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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIDDEN BEAUTY – Episode 11

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?(Never knew you exist)?

? Chapter 11 ? 12 ?

?️ Bettydiva ?️




Birdie kept clenching her fist angrily as she watched the unknown girl gaining everyone’s attention while Channel felt so uncomfortable with the way everyone is staring at her

She looked down fiddling with her fingers designed with many rings

Arlette stood up and walked up to the R4. She stood in their front and Resse looked at her wondering why she is standing in front of them

“Hi”. She greeted and they all diverted their attention to her

“Hey”. Reggie replied stealing glance

“Can you stop staring at her?”. Arlette said giving them puppy eyes

“Why?”. Ryatt asked dropping the wine in his hand

“You all are making her so uncomfortable with your stares. Take a look at her”. Arlette said pointing at Channel who has her head down and refuse to look up

“Who is she?” Rocky asked still looking at her

“Hmm.. my sister”. She said and they all looked at her like she suddenly grew horns

“You never told us you have a sister”. Resse said looking at Arlette who maintained good pose despite the fact she is in front of her crush and that guy Resse confused

“You never asked”. She replied sharply tucking her hair behind her ear

“Never knew you are segzy but your sister is gosh!”. Ryatt complimented and Arlette rolled her eyes

“You are not our type”. She replied sharply while Ryatt groaned

“I didn’t come here to chitchat, just came to inform you all. So bye and don’t don’t forget to rock the party”. Arlette winked while Reggie looked away immediately

She walked back to her sit and Birdie walked up to pouring the wine on their table on Channel

“Who the f-__-k are you?”. Birdie yelled gaining attention

“Me?”. Channel asked pointing at herself

“Yes you Ɓîtçh”. Birdie yelled grabbing her arm forcefully piercing her nails into her skin

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh”. Channel screamed out in pain while Arlette grabbed her hair forcefully and she immediately let go of Channel

“Let me go you old Ɓîtçh!!”. Birdie yelled trying to release herself from her grip

“Never will I do something like that”. Arlette replied still pulling her hair

“Go on baby. Grab some more of it”. Ryatt yelled while Channel sniffed in tears

Resse stood up from his seat walking towards the fight scene. He held Arlette and forcefully removed her hands from Birdie’s hair

“Let me teach this Çüñť a lesson!!!!”. Arlette yelled while Resse dragged her out of the house

Birdie looked at Channel and gave her a hot resounding slap

“Get out from my house and never show yourself because I h@ťě you already. Stupid dumb mistake”. Birdie yelled spitting on her

“Why do you h@ťě me?”. Channel asked sniffing

“I h@ťě you because I h@ťě you”. Birdie fired raising her hands to slap her again but it got stuck in the air

“Don’t you ever lay your rotten hands on her again. She did nothing wrong to you”. Rocky snapped throwing her hands away roughly

He walked up to Channel and pulled her up. He held her hand and pulled her out gently

He pulled her to his car and she looked down

“Hi”. Rocky greeted but she only sniffed

“I didn’t do anything to her yet she h@ťěs me”. Channel sniffed still not looking at him

“Sorry about that. She is always like that. I’m so sorry”. Rocky said not really sure if what to say

“It’s fine. I’m not always lucky”. She said breaking down in tears

He raised her face and quickly looked away

“I’m I now ugly?”. She asked and Rocky turned sharply to her

“No you are not. I…just…ehm….trust me you are not ugly”. Rocky said wiping her tears

“Then why did you look away?”. Channel asked staring at him

“Nothing”. He replied sharply moving back

“See you just moved back. Everyone h@ťěs me”. She broke down in tears again

“Gosh!”. Rocky muttered and her tears increased

He scattered his hair before pulling her into a warm hug. She hicupped repeatedly while he pats her hair

He pulled out of the hug and held her face

“No one h@ťěs you. They are just jealous because they don’t have what you have. Arlette loves you right?”. Rocky asked staring deep into her eyes

“I think she does”. She replied and Reggie walked up to them

“His son is here and we need to go welcome him and your parents are also here”. Reggie informed looking at Channel

“Okay. I’ll meet you guys”. Rocky said and Reggie took a last glance at her before walking away

“I need to go now. Stay out of trouble. I might not be there to help you next time. Stay away from her and learn how to defend yourself”. Rocky said holding her hand before leading her into the house

They got back to the house and indeed his son is seated with his sister gisting while Reggie, Resse and Ryatt are standing waiting for him

Arlette walked up to them and held Channel’s hand

“I’ve been looking for you. Where did you go?”. She asked pulling her along with her

“I was with him”. She replied pointing at Rocky who is now with his friends

“Ohh, do you know he is your crush?”. Arlette asked and she gasped

“He is the one I saw on the TV earlier today?”. Channel asked looking at Rocky while Birdie keep throwing her h@ťěful glares

“Of course. What kind of girl you? You saw your crush and you couldn’t recognise him. What a pity”. Arlette said shaking her head negatively

“I don’t know he is the one”. Channel replied looking at Rocky

“We’ll be on way any moment from now. Some people are on their way here”. Arlette announced and Channel nod in approval

“Enjoy the party”. Arlette said and they both watched the R4 performing a welcome song for the Minister’s son

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