They got to their car and drove off to where they came from while Mr Drew rushed to his car bringing her out.

Tears dropped from his eyes when he realized she gave up. Penn also struggled to get to where he is tapping her cheek repeatedly.

Rusty got their in no time and threw Mr Drew an heavy punch that sent him back to the floor.

He snapped his fingers at him before carrying his daughter straight to his car heading to the hospital Mrs Drew is admitted.


Rusty broke down in tears when the doctor confirmed her dead and his blood boiled instantly. Penn rushed in with the dash camera in the car the incident took place.

“This is the dash camera for the car. He wasn’t the one who did it. He did his best to protect your daughter”. Penn tried to convince him he shoved him out of the way heading towards the reception.

“Any Mrs Drew here?”. He asked and she checked her book before looking up.

“Private ward 6”. She said and he ran off to the room. He barged in and met the whole family in the room while the baby started crying.

He walked back and left the hospital after telling Penn to take care of his daughter’s body.


Mr Drew sat on the couch still brooding over the death of Rusty’s daughter while the door burst open revealing Rusty and two of his men including Penn who had his head down.

He shivered a bit as they moved closer to him while he moved back.

“Where is your daughter?”. He asked coldly while Mr Drew fell on his knees immediately.

“I swear. I wasn’t the one who did that to your daughter. Please spare my daughter and consider our friendship. We can share her to replace Juliet”. He pleaded while Rusty laughed maniacally.

“Do you think your wretched daughter can replace mine?”. He asked and Mrs Zode unaware of what was going on in the sitting room, came downstairs with Channel in her hand.

They footsteps and they diverted their gaze to the stairs while he smiled devilishly as he watched her descending the stairs.

Mr Zode tried giving her signal but it was too late. Rusty hurriedly moved closer to her and grabbed the child forcefully from her.

She screamed in fright when he snatched her from while he laughed maniacally.

He dipped his nails into her laps and she let out a loud scream. He quickly took a picture of her bleeding lap while Ash rushed downstairs when he heard her screams. Mr Drew pushed him from behind and he let go of the baby while she caught her immediately.

Penn quickly found his way to Ash and rubbed his back as he stood at a distance watching the scene as tears gathered in his eyes.

Ash went to his mum and she gave Channel to him before running out of the house with Penn. He took him somewhere safe with a promise to return with his parents but he could only bring back his mother.


“That’s was how he wasted the life of a young man who did nothing to his daughter. He even almost ki||ed his daughter when her father laid his life for her”. Penn narrated and the lawyer shook his head negatively.

“Yes. I ki||ed him and I’m still regretting I didn’t ki|| you when I had the chance to. Why would he have everything? He has a family of his own and a wife while mine left immediately she gave birth to her”

“I couldn’t even take good care of her because I wasn’t brought up with parental love and I don’t how to show her one but I tried my best to raise her to that level only for me to receive her death news and you expect me not to do what I did!!!!!!!”. Rusty yelled while Ash watched in silence trying to control his anger.

“How come he was able to get his properties?” Detective Keith asked rubbing his chin slowly.

“I have no idea when they signed it but I’m sure it was not willingly because he has his family”. Penn explained and the lawyer open the file.

He brought out a pen from his pocket and told he and Ash to sign on some places not excluding thumbprints which he reluctantly did.

“The job is done. Thank you for your cooperation Mr Rusty”. The lawyer said shaking hands with Ash and Detective Keith before walking out with Ash.

Penn took a last glance at Rusty before walking out as well.

“Take him back”. Detective Keith ordered and the cop took him back to the cell.



*****NEW YORK CITY*****


“5,6,7,8……..Move!”. Shade ordered and they all moved in rhyme while he nod his head in approval of the step.

“Rocky take the steps with them from the scratch for the last time. Tomorrow is your first performance. Don’t get us disqualified”. Shade said and Rocky nod moving forward and they all swinged into action taking the steps from the scratch.

They cheered themselves except Ryatt who has been moody since the start of the practice.

“I guess we can call it a day. Till tomorrow”. Shade said and they all nod picking a bottled water.

Ryatt hurriedly left the room while Rocky ran after him. He held his hand but Ryatt threw it off immediately.

“I’m sorry”. Rocky said while Ryatt hissed.

“I know what I did is a life time scar but I also don’t have a choice. It’s either I lose her to you or the other way round…..”.

“So you chose the other way round”. Ryatt burt in sharply while he sighed sadly.

“I’m sorry. I just had to do it”. He said and Ryatt nod.

“Thank you for making my first love a sad story to tell. You did well. Excuse me”. Ryatt said and walked away while Rocky stare at his retreating figure before heading to his room.

******RESSE’S ROOM*****

He entered with Nikita who looks so tired after the dance and every other thing they did.

“I’m so tired and hungry”. She said falling on the bed while Resse climbed on her.

“You can just eat me. I’m all yours anyways”. He said kissing her face while she giggled as she pushed him off her.

He leaned closer again staring at her lips while she hissed looking away. He brought her face back to his and was about kissing her when they heard a knock on the door.

Resse groaned before standing up while she ran to the bathroom. He opened the door and he met two ladies standing with a trolley of covers food.

He took it from them before pushing it in. He gave them time to come back before closing the door.

He hurriedly pulled off his clothes and ran to the bathroom while she screamed immediately he entered.


*****ROCKY’S ROOM****

He entered and Channel rushed to hug him but he didn’t respond to the hug. She held his face and he looked away removing her hands from his face.

“What the problem?”. She asked and he ignored her question. He pulled off his shoe before walking into the bathroom.

She gulped down nothing as she looked at the bathroom door before laying on the bed. She pulled the duvet to her waist level as hot tears strolled down her face.

She sniffed and wiped it off but more kept coming. She sniffed and she heard the door open but she didn’t bother to look back.

She sniffed again wiping the tears that keeps coming. She felt him on the bed but didn’t turn back and he exhaled deeply before touching her hand which she jerked off immediately.

“I’m sorry……. I let my emotion take over me. I was just mad at myself”. He explained and she sniffed while he quickly turned her to face him.

“Geez! I’m so sorry I made you cry. It wasn’t intentional. I didn’t mean to ignore you, I just couldn’t control myself”. Hr said wiping her tears as she bit her lower lips.

She nod and moved closer to him placing her head on his chest while he wrapped his hands around her.

“I’m sorry you woke up without me”. He said and she nod closing her eyes.

“Sweet dreams”. He said and kissed her hair while she moved a little. He also closed his eyes waiting for the sleep to do its thing.


Please kindly do the needful ??

I ? Y’all

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