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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HER LAST WISH – Episode 3

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❄️Chapter 3.

Zeemah Writes?


“You look so happy, what’s up?” Aria asked Layla who wouldn’t stop smiling.
“Is it that obvious?” Layla asked.
“Of course, you won’t stop grinning” Aria said.
“Well, someone complimented my hair” Layla said, and if not for the hair cover she has on,she would have touched her hair but she patted it through the hair cover anyway.
“Woah…really? I also complimented your hair yesterday but it didn’t made you look this happy” Aria said, giving Layla a suspicious look.

“Oh..yeah but this is someone i never expected to..” Layla said.
“A guy?” Aria asked in a whisper and Layla nodded, smiling.
“Oh” Aria smiled.
“Is he your boyfriend?” She asked.
“Soon” Layla said confidently like Dylan asked her to be his girlfriend already.
“Woah..I’m so glad he made you this happy. It’s been so long you looked this happy” Aria said and Layla nodded.

“I do not appreciate chit-chat during business hours, you both should get to work and stop spilling your foul spit over people’s coffee!” Philia shouted.


Layla and Philia walked home after they were done for the day.
“Why do you keep smiling like that! I hope you’re not planning to ki|| me overnight!” Philia said to Layla.
“No, i wouldn’t do that. I’m just happy” Layla smiled.
“You’re happy? Even after… what happened? How can you be happy Layla?” Philia asked, astonished.
“Oh my God! I hope it’s not starting to affect your mental health” Philia added, starting to panic.
“Stop Phil, I’m perfectly fine. I shouldn’t be happy after what happened,i should cry non-stop,i should refuse to eat..i know but i’ve decided to be happy, at least for the meantime” Layla said and Phil gave her a pity look.

“Don’t give me that look Phil, you’re making me feel pathetic and i would appreciate if you do not mention it again” Layla said and Phil nodded.
“Why are you not yelling at me? Are you trying to treat me nicely because of..that.. Wait,was that the reason you gave me more money this morning?” Layla asked.
Philia nodded and Layla groaned.
“How can you start treating me nicely all of a sudden because of that? If that hadn’t happened..i would still be the niece you h@ťě right?” Layla asked.
“Of course” Philia shrugged.
“You’re so unbelievable! And cruel!” Layla yelled.
They had reached home by then,they walked in and Layla stomped to her room.

“Come back here Layla! Who’s gonna make dinner?” Phil shouted after her but she turned deaf ears and then slammed the door to her room.
Philia flinched at the sound.

“Don’t you dare spoil my door or you’re gonna get your poor aunt from Nigeria to fix it!” Philia yelled.
She dropped her bag and sat down on the couch, picked the remote control and switched on the TV.

When it dawned on her that Layla wasn’t going to make dinner,she searched for her phone in her bag and then ordered pizza.


Layla move from one part of the bed to another, unable to get a sleep.
Her stomach was rumbling with hunger.
She only had coffee in the afternoon.

Geez..she should have just put her pride aside and just made dinner when Philia told her to.

It’ll be pointless to go to the kitchen now.
Philia rarely makes meals and she might have locked the kitchen door just to punish her.
Well..she might have not, since she’s more subtle to her now.

Layla got up from the bed and slid her feet into her slippers,she adjusted her pajamas and then made her way out of her room,to the kitchen.
Her heart ached when she found it locked.


She was near tears as she made her way to the living room,this hunger isn’t one of those that can be endured,it’s almost ripping her stomach apart.
She planned to go beg Philia for the kitchen key when she saw a covered box of pizza with a glass cup of water on the table.

There’s probably nothing left in the pizza box, Philia would never have left any for her.
The glass of water would help though.
‘Atleast, she won’t collapse before she gets to Phil room’ She thought as she gulped the water.
She dropped the cup and sighed loudly.
The water did just little to quench her hunger,she knows her stomach would start rampaging soon again.

She stared at the box of pizza and then flipped it open with a finger.
“Yeah,go ahead and disappoint me,i know there’s nothing left in yo..What!” She exclaimed, seeing half of the pizza sitting prettily and invitingly in the box.
“What!” She exclaimed again.

Did Phil left some for her?
It seems Phil was pretty serious about starting to be nice to her..
But..what if the left over pizza isn’t for her?
Well..wh@ťěver, she has to feed her stomach,she’s ready for wh@ťěver punishment that may come later.
This is too hard to resist,not in her hungry state.

She sat down and started eating as fast as she could.
Phil might come out of her room any moment.

She ate with smiles and satisfaction.
She was almost done with the pizza when she saw a sticky note on the table.

Huh..How couldn’t she have noticed it earlier.
She picked it up and read what was written on it.

?Food monger.

I know you’ll be almost done with the pizza before noticing this note. Just so you know,your allowance for tomorrow will be deducted.

What the…

“Gosh!” Layla dropped the last slice of pizza she was about devouring.
“I had known this would definitely come with a price” She groaned.
“You’re such an annoying bee” She snorted at Phil’s photo frame that was hung on the wall.
She ate the last slice of pizza before thrashing the box.

She smiled, looking well fed.
She’s so full now,but she needs to drink water.
The kitchen is locked so she’s just gonna do that tomorrow.
She’s glad she had something to eat at least.

She turned off the lights and walked to her room, grinning to herself..
Now she’s going to have a good sleep and probably dream about Dylan.
She just can’t get that scene out of her head.
Dylan talked to her for the first time.
He complimented the hair she had thought was ugly.
If she had known her ‘Bob’ would be the reason he would talk to her,she would have made it long ago.

Thank goodness Mrs Moore had listen to her pleas or she’ll rather faint than dance in front of the whole class.
Her father and brother had always teased her about her terrible dance steps.
She also knew herself to be a terrible dancer.
Her brother once said she dances like a hawk that’s trying to be stable on a barb wire.

She misses him so much.

She sighed as she jumped on her bed, pulled her blanket over her body and stared at the ceiling, imagining different love scenarios with Dylan.


“Good morning Phil” Layla said, walking into the living room.
She was fully dressed for school,only came to bid Phil bye.
She couldn’t wait to see Dylan.

“Good morning” Phil seeped her coffee, wondering why Layla was smiling to herself. she thinking she isn’t gonna deduct her allowance like she said she would.
Haha..she’s in for a surprise.
She handed Layla’s allowance fee to her and Layla counted it.

She stared at Philia after realising the money was incomplete.
“You’re really gonna deduct the pizza fee from my allowance?” Layla asked.
“Of course, you thought i was joking? You know i don’t joke with things like that” Phil said, picking her cup of coffee to sip once again.
Dollar notes were spread on the table like playing cards.
“Of course i..i know you don’t joke with things like that but i..thought you were starting to be nice to me” Layla said.
“Well..i was starting to but i thought you didn’t liked that, seeing the way you had stomped to your room yesternight”
“You do not care about things i like or not,you do what you want regardless of my choice, why the sudden care?” Layla asked.
“Do not ask me questions Layla,you got pissed after knowing the reason i was been nice to you,you walked out on me and refused to make dinner,yet you want me to remain nice to you? You’re a joker” Philia snarled.

“Must you like me for any reason, can’t you just like me.. without any reason attached to it, can’t you just like me like most aunts like their nieces,must there be a reason?” Layla asked, hurt.
“I can’t like you! because i do not like your father! Get the hell out before you make me seize your allowance”
Layla sighed.
“Okay, bye” She said, glancing at the wall clock before walking out of the house.

She’s not so hurt by Phil’s words, she’s used to it.
She decided to take the bus today,she isn’t late but she just couldn’t wait to see Dylan.
She’ll be taking bus to school for the first time in months just because of Dylan.
And also,for the first time in months,she wouldn’t get to save some money.
The amount with her today wouldn’t be enough.

If she hadn’t planned to take bus, there’ll be few dollars left to save but..anything for Dylan.
She’s willing to do anything for him.


She walked into the class and there was no bickering and murmurs like always.
The students only stared at her..

Wow,who would have thought a day like this would come.

She headed to her seat after dropping her bag in the locker.
Her eyes were on Dylan who was chattering with his friends,he was yet to see her but she fixed her eyes on him anyway.
Her heart fluttered when he suddenly glanced up,his eyes met hers and he looked away almost immediately like she wasn’t there.

Her walking steps slowed immediately.
Did he not see her?
Maybe he didn’t..but,he had looked directly into her eyes.
God, could he have forgotten about yesterday.
He flirts with so many girls,he could have forgotten.

She finally got to her seat,she sat down looking sad.
Minutes passed and she was surprised Chloe didn’t approach her,she wasn’t the only surprised one,the students were surprised also.
For months,there hadn’t been a day Chloe did not slander Layla and they always look forward to it.

Chloe pretended to be busy with her phone, meanwhile she was trying to avoid approaching Layla,she was scared after Layla thr_@tened to rip her hair off her scalp yesterday.
She knows Layla is capable of it.. Africans are fierce!
But she isn’t letting Layla go off easily,she’s gonna attack her in ways that won’t require approaching her.
She so much h@ťě her!

Layla stared at her desk, musing over Dylan’s inattentiveness to her.
Should she say hi to him?
Perhaps he hadn’t even seen her, his eyes might have been on another thing entirely.
He might have not notice her walk in because there wasn’t bickerings today.

“Hey” She heard a voice that sent shivers down her spine,she gazed up almost immediately to see Dylan waving at her with a smile.

“God” She muttered almost breathless.


Thanks for reading ?

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