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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEY ALIEN – Episode 84

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Darth slammed the files on Mr. Park’s table and he heaved a sigh before looking up at Mr Park.

” Please Mr Park Jin, this shouldn’t happen again okay? It’s been three days since I spent time with girlfriend and then you gave me something to do immediately? Like which father does that?”

” Are you done??” Mr Park asked and Darth raised a confused brow at him.

” If your mom was alive and..

” Jeez, must you always bring her up?” He scoffed and Mr. Park chuckled.

” It’s strange seeing my son in love, I thought you h@ťěd girls before? Well.. you can take your time and bring me a grandchild soon” Mr. Park said.

” Tch ” He scoffed and started leaving the office.

” Thanks though ” Mr park shouted after him.



Zacus was about leaving the house when his son walked in. Jayce didn’t bother to greet him and made to go in but Zacus held him back.

” I’m still your father Jayce.. take it or leave it, my blood runs in you. You think your mother was a supernatural?” Zacus asked and Jayce scoffed.

” I might be your son but you’re not my father anymore.. My dad, Alvarez, died the day I clocked 22, so the man I’m seeing here is nothing but a criminal” Jayce said and a thunderous slap landed on his cheek.

” Do as you wish but just know I won’t stay still untill I see you vanish the way Xanthe did today.. trust me, I’ll surely be the end of you..” Jayce thr_@tened and left for his room.

Zacus balled his fist tightly, trying to suppress the anger boiling in him as he left the house.


Mia sat on the swing, operating her phone, obviously waiting for someone. She dropped her phone when she felt the presence.

” Master..” She muttered and looked up.

” How come she ki||ed the youngest priestess of Gloara?” Zacus asked, sitting down.

” I guess she wasn’t qualified for the job” Mia replied.

” It means I’m the only one capable of ki||ing her?” Mia wondered.

” She’s mine to take care of except you wanna end up like Xanthe..” Zacus laughed.

” I won’t Master, I’ll just wait for the right time to strike” Mia said.

” As a matter of fact, I have things to tell her friends tonight..” she added.

” That’s great then…. As for my son, you shouldn’t try to hurt him unless you want me to end your existence..” Zacus warned.

” Yes Master..” Mia bowed.

Zacus stood up and left the place.



Sua and Kitten were on their beds, talking when they felt the air in their room turned eerie. They looked around and their eyes met with Mia.

” Arghh!!” They screamed.

” Oh please, not as if you don’t know I’m not human..” Mia scoffed and sat on the couch.

The girls stopped screaming.

” What do you want? Why didn’t you come through the door?” Kitten asked.

” I came because it’s urgent.. bring me Spicy immediately after the exams” Mia said.

” She said she wanted to meet you too..” Kitten said.

” Really? ” Mia laughed… ” It’s good then ”

” Does she know about our plans?” Sua looked at kitten.

” No idea..” kitten shrugged.

” Even if she does, she won’t do anything cos I’m gonna ki|| her before she does.. so chill girls” Mia said and disappeared.

” Let’s do this then..” Sua said and kitten nodded.

” Yeah, Let’s take Spicy to her” kitten smirked.



Spicy’s hands roved around Silvio’s body. He looked at her and she smiled at him making him wonder the reasons for her smiles.

” I’m fine.. don’t think too much”

” What is it you wanna ask me?” Silvio asked.

Spicy bit on her lips with a sigh.

” Does it mean winter can’t be resurrected?” She asked.

” I don’t have such power Spicy.. Is there something you wanna tell him? Cos I want to go see him and apologize for not showing up”

” Can you do that?” Spicy asked and he nodded gently.

” Yeah, something like Necromancy but I can do it just once”

” Is he the friend you said you wanted to see?” Spicy asked and he nodded slowly.

Spicy sprang up from bed and checked the time.

” It’s 6pm already, can we go now? I need to talk to him Silvio.. I won’t feel too sad if I talk to him” She said.

” I’m in front of your house Jael” Silvio heard.

” Jayce is here.. let’s go then” he said and Spicy nodded. She held his hands and left the house with him.

They left the house and met Jayce outside waiting for them.

” You stay here alone??” Jayce asked.

” You come to ask questions or you came to visit my friend with me?” Silvio asked.

” You’re too hard to joke with it” Jayce rolled his eyes as they left for their cars and drove out of the compound.



Silvio, Spicy and Jayce stood in front of Winter’s headstone. Spicy smiled sadly, staring at his name that was inscribed on the headstone.

” Do you have anything to say to him?” Silvio asked and She sniffed.

” I just wanna see him one last time” She said, tears leaving her eyes already. Silvio nodded and closed his eyes. Suddenly, whirlwind started, Spicy and Jayce closed their eyes firm.

Time stopped and the wind lasted for three minutes before stopping. They opened their eyes and it landed on Winter who had tears in his eyes.

” Spicy..” He muttered as tears left his eyes.

Spicy made to hug him but she went through him. She moved her hand to his face but the same thing happened and tears left her eyes.

” I miss you so much Spicy” He said.

It was actually the first time he’ll be saying that to her hearing and It only made her shed even more tears.

He’s never for once admitted that he missed his sister.. If he knew a day like this would come, he would have told her how he misses her every single day..

He would have gone to her school frequently to check on her.

” Win-win..” Spicy sobbed.

” I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye to you. I’m sorry I left suddenly.. I couldn’t even escape from my car cos the car’s door wouldn’t open. I was scared Spicy. I miss you, mom and dad so much” He cried.

” I’m sorry I couldn’t come to say my last goodbye, don’t be mad at me Winter.. You know you’re the best thing that ever happened to me right? A little more time and you won’t feel lonely any more, So wait for me”

” Let’s be together again. You mustn’t be my elder brother in our next life okay? I should still be the eldest. Don’t go anywhere and wait for me okay?”

Winter turned to Silvio and Silvio felt tears in his eyes.

” Brother in-law.. I hope you’re not sad? It wasn’t your fault and I understand.. After the accident, I came looking for you but I found just my sister crying. I knew you weren’t home so I left.. I’m sure you wouldn’t have left me out there” Winter said.

” I’m sorry ” Silvio said and Winter smiled.

” It’s a good thing I saw you.. Today is actually my last day in the world of the Living”

” I know, that’s why I came to see you..” Silvio muttered.

” I’m sorry Winter” Jayce said as he tried fighting his tears.

Winter smiled.

” It’s not too bad here either… I’m only missing you all and that’s what’s making me sad

” Spicy kimchi.. stay strong for mom and dad okay? I need one last favor brother in-law ”

” Anything”

” Please help me erase my memory from Mom and Dad.. I don’t like the fact that they still think I’m alive..” he said in tears and Silvio nodded, tears also leaving his eyes.

In thousands of years, that’ll be the first time he’ll be shedding tears.

” Can I feel my Spicy?” He asked and Silvio touched his (Winter) hands.

He walked over to Spicy and hugged her.

” I love you so much Spicy. I never really said it but I do. It’s just too sad I didn’t say it often. Just know you were the best sister even though we fought a lot.. I’ll wait for you, so we’ll keep being siblings. I don’t care how long it will take.. I’ll definitely wait for you”

” Winter ” Spicy cried.

” I love you.. ” He muttered.

” I love you so much..” Spicy whispered.

Winter smiled as he started to vanish slowly till he was no more.

” Winter!” Spicy screamed and fell on her knees.

” His time is up..” Silvio said, trying to hold his tears from falling. Jayce couldn’t help it so he left the place.

He was crying profusely.

” I won’t forgive you Zacus..” He muttered as he left the place.

” No win-win.. I’m not done talking! How can you leave when I’m not done talking” Spicy shouted and then, she heard his voice though she couldn’t see him.

” Here’s our final goodbye.. from your troublesome handsome brother”

” Goodbye Spicy.. you’ll forever be my first love.. until the day we meet again.. I’ll be somewhere in the sky, I’ll be watching over you..” His voiced echoed tearfully.

” If you miss me too much cutie, just stare at the stars and I’ll shine brightly at night as a sign of me keeping my promise. I love you my favorite.. take care of Mom and Dad for me”

” It’s a pity I didn’t get to date anyone but it’s still fine cos you meant everything to me”

” Bye Spicy” He finally said and silence followed.

” Winter!!!” Spicy screamed loudly, hot tears leaving her eyes.





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