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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEY ALIEN – Episode 7

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( His Sassy Girl… )


By, Marie G.


༒︎♔︎ ( WHAT’S HER SECRET?… )♔︎༒︎

Lectures were over and Spicy kept walking down the hall-way absentmindedly when she bumped into someone..

She was heading to the chancellor’s office to hear what he had to say though she already knew she’ll be rusticated and nothing could change that fact

The guy was quick enough to hold her preventing her from falling. She stared at his face and swallowed emptiness.

He’s cute!

You’re still on someone’s arms.. her subconscious mind told her

“I’m sorry” She muttered and stood up looking a bit embarrassed

“It’s fine” The guy replied

‘Wow.. how can one’s voice be this melodious to the ear? She thought staring at him

“I’m Darth” The guy added

“Oh.. Spicy Kimchi, Spicy for short” She replied and Darth furrowed his brow


“My name, Weird, I know.. She replied casually while Darth smile

She could swear his smile is the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen

“I’ll be on my way now” She said and started walking away

” Where are you heading to?” He asked

She stopped and face him

” To the chancellor’s office, he wants to see me…” she exhaled

” You shouldn’t go.. I think he made a mistake about telling you to see him” Darth said while she raised a brow

” What do you mean? ” She asked

” You can go verify and if it’s not what you are thinking, we become friends.. deal?” He smiled and she scoffed

” Friends my butt… I still have to go ” she said and Darth nodded walking behind her

” You should go your way.. ” She stopped walking when she noticed he was following her

” I was also going to see the chancellor ” He said and walked ahead

She shook her head before walking behind him slowly



She stood in front of Mr Park with her head down.. it’s been two minutes she’s been standing there yet Mr Park wouldn’t utter a word

” I’m here Sir.. ” she said innocently

” Why did you do that?” Mr Park asked after a long silence while Darth found himself a seat

” I’m sorry but she started it first.. i wasn’t that hard on her so I don’t understand why she fainted.. ” She replied while Mr Park and Darth furrowed their brows

Darth looked at his dad who was looking back at him..

Mr Park sighed and arranged his glasses

” You can go but if you’re being reported again, then I’ll have to call Derrick and Lyra” he Said and she looked up at him

” Are you saying I can go? I’m free? No rustication?” She asked

” Do you feel like getting rusticated? Then I can…..

” Thank you sir, I love you from the bottom of my oesophagus” She rushed her words and bow before exiting the room at once

Darth chuckled

” Thanks Dad..” He smiled and made to leave

” Do you find interest in that girl?” Mr. Park asked

” I only love her sassy side..” he replied, walking out of the office too

” Thank goodness I also saw the scene and was fast to help..” He muttered as he walked few metres away from Spicy, his mind drifting to the conversation he had with his dad


Darth walked into the infirmary and met Mrs Song.. She was about entering her office when she she saw

She’s the school specialist

” Lilah and her minions are lying down right now on the ground.. they might dîe if they aren’t attended to on time..” Darth said and left

” What??” Mrs song exclaimed and stood up

Darth peeped back in

” They’re at the cafeteria, sleeping comfortably though.. ” He said and walked away fully heading to class while Mrs Song left for the cafeteria

After lectures were over, Darth left the class and was heading to his hostel when he sighted Lilah leaving his dad’s office

” Why did she go to dad?” He wondered and immediately frowned when reality hit him..

he quickly went to his dad when Lilah wasn’t in sight

” Dad?” He called and sat on the visitor’s seat

” Is everything okay? ” Mr. Park asked

” Why was Lilah here?” Darth asked

” Oh! Delilah? She actually came to report to me about being beaten and even fainted..”

” So what’s your conclusion?” Darth asked curiously and Mr Park leaned back on his seat and took off his glasses

” I’ll call her mom to come take her out of here before she ki||s my students..” he replied

” You can’t do that, you can’t rusticate her, I was there when everything happened and Lilah started it all.. it would not be fair if you’re taking her side cos she’s the daughter to your bosom friend.. ” Darth said and Mr. Park furrowed his brow

” Wait.. are you defending someone I think you’re seeing for the very first time today?” He asked

” You can think all you want dad, but I can’t let you rusticate her cause I think I find her interesting….”

” Interesting?”

” Her craziness….. I mean her cr@ziness is interesting” He quickly said and left the office while Mr. Park was speechless

” Interest in a tomboy? Did he hit his head or what?” He wondered before putting on his glasses

” Spicy Kang.. ” he muttered

” From your name, I knew I was admitting trouble..” he sighed and took his pen, continuing what he was working on before Darth walked in


” I’ll be on my way now.. bye ” Spicy said to Darth before walking away while he stood there staring at her until she was no more

” Spicy?? Weirdo ” he muttered with a little smile before leaving the place too

Spicy was heading to her hostel when someone stood in front of her, blocking her path

She looked up at the person who kept throwing her h@ťěful glares

” What do you want?” She asked

” Why would you beat up my role model? Why did you disgrace Delilah that way? Who do you think you are?” The girl asked

” Delilah? Is that her name? Now I see where she got her stinky attitude from. No wonder she betrayed Samson from the Bible” Spicy hissed and inhaled

” Please and please, you see that I’m begging you sincerely right? I don’t want trouble, so please leave my way..” She said and made to walk pass the girl but the girl pulled her back forcefully..

She made to slap the girl but stopped

” You shouldn’t make her faint..” she said, referring to her hand

” I promised the chancellor to be a good girl..” she muttered and lowered her hands but the girl landed her a slap and her cap fell..

She looked at her face cap on the ground and picked it up.. She looked at the girl’s legs before pulling them and she fell heavily to the ground

” Thank goodness you didn’t faint.. I’m still save.. ” She stood upright and stared at the girl..

” See ya…. Continue being a fóol all in the name of role model.. ” She smiled and Continue her journey to her hostel

” Oh! Trouble, I escaped you just now..” she laughed..

” what an achievement Spicy Kimchi ” she laughed Heartily


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