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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HER LAST WISH – Episode 21

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Chapter 21.

Zeemah Writes . . .

Chloe saw Layla was about walking past her and she knew she had to do this, she suddenly got to her feet and leaped on Layla, biting her on the neck, Layla screamed in pain and everyone realizing what was happening rushed to them. Chloe bit deeper not caring if she’ll loose her hair to this.

But of course she cared about her hair and that was why everything had been her imagination, if her hair wasn’t at stake, she would have done just that. She watched Layla walked past her to her seat in contempt.
‘Africa Pig’ She muttered angrily only to the hearing of her friends.
They laughed.
“Why are you guys laughing huh?! You’ve been useless all along” She snarled, so pissed.

She tuck her hair properly behind her ears when Dan was about walking past her seat, and then plastered a smile across her face.
“Hi Dan” She said.
“Hi” He smiled back at her before walking off to his seat.
“He smiled at you! Way to go girl” Mira grinned.
“He smiles at every other person the same way, that’s just how he is” Sabrina countered.
“Just shut up, you’re bad vibes” Mira scoffed, of course she also knew Dan smiles at almost everyone but she had said that to lift Chloe’s hope, so she’ll feel less angry at them but this fool just had to spoil the whole thing.
Chloe knew Rina was right, he smiles at every other person the say way, so she hadn’t taken his smile so special but it had eased her anger.

She doesn’t say hi to him before because she had thought he should say hi first, every other guy say hi to her first but with Dan, it seems that’s not going to happen soon and she was determined to get his attention.
She likes him so much, and she h@ťěs that Layla has his attention the most.
That girl is just a lowly African, she’s not even worth being her rival. God knows if she could do anything to stop Layla from attending this school, she would gladly do it.
She turned and watched Dan but of course his attention was on Layla, they were discussing and the smile he gives her is quite different from the one he gives others.
Layla is no doubt special to him and that irks Chloe so much.

“Do you think I should keep saying hi to him?” She asked her friends.
“Of course you should” They said in a chorus.
“It’s going to make him notice you faster” Christy said.
“And whenever you do, flash him your biggest smile” Mira said.
“I think you should just tell Dan you want to be his friend, with the type of person he is, he wont have a problem with that, being his friend will make you get closer to him faster than you think” Sabrina said.
“Gosh! I h@ťě how you think most times. You mean Chloe should stoop so low to ask Dan to be her friend, she already brought herself to the lowliest level by saying hi to him first and now she should do that $h|t you’re saying so he’s gonna think she’s so desperate to want to get closer to him and what if he refuses” Miranda said irritably.
“I don’t think he’s someone who will turn down friendship, he doesn’t look that mean”

“So dumb of you to have judged someone by their look, Chloe, do not try what Sabrina said or Dan is never going to rate you” Miranda advised and smiled when Chloe nodded.
“Really?” Layla smiled.
“Yeah, i’m serious. Your pictures made me get more likes and comments and everyone kept asking for your handle, my comment section has never raved so mad” Dan groaned and Layla laughed.
“It was tiring and when it got to a point, I stopped replying and started getting ready for school” He said.
Layla smiled.

“You don’t believe you are beautiful, do you?” Dan asked and she felt heat crept to her cheeks, she’s going to blush.
She shrugged in answer to Dan’s question.
“That’s it! You don’t believe you’re good-looking , you think so little of yourself and honestly, that should stop” Dan said.
Layla smiled.
“A lot of people must have made you feel that way and you are also wrong to have embraced it. I wonder though why half of the guys here are not falling at your feet”
Layla laughed. “Enough of this Dan” .
Chloe’s slander had really made a lot of people avoid her, even the males were just starting to want to get close to her now but she’s not giving any of them the chance, Chloe had made them feel it was very terrible to date an African and they had believed her. Though most of them were starting to see the light now.

“I said hi to Dylan while walking to my seat and he responded with a smile” Layla grinned.
Layla nodded, not able to keep the grin off her face.
“Good for you” Dan smiled.


“You guys have been giving me cold shoulders, what’s wrong?” Anne asked her friends as they sat to eat in the cafeteria.
They were not giving her silent treatment, they were talking to her like they would any normal day but she knew her friends so much and could tell when they were pissed at her.

“Yeah, we planned to tell you over lunch initially” Sarah said.
“Okay . . .” Anne dropped her fork.
“Your parents had a thanksgiving party and you didn’t deem us important enough to invite us” Jessie growled.
“Oh my God, guys” Anne sigh, now she get why they were giving her cold shoulders, they must have felt so offended.
Kate started eating her lunch, looking as pissed as others.
“Guys, im so sorry. I didn’t mean it that way but you guys houses are so far, I will be stressing you if I should invite you over”
“What type of stress do you mean? Don’t we all have cars and personal drivers?” Sarah asked.
“Exactly” Kate said with a mouth full.
Jessie rolled her eyes, she was more pained than Kate and Sarah, she had even been the one to point it out to them.
Seeing the pictures on Dan’s Instagram account with Layla present had made her almost sick and it looks like the party was fun, considering the way they were all smiling in the pictures.

“I don’t even know how to explain myself but you guys houses are so far and to be very honest, I just didn’t want to stress you, knowing the next day was a school day made me throw the thought of inviting you. I’m so sorry” Anne said and they could all see she felt really sorry.
“But you should have invited us still and leave it to us to decide if to attend or not” Kate said.
“I’m sorry” Anne said.
“It’s fine, we thought we weren’t important enough to be invited” Sarah said.
“No, you all are important to me and you know it. But you guys have never been pissed at me for not inviting you to any of my party, what’s going on?” Anne asked.
“We saw the pictures Dan posted and it looked like this particular party was fun” Jessie said and Anne laughed.
“Yeah, it was.” Anne smiled, feeling bad she hadn’t invited her friends.
“And you even invited Layla ” Jess said resentfully.
“I didn’t invite Layla, Dan did and even if he hadn’t , I would have. Layla’s house is not so far from ours”
“Wh@ťěver” Jess scoffed.

“And we know we’ve never complained about you not inviting us to your parties, that was because we didn’t see it as an issue then but now it has become one” Kate said, crunching her fries and Anne realized her pasta was getting warm.
” After all, we always invite you over for parties at our houses without even thinking about how far your house is or how it’s gonna stress you. So you also need to dismiss that thought and start inviting us over for parties” Jess said.

“Okay then, i’m going to start inviting you guys over for every party my family will be hosting and . . . my birthday is in a month’s time, i’ll be hosting a glamorous party, I don’t care how far your houses are, you must attend!” Anne said.
“Yaaaaay” Her friends squealed, drawing attention to their table but they didn’t even seem to care.
“That’s how it should be girl!” Kate said, her palm meeting with Anne’s for a high five.
“Way to go Anne, now eat up, your pasta will get cold” Sarah said.
“Thanks for forgiving me guys” Anne smiled and started eating.
“And .. ” Kate paused, her cheeks heating up. “Those other guys in the pictures are Dan’s friend right?”
“Of course” Anne said.
“How could Dan be so selfish, he’s hot and even kept hot friends” Kate said and Anne laughed out loud.
“Kate! Just go to the point, you like one of them?” Anne teased.
“No, three of them” Kate said and they exclaimed before bursting into laughter.

“I like one of them though” Sarah said when they stopped laughing, they all turned to her, surprised.
Sarah is the least person they expected to hear that from, she has never felt attracted to any guy and Jessie had even teased her about it and she had indeed confirmed that she’s yet to like anyone but now she likes someone and it’s one of Dan’s friends.


Anne dropped her fork once more. “Who among them?”
Sarah brought out her phone from her pocket and looked around to make sure no teacher was in sight before handing it to Anne. “That one in the middle”
Kate and Jess eagerly peered into the picture, smiling.
“Wow” Kate grinned.
“I’m so glad you finally like someone, a hottie at that” Jessie smiled.

“That’s Felix” Anne smiled, handing Sarah’s phone back to her, she couldn’t tell why she was secretly relieved it wasn’t Elvis.
“His name is Felix?” Sarah asked, pushing her phone back in her pocket.
“Yeah, and I must say he’s a cool guy” Anne said, eating a forkful of her pasta.
“Does he . . have someone, like .. a girl?” Sarah asked and it felt like her heart was stuck in her throat as she waited for Anne’s answer.
She has never felt this way towards someone, she had never even liked a guy but seeing Felix’s picture . . gave her heart a new feeling.
She couldn’t quite place it but she knows she likes him.

“Why do you look like you’re going to collapse if I say he has a girlfriend” Anne chuckled.
“Just talk already, Sarah’s looking like her heart is in her throat” Kate said.
“Yeah, Sarah keep it that way, the best place your heart should be right now is your throat. So you will get to vomit wh@ťěver feeling you have for Felix if he has a girlfriend and if he doesn’t, you swallow it back” Jess said and they laughed.
“It’s not funny though” Sarah roll her eyes.
“Well .. I cant say if he has a girlfriend or not, he has never mentioned it. I’m going to ask Fel” Anne said.
“Why not Dan?” Jess asked.
“Dan is going to have my head” Anne laughed.
“Yeah, he’s so against such” Anne said.
“Because he feels we’re still young?” Kate asked.
“Yeah and some other reasons best known to him” Anne said, gulping water, she’s almost done with her pasta.

“What if he doesn’t have a girlfriend” Jess said and Sarah smiled.
“And what if he does” Kate said and Sarah’s smile fell.
“Well, till I’ve confirmed from Fel” Anne said.
Sarah sigh deeply. “Mehn”

They laughed.


“It was so fun, I had a great time” Layla smiled, giving Aria the details of the party.
They were resting after serving the last customers, but they were still on their feet knowing another person might walk in.
“I knew you would” Aria smiled, listening raptly.
“You wont believe Phil applied a light make up on my face and even styled my hair” Layla grinned.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I was looking so dolled up, so many people complimented my looks” Layla smiled.
“OMG, I wish I saw how dolled up you were” Aria said.
“I took some pictures on Dan’s phone, you’re going to see them when he comes around”
“I cant wait” Aria smiled. She really wanted to see how Layla had looked.

“But Phil is really changing, isn’t she?” Aria asked.
“Maybe” Layla shrugged.

“Their parents were so nice to me and Dan’s other friends too, I’ve never felt so special in a long time” Layla said.
“We danced, talked, laughed, played games. The fact that i’m an African seems very intriguing to them and I was glad to answer their questions” Layla laughed, remembering how they had tried pronouncing her African name.
“Wow, i’m so happy for you Layla, you’re finally experiencing how fun the world can be” Aria said, glad Layla is finally getting the joy she’s been denied for long.
“Yeah, i’m glad too” Layla smiled sadly.

“The party was great, I had so much fun” She smiled.

“I’ve never seen a pair more talkative than you both” Philia said, glaring as she walked up to them.
“It seems she hasn’t changed after all” Aria said to Layla’s hearing and Layla stopped herself from laughing.
“You both talk nonstop! to the extent your lips seems to be getting bigger. Well, talk all you want but stop SPILLING YOUR FOUL SALIVA OVER PEOPLE’S COFFEE!!!” Phil screamed and a little boy who had walked into the coffee shop with his mum, ran out wailing, terrified at Phil’s scream.

His mum ran out after him, shouting his name.




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