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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEY ALIEN – Episode 19

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( His Sassy Girl… )

ÇHAPTER • 19&20

By, Marie G?


༒︎♔︎ ⟨‹‹ GOING NUTS.. ››⟩ ♔︎༒︎

? ✰✭✰✭✰?


Lectures came to an end for the day and Lilah came to check on Hazel; something she hasn’t done in weeks..

She walked up to Hazel who was packing up her books and sat on her seat. She looked at Jayce before directing her gaze to Silvio whose attention was else where.

” I knew it, my Silvio is still very much handsome” She smiled slightly..

She looked at jayce again and their eyes met.

” Hi..” Jayce waved at her but she rolled her eyes at him. She wished it was Silvio that just waved at her.

Eydis waved at Jayce too and he smiled at her.

” She’s cute..” he muttered.

” I told you he’s mine already Eydis..” Hazel warned while Eydis immediately dropped her hands slowly.

? Wow, Jayce is so friendly unlike Mr grumpy.

? Yeah I agree.

” I mean no harm ” Jayce winked but Lilah looked away.

“Let’s go guys ” She took her bag and left the class along with her friends then she noticed spicy wasn’t in class.

” Did something happen to that newbie?” She muttered.

” Who? Jayce?” Hazel asked.

” I mean Spicy, that bitçh!! ” Lilah said.

” Of course, I heard she isn’t feeling well, so she couldn’t attend lectures. Why do you ask? are you concerned? ” Hazel asked.

” Concerned? I wish I never see that face of hers again” Lilah replied and walked away while her friends chuckled.

” As far as she’s still alive, you’re gonna be seeing her untill you graduate girlfriend”.


” Hey grumpy, see you tomorrow ” Jayce smiled and touched Silvio’s shoulder before walking away.

Silvio looked at the spot jayce touched with no expression on his face.

He stood up and packed his books into his backpack before walking out of the class. He didn’t intend to go home immediately so he decided to hang around the school for a bit.



A swift punch landed on Spicy’s face and immediately, she started seeing stars… Her eyes were still turning and it seems the earth was rotating that instant.

” Oh my! Why am I seeing the nine planets?” She muttered as she shook her head, trying to adjust her blurry vision.

Jung ki grabbed her since she hasn’t gain herself yet, he drew her closer and carried her up then turned her around for a while before letting her fall to the ground then she heard her bones make cracking sounds.

She coughed, winced and gasped at the same as she struggled to stand but stopped struggling when she saw the Goliath right in front of her.

” Is he trying to break my neck this time?” She gulped painfully.. Her eyes immediately went wide when he saw his hand curled into a tight fist.

Jung ki went on a knee and raised his hands, ready to punch her but she quickly rolled away and his fist came in contact with the hard floor, cracking it slightly..

” Holy Jesus!” she exclaimed and stood on her feet..

She held her numb waist and moved it back and forth, flexing it.

” You really wanna kîll me? I’m just twenty, motherf-__-ker!!” she shouted and the crowd burst into laughter .

” I’m still in college and I don’t even have a girlfriend.. I mean a boyfriend since I’m a girl after all, and now you wanna ki|| me?” She demanded but Jung ki wasn’t moved by her words.

” It seems you’ve decided to kîll me so please do Goliath” she said seriously and Jung ki charged at her aiming his dangerous fist at her but she slide in between his legs.. she turned at once and gave him a kick in the àss which made him staggered..

He faced her again and she smirked.

” Giving up already? I’m quite strong you Know.. ” she winked and he smirked evilly..

She couldn’t stay there any longer so she wanted to be fast with wh@ťěver beef she had with him so as to leave.. Jung ki intended to hit her for the second time but they both ended up sending a punch at each other, hitting their fist against each other in the process .

She fell to the ground cos of how hard his fist had collided with hers.

” Ouch.. ” She winced, rubbing her hurting fist as she stood her ground.

” Does he want to break my hands? I haven’t written exams yet ” she muttered, glaring h@ťěfully at Jung ki who was staring back at her with a confused frown.

No doubt, her punch was pretty hard too, very hard for a young girl.

” Still wanna fight huh?” She laughed when she saw him winced too cos of her fist.

” Well, I’m spicy.. I was given such weird name because I’m hot and don’t easily back down until I see you’re spicily defeated.. ” she smirked.

She charged at Jung Ki who was still staring at her strangely… It seems he was tryna figure out a thing about her so he didn’t pay much attention to her.

She leaped in the air and landed him a punch on the face and his eyes turned but he didn’t fall.

The crowd watching them, started murmuring immediately.

” He didn’t fall? I thought you were so strong?” She muttered, referring to her fist while paying less attention to the giant in front of her.

He ran towards her but she was fast to see him so she duck to another direction.

” That was close.. ” She breath out, flexing her fist.

” I’m just being scared for nothing” She said with the aim of hitting him but he held her hands as it approached him.. he turned her around for few seconds before landing an heavy punch on her stomach..

She flew backwards, hitting her back on the iron cage.

” Ahhh..” she cried silently.. she wasn’t on her feet yet when she felt the arena shake- he was coming again

? Jung ki!!

? Jung Ki!!

The crowd kept chanting his name, boasting his morale. He got to spicy and held her by the hair, pulling her up

” No Spicy, you can’t lost the fight..” she said to herself as he kept pulling her hair..

That was what she h@ťěd the most; being pulled with the hair.

He made to carry her up with the thought of ending her life with just one hit, but it seemed impossible since her legs stayed rooted to the ground like some gum..

She wouldn’t allow him carry her, never! Cos she’s gone if he does

” I’m pretty heavy Jung ki” she smirked and jumped up, kicking his face pretty hard and blood left his nose

The man who had captured her was amazed by the ski||s she just displayed. He smirked broadly cos he had no intention of letting her go after all.

She had the ski||s he was looking for

Jung ki staggered and spicy jumped on his back, giving his shoulder punches, almost dislocating his joints

He was weak already

She wrapped her legs around his neck, flipping him over and he fell flat to the ground

After seconds of waiting, he didn’t stand up so the bell was rang and Spicy was tagged the winner

” OMG!!” She jumped excitingly

” That’s why I was name spicy!!!!” She screamed happily

The crowd couldn’t believe a tiny girl like her could beat up the giant, Jung Ki. It was a very shocking news.

Spicy ignored the numerous talks and walked out of the arena like a guy she wasn’t.

” My money ” she said

Since everyone had placed their bets on Jung ki and he had lost, the money was all hers.. They offered her the money but she took few coins out of it and gave the sale girl who was scared to collect it from her

She held the girl’s hands and placed the money on it

” That’s your money. But know this, I’m not poor, I just had to forgot my d@mn phone and wallet at my hostel else you wouldn’t have seen me here” She said but the girl just kept staring at her, She couldn’t believe she really defeated Jung ki

” Since I’m free now, bye and let’s never crossed path ” She said and made to leave but a voice stopped her

” I haven’t given you that permission yet ” The man who had captured her said and she scoffed

” I take permission from no one! As long as I’ve paid my debt and even given you and your men the balance, you can’t stop me” She said seriously

” What if I stop you from leaving here?” The man asked

” Then Try if you can..” She said daringly and immediately looked around the pub

She saw some men holding sticks and she shook her head

” He’s really determined to keep me even after I won? This is serious..” she grimaced, positioning her self for a fight

” No one should blame me later ” She said and charged towards them but immediately diverted her steps and started running away

” f_ck y’all, you think I’ll let you ki|| me? Never!”

She made to leave the casino completely but one of the men suddenly stood in front of her with a stick

” I’m not nice.. ” she said and they guy aimed the stick at her but she held it. She pulled it out of his hands and hit him with it..

” Sorry.. ” she threw the stick away. She looked back and saw the rest coming too

” $h|t!!” she added to her speed, laughing heartily since she is a good runner. She kept running and looking back at intervals to see if they were still pursuing her and yes, they were

” Why aren’t they stopping?” She wondered

She wasn’t paying attention to the road and there, a woman pushing a truck of cabbages was heading same direction.. It would be hard turning back at that rate.. just a few more steps, then She would be crashing into the cabbage seller

” Watch out..” someone shouted and she immediately faced front

” Ssibal!!! ( f_ck!!! ) ” she cursed and went on her knees, sliding under the truck of cabbage

” Sorry ma’am..” she apologized, after she had crossed to the other side

? Wow..

Everyone at the scene exclaimed in awe.

She stood on her feet again and continue running until she got to school. She heave a sigh and looked back

” Those rats.. They really think they can cage me there?” She laughed as she proceeded into the school premises

” Lectures are over?” She wondered seeing the students leave school

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