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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIDDEN BEAUTY – Episode 17

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The city looks so calm and peaceful for those who has no issue but it doesn’t look calm and the likes for those having serious issue

Channel began her work as a nanny and it’s very difficult for her because she doesn’t know how to cook not to talk of operating some electric use in the house

The R4 are practicing fiercely for their new album, their upcoming concerts and the upcoming competition

The took no break a day because the song they will release before the competition will determine those that will be selected but they have just one problem”Bullets”

The Bullets are their number one greatest enemy and they are both on the same lane

No one is ready to back out for the other and that explains their constant practice despite the fact the competition is in two months time

Reggie on the other hand keeps getting hurt and it makes his heart bleed millions of time

He is really trying his best not to break out nor make it too obvious

Love is indeed cruel for him

Resse gave up when he couldn’t find his secret admirer but he doesn’t want to give up and he also want to give up

Ryatt playboy life continues and it’s getting out of hand as he keeps going from one lady to another

To him big @zz, B-__-bs, tight Pů$$¥ and the pretty angel he met at the welcoming party matters a lot

The female dancer joined the band and she will be dancing with them in their next concert which is in two days time

She stares at Rocky at every given point but he has never for once looked at her

Rocky on the other hand is really trying his best to concentrate but he just couldn’t

He zone out at every single chance he gets and it’s getting frustrated to him

“Rocky, you are not concentrating”. Shade snapped and they all turned to look at him

He stood up from his chair and walked to the door

“I’ll join you guys tomorrow. I need to rest my brain”. He said twisting the door nob

“This is just 10 minutes past 12 and you need to rest your brain. We shouldn’t give them the chance to win us this time around. They won last three years and they can’t possibly let them win this year”. Manager Shade snapped dropping the book in his hands

“I promise to be here tomorrow. I might just end up singing rubbish if I stay a minute longer”. Rocky said and walked out while Reggie also left without a word

The other got frustrated and also left leaving Flower(The dancer) and Shade behind

She sighed and also walk out while Shade groaned sitting on a chair


*****ZODE’S MANSION*****

Rocky walked in hurriedly heading to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and got himself a very cold water to ease his worries

He leaned on the fridge as he closed his eyes with his forehead resting on the fridge

Channel walked in and met a figure resting on the fridge. She wondered who it was and walked closer

Rocky heard footsteps but didn’t bother to raise his head or turn

She walked to him and tapped him gently but he didn’t move. She tapped him again and he still didn’t move. She groaned and pulled him away from the fridge but his weight was too much for her

After so many trial, she scoffed stomping her foot on the ground

He turned to look at her after so many minutes while she gulped down nothing

“I didn’t know you were the on there. I’m sorry”. She pleaded with her head down

Rocky just walked away with the water ignoring her pleas. She raised her head and noticed he has left the kitchen

She hissed as she opened the fridge. She brought out water and gulped it down hurriedly

She disposed the bottle and left the kitchen. She got to her room and walked to the window taking a full view of the compound and the buildings around

She suddenly remembered her brother and her mother. She really miss them but she has no choice right now. It’s either she finds her way back and remain hidden or she achieve her aim of leaving them

“I’m so sorry for leaving. I hope you forgive me. I’m just tired of staying at home all day. I miss you mum. I miss you Ash”. She said as tears dropped from her eyes

She quickly wiped it and leaned on the window while the gentle breeze blew her hair gently



Arlette sat alone in class going through her textbook. She opened a page and a letter fell

She picked it and opened it immediately

“Just a glimpse of your face brightens my day and that gives me the vibes for the day’s challenge.”

“Not getting to see a glimpse of your face breaks my heart and no vibes comes from it”

“I’ll always remain here waiting for you. Take care of yourself”

She read it over and over again before tearing the letter into shreds

A student came and she looked up while the student walked up to her

“If I’m not mistaken, you must be Arlette Opal”. The student said and she nod

“Someone is here to see you. It’s very urgent. She is waiting at the parking lot”. The student said before leaving the class

She stood up and packed her books wondering who the person is. She increased her pace and she got there in no time

She saw a woman dressed in a white long gown backing her. She stood behind her knowing who it was already

The woman turned smiling as she tried touching her. Arlette moved back holding her bag firmly

“Hi baby”. The woman said and tried touching her again. Arlette threw her a dirty look while the woman brought down her hand

“Why are you here?”. Arlette asked angrily

“Just came to say hi but trust me, you will soon run back home begging”. She said and Arlette burst into a loud laughter

“That’s so funny. That kind of Arlette was buried the moment I stepped my foot into a new life. Nothing will make me return to a family that derive joy in selling out there only child just for fame”. Arlette spat giving her hard glares

“It’s for your own good”. She said removing her sunglasses

“Tell that to the dogs and let this be the first and last time you will ever come towards me”. Arlette warned before walked away angrily

She bumped into Birdie and her minions. She walked past them but they drew her back

She threw there hands off her roughly feeling the urge to pull out of their hair

She restrained herself and walked away not without throwing them hard and dangerous glares

They exchanged looks and turned to looked at her retreating figure

Birdie clenched her fist walking away angrily leaving April and Itzel behind

They ran after her trying to catch up with her pace


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