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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HEY ALIEN – Episode 36

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” Can’t wait for the pool party.. gosh, it’ll be so cool..” Eydis gushed.

‘ I’m planning to deal with Spicy today anyway.. ” Lilah smiled.

” Don’t say I didn’t warn you all..” Eydis replied her gaze moving to each of her friend but Lilah only rolled her eyes, less concerned.

” Don’t spoil my mood Eydis, you’re starting to get on my nerves and you wouldn’t like what I’ll do ” Lilah warned and all Eydis did was shrugged before leaving the room.

She wouldn’t be a part of them if they want to bully someone who has always been the one bulling them..



Ben and his friends drove to the hotel, they parked in the lots and left the car looking around the place..

Darth alighted from his car and the both glared at each other till Darth tore his gaze away and entered the hotel.

Ben had an annoying smile on as he entered with his friends too.

He got to the reception and met Mrs. Wills.

” Oh Ben, you came..” she said..

Ben is the best in his department. Even though he’s an arrogant freak, he still had a little respect for his lecturer.

” Did you miss me? ” He grinned and she smacked his head gently.

” Where’s your respect?” She asked.

” I left it at home..” he replied jokingly and Mrs Wills shook her head.

” Anyway, I’ll head to the venue tonight and I’ll be spending the night there.. so don’t forget; as the leader, I’m gonna contact you. Our first sport for tomorrow is swimming.. tell your friends and be a good boy okay?” She ruffled his hair before rushing out of the hotel.

” Why does she always to that to my hair?” Ben frowned, arranging his scattered hair.

” Maybe because you look like her dog ” Silvio replied walking pass Ben and Ben’s friends couldn’t help but laugh.

” Hey calm boy.. do you know who you’re talking to?” He asked but Silvio kept walking, not even looking back..

He wanted to take a look outside since he was tired of staying in door doing nothing.

” Those juniors are pretty disrespectful, He should better not cross my lane if he doesn’t wanna die..” Ben scoffed, throwing a gum in his mouth as he went to meet the other members of his team.


” You’re here! I’ve been wanting to see you since I woke up. I was told you left, why?” Spicy asked Darth who didn’t say anything but stare at her.

” I heard you looked for me..” she smiled.

” Yeah and I’m very disappointed in myself that I couldn’t find you..” he said and she smiled even more.

” You should be happy you didn’t.. Don’t asked me why but I’m happy you didn’t find me.. I don’t wanna loose you..”

” Huh?”

” Of course you’re important to me.. apart from my roomies, you’re the first friend I had when I first came so you’re very special to me..” she said..

” Can we go see my nanny? She wants to see you..” Darth smiled.

” Huh? What did you tell her?” Spicy asked.

” Nothing.. she just wants to see you but it’s fine if you don’t wanna go..” he quickly replied.

” It’s fine.. but I have no girly outfit” She told him.

” I like you for who you are so that shouldn’t bother you..” he said and she giggled before wearing one of her sneakers.

She was done seconds later and they left the room .

Darth held her hand as they walked out of the hotel to his car..

Jayce smiled slightly, he was standing by the window and didn’t Know he would see her going out with Darth.


” You mean it?” Ben asked and those in the room nodded.

” Yeah, there’s a pool party today.. I guess it would be so fun..” Jimmy, a part of Ben’s team smiled.

All of them in the room are in the same department and the same team.

” I guess Pal bong isn’t the party type” yoem teased.

” I doubt that..” Pal bong laughed.

Ben smirked as he fell in the bed.

” Everything just seems easy.. Lilah, you definitely pushed me.. I’ve been doing all sort of things for you for months and you keep playing with my feelings. Since you don’t want me, then I don’t mind getting what I want from you tonight..” he swore.



Spicy was welcomed with so many dishes that she was left wondering if there was a party going on in the house.

” Your home is cool..” Spicy said as Mrs Song brought out a bowl of steamed chicken..

she gulped as she stared at all the food on the table.

” But….

” It’s fine, you need to eat okay? He told me you’re a special, so I need to take care of you myself..” Mrs Song smiled.

” The thing is, We’re just… She trailed off and looked at Darth.

” It’s not what you think seriously.. I didn’t tell her we’re dating..” Darth said but she just stared at him.

” We should eat before it gets cold..” She said instead and Darth nodded.



” Where the hell did spicy go?” Sua asked as they left Spicy’s door, it was locked.

” I have no idea and the party is starting soon..” kitten replied as they kept walking down the passage way untill they came across Paola and Kim.

” You both stay together?” Sua asked.

Paola was already in her matching bikini while Kim wore just his short.

” We don’t, her room isn’t far from mine, I came to call her..” Kim replied and the girls nodded..

No one could think otherwise cos Kim and Paola are best friends who’ve been together for years.

” We came to check on spicy but she isn’t in, see you both at the pool side” kitten smiled and held Sua as they continued their walk to their room.


Lilah had a pink strapless tube bralette on which match her P@ŋtîēṣ. She tied a pink transparent scarf around her waist, exposing her creamy thigh..

A soft music was playing in the background. Some of the students were already in the pool while some were seated at it’s edge with their legs in the pool.

The couples among them were making out, everyone was doing a thing or another in the pool..

kitten and Sua appeared too and every eyes turned to them.

” Had no idea kitten was this pretty.. I could kiss those flawless legs all night” A guy from the athletic department said and his friends burst into laughter, they were saying it to her hearing.

” Stare at it to your satisfaction cause you’re never gonna have a touch of it..” kitten replied while the guy stood up and moved closer to her.

” You think so? ” He smirked and kitten moved back.

He made to touch her but someone grabbed his hands, squeezing it to the back while he winced..

kitten looked up only to see Jayce.

” How dare you try to harass a lady? You want me to call the cops?”‘He asked, still holding the guy’s hand tight.

” Yah.. ” The guy made to protest but Jayce turned him around before throwing him like a ball and he fell right into the pool.

” Wow.. ” Spicy clapped her hands as she approached them. Darth had dropped her off before going back home though he promised to take her out tomorrow again which she agreed to.

” Spicy.. ” Sua called and ran over to her.

” What happened?” She asked .

Ben didn’t say anything from where he sat drinking with his friends. Spicy looked at Jayce and they ended up locking gaze.

Silvio just sat at a corner watching the scene which looked interesting to him…

Kitten explain everything to Spicy and Spicy shot the guy a ki||er look.

” Her legs are flawless, Yes and so? You wanna kiss them? Alright, kiss them if you can..” She said with a smirk before standing behind kitten.

” She’s all yours. If you know you’re ready to die, then I dare any of you to touch her” She said again but no one stood up.

” It’s better y’all give yourselves brain before you regret it at the end..” she added and turned to go in but Jayce held her.

” Aren’t you gonna take a look around?” He asked.

” Ah! That’s true, the pool party” She totally forgot it was the party they were doing..

Since she’s not the type to expose her body, she walked straight to where Paola and Kim were sitting and Jayce followed.

” I’ll stay here, you can do wh@ťěver you want.. ” she smiled and he nodded before walking to his spot while kitten and Sua sat next to Spicy.

Kim kept looking at Paola who wasn’t looking at him.

” Why aren’t you telling me anything? Don’t you feel anything for me?” He wondered in his head.

” You should give him a reply if you love him” Spicy said to Paola and Paola raised a brow.

” Huh? ”

” Huh?” Spicy exclaimed too. She looked at Kim who was looking back at her.

” I thought Kim told you that just now?” She asked and Kim shook his denial.

” I didn’t ”

” Wow!! My instincts are one in a million, Can’t believe I guessed your mind.. ” She laughed awkwardly.

” Wait, Kim confessed to you? Like Kim did? Kim-kim?” Kitten asked unbelievably and Paola cheeks turned red.

” Seriously? He’s finally decided to man up? Wow This calls for celebration..” Kitten said and stood up, going to take a bottle of Soju.

Lilah had a dangerous smirk on as she stared at them.

” I need to wear something else..” she said and left her spot.

Ben who’s eyes has been on her right from the beginning followed her.

She made to take a corner when Ben pulled her over and her eyes widened when she saw it was him.

” What are you doing?” She asked, looking scared already.

” You dressed like this to seduce me right? So I came for it since you’re ready..”

” Don’t worry, your dad won’t call you since you’re not with your phone.. ” He smiled before grabbing her and pulling her to himself..

” Wish me luck on the competition princess” he said inhaling her sweet scent.

” Let me go ” She tried to push him off but she couldn’t.

” Ben please don’t..” she said but he wouldn’t listen as he pulled down her tube top and her firm B-__-bs came to view..

Silvio felt goosebumps on body as his hair follicle stood on his skin.

” You called it upon yourself weak human” he muttered .

That’s her fate and he’s gonna ignored her. He wouldn’t interfere into humans greed.

” Now lay down..” Ben ordered which Lilah did, still in tears. She knew she couldn’t over power him.

” Let’s have a quickie ” He grinned and didn’t bother to remove her P@ŋtîēṣ.He shifted it to a side and inserted three fingers into her at once while she cried..

” Ben please, don’t do this..” She cried as he moved his fingers roughly into her.

Ben wouldn’t back down at this point no matter how she pleaded.

He withdraw his fingers and spread her legs .

” Let’s not waste time princess” She pinned her hands to the ground and penetrated her forcefully while she screamed but no one could hear her because of the music

” Someone please help..” she said in her head, crying her eyes out as Ben kept th-ru_sting hard and roughly into her..

” Someone please help” The voice echoed in Spicy’s head.

She looked around to see if she could see anyone but didn’t.. she made to ignored but the voice came again and this time, she could feel the pain in the voice. She immediately stood on her feet.

” Where to?” Paola asked.

” I’ll be back” she said and began following the voice in her head untill she got there..

Her eyes dilated when she saw the scene.

She walked to them and pulled Ben off the girl, before throwing him across the wall.

She looked at the girl who turned out to be Lilah and her eyes widened more.. Lilah just cried from where she was lying down, she wasn’t even able to stand up.

” I wouldn’t think of what you did to me in the past ” She helped Lilah up and gave her her jacket

” Wear this, I’m not doing this so you would be nice to me, keep hating me ” she held her and started leading her out of the place.

Ben broke a bottle and made to stab Spicy but before Lilah could tell her to watch out, she already held Ben’s hand and bent it backwards and a cracking sound was heard.. She just broke his wrist and he screamed.

” How dare you rape her? Are you insane?” She landed him a slap capable of destroying his face.

” Leave here Delilah..” She said and Lilah ran out of the place in tears, and that’s how Jayce got to know something was off .

He went to the direction he saw Lilah leaving and there he saw Spicy throwing Ben across the wall.

He looks dead already but spicy wasn’t done yet. She wasn’t herself anymore and it seems her powers took over her completely.

Jayce ran to her and made to hold her but the aura emitting from her sent him flying to the wall.

She walked to Ben and made to give him a final punch just so she could end his life but Silvio caught the punch.

She looked at him in fury, her eyes weren’t her usual eyes any more, everything was pure Gold.

” Let me go ” She growled.

” If you ki|| him, I’ll have to ki|| you too!!” He shouted still holding her hand and her face softened and slowly, she started getting back herself.

Her eyes returned to normal after a while and she quickly left the unconscious Ben.

Jayce stood up slowly from the ground.

” You’re not human are you?” He asked, staring at Silvio.

” I’m human unlike you both ” he replied while spicy and Jayce exchanged glances.

” You both aren’t human?” Someone asked from behind and they turned only to see Mrs choi..

she was just walking round the hotel since she had nothing doing at that time.

” Huh?” Spicy and Jayce exclaimed at once with shocked written all over their faces.


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