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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HER SASSY BOSS – Episode 19

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? Her Sassy Boss ??
?His Crazy Secretary ??
Episode 19 ❤️??
I watch the lady in awe, as her lips works so fast on my mr Sky; I could tell that he was trying to pull her back but her grip got tighter than ever, as she wrapped her arms around him.

I rolled my eyes in anger as they kept kissing, an at a point i felt as if Mr Sky was kissing back.

“Men are jerk.” I muttered bitting my lips in anger, Mr French and his wife kept avoiding my eyes.

I couldn’t bare it anymore so i dragged the girl by the hair and throw her off from him, making her land on the floor

“What the!” She yelled staring at herself.

What did you do that for? She yelled at me.
Taken aback by her words i shook my head in disgust.

Oh! Oh my! I am so sorry dear, it wasn’t done intentional, by chance i saw a big bug resting on your head with his mate and they were busy f_cking themselves on your head, so i had to help out.

“Bugs!…” She yelled.
On my head!! She yelled again.
Arghhhh!!!! She screamed.

Get it off, get it off, get it off, please get it off. She cried running up and down the room.

Bugs!!! Her mother called in fears, she quickly ran upstairs and left us in the sitting room, Mr French on the other hand climbed the couch and Mr Sky followed along.

They all looked so frightened by the invisible bugs. “I mocked inwardly.”

I almost laugh out loud but i have to hold it in. This is my chance for revenge.
I thought to myself in smiles.
“Come let me help you, am not scared of bugs” i assured walking towards her.

I grabbed her by the head and throw her to the floor by her head, she landed herself hard on the floor. “Serves her right for kissing my man.”

I rushed towards her fallen position and began to scatter her pretty done hair an
took out my handkerchief from my Břě@šť side and cleaned her face and mouth with it.

Don’t worry dear am getting the bugs off from you. I said still clenching her teeth.

Do you know what we are going to do?
We need scissor, because one of them ran away but the other one seems stuck on your hair.

Just get it off!!! She cried shaking her body in fear.
“I smiled.” Get me scissor Sky, right now.
Mr Sky rushed towards Mr French and Mr French handed him the scissors then rushed back to stand on the couch.

I took the scissor and cut off a part from her hair. “Serves her right!” I smirked evilly.
The bugs are out, you can now go free
I said showing her the hair i have cut.

I quickly rushed outside and throw her hair away before coming back inside

“My beautiful hair has been destroyed,” she cried walking towards the stairs as she whined in pain.

That’s the same way my beautiful heart was messed with all because you kissed my Sky. I murmured softly.

Few minutes later she came back after cutting off her hair to make them equal size. She didn’t apply much make up just a pomade and lip gloss.

“Such a fool!” I thought rolling my eyes in disgust.
Let’s see how you get to kiss any woman’s man again.

We settled down and began to have dinner. Sky didn’t even have the guts to look me in the eyes, he kept avoiding my eyes an so was i.

I h@ťě him for this, why would he kiss back? I thought he had eyes for me, but i guess am wrong.

So Sky! Is been long, how have you been?
Brittany asked throwing a seductive smile at my Sky; she seems not have learnt any lesson from what happened to her.

My dearest, “please have your meal quietly.” Mr French chirped in making a funny face at her.

Daddy you know i don’t understand this sign language you always use on me
Brittany replied moving her hands to hold Mr Sky.

Sky on the other hand swiftly removed his hand from the dinning table
After doing that he used his eyes to glance at me.

You look handsome Skylar, hope you loved the kiss? She asked before blowing a kiss at him.

Brittany stop it, don’t you have any dignity? Her mother inquired furrowing her left brows.

That’s it! I hit my hand hard on the dinning table. I am so sorry for coming here Mr French, good night.

Oh and brignut, I hope you love your new hair do cause i cut them off intentionally

She gasped and got hold of her hair.
Skylar is mine, i have been in love with him for so long, so who are you?
You are just a secretary.

She’s more than a secretary to me.
Sky took up in defense.

And for the kiss, don’t you think you should brush your lips before kissing someone? He added glaring at her.

I am so sorry for this whole mess Mr Fernandez. Mr French chirped in as always. I groaned out and walk out of the building in anger.

Audrey please wait. London please wait.
Sky begged running after me.

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