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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEY ALIEN – Episode 48

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Jayce sat next to Mia who was still in coma and a life machine was attached to her, and an oxygen mask to help her breath.

” I’ve told you to stop doing stupid things, I’ve told you countless times to control your anger issues when we were still a thing but you wouldn’t listen. Now see where you are!! Your parents asked of you since they couldn’t reach out to you”

” I told them you’re preparing for school projects since you missed a lot already.. but I’m glad they understand..” He said and Mia moved a finger, though he didn’t notice.

” I hope you stop looking for Spicy’s trouble after you wake up cos I’m sure next time, you won’t survive it” He concluded.

” Jay..” Came Mia’s voice and even though it wasn’t loud, he heard her..

He stare down at Mia who’s eyes were slightly open.

” I’ll get the doctor for you” He said and left the ward then came back later with the doctor.

Mia’s pulse was checked and a little test was run on her, then the doctor face Jayce.

” She’s stable ” He said and Jayce exhaled in relief.

” But, she’ll be needing crutches for now, though I’d advise she uses a wheelchair instead for her own convenience. Her bones aren’t that strong but in three to four weeks, she’ll get around finally..” The doctor added.

” Alright doctor, thank you.. ” Jayce bowed a bit and the doctor left.

He looked at Mia who was still lying down, tears was leaving her eyes already.

” I promised to make you use the wheelchair and promises are meant to be kept” she recalled Spicy’s words and her hand curled into a not too tight fist.

” Will you be okay staying alone at your hostel?” Jayce asked and she shook her head.

” I’ll go home..” She said and he quickly shook his head in disagreement..

He already told her parents she’s fine then seeing her that way won’t be a good idea.

” You can stay at the mansion until you’re fine.. ” He said and she nodded gently.

” When you’re ready to go home, tell me ” He said and she nodded again, closing her eyes.

” I’m not backing down until I see you in the same State as me Spicy ” She swore.



Darth brought out his phone and dialed Mrs Song number which she picked after the third ring.

? See who called me..

? How are you feeling Mrs Song.. Darth asked.

? I’m fine and even more fine because I just heard your voice after leaving Jeju.. Mrs Song replied.

? Oh! That’s true.. but I actually called for something else..

? What is it?

? Do you believe in supernaturals? Do they exist? I know you must have watch some movies or read some books about them but do you think they really exist?” Darth asked.

? Did you see one? Mrs Song asked.

? Not really, I didn’t. I’m just curious, that’s all. And is it possible for a supernatural to like a human?” He asked and Mrs Song heave a sigh then went mute for few minutes before clearing her throat.

? Well, I wouldn’t say they exist and I won’t say they don’t either. From the story books I’ve read, it doesn’t always end well. If the guy is the supernatural while the girl human, such bond will break but the guy won’t feel too lonely.. but if it’s the opposite and the girl finally leaves without looking back, the guy might die of depression.. I’ve never seen it happen, so it’s just fiction” Mrs. Song said and Darth exhaled.

? Thank you Mrs Song, Good night and I love you.. he said and as soon as Mrs Song replied to it, he ended the call..

He left his bed to the sitting room to keep himself busy with the TV so he wouldn’t think of Spicy and Silvio living together.

Mr park walked in and was surprised to see him.

” And what brought my son to the house? I thought he loves his hostel more than his own father’s house? ” Mr park asked, taking off his Jacket and Darth faced him.

” Dad? ” He called.

” Yeah??”

” Why did you asked Spicy to stay with that guy?” He asked.

” She also wanted that right? Didn’t you see how she said she was gonna take responsibility?” Mr. Park asked, not sure of what to say cos it seems someone was controlling his head.

” Could Spicy have the ability to control minds? But why would she want to stay with him then pretend like she doesn’t?? Darth wondered.

‘ Does she perhaps likes that guy?’ He thought and looked at his dad.

” Still, you should have tried putting your mind together..” He almost shouted.

He gave his dad one more glance and stood up.

” Why are you getting all worked up over it? Wait, don’t tell me you’re into the tomboy?” Mr park asked.

” That’s none of your busy.. just know I’m màd at you for making her stay with that guy for two freaking weeks..” Darth replied and left his dad’s presence.



Luhnax entered the mansion and met Spicy on the floor, unconscious.

” What’s a human doing in Master’s house?” He wondered and his presence seemed to make Silvio leave his room.

He stood on the stairs, staring at Luhnax as he transferred some of his energy to Spicy.

He shook his head and started descending the stairs and that moment, Spicy’s eyes opened and the first person she saw was Luhnax.

” Arghhhhh!!!” she screamed, giving him a punch which sent him flying across the wall and leaving a crack on the wall.

She looked at her hands then at Luhnax.

” How did I do that? I thought I’m a human?” She said inwardly and Silvio walked up to her with a dangerous frown.

” I swear, I didn’t lost my mind” she said, shifting back.

” I know, but you destroyed my home.. you need to fix the wall” he said and she looked at him like he was crazy.

” I should fix the wall? I’m not a house contractor, so how can I do it?” She asked with an eye roll

” And how was I able to punch him that hard?” She asked.

” I gave you part of my energy, that’s why..” Luhnax replied, standing on his feet.

” Who are you?” She faced him.

” I’m his personal guard..” Luhnax replied and made to talk more but kept mute when he made eye contacts with Silvio.

” What’s wrong with your leg master? why are you using crutches when you can heal?” Luhnax asked and Silvio shot him a glare.

” You can heal?!!!” Spicy shouted.

” Sure, I could but not any longer” Silvio replied and Luhnax furrowed his brow, confused at what he just said.

” You aren’t needed here for now Luhnax and make sure you stop Xanthe from coming. You know she’s hot tempered and if she ki||s because of that, she’ll have to die too” he said and Luhnax nodded.

“ Xanthe? Who’s Xanthe..” Spicy wondered but immediately brush the thought off.

Luhnax looked at Spicy, before walking to the wall.. He created a portal and went through it and it closed afterwards.

” Wtf!!! He just f_cking went through the wall! He created a portal!!! What are you exactly? An immortal? An Alien?” Spicy asked but Silvio ignored her as he used his hands to fix his broken wall.

” Clean the mess and prepare my bath water. My bathroom is over there, so when you’re done, just say it and I’ll hear you”

He left her and went to his fridge to take his daily food; Yoghurt and cookies..

He went back to the sitting room and sat on the Couch while Spicy already started with the cleaning.

She packed the scattered bricks into a dustpan and threw it into the trashcan. She got the vacuum and started cleaning while Silvio watched her work.

She kept sweating profusely and was also getting tired.

” Am I really a human now?” She asked tiredly but he didn’t say anything as he watch her.

He found it interesting to see her struggle.

After what seemed like forever, She was done and settled beside him tiredly.

” I h@ťě you for making me suffer..” She said, staring at him while breathing heavily.

” I need to take my bath..” He faced her and she frowned.

” Then go make yourself a bath or better still release my energy” She snapped at him and he nodded.

He threw the empty cup of yoghurt on the floor and her eyes widened.. she glared at him dangerously before walking to pick it up.

She picked the empty cup and aimed it at him but he stopped it midair before it could get to him..

She balled her fist tightly while glaring at him. She’s never felt so annoyed before.

She went to him and took the crutches from him before hitting his dislocated bone again and he winced loudly.

” You have a death wish?” He snarled.

” Yes.. just ki|| me already you annoying dog” She retorted angrily, trying to see if she could summon her energy back but nothing happened.

” f-__-k you!!!” she shouted and made to hit him again but he used the other crutch with him and hit her legs . Even though he didn’t hit it too hard, the pain was unbearable that she fell to the ground on her knees..

Second time she’ll be feeling pain.

” That’s what a normal human should feel… pain!” He said

” You’re 80% human now and 20% Spirit” He added.

She yelped painfully but still didn’t relent.

” It’s either you ki|| me or I ki|| you. One of us is dying either way!!” she snapped, standing on her feet and going to meet him.

He scoffed lowly as he watch her come closer.

She made to hit him with her fist but he duck it and her hands hit the couch.. He couldn’t stand up from his seat too cause he was really feeling pain on his legs.

She stood again and made to hit him but his crutches blocked her way and she staggered backwards.

Silvio wanted to ignore her at first, but he changed his mind when he noticed she might end up breaking her head since she’s partly human now..

He didn’t want her to die just yet cause he wants her to die by his hands instead..

He pulled her back, preventing her from falling backwards. Before he could hold her properly, she fell directly on him and her eyes widened..

She stared directly into his eyes and her heart fluttered like it did before..

Their faces were few inches apart and She could feel his breath on her face.

She gulped hard.

” Wanna kiss me again?” He asked.

” Huh?” She blinked again.

” Try that $h|t and I promise to ki|| you” he said coldly but she still didn’t stand up.

” Can you stand up? You’re hurting my leg ”

” I wanna stand up too but I don’t know what’s holding me back, I can’t” She said truthfully.

She wanted to stand up too but Strangely, a force was holding her to his body like a magnet and the funniest things was that; it kept moving her face towards his.

” What’s happening? Why’s his lips calling out to me?” She wondered. She made to pull away but she couldn’t no matter how she tried.

Silvio’s eyes dilated when he saw her lips almost touching his and he didn’t know when he used his energy to push her off his body and she landed on the hard floor, groaning painfully.

” Oops..” He muttered, staring at her.

” f-__-k you Alien” She muttered and pass out immediately.





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