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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HER LAST WISH – Episode 24

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❄️Chapter 24.

Zeemah Writes?

“Happy Birthday Layla!” Those were the first words that greeted Layla as she opened the car door.
She stood stunned and amazed as she stared at Dan and Anne who were grinning at her, they even looked more excited that she did on her birthday.

Yeah, today was her birthday but why is she stunned to have been wished?
Perhaps it was because they were the first people to wish her. Phil had dropped her allowance on the table before she got to the living room and she knew Phil was avoiding to wish her, like she has always done, though a few times, she had wished her grudgingly.

Aria, Aunty Esther and her son had been the only people who makes her happy on her birthdays since the death of her family.
She knows she would have gotten a call from Aunt Esther if Phil hadn’t been in possession of the phone.

And yeah, here she is..her friends wishing her.
She hadn’t even expected it because she thought Dan would have forgotten.
She remember telling him a few weeks ago but she never thought he would put it to mind.

“Thank you” She finally said, smiling as she got into the car.
“Happy Birthday Layla” Paul said.
“Thanks Paul” She smiled, adjusting on her seat.
Paul started driving . . .

“I expected you to look more happy on your birthday” Anne said.
“I am, honestly i am .. I’m just still quite stunned” Layla said.
“First time getting birthday wishes from friends?” Dan asked and Layla nodded,tears rushing to her eyes.
“C’mon” Dan said, pulling her close. She rested her head in the crook of his neck while he patted her hair gently.
Anne looked like she would start crying too but Dan warned her with his eyes not to.
He was still trying to comfort Layla . .

“I’m fine now” Layla sniffed, smiling as she wiped her tears.
“Are you sure?” Dan asked.
“Yeah i am, d@mn i feel so good now” She laughed.

“Yunno last year, if i had been told i would receive birthday wishes from anyone else aside my African Aunt, my nephew and Aria this year, i would have staked every penny to disagree, but here are you guys .. the best birthday gifts i’ve ever received ” Layla smiled, pulling Dan into a hug and then Anne.
“I’m feeling so important right now” Dan said raising his head high and fanning himself with his hand.
They laughed.

“Happy Birthday once again Layla” Anne smiled.
“Thank you” Layla smiled.
“Yeah! You’re now looking as happy as you should” Anne winked and Layla chuckled.
“I’m not going to call you by your name today, you’ll go by the name ‘birthday girl’ ” Dan said.
“Isn’t that ridiculous?” Layla laughed.
“It’s not, it’s your birthday, you just clocked a new age and you should be reminded every second of the day that today is not just any other day” Dan said, bringing out his phone.

“Fel and Rylan wants to wish you” He said, dialling Fel’s number.
“Oh” Layla grinned.
“They asked me to put you on the phone when we are together” Dan said. “Oh .. she picked already”

“Birthday Girl!!” Felia’s excited voice pierced the car.
Layla giggled.
“Happy Birthday Layla” Fel said.
“Thanks Fel” Layla said, grinning.
“Rylan on the phone” Rylan announced goofily.
“I’m not done talking to her!” They heard Fel yell in the background and they laughed.
“Hi Ry” Layla smiled.
“Happy Birthday Sweet Layla” Rylan said.
“Thanks Rylan” Layla grinned.
“Give me back my phone!” Fel yelled and they heard rustling noise before Fel’s voice came on again.

“Layla, how are you? I hope you’re bubbling with excitement” Fel said.
“Oh Yes, I am. All thanks to you all” Layla smiled.
“Dan, you should have just called my own phone!” Rylan shouted before they heard a loud thud.
“What’s that?” Dan asked.
“It’s nothing, I just pushed him a little and he collapsed over a couple of desks like he’s gat no single weight” Fel said, hissing.
“Fel!” Dan scolded.
“What?! He was disturbing the call” Fel snarled.
“Wh@ťěver, just go check if he’s fine” Dan said.
“Well he is, he’s staggering towards me now” Fel said, they heard Rylan groan.
“Oh my God, i think i should run for my life now. Bye, see you later Layla” Fel said, the call disconnecting.

Dan sigh and shook his head.

‘See you later?’ Layla thought and shrugged it off immediately, Fel might have said that unaware especially in that condition that she is.. she laughed.

“I enjoy Fel and Ry’s dramas a lot” Anne chuckled.
“Same here” Layla said.
“Rylan was so gentle but Fel turned him to that, she’s a dozen bag of trouble” Dan said, groaning.
Anne and Layla laughed.

“Oh, we’re in school” Anne announced.


“I’m going to pay for it”
“You shouldn’t worry, i will”
“I will”
“Dan, don’t bother, i will”

Dan and Layla argued at the counter, they just got their lunch and Dan is insisting on paying for Layla’s meal.

“It’s your birthday, birthday girl, you should accept my kind gestures without any complaint, you deserve it” Dan said.
“Dan . .”
“Just for today” He winked, paying for their meals.
“Thank you” She sigh.

They walked to an empty table and sat, placing their trays gently on the table.

“Birthday girl, here you go!” Anne appeared with a smile, dropping a chilled pack of pineapple juice on their table with a cup.
Layla had loved the taste of the juice the last time she took it but it’s more expensive than others,so she doesn’t get to buy it as often as she’d like and now..Anne is offering her a pack!
A chilled pack!
d@mn! It would totally be a great combination with the veggie pasta she’ll be having for lunch.
Her mouth salivated as she exchanged glances between the juice and the hot veggie pasta.

“Don’t even think of refusing it” Anne deadpanned.
‘never’ Layla thought.
“Thanks Anne, I love this juice a lot”
“Yeah, i know” Anne smiled.
“And yeah… Sarah and Kate are here to wish you” Anne said and that was when Layla noticed the pair.
Her eyes and mind had been on the juice . . Haha.

“Happy Birthday Layla” Kate and Sarah said in unison, smiling.
“Thanks so much girls” Layla smiled.
Dan wondered where their last friend was.

“So, enjoy your lunch” Anne said, pulling her friends away to their table.

“I’m feeling so so good right now” Layla smiled. and it was all written in her eyes.
“I’m glad” Dan smiled.

She uncapped the juice and poured some for herself, smiling and savouring the taste as she gulped it.
Dan watched her and had to blink away when he felt something deep in his stomach.


“Bye” Layla waved at Dan and Anne after alighting in front of her house.
“Bye Birthday girl” They waved back and she smiled, watching as the car drove off.
She bounced to the gate, feeling so happy. She had felt so down this morning after realizing Phil left her allowance on the table to avoid wishing her but her friends had lifted her spirits . . so high.
She hasn’t felt this special on her birthday in ages, Aria, Aunty Esther and David do make her feel special on her birthdays but this is different .. she feels more special . . so close to how she feels on her birthdays when her parents and brother was alive.

She closed the door behind her after walking into the living room.
She hadn’t seen what was on the table at first and when she did, she had to walk closer, peering.

It was a birthday card, a medium sized box of pizza, a little wrapped box and an envelope . . so swollen that one would know there’s definitely something in there.
Layla sigh .. this is definitely not for her.
Philia has never given her a gift or .. could Aria have sent this to the house.

She picked the card and read the content.

~ Happy birthday Foodie, enjoy your pizza, everything on the table is yours. And you can come to the shop any time you feel like. *Winks*


Layla dropped on the couch, stunned for the second time in a day, the card still in her hand.
After reading it over and over again, it finally registered in her brain.
It’s from Philia .. Philia got her gifts .. for the first time.

She dropped the card back on the table, her hands trembling slightly.
She dropped her bag beside her and pull her shoes and socks.
Holding back tears, she hugged her legs to her chest.

Isn’t it a normal thing for an Aunt to get her niece birthday gifts? And then the niece should get all excited and all but with Phil everything seem different.
Very different .

But then, she’s so grateful Phil made an effort this time.
She knew the reason behind it but she wouldn’t allow that dim her birthday mood.
She wouldn’t allow anything ki|| her euphoria.

Any thought that would smear her birth day should not be welcomed and will not be.
She should worry herself less, at least for today.

She placed her foot back on the floor with a sigh.
‘Okay, let’s see what you got from Phil’ She said to herself, opening the box of pizza first.
“Uhm..” She salivated at the sight.
She opened her backpack and pulled out the pack of juice Anne had gotten for her, she got full after drinking half of it at the cafeteria and now here’s the remaining half.
‘Not a bad combination with pizza i guess’ She thought, grinning wolfishly to herself.

“Oh my .. ” She grimaced, taking a bite from a slice of pizza..
“How come this is tasting more delicious than the ones I’ve always eaten” She wondered, taking more hungry bites.
She uncapped the juice and lifted it to her mouth.

God . .

This is heavenly.
Layla burped loudly after having enough slices of pizza to her fill.
There’s still few left and she covered it for later.
She smiled happily, looking well satisfied.
“Best birthday ever” She giggled to herself.

She picked the little squared wrapped box and started unwrapping it.
The box was so little that it could pass for a ring’s but Layla still couldn’t find the reason Philia would give her a ring.
She almost laughed at the thought.

On opening the box, her eyes met with the most gorgeous hairpin she has ever seen, so small, simple yet breathtakingly beautiful.
Little pink diamond stones were piled round the edges and in the center lay an artificial silver butterfly.
“Wow” Layla blinked.

She stared at it for a while, enthralled.
She cherish beautiful ornaments so much, and she had gotten so much of it from her parents while she was still little.
It’s been so long she got one and seeing this beautiful piece stare back at her enthralled her.

“Thanks Phil” She smiled, picking it up and examining it closely.
She finally dropped it back in it’s little space after gazing at it long enough.
She closed it and examined the box also, and then she could tell the hairpin would be quite expensive. It came in a very classy and expensive looking box.

“Oh, there’s a note ..” She said, noticing a sticky note at the bottom on the box.

~ This will help keep your hair in place and i wish it would keep your mouth in place too.


Layla laughed loudly.
She enjoys this part of Phil so much.

She was still laughing when she picked the envelope and tore it open.
Her mouth was left hanging as she stared at the content.

Dollar notes.

Dollar notes . . so much of it that she couldn’t even count it in a glance, not even in a long stare.
“OMG” She exclaimed.
Did Phil said, everything on the table is mine? .. she picked up the card again and went through it.
That’s exactly what’s on the card.
How could Phil gift her so much money . . She dropped the envelope,still not convinced it was hers until she saw the inscription on the back.

~Happy Birthday Niece.

You deserve much more than this. Accept this token.


And this time, Layla burst into tears.


Layla sat on her dressing chair, applying lip gloss.
She was dressed in a white knee-length dress, it was her mum’s and it suited her body perfectly like it was designed specially for her.
It’s one of the many dresses she has never worn.
This would be the first time she’ll be putting on this lovely piece and she loved how it looked on her.

She had freshened up after crying and then selected the dress, she was never the one who specially dresses up on her birthdays but today . . Is different.
She was feeling so happy and decided it won’t be so bad dressing up today for a change and moreover this birthday had been her first one with friends, wearing a beautiful dress to celebrate it won’t be so bad.

She dropped her lip gloss.. yeah,she was done dressing up.


Her hairpin.

She opened the box and picked it up.
Facing the mirror, she clipped the hairpin on one part of her well combed hair and d@mn .. her hair has never looked this happy.
It was smiling brightly and giving her thumbs up.

She chuckled to herself as she rose to her feet.
She doesn’t normally check out herself in the mirror after getting dressed but she did now and she admired how she looked.
‘Simply elegant’ She winked at her reflection in the mirror.

She glanced at the wall clock and knew she wouldn’t dare get to shop this time on a normal day but Philia had said to take her time and that’s exactly what she’s doing, knowing she won’t get this offer anytime soon again.
She posed in front of the mirror and for once, she badly wished she own a phone.


“Happy Birthday Layla” Aria kissed her cheeks happily.
“And .. you’re looking so beautiful, d@mn!” Aria smiled, greatly admiring Layla’s look.
‘Well..perfect look for the surprise waiting for her’ Aria thought.

“Thanks Aria” Layla smiled shyly.
“Your hairpin . . . Wow” Aria said, gaping admiringly at it.
Layla smiled. “Phil got it for me”
“Are you serious?” Aria’s eyes widened.
Layla nodded.
“You mean, she wished you ..?” Aria asked.
“Well…yeah, not verbally though, through a birthday card and she even got a box of pizza and an envelope filled with dollar notes for me”
“OMG!” Aria exclaimed in surprise.

“Layla” They both heard Phil called and they turned to her direction, Aria still reeling with surprise.

“Happy Birthday” Phil said to her with a straight face.
“Thanks Phil and the gifts, i love them” Layla smiled.
“Obviously” Phil nodded, glancing at the hairpin on Layla’s hair, she almost smiled but she held it back, maintaining a straight face.
“And i must say you look so beautiful” Phil complimented and Layla was a bit surprised to hear that coming from Philia. Wow.
“Thanks Phil” She said.
“Come with me to my office, your Black Aunt and son has been disturbing me over the phone” Phil rolled her eyes, walking away.

Layla grinned, hurrying after her.
Layla returned to the counter, all smiles, so happy to hear from Aunt Esther and David.
Aunt Esther had prayed for her for minutes like she always do on her birthdays and it had been nice to hear David’s happy voice.

“Here. Happy Birthday once again” Aria said, stretching a wrapped present to Layla.
“Thanks Aria” Layla smiled, hugging her.

“And you should quickly go take the orders of the customers sitting at the corner table, they’ve arrived long ago” Aria said.
“Oh really” Layla said, dropping the present in her tote bag, she made to pick up an apron but Aria stopped her.
“No, wearing an apron is going to take time. Go quickly, you’ll wear your apron after taking their orders” Aria said.
“Oh okay” Layla said, hurrying to the table at the corner of the shop, it was a reserved area with a beautiful window view.
Customers who sit there pay more.

Layla approached the table and stopped at the sight in front of her. Her heart racing.

She had expected to see customers, not … Dan , Fel , Rylan and Anne smiling at her, and the table was only supposed to contain a menu not the beautiful birthday cake, lit with candles waiting to be blown.
“Happy Birthday Layla!!!!” They shouted in unison, getting on their feet.

Was this what Fel meant by ‘see you later’
Layla still stood rooted to the spot even after everything registered in her brain.
She thought the birthday wishes had ended in school, she didn’t know there was more.

Much More.

They started singing a Birthday song to her and staring at them unblinking . . memories replayed in her mind, this is just exactly how her parents and brother celebrated her past birthdays.
Her legs felt wobbly as the memories got clearer and bolder in her mind. She was seeing her parents and her brother now and not Dan and co.

“Mu..m” She whispered before crashing to the floor.


Thanks for Reading ❤️

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