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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HER SASSY BOSS – Episode 29

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? Her Sassy Boss ??
?His Crazy Secretary ??
Episode 29 ❤️? ?
#Audrey_London ???
What other @zz Mr Sky? I snapped dragging him by the ear.

“Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch… I didn’t say anything.” He itch his head turning his head towards another direction, in other to free himself from my grip.

Mr Sky, turning your head away would only increase the pain, so stay cool and endure the pain with pleasure.

Tell me the whole truth Mr Sky, or else i will twist your ear harder.

“Fine, fine! I meant your pri_ ” you know what i mean Audrey don’t make me say it out loud.

Fine Sky just go on with the story at once
And you better tell me the whole truth or else i promise I’m going to really bend your ear.

Yes Mrs Fernandez, but first please just let go of my ear.

I rolled my eyes as hard as i could before letting go of his ear.
I still can’t believe that Sky has seen my body and even my vir—
No no no Audrey get it together and forget about the whole issue, he is going to be your husband after all, so let it be.

Well when we had that argument i came to your room and found you lying naked,
I tried removing the phone from your pillow because your head was under but you wouldn’t let me, so i pushed you forward, a little to get a grip of the phone but instead i ended up falling and i mistakenly landed on your body.

“You what?” I ask flaring up instantly.
Okay Audrey get yourself together and stay put.
I never asked you to give that explanation so go on with it.

“He chuckled softly.” Alright Audrey.

So that night, i put a tracker on your phone, without your knowledge so i will be able to know your location when you and Macron leave for wherever you went to.

The next day i followed you guys to every where you both went to, until he arrived at that position where he kidnapped you
Luckily for you, i know a guy who Macron always deals with, so i paid him off to do my work.

It wasn’t hard, because the guy has helped me before, he also does some certain finding for me.
He told me where Macron will take you to, so i informed the police about Macron plans and that was how we found you.

I was shocked beyond words.
Awww, that is so nice of you Sky.
“You really did all that just for me?” that is so sweet of you, am short of words. You know you are a bad guy Sky and that is one of the reasons i love you so much baby, you are my hero!
So what about the tracker is it still active on my phone?

No i disconnected it long ago, so to keep your privacy.
I love you too Mrs Fernandez.
Come here and give me a kiss my queen.

“Hmm; I hummed happily.” Anything for my baby, come, come here an receive a kiss sweetie.

I went for his lips and we kissed passionately.

So baby can we go and meet my family?
I can’t wait to inform them about our wedding coming soon.

Sure baby, let’s eat so we can meet them.

What do you mean eat? Sky am not cooking again, am tired already.

Come-on my queen but am famished already.

“No! No you are not my love: because if you are, you would have let me cook along time ago.”

But am famished Audrey,” he pouted folding his face in a funny way.

I laughed touching his face with my both hands. Stop whining Sky you are not a baby.

Oh but i am a baby who is d@mn hungry please Audrey, cook for me or else I’ll die.
He said holding onto his neck with one hand, and then his tummy with the other.

I think am dying, my tummy, my neck
Gosh! Please don’t let me die. Oh! No! Audrey.

He let himself fall flat on the floor and began soon he began to act all dramatic, in a funny way.

I laughed out holding unto my tummy, i have never seen this side of Skylar Fernandez before, who would have thought that he has this part in him?

Alright, alright, alright stop whining like a baby, I’ll cook something special for you.

How about palamaris on rye, with chicken
Riggies? Trust me my cooking is the best in the world.
I said kissing my hands.

“Palamaris on Rye!” That was actually my favorite food while growing up, mummy would always make it for me.
He said sounding down all of a sudden.

Come here baby, i promise you, would love this
food, hmm so stop sounding so sad, i h@ťě to see you like this.

His white teeth revealed it’s and he gave me a brief kiss.


#Two_Weeks_Later ?
“It’s been two weeks already, Sky and i are getting so well already.”

I still can’t believe that he has met with my father and sister and instantly father adored him.
Sis was so happy that Sky and i are finally getting together and so am i.

Sky later made me apply for an online teaching in the university, I still can’t believe that am finally going on with my school plans, all thanks to Sky.

He also got me registered in a cooking school so i can improve my cooking ski||s, which am so glad about.

Sky is such a sweetheart, am sure that when time goes by, i would have gotten better and even open my restaurant.
I am so excited about it.

Thinking about everything that has happened really got me feeling so lucky that i met Sky.
“This is like a dream come through for me.”

I alighted from the car and rushed inside the house so i can give Sky a surprise, Sky has been using some strategic method to ask for s*x, although i wanted it to be on our wedding day since he’s a virgin but now I’ve changed my mind.
I need to let him have a feel of a different Audrey after all.

My love! Mr Fernandez! I sang happily running round the room in search of him.

“Where has he run to? Mr Sky!”
My love if this is another prank please stop it, am so exhausted to be playing games right now.

I kept calling out his name but he never answered, which is quite strange.
I quickly rushed to the bedroom as the image of him lying down flat on the floor as he was the last time came flashing through my mind.
( I hope he hasn’t fallen sick like last time again)

I rushed over to the bedroom and found him lying flat on the floor.
I moved back a little as my body quiver once again in shock.

Arghhhh!!! I screamed running to him in fear.
I couldn’t control the tears that kept running down my cheeks.

Please don’t leave me Mr Sky, please don’t leave me Mr Sky.
I kept whispering as his bodyguard helped me in getting him inside the car.

* * *
We arrived safely at the hospital and they quickly took him to one of the special ward in the hospital.

I spent one whole hour in the hospital, and still no news from the numerous nurses that kept running all around, not even the doctor.

I sat there hopeless, but never gave up on my prayers, finally the doctor came out looking so disturbed.

Doctor please what happened to my husband? Please safe him, am… I will be lost without him, i beg of you.

Stay calm madam. Well your husband is facing a brain tumor disease an am afraid it has gotten so bad, the chance of him receiving a surgery are quite slim, am afraid he has only but a few months to live.

What happened to him today is one of the symptoms he’ll be facing if he doesn’t get to rest properly, and am afraid he’ll be facing more dangerous symptoms as time pass by.

“What!!!! What nonsense are you blabbing doctor?” My husband is very much okay
He’s fine, you can’t make me believe this nonsense you are saying.
“Never!”… My Sky is doing just fine, he is properly and physically okay, and he…
He… He won’t, and he doesn’t… He don’t have just but.. But a few month to live. This i know.
I stuttered already in tears.
Suddenly i felt my body shivering with cold, my head ache and i began to feel drums of different tunes beating in my head.
My heart beat increases in such a short while, my head began to spin and spin as the news of the doctor came sounding through my ears, leading it’s way slowly to my heart.
“No! No! Noooo!!!” I bellowed getting a grip on my hair.
“This can’t be true, no!”
“Tell me you are lying to me, doctor. Tell me… Tell me this is just some prank.”
My Sky won’t keep this away from me if it’s true.

I am so sorry to see you like this madam
But Mr Skylar Fernandez is sick, and from the looks of things he is really sick.
I don’t know why he choose not to tell you, but he is really sick and he is suffering from Glioblastoma multi forme brain tumor: which is one of the deadly brain tumor alive, am afraid is really too late.
Besides Glioblastoma multi forme brain is really hard to operate, it is very dangerous; many people who have it sometimes live for few months, while some live a year, but from the look of things Mr Fernandez is living a year and am afraid he has exhausted the months already, and i know he only survive it because of the drugs and the many check up he has been partaking in.

I felt like my whole body, my heart beat stopped as the doctor kept making his announcement.
I moved back a little and almost landed on the floor until the doctor held me back.
Gli- o.. bas… what.. to.. form.. me!! What does that even mean? I stuttered blinking rapidly.
Gli… What a what?? I screamed holding my chest as hard as i can.
No! No doctor. You are a lier, your lab and your nurses, an this hospital are liers.
I need to see my Sky, only him i will believe.
“And this weird sickness you are talking about, i believe it doesn’t exist”
I mean what sort of sickness is called glio something to me form me?
Talk to me doctor! Is this sort of scheme?
A plan! Cause it won’t work.
Where is my husband? I need to talk to him. I need to talk to my husband…

My hus… My Sk… No… Why him? He can’t be sick to this extended.
I stuttered shuddering between tears as the words came flying out.
Calm down ma’am, and it’s called “Glioblastoma multi forme brain tumor,” and yes! It very much exist.

Don’t give me any f_cking explanations i don’t f_cking need them.
I yelled cleaning the tears that kept trickling down my chin.
Is okay madam. Please kindly come with me so you can meet your husband, luckily he is very much awake now, but please don’t stress him with any questions.
f_ck you big time and your stupid words of unneeded advice doctor forme.
How in the world do you expect me not to stress him with questions when my own brain is so f_cking stressed up with one?
Take your stupid rules to the stupid dungeon Mr doctor cause there’ll be needing it and not me!!
On saying those words i jammed the door in front of the doctor’s face, immediately we reached the ward Sky’s admitted to.
I took in a really deep breath, with my heart panting hard, and then turned around with so much fear; fears of finding out that what the doctor actually said was true.
Fears of loosing the man i really love
And fears of the fact that he had plans of leaving me all alone in this lonely world without telling me what was really wrong with him.
“Was that why he kept pushing me away?”
Was that the reason he would always say he doesn’t want to hurt me?
But then why did he later accept to be with me, and even close the joining with an engagement ring?
Oh Sky, that isn’t enough reason to lie to me, i feel so hurt right now…
Those were the words i wanted to say to him, to scream it out at his face.
I opened my eyes to see Sky staring at me with tears streaming down his eyes, am guessing he knows that i know already.
“Why did you lie to me Sky? Why did you keep it all from me?”
And you said that you loved me, you said am your all in all, so why this lie, why was this whole bull $h|t kept as a secret from me, it’s tearing my heart apart Sky?
Do you even have any idea what will happen to me if you eventually die few months after our wedding and i found out that you actually died because of a gli bas wh@ťěver brain tumor?
“Do you?.. Do you even care about me, or my feelings?”
“Answer me Sky. Do you even love me as you claim?”
I do!.. He blurt averting his eyes from mine, he was in tears and that a lone makes my heart bleeds.
I love you more than anything on earth, even more than my life itself.
But i couldn’t bring myself in telling you the truth, and that was why i always push you away from me, that way why i never wanted having anything to do with you in the first place, even when my heart does.
Hearing him pours out his heart out breaks my heart so much but no!
It won’t work today, not now, not ever.
Oh please spare me those crooked up stories you’ve built to save yourself.
“Lies.” If you really love me then why keep the truth when you finally accept to be with me? Huh!
Say something Sky, what happened to i wanna be with you forever?
Why the sudden quietness Mr Sky?
Cat got your tongue or what is it, or tell me, are you tryna fish out more lies from the pit of hell?
You are a devil Sky. You’re so heartless
You wanted to break my heart and leave it in piece… By piece where it can’t be mended ever again?
Why didn’t you tell me? I thought love and marriage was built on trust and truth, so what happened now?

I was scared! I was scared of loosing you, i was scared that you might give up on me and not want to be with me anymore.
I didn’t want to loose you, and at the same time, i also didn’t want to make you go through pain but still, pain is inevitable.

Well am sorry Sky because you are still going to loose me anyways.
I ran out of the ward and rushed straight to my car to pour out my heart.
“Audrey please don’t leave me, please!!”
I heard him screaming as i ran out of the ward, his voice still sounded fresh to my ears.

Why, why does he has to hurt me this way? Why did he like to me, i thought he said he loved me.
Even if he was scared that he might loose me, still that doesn’t explains his actions towards me.
I cried out, hoping and praying that this should all turned out into a big night mare, i cried myself to sleep but the news of Sky still dying hunts me even to my dream.
when i woke i checked round to see if it was a bad dream, but who am i kidding?
This is all real, and Sky might die anytime soon.
I gasp in horror swiftly gripping my chest to feel the rate of my heart beat.
Sky! I don’t want to loose you. I screamed crying and pleading to God to save him.
I checked the time and it was just 3:55 Pm; gosh how long have i slept?
We came here by 1pm am sure, so now it’s 3:55, meaning…
Sky!! I shout in fear, an without much ado i jerk up and ran back to the hospital.
If am going to loose him, well i will have to stick to him to the end.
I love him too much to want to leave him to die alone in pain.
With many thoughts wondering through my mind i ran back to his ward and burst the door wide open: only to find him lying on the floor with his eyes looking all sore.
“Audrey!” He called jerking up.
I am so sorry my love, he whispered in tears.
I could no longer control the tears, so i let them out and ran to him and engulf him into a warm hug.
I love you too Sky, and i won’t leave you, i promise you, i won’t leave you!
Do you remember when i said that i am here to stay, no matter how much you push me?
“Well then, i really mean those words Sky, am here for you. No matter what happens.”
He stared at me with his puffy eyes and then burst into tears.
I don’t know what to say Audrey, other than am lucky to have you in my life, Audrey i am so lucky.
I smashed his lips with mine and engulf him into a hungry but yet thirsty kiss.
“I really love you Skylar Fernandez,” i screamed inwardly as we hugged.
Am in tears now, Sky and Audrey this una love is so so touching.
If you were among the people thinking that Audrey’s reaction was harsh please come and see then hide your face.. lolz ??

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